Helicopter Rotor Airloads Unsteady Aerodynamics

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'I'his model was a big step

AIRLOADS BASED ON PHYSICAL forward in modeling stall phenomenon. Its strength
MODELING OF 3-D UNSTEADY resides in its analytical formulation in terms of a
AERODYNAMICS system of ordinary differential equations, which is
appropriate for aeroelastic studies, and in the pos-
Van Khiem Truong sibility of determining the constants characterizing
ON ERA the model from independent. experiments on oscil-
BP 72- 92322 France lating airfoil. However, the implementation of the
ONERA li~DLIN model in a rotor aeroelastic code
has not given entire satisfaction. Particularly\ diver-
Abstract gence problems occur in calculations involving heav-
The objective of this study is the modeling of 3-D ily loaded flight condition and the predicted pitching
aerodynamic coefficients of a helicopter rotor blade moment coefi-icient CM versus azimuth angle doesn't
for airload predictions. The approach consists in a have the experimentally observed rapi~d and large
careful analysis of the flowfielcl around a rotor blade. variations at stall onset. It is known that such varia-
Various 3-D aerodynamic phenomena are shown to tions lead to large torsional deformation. 'I'hese two
be caused by unsteady incoming airflow, advancing weaknesses of this model are also common to other
and rotating blade motions, the singular behavior of aerodynamic models. 'I'o remedy this situation, pref-
the flowfield at the blade tip and dynamic stall. Mod- erence has been given to the development of a new
cling of stall is based on the identification of stall dynamic stall rnodel based on a 1-Iopf bifurcation.
onset as a Hopf bifurcation. The 3-D aerodynamic Stall onset has been identified by Tobak et al. [5]
phenomena mentioned above are accounted for by to a I-Iopf bifurcation, i.e. a replacement of a time-
appropriate modifications to the static airfoil char- invariant equilibrium state of the flow field by a time-
acteristics. Correlation studies are concluctecl with varying periodic cqulibrium state, as the angle of at-
experimental results obtained in a wind tunnel on a tack exceeds a eritica.l value. The requirements for
rotor with blades having interchangeable rectangular the new model are sueh that it can take into account
and parabolic/ anhedral swept tips. The new aerody- 3-D aerodynamic phenornena and its parameters are
namic model has been implemented in a comprehen- to be determined by carrying out independent ex-
sive aeroelastic rotor analysis and has permitted the periments. With the notion of a. Hopf bifurcation, it
prediction of features of air loads missed by existing has been possible to show the existence of (ln oseilla.-
models finite blade effects\ particular behavior of tory behavior of rteroclynamic coefficieuts with non-
dynamic stall. negligible amplitudes for au oscillating airfoil [6, 7]
and for a rotor blade on the retreating side of the ro-
1. Introduction tor disk [8], in a.greement with experimental results.
Accurate prediction of helicopter rotor loads is a The new model, known as ONERA BH\ also pre-
great challenge to rotorcraft engineers. It requires dicts rapid and large variations of the CM coefficient
proficiency in modeling rotor dynamics, fuselage dy- at stall onset. With the 2-D dynamic stall model es-
namics, fuselage aerodynamics, 3-D flow Held at the tablished rtncl tested with success, efforts arc made
rotor and inflow phenomena. A particular effort is to extend it to iHcludc 3-D effects. A careful analysis
still required for modeling 3-D unsteady aerodynarn- of the flow field at the rotor enables to distinguish
ics tlmt have not been suflicient.ly explored [1, 2]. the following phenornena: radial flow generated by
New technological developments of helicopters allow advancing and rotating motion;.; of the blade\ a-D
flight eonditionf:i \vhere the hypothesis of qua8i-stc.tt.ic acrodynarnic- phenomena. at the bb_vle tip and near
aerodynamics is no longer valid. In some research the hub. In the next section it will be shown that
t,h(~ 3-D aerodynamic phenomena mentioned above
<:enters\ the coupling of aerodynamic CFD solver and
structural dynamic codes has been undertaken. How- can be irnplemcnted as appropriate modifications of
ever, this methodology which is certainly interesting static <lirfoil section lest result.s.
for unclcrsta.nding :~-D unsteady acrodyna.mies, de- An evaluation of V ,e capabilities of the new model
mands large CPU time and therefore cannot be used in predicting rotor airloa.ds was mc1de recently [9].
routinely as <ln engineering tool. This study is con- Iu this prelirnina.ry study, the aerodynamic model
cerned with modeling the 3-D unstec1dy aeroclynarnic was elaborated with only the lift coefficient CL and
coefficients CL, C 1H and CD for the prediction of heli- t.lte pitching rnornenL coeiTicicnt CM rnodeled, the
copter rotor airloa.cls. Such a methodology musL pro- values of the drag eocfficicnt. CD wer(-~ kept quasi-
vide predictions of suflieient accun1cy to be useful for static. This model was implernentccl in a compre-
engineering design. hensive aeroelast.ie code developed at ONEH.A [HI].
Due to the irnportance of a-D unsteady acrocly .. [niJcrw was described by the [\'leijer .. Drees unifonn in-
na.mics, it was felt, that efforts had to be focused on now model. Pr(xlict.ions of rotor loads based Oil this
developing a new rnodel rather t!Hul on researehing model were compared with CXJ_wrimcnt.al results ob-
empirical 3-D corrections to the existing "ON ERA trtincd on a helicopter rotor equipped with redan-

gular blade tips. Correlation between experimental (depending only on Mach and Ileynolds numbers, de-
and calculated results is only fair but is better than noted by M and R, respectively) and 1'1( ~.~)de­
that obtained with the old ONERA model. In the
notes all the neglected terms of the order ~::;, ~.
present study, the three aerodynamic coefficients are
To study helicopter rotors, it is necessary to consider
completely modeled. Predictions of rotor loads are
the whole angle-of-attack domain [-180', 180']. In
compared with experimental results obtained in a
the range of" E [-40', +400], the static values are
wind tunnel on rotors equipped with rectangular and
governed by the following relations:
parabolic/anhedral blade tips.
Two test conditions can be distinguished, namely, ci;"'' = 2~o (1 + ~1 Vl + ~2!) 2 sin(")
low load cases with attached flow throughout the ro- C;,}"il = (ko + kd + k2 sin(1rj 2 )) sin(o:)
tation cycle and high load cases where the blades C'}J,;,,, =(co+ c, Vf + e,J)(1- cos(2o:))
are subjected to the stall flow regime on the retreat-
ing side of the rotor disk. Even in the attached flow
regime, actual rotor analyses which do not use elabo- where t]o, fJI, t]2, ko, k1, k2, co, c1, c2, C£ 0 , CM0 and
rate fluid mechanics equations, such as full-potential CD, are constants. For values of a E [45', 180'] and
flow or Na vier-Stokes equations, have difficulties in a E [-180', -45'], simpler relations for aerodynamic
predicting airloads at the blade tip. It will be shown coefficients) analogous with those of a flat plate, are
that the new aerodynamic model is capable of repro- used. A linear interpolation is made for values be-
ducing experimental results in both regimes with a longing to]- 45', -40'[ and ]40',45'[. When the
fair agreement and with reasonable CPU time. Use airfoil is maintained stationary, the separation point
of the METAR prescribed wake model [41 J leads to a f is defined as:
clear improvement of load predictions over previous
ones [9] based on the Meijer-Drees uniform inflow
J_ { 1- 0.3exp[(a- a 1 )/sl] :a.::; a1
- 0.04+0.66exp[-(a-o:J)/s2] :a> a1
model, especially on the advancing side of the rotor
where s1 and s2 are constants and the value of a1 is
2.Analysis and modeling of aerodynamic phenomena very near to acr, the critical value of angle of attack
2.1. 2-D stall model based on a Hopf bifurcation for static stall onset. When the airfoil is undergoin9
an oscillatory motion in pitch, f is replaced by f
'I'he present 3-D aerodynamic model is elaborated defined as:
through the extension of a recent 2-D stall model,
based on a Hopf bifurcation [6, 7]. For the sake of d/ + __1:_ / = __1:_ J (5)
dr TJ TJ
completeness, a brief description of this model is
where lj is a constant. Equations (3), (4) and (5)
given here.
originate from the Leishman-Beddoes model [11],
The 2-D stall model was based on a careful anal- 11
. h a nove l 1ormu
WIt ' . f"or C'''"
latwn D. .
ysis of fluid mechanics mechanisms involved in the
For the unsteady behavior of aerodynamic coef-
dynamic stall process, namely, stall delay and vortex
shedding phenomena. The latter is modeled accord- ficients, one distinguishes two regimes according to
the temporal history of the angle of attack cr: a pe-
ing to the analysis of Tobak ct aL [5] who identi-
riodic time-varying equilibrium state which is estab--
fled stall onset to a Hopf bifurcation. This model has
lished when a, increasing from a small value, attains
provided the expi<:t.m.ttion of the non-repeatability of
aerodynamic hysteresis loops in stalled flow regimes a critical value Ctcr and a decay regime of the above
periodic time-varying state when a decreases from
in terms of flow Held initial conditions.
According t.o the 2-D model, the aerodynamic co- high to low values. It is shown [6] that the lift coeffi-
cient CL is governed by a Van-cler-Pol-Duffing type
eflicients C,(a = L, M, D) are decomposed into:
equation during the first of these regimes:
( J -'(r
+ cz c~c,,
,2 l -~-+ws2 (c z;-17£+c·3z·
" ' ' CT '
where Ca, is the "stea.cly" component and Ca, is the 2
((unsteady" component.. Ca. is governed by the fol- + ,2
,+ da + d a ( )
~,' '' 1' ws- --Drws-
C1T ' (12
lowing ordinary differential equation:
where the constants with a supercript +characterize
the growth regime. 'l'he simplest way of modeling the
+ b C'--'a.·b C'''""(

a (T ) , q(T )) + Yl- da-+
c1T decay regime is by a clamped oscillator:
cf2o: dq d2q d3 rx cf3q
gz-l., + !/3-1 + g,,-12 + 19( -~
3 '-1 ,) (2) d'C',, /3- dC',, 2 c - 0 (7)
( T" CT ( T ( T ( T' dr2 - WS L ~ + Ws z; -

where T is reduced time, C'~;uil is the equilibrium where /3[; is negative. In total, equations (6) and (7)
value of the aerodynamic coefff-icient which coincides require 8 parameters. The pitching moment coeffi-
with its static value; b, fll, f12, Ua and g4 are constants cient C'M and the drag coefficient C'v are governed

respectively by equations analogous to (6) and (7). aidoads a;,sociat.cd with the sta.ll phenomenon. 'T'his
The parameter values of the model are determined is particularly true in heavily loaded configurations
from experiments on airfoils maintained stationary where the amplitude of oscillations in sectional lift
and undergoing oscillatory motion in pitch. In the and pitching moment coefficients attain nearly half
present model, plunging motion is neglected. Static their maximum amplitude ;
airfoil test section results of aerodynamic coefficients (ii) It is commonly known that a large and sudden
are modeled for values of Mach numbers in the range change in pitching moment clue to stall leads to large
(0.1, 1.]. There are also corrections to account for the fluctuations in rotor blade torsional loads : a. rnuner-
value of the Reynolds number. As the studied airfoil ical simulation by Yen and Yucc [14] demonstrates
is usually not symmetrical, one needs to model aero- that a nose-clown impulse pitching moment resulting
dynamic coefficients differently according to a :<; 0 or from retreating blade stall is su£Ticient to reproduce
a 2: 0. Figure 1 shows static OA 209 airfoil test sec- stall-flutter characteristics ;
tion results of aerodynamic coefficients in the range (iii) The third finding means that there i::; a con-
a E (0°, +40'] and modeling results: there is a good tinuous increase of mean values of CL <'lncl Cv coef-
correlation. The values of parameters in equation (2) ficients averaged over a rotation cycle as flight con-
are determined from experiments on oscillating air- ditions enter into deeper stall. This l~ads to a con-
foils in the attached flow regime. The values of pa- tinuous increase of rotor lift and power with rotor
rameters in equations (6) and (7) are resolved from loading in deep stall. The ON ERA EDLIN model, or
experiments on oscillating airfoils in the stalled flow any other model which cannot provide this feature,
regime. is unable to converge to a set of trim conditions in a
In the ONERA EDLIN model, aerodynamic co- very deep stalled flow regime.
efficients are also decomposed into two components
governed by the sarne type of ordinary differential 2.2. Analysis of 3-D aerodynamic phenomena
equations but these have different physical meanings.
Various ~~-D aerodynamic phenomena in the flow
According to this old model, the first component. of
field around a rotor blade ( cf. figure ~n can he
the lift coefficient is governed by an equation prac-
idcntifted :
tically identical to equation (2) but with a different
(i) unsteady incorning flow velocity due to the ro-
physical interpretation for the first term on the right
tating motion of t.he blade ;
hand side of the equation: the static values of aero-
(ii) radial flow along the blade span generated by
dynamic coefficients appear explicitly in equation (2)
rotating and advancing motions of the hla.de ;
while in the old model this term represents the linear
(iii) :~~D acrodynarnic phenomena at t.he blade
value. The advantage of this modification will appear
tip ;
in the next section for the incorpor::.1.tion of 3-D aero-
(iv) other :~-D aerodynamic phenomena.
clyntLmic effects. The second component is governed
in the old model by an ordinary differential equation
corresponding to a clamped oscillator. 2.2.1. Unsteady incorning flow velocity
Figure 2 presents an example of predictions for This effect can be studied in 2-D by considering
the NACA 0012 airfoil in attached and stalled flow an oscillating airfoil immersed in Ft periodic time-
regimes. This example reveals the following charac- varying stream. Several authors ha.ve studied this
teristics: unsteady phenomenon by using experimental or t.hc-
(i) an oscillatory behavior of the aerodynamic co- orct.ieal approaches, but it has been noted recently
ef!icients: this is predicted by Geissler ct a!. (12], [15, WJ that no entirely satisfactory correlation stud-
based on a CFD simulation (see alo discussions in ies between experiments and models have been made.
[7)) and it cannot be neglected as long as the oscil- The present modeling rnakes use of um;tca.dy correc-
latory amplitude is not negligible; tions proposed by Pct.ers (17].
(ii) large and rapid variations of Ckt(a) and
CD (a) at stall onset due to their respective unsteady 2.2.2. Radial flow
components: CL(n') also has such variations but they
The erreet of radial flow \Vas first. mcnLionncd by
arc less visible. 'l'he ON ERA EDLIN model predicts
[-fimmerskamp [l8). This aut.hor observed a large in-
a ::;moother behavior for unsteady components ;
crease in lifL coefficient CL on a rotating airscrew at.
(iii) the mean values of the unsteady components
span sections near the hub, practically a doubling of
of the aerodynamic coefficients averaged over a hys-
teresis loop are not. equal to zero and are positive. [n its 2-D value. !fe attributed this increase to <:t stall
the ONJ·:JlA EDLIN model, the nwan value is nearly delay phcnorncnotl gcncrat.ccl by radial flow. Exten-
sive <-~xperiment.a.\ and numerical investigations "''ere:
equal to zero.
then clircci.ul towards t.!w study of radial flow. H
Tlw above findings show that the proposed model
was not cletect.ccl cxperilllcntally for non separated
has good features for predicting rotor a.irloads :
rotating boundary layers [l0J. Due t.o computational
(i) From experiments on rotors (8, l:l], !.here is
evidence of t.he existence of oscillatory be!Hwior of rcssources availabl<~ at. the t.imc, nt!mcrical simula-
tion were limited to the analysis of laminar bound- surements of the lift coefficient CL by Purser and
ary layers. Harris [20] made a remarkable synthesis of Spearman have been analyzed by Leishman [22], on
the experimental and theoretical publications prior the basis of the Leishman-Bed does model. His results
to 1966. This author concluded that the flow field are used here to deduce sweep effects on lift-curve
around an advancing rotor blade is similar to the characteristics, namely dependence on A of the crit-
one around a swept airfoil. He noted that rotation ical value of the stall onset angle of attack ""· and
effects are similar to sweep effects. Harris' modeling) of the parameters s 1 and s2 (cf. equation (4)). Due
which includes sweep effects and unsteady aerody- to the lack of available experimental data, sweep ef-
namics, was sufficient to reproduce helicopter rotor fects for sectional characteristics of moment and drag
loads measured in the 70's. coefficients are accounted for only through the vari-
The modeling of the advancing blade motion by ation of ""·(A) which is established for CL· The pa-
Harris consists essentially in replacing static section rameters characterizing the unsteady component of
test results on a rectangular airfoil by those on a aerodynamic coefficients are kept constant with A,
swept airfoil. The value of the sweep angle seen by except for the value of TJ ( cf. equation (5)). An em-
a rotating blade would not necessarily coincide with pirical relationship of Tf decreasing with A is used,
its instantaneous value: there is a possiblity of un- in order to get a narrowing of hysteresis loops as A
steady sweep effects. Harris postulated a quasi-static mcreascs.
approximation. Leiss [21] has proposed a model of The issue of rot.ation effects has been raised re-
unsteady sweep effects but, as noted by Leishman cently in conjunction with the performances of tilt
[22], this hiLS not been validated against experiments. rotor and of horizontal axis wind turbines. In the
There arc very few experiments on swept airfoils former case, experiments show clearly an increase
or wings. From a search through the literature, 4 ex- in lift coefficient values for blade sections near the
perlmental studies were found ; hub. Narramore et al. [28] succeed in reproducing
- static measurements by Purser and Spearman the increase of Cl, by using a 3-D Navier-Stokes code.
(23] on wings with sweep angles varying between 0° These authors interpret this increase as being due to
and 70° ; the stall delay associated with rotation. Their numer-
-static and dynamic measurements, carried out at ical simulations are consistent with those of Banks
ON ERA and reported by Castes [24], on a wing with and Gadcl [29} who predicted no separation near the
sweep angles to -20°, 0° and +20° ; hub of a rotating blade, based on laminar boundary
- static and dynamic measurements by St.Hilaire layer equations. In the case of wind turbines, mea-
et a!. [25, 26] on airfoils with sweep angles equal to surements made by Ronsten [30] show evidence of
0° and 30° ; the stall delay phenomenon for inboard blade sec-
- static rmd dynamic measurements by Lorber et tions. Snel et al. [31], using a quasi 3-D approxin1a-
al. [27] on a wing with s\veep angles of 0°) 15° and tion of boundary Jayer equations, reproduce qualita-
:lO' . tively the stall delay effect on a wind turbine. They
give a physical explanation of the phenomenon: rota-
Sweep effects are observed in both the static and tion effects become large for separated flow. Corrigan
the dynamic behavior of aerodynamic coefficients. et Schillings [32] suggest modeling rotation effects
Usually it is assumed that the flow velocity field in through an increased value of the stall angle of at-
a chord wise section normal to the lec_tding edge of a tack, cxc 1• 1 deduced from numerical results of Banks
swept wing hc:ts t.he same behavior as the one taken and Gadcl. Practically this leads to a doubling of eYer
in the same conditions on a rectangular wing. This at the 20% R (R: blade radius) inboard section and
assumption probably holds for sufficiently small an- no separation at the hub. Vansteenberghe et al. [33]
gles of attack ex. There is agreement between exper- have also suggested an empirical model of rotation
iments on an incro.tsing delay of stall onset as the effects based Oil the numerical results of Snel at al.
sweep angle A increases. After stall onset 1 the flow [31). Their procedure consists in increasing the level
behavior around a swept airfoil differs from that on of the static curves of the a.erodynamic coefficients
an unswcpt airfoil. Consequently, the shape of 2-D when the angle of at.ta.ck is beyond its critical value
aerodynamic c:haract.cristics changes with A. Experi- rvu which is kept unchanged. It appears that the
ments show that the hysteresis loops of aerodynamic correct approach is to increase CXc 1• and to modify
coefficients in the stalled flow regime become nar- also the shape of the 2- D aerodynamic characteris-
rower as A increases. tics: such a. procedure is analogous to the one used
The set of measurements by Purser and Spear- for incorporating sweep effects.
man arc very interesting because they cover a large The experimental results of the FFA [30] con-
nwgc of :-;;weep angles. Unfortunately the accuracy of cerning lift cocfTicicnts at sections 75%R) 55% lL and
the drag coefficient measurements is poor. The whole :30%R, for nonrotating conditions) ate shown in fig-
set of experimental results of Lorber et al. was not ure 4. Under rotating conditions, the angle of attack
available, so that an analysis was carried out on the is corrected by Snel et al. [31] for induced velocity
limited set of published results. Experimental mea- effects and their results are also depicted in figure

4. The present model is capable of reproducing the For t.hc sake of continuity) it is assumed that the C'M
experimental results ( cf. equation ( 4) ), the values of value at the wing tip for A < 0 will attain its 2-D
parameters varying according the span section loca- value at high values of a. It is possible to decornpose
tion considered. Concerning eM and Cn coefficients) eM into:
there arc no experimental values available. The nu-
merical simulation of Snel et al. surprisingly shows
that the values of C'M are affected by rotating blade where eAJ 80 denotes the 2-D value) eJVfs 1 the positive
motion even in the attached flow regime) giving a component) CM.2 the negative component of eM and
more nose-down value for the sections nearer the hub. rs is the blade section location. The component eM, 2
This behavior needs further investigation. is practically absent for A = 20° (swept back wing)
The corrections to O"c 1·) s 1 and s 2 due to sweep and and rises as A decreases fron1 the zero value. The
rotation effects are additive. These effects have ben- value of the angle of attack for the onset of the C'M,,
eficial consequences for rotor lift and power. To eval- value shifts from several degrees for A = 0° to a few
uate the reality of rotation effects on helicopter rotor degrees for A= -20°. Furthermore) it decays to zero
blades) a thorough examination of hover experimen- beyond 0.3c (c: chord length) from the wing tip. In
tal results is suggested. agreement with Lorber et al. [27] eM, 2 is associated
to the action of the tip vortex. The positive cOinpo-
2.2.3. Aerodynamic phenomena at the blade tip ncnt eMs 1 has a different spatial dependence with
Maier and Bousman [34] have recently emphasized a characteristic length larger than for eMs 2 • In the
the predominance of the action of sectional aerody- preliminary study [9] this was erroneously attributed
namic pitching moments eM at the outer 10% of the to the influence of the tip vortex; indeed) eMst is
blade in creating the large oscillating pitch-link loads present before t.he formation of the tip vortex. The
for flight in the attached flow regime. These authors present assumption concerning the physical origin of
have noticed a peculiar behavior of eM at the blade C'u 31 is supported by the recent work of Beclcloes
tip: a positive !\.f coeflicient in the first quadrant [36]. This author has presented a method for treat-
of the rotor disk with a rapid reversal of sign in the ing separation on a blade with complex tip pla.nform
second quadrant. After having exa.mined various pos- by extending the Kucheman idealization. According
sible causes for this behavior) they have attributed it to Kucheman, the behavior of the sectional lift coef-
to a 3-D unsteady phcnomenona. Costes [39] modi- ficient CL and the aerodynamic centre location :rae
fied the ONERA EDLIN model to take into account change near the wing tip 1 and these "finite wing ef-
the behavior of the pitching moment coefficient at fcctsn depend on the sweep angle A of the blade. For
the blade tip. He concluded that unsteady transonic a sweptback wing) Xac (which usually has a. value
effects were responsible. In a recent publication [9L greater than 0.25) decreases from its 2-D value near
the physical phenomenon responsible is associated the tip. As the indicial pitching moment response ( cf.
to "finite swept wing effects''. The description of for instance [37]) contains an inclicial circulatory re-
the phenomenon which is still not clear is again ad- sponse multiplied by the factor (0.25- ""'), the C'M
dressed below. at sections near the tip increases from its 2-D nega-
tive values and may become positive.
Let us first consider the experimental facts about The negative component CMs 2 ) associated with
the behavior of the aerodynamic pitching moment t.he tip vortex) cannot be accounted for by lifting
eM of swept wings. Measurements show that at line theory or by full-potential equations but only
blade sections ncar the wing tip) eM has a particular by Navier-Stokes equations. Wake and Lorber [38]
behavior different from 2-D. Values rneasured at sec- using a 3-D Na.vier-Stokes code predicted the lift co-
tions near the tip arc depicted in figure 5. The data efficient) but failed to obtain the pitching moment
arc taken from experiments done at ON ERA on a, coefficient at the wing tip. There arc still improve-
swept wing with A = -20°) 0°) 20° and at UTRC ments to be made in CFD sirnulations in order to
on a swept wing with A = 0°) 15°) 30°. In the range provide predictions for t.he drag coefficient. which is
of A > 0, these two experiments are in qualitative more difficult to evaluate than C'u. Determination
agreement) although they are conducted on wings of t.hc drag coefficie.tt is essential for prediction of
with different airfoils section) namely OA 209 ancl rol,or power.
SSC-i\09 airfoils respectively. As shown in figure 5) Finite swept wing effects are observed in the be-
the pitching moment rtcquircs a posit.ivc component havior of eM! CD and CL. In this study) the three
near the wing t.ip. 'I'hen) as a incrc~u;es! it goes aerodynamic coefficients are modeled on the basis
t.!nnup:h to ncgat.iv(~ values which may be large, if of the scarce experimental results on swept wings)
A is ueg.:.ttive. The UTRC measurernents at A = 0 covering sweep angles from -20° to 300. For con-
show a. slight decrease of Clvr values as a increases. ventional helicopter flight) the range of sweep angles
Expcrirnents made by Szafruga. and Ramaprian (3G] is [-10°) 40°]. Therefore) experiments on swept; vvings
on a rectangular wing show that elvr decreases to the with a larger range of sweep angles are badly needed.
level of its 2-D vaJuc for sufficiently high values of a. It is also possible for the model to incorporate CFD

results if they are available. In the present case, the clucers mounted in five blade sections at the following
modeling of finite swept wing effects, although ex- span wise positions : 1-j R = 0.975, 0.915, 0.825, 0.70
trapolated from the experimental data, will be tested and 0.50, where R denotes the rotor radius. Blade de-
against experimental rotor loads in order to evaluate flections are obtained from the response of 30 strain
its validity. gauges placed on a specially instrumented blade us-
ing the SPA strain pattern analysis technique [46].
Experiments are focused on moderate and high speed
2.2.4. Other 3-D aerodynamic phenomena forward flights (advance ratio I'= 0.3- 0.55). Loads
obtained are consistent with those reported in the
It is assumed that interference between the main
rotor and other parts of the helicopter such as the
The present modeling considers the blade as con-
tail rotor, the fuselage and the hub are negligible. Re-
sisting of only OA 209 airfoil sections, some empirical
cent experimental work, based on laser velocimetry
corrections are used to account for the OA 213 air-
studies [40], shows that the effect of the aerodynamic
foil sections. The wind tunnel results are analyzed for
forces produced in the hub region on the rotor blade
tests in both attached and stalled flow conditions.
may be !rtrge. Particularly, high turbulent intensity
values are seen on the retreating side of the rotor,
at rnid-span of the blade. In these conditions, stall 3.2. Tests in attached flow conditions
onset may occur at lower angle of attack than usual. 3.2.1. Rectangular blade tips
This merits further investigation. Figures 6 and 7 show measured and predicted sec-
tional normal force versus azimuth angles for two
3. Correlation studies test conditions on the rotor with straight tips : a/
3.1. General considerations (CL/" = 0.08, 11 = O.:lO), b/(CL/" = 0.08, 11 =
0.40). Predicted values are based on the ONER.A
The present aerodynamic model has been imple-
EDLIN model with the METAR inflow model, the
mented in a comprehensive aeroelastic rotor <_walysis
ONER.A BH model with the Meijer-Drees and the
elaborated at ONER.A [10] with a modular design :
MI~TAR inflow models respectively. Predictions from
an aerodynamic rnodule for the computation of aero-
the new model with the M ETAR inflow is fair :
dynamic coeflicients and reduced velocity, a struc-
inaccuracy occurs primarily in the azimutal range
tural module for the computation of blade deflec-
[60°, 120°] for all span sections. However, compar-
tions a.ncl a mathematical module for the resolution
ison between the two ONERA models reveals fea-
of aeroelastic equations governing the motion and the
tures captured by the new model. At blade span lo-
def-lections of the rotor blades. The original module
cations ncar the tip (97%R and 91 %R), two humps
for aerodynamic coefficients, based on the ONERA
are clearly shown by the new model at azimuth an-
EDLIN model, is here replaced by a new module de-
gles near 60° and 300°, while in the old model only
scribing the present ONERA BH model. The inflow
the first. one is slightly visible. As these humps don't
model can be either the Meijer-Drees uniform inflow
occur in the prediction with the Meijer-Drees in-
or the METAR prescribed wake model [11, 42]. The
flow, they are associated with blade-vortex interar,-
mathematical solver module is based on a harmonic
tion. This is in agreement with the conclusion of
response solution method, i.e. the aerodymtmic re-
Hooper [47] who draws the common features of air-
sponse of the blade is assumed to be periodic with
load::; among various rotors. In his seminal work,
a frequency equal to the rotation frequency of the
Hooper points out that high harmonic loading is
blade. In a preliminary study based on the new model
dominated by blade-vortex interaction near the blade
[9], inflow is described by the Meijer-Drees model. It
tip on the advancing side for flight in attached flow
is well known that a uniform inflow does not pro-
condition. The blade experiences interaction with the
vide good predictions of airloads on the advancing
wakes produced by previous bla.cles, leading to an
side of the rotor disk. The rotor analysis with the
up-clown impulse in airloads near 4; = 60° and a
new aerodynamic module was therefore coupled to
clown-up irnpulse near V; = 300°. As p increases to
the METAR model following a method proposed by
0.1 (cf. figure 7), the down-up impulse is less visible.
Lyocn [1:~] where blade circulations arc considered as
There is however an undulatory behavior for C'N lvf 2
t~nknowns for the resolution of the acroelastic equa-
for span locations near the tip and in the azimu-
tions, This ensures numerical convergence. tal range [90°, 2Hl 0 ]. For higher advance ratios (not
[n l.lw next section, calculations with the model
shown), this undulatory behavior disappears. This is
arc correlated with experirncnts conducted in a
presumably a peculiar feature clue to the coupling of
wind tunncd on a helicopter rotor equipped \-vith
the rotor analysis with the METAR model.
interchangeable recLaugular and parabolic/anhedral
blade tips [11, 15]. From the hub to the tip the blade In figure 8, experimental and predicted values of
has OA 2l:\ and OA 209 airfoil sections with a transi- sectional normal pitching moment are shown for the
tion zone. Air loads are measured with pressure trans- case f-l = 0.40. Prediction is improved by the new

aerodynamic model at every blade span location. over the old model, both in amplitude and high har-
Maier and Bousman [34] point out that, for span monic content, due to a better prediction of eM. The
locations ncar the blade tip, sectional pitching mo- sources of excitation of the blade tip torsional deflec-
ments have a nose-up behavior in the first quadrant =
tion are the large variations of eM near 1/J 60' and
followed by a rapid reversal of sign at the end of the for flights with high thrust levels the impulse caused
first quadrant. The present model succeeds in repro- by values of"' < 0.
ducing this behavior by accounting for finite swept
wing effects. To give an understanding of these ef-
fects, it is necessary to consider the values of the 3.2.2. Swept back parabolic/ anhedral blade tips
sweep angle, Mach number and angle of attack at
The aerodynamic model developed for the rotor
the 97%R section (cf. figure 9). In the azimuthal
equipped with rectangular blade tips is also used for
range [0°, 50'[, the sweep angle and the angle of at-
the rotor with parabolic/anhedral blade tips by mod-
tack a are positive ; therefore, the pitching moment
ifying the geometric sweep angle at the blade tip. The
is positive. At ·V; near 50°, as Mach number reaches
present version of the rotor analysis provides only
nearly 0.90 and a is still positive, eM rapidly de-
calculations for sections normal to the local leading
creases to negative values. Subsequently, a becornes
edge of the blade. Figure 11 shows experimental and
negative over a small azimuthal range, C'M rises from
predicted values of sectional normal force versus az-
negative values to less negative values (eventually at-
taining positive values for flights with higher thrust
imuth angles for the test case with er,/<T 0.08 and
levels) and returns to its initial level when a becomes
p =
0.40. The conditions of this test are the same as
those of the test on the straight tipped rotor blades.
positive it has an impulsive behavior. The experi-
mental results show that eM M 2 in the third quad-
Except for the blade span location at 97%R, where
there is geometric incompatibility between the rotor
rant has negative values for the section at 97%1?.,
analysis and the experimental results, correlation is
while it has positive values for the section at 91 %R.
fair and the level of accuracy is the same as for the
'l'his behavior illustrates well the influence of the tip
previous rotor. The hump produced by blade-vortex
vortex. Indeed, in this azirnuthal range, a attains
high positive values and A is negative ; therefore,
interaction at .,P 60° on the sectional normal force
is still visible but is attenuated due to the planform
the eAI coefficient near the tip becomes negative clue
of the blade tip. Calculations using a full-potential
to the presence of the tip vortex. For the span loca-
code for the aerodynamics [45] arc also shown in fig-
tion at 50%R., eM has a higher negative values than
ure 11. The quality of correlation obtained with the
those provided by 2-D section test results. These high
present aerodynamic model is of the same order as
values are obtained by empirically accounting for ro-
that of the full potential analysis but with less CPU
tation effects. However 1 this decrease in eM is rather
time. Figure 12 shows experimental and predicted
large, so it should probably not be entirely attributed
values of the sectional pitching moment : the same
to rotation effects. This question merits further in-
conclusions as above can be drawn except that the
large decrease of Cu i\1! 2 at span location 69%R is
One may ask why the new model succeeds in cap-
not well reproduced by the model. The blade tip
turing features related to the bla.de-vortex interac-
deflection is shown in figure 13. Calculated values
tion which arc missed by the old model. A calculation
compared to experimental results consistently show
made wit.h t.hc ON ERA EDLIN model and imposing
a forward phase shift, as for the straight blade tips.
t.hc measured torsional bending shows the hmnp at
lj) nca.r (){)0 which is not visible with the calculated
torsional bending. Since torsional bending behavior 3.3. Tests in stalled flow conditions
is governed by pitching moment, the good prediction According to the new model, stall vortices induce
of CAJ by the new model is presmnably the origin of an oscillatory behavior of aerodynamic coefficients
t.he improvement in the predicted values of CN. with a frequency equal to the Strouhal frequency
'l'he quality of the correlation between experimen- which is not a multipk integer of the blade rota-
tal and predicted airloa.cls has still to be improved tion frequency. H is therefore mandatory to use a
with regard t.o amplitude and phase at ·!/J = 0
~)() • Ac- time marching procedure for solving the aeroelast.ic
cording to (~18, 19] it. seems that inflow modeling us- equations governing the blade. However in its present
ing a free wake instertd of a prescribed wake leads version the aeroclastic code is implemented only with
to more negative lift at. 4' ncar 90°, which wendel im- a. numerical solver which assumes a periodic aerody-
prove correlation. 'J'he phase shin remains the rnost namic response. In order to get an evaluation of the
important discrepancy t.o resolve. It is quit.c large, new model, calculations are carried out assuming no
u[ \ -ti~ order of :_Hl 0 , and is observed in the predic- vortex-induced oscillations, i.e. no unsteady compo~
tions of almost. every <_teroclastic code. The phase nent of the aerodynamic coefficients. When numeri-
shift. is t.ra.nsmitt.cd t.o predicted values of the blade cal convergence is obtained, airloacls are reca.lculat.ecl
t.ip torsional def-lcct.ion <I>, as shown in figure 10. De- with t.he values obtained for blade deflections.
spite t.his, t.he predictions of <P are Ftn improvement. Only a test case on the swept tipped rotor is pre-

sented. Figure 14 shows experimental and predicted acroelastic analysis used does not permit a complete
values of the normalized normal force CN M 2 for the evaluation of the model, however two important fea-
conditions Cr,/cr = 0.11 and f1 = 0.40. Correlation tures missed by other models are captured namely :

is fair with only a small phase shift between experi- (i) a rapid and large variation of sectional pitching
mental and calculated results. In the azimutal range moment at stall onset This is a necessary condition
[240', 360'], corresponding to the establishment of for reproducing stall-flutter characteristics.
the stalled flow regime, one notices an oscillatory be- (ii) an increased mean value of the unsteady aero-
havior of the airloads. Effects are not important for dynamic coefficients averaged over a rotation cycle.
the sectional normal force but cannot be ignored for Hence> the prediction of a continuous increase of lift
the sectional pitching moment (cf. figure 15). Partic- and rotor power can be expected when entering deep
ularly, the rise of CJvt J\1 2 is practically instantaneous stall.
and it provides a strong source of excitation for blade Predictive calculations suggest that swept tip plan-
deflections. Yen and Yuce [14] have pointed out that forms can be correctly accounted for by the n1odel.
a nose-down impulse behavior of eM A1 2 on the re- Confirmation of this requires further comparisons
treating side of the rotor disk is mandatory for re- with test results on rotor blades with different plan-
producing stc:Lll flutter characteristics. The dominant forms.
physical mechanism for excitation of the blade tip de-
flection in this test case is dynamic stall, prevailing
over the mechanisms present in attached flow con<li- Acknowlegments
This study was partially funded by DRET. The au-
Correlation for C'M lvf 2 deteriorates for inboard
thor would like to thank Mr. D. Petot for having in-
span locations at G9%R and 50%R. Rotation effects
troduced him to the aeroelastic rotor analysis and for
have been suggested in order to remedy deficiencies
having provided him with the loads predictions using
in predictions at these section locations. In this test
the ON ERA EDLIN model and Mr. P. Beaumier for
configuration, such effects cannot explain the large
having provided him the full potential results.
values of C M M 2 at around 1j; = 230' at the 50%R
span location. Note Lha.L these values correspond in
fact to quite hu·ge values of eM that r.tre attenuated
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" 0.05

a1 All ached flow regime
bl Stalled flow regime

~ u-{1,05
-~ l -{1.1

E -{).2
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
angle of attack, Degrees ang!e of attack, Degrees 0 0"--~~~-~-~
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
angle of attack, Degrees angle of attack, Degrees

go.e 0.1 0.1


I !8
~0.6 oMach=O.t 0 0
+Mach= 0.5 /
!,0.4 xMach,t.O
c;-o.t ' 'E -0.1
Modeling ~ ~
o.2 E-a.z ~ -0.2

10 20 30 40

angle of attack, Degrees s to ts zo zs 3o o.. -o.<~ +o-"5--1-o-c1_5_2_o__2__"

5 30
angle of attack, Degrees angle of a!lack, Degrees

0.6 0.6

Fig. l - Modeling of the aerodynamic coefficients of the ~0.6

OA 209 airfoil. 80.4
o+--.-¢::'-c----: a+--==;__ _
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
angle of atlack, Degrees angle of attack, Degrees
present model

Fig. 2 - Comparison between experimental and cal-

culated results of the aerodynamic coefficients for the
NACA 0012 airfoil in deep stall.

Stall vortex aJ Se<:Uon 75%R a/ Section 50%R

25 2.5
2 2
£ 1.5
~ 1.5

~~ ~~-
8 05 8 0.5
s 5
Tip vortex -0.5 -o5
-5 5 15 25 35 -5 5 15 25 35
angle of attack, Degrees angle of aHack, Degrees
aJ Sc<;llon 30%R

000 Nonrotallng experimental results 130)
1.5 '
~ '" Rolatln)J experimental resulls {31)

8 0.5 ~-~ Present model

3 00
-5 5 15 25 35
angle of allack, Degrees

Fig. :J - Flowfidd ctround a rotor blade. Fig. 4 - Rotation effects for a wind turbine.

97%R 91 %R
0.25 0.25
o OA209

0.2 0.2
x sse Aog $ " 0.15
• • --~~- ........... ;'/
' X
' X~O ~ 0.1
(:)X XX 0 X 0 X Ox X X . ~I "
~ I
0.05 .,.' 0.05
0 X X X Xx X ~8R00 X X X X
XxxX X X X w 0 ' w 0
'x ' -0.05
-0.1 oo xxxxx 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 380
A.<!lmulh, Degrees A.<!lmulh, Degrees
~ €l:snooc£:, ,, X
82%R 69%R
~ -0.2
0.25 0.25
I -0.3 • 0.2 • 0.2
" 0.15 , " 0.15
• ,,
£ £
~ •!ig y, ~-~·-::. ,,, ~-
g 0.05
0.1 \;\~ \ ' ' 'g 0.1 ' ~-:·i_,


oo 0.05
-0.5 Bo ~
w w
30 -0.05 -0.05
20 0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 380
25 30 -20 -10 ° Azimuth, Degrees
A.<!lmuth, Degrees

Angle of attack, Degrees
Sweep angle, Degrees
0.2 Experiments
l c
0.1 <·'l
,. .., "' \


~ ' ·~dJ' BH+METAR

Fig. 5 - Measured values of pitching moment coeffi- ~

cient at the tip of two swept wings of different airfoil 90 180 270 360
sections OA 209 and SSCA09. Azimuth, Degrees

Fig. 6 Measured and calculated sectional normal

force CNM 2 for test case with CL/cr = 0.08 and
I'= 0.30 on the rotor with rectangular blades.

97%R 91 %A 97%A 91 %R


0.2 ,, ." 0.25
0.2· "' 0.01
§ . .-""
i, 0.01
"' _%
$ 0.15
" ,;.~--

~g '
I 01
\ 1", .;'
0.05 o.os •;.'
~§ -0.03
jj 1,'1
§ 0 c 0 ~ I( \1

lij-0.05 ~ -0.05· c: -0 03
M .
w -0.1
(f) -0.1·
-0.151--,..'---~·~ -o.os+-~~-~-~-~
" ~ -o.os+---~-~-~­
0 90 180 270 380 0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 380 o 90 180 270 360
Azimuth, Degrees A21mulh, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees
62%R 69%R 82%R 69%R

. 0.25·

J "~E o.o1
0.2 0.2 0.01·
" 0.15 ,, ~
,, ''
"'g 0.1
' '
i "~
l ,
, 0

~-0.01 w ~-0.01
\·/I ,- "§
~ ·i
0.05 o.os g -0.03 -0.03
'~I - -'

~ -o.os>+----~­
w 0 w 0
-0.05 -o.osl.-~-~-~--
0 90 180 270 360 o 90 180 270 360 o 90 180 270 380 o 90 180 270 380
Azimuth, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees A.<!lmuth, Degrees Azimuth. Degrees
50%R 50%R

. 0.25·

• 0.15
~ 0.1

! 001~--
. s -0.01


' ~ ......
/ -..c..


g 0.05 .; 8H+MCijer-Orees

0 90 180 270 360
({) -0.05 '
0 90 180 270 360
Azimuth. Degrees Azimuth, Degrees

Fig. 7 - Measured and calculated sectional normal Fig. 8 - Measured and calculated sectional pitch-
l'orcc CNJV(~ for test case with CL/0' = 0.08 and mg moment coefficient CAI i\1! 2 for test case with
fl = OAO on the rotor with rectangular blades. Cr)r:r = 0.08 and I'= 0.40 on the rotor with rectan-
gular blades.


90 180 270 360 90 180 270 360

Azimuth, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees





' ,,
ol-~,-----c:--~-~ -o.>l---~-:-~ -3+----~----,-----,----,
0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360
Azimuth, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees 0 ISO 270 360
Azimuth, Degrees

Fig. 9 - Calculated values of angle of attack, sweep

angle Mach number and pitching moment coefficient
1 Fig. 10- Measured and calculated blade tip deflec-
versus azimuth angle for test case with CL/<T = 0.08 tion for test case with CL/<T = 0.08 and I'= 0.40 on
and I'= 0.40 at the 97%R blade section on the rotor the rotor with rectangular blades.
with rectangular blades.

97%A 91 %R 97%R 91 %A
0.25 0.02 0.02
025l ,,

' ' ' .§ 0.15
' «; 0.1 , Joo:\.,
~ ~
',,, .§
0.05· '.
' ..g_ -0.01 .-g_-0.01 YN/"
' ~ -0.05· § 1 I
-0.02 ~ -0.02 \I
(f) -0.1 (f) -0.1
-o.tsl---"--"cc-c= -0.15 {/) - 0 . 0 3 1 - - - - - - - - - ·
0 90 180 270 360
U) -0.03
0 90 180 270 360
0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360
Azimulh, Degrees Azimuth. Degrees Azimuth, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees
82%R 69%R 82%R 69%R

0.25 0.25 0.01 0.01
i i ~· E
~ 0.2 I\

~ 0.15
g 0.1 . ''
' ~ 0.15


·,;, ~
:E ··0.01
0 • ~It',.'r~-

~----~~ I o~,_
,-" -,-
B -0.01 ' ~ _. ~

, .g
, &

,,, .2 -0.02 0
g -0.02
~ 0.05 , Mo.o5

90 180 270 360

0 90 100 270 360
0 90 180 270 060
0 so 180 270 360
Azimuth, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees
50%A 50%R
. 0.251
§ 0.2· Experiments ig 0

j: : j, -~:--.-~-~-'-~
0 Full potential
Full potential
.g -0.02 '
0 90 180 270 360 o 90 180 270 360
Al.lmuth. Degrees Azimuth. Degrees

Fig. l.l - Measured <.l.nd calculated sectional normal Fig. 12 - Measured and ca!culatecl blade sectional
force eN M 2 for test case with CL/<T = 0.08 itnd I'= pitching moment coefficient CM M 2 for test case with
0.40 on the rotor with swept back parabolic/anhedraJ Cr,/<T = 0.08 and I'= 0.40 on the rotor with swept-
IJladc Lips. back parabolic/ anhedral blade tips.

0.5 97%R 91 %A
0.25 0.25
0.2 0.2
0- 3 0.15 . ~
0.15 '
\J ' 0 '
~ ~
0.1 0.1
I- - ~'
m 0.05 ' ' '' m 0.05
-0.5 '' ... ,..' "
i~ '- ' -0.05
' -0.05

D ' 0 go 180 270 360 0 go 180 270

' '' '
-1 360
' Azimuth, Degrees

Azimuth, Degrees

' 82%R 69%R
' 0.25 0.25
-1.5 .li '
0.2 0.2·

001: \ (\ ,,f
-2 Full potential

V/ ~
;!§ 0.1
ilJ 0.05

- \--
' '

-2.5 " 0

-o.os+-------- -0.05·"--------
0 180
Azimuth, Degrees
2'0 360 o 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360
Allmuth, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees
0 251
3 0

Fig. 13- Measured and calculated blade tip torsional
deflection for test case with Cr)o- = 0.08 and I' =
I "1 . / \
0.40 on the rotor with swcptback parabolic/anhedral
blade tips.
"'_:::c_:'-~~~- 0 90 180
Azimuth, Degrees
270 360

Fig. 14 - Measured a.nd calculated section nor-

mal coefficient CN M 2 fortcst case with Cr)o-
0.11 and I'· = 0.40 on the rotor with sweptback
97%R 91 %A
_c O.ot5l
E o.o1 ,1/, •'
I 0.01 , '" parabolic/anhedral blade tips.

§ -0.011
.g_ -0.005
g -0.01
2 -0.015·
', \ :/
- ,_.-
F \ /
' ".I

-0.02C·-------~ -0.021------~
0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360
Azimuth, Degrees Azimuth, Degrees 26 ,-----~-----r-""'--··-
82 %R 69%R
0.015 0.015
"I 0.01

' - -
I -

·li -0.005 ' -' ,g -0.005
n ,'
§ -0.01 ' § -0.01
hl-0.015 ·hl-o.ot5
-0.02 -·--··--..,.---·~-~ (/) -0.02 -----.------.11.,
0 90 180 270 360 0 90 180 270 360
A7.imulh. Degrees Azimuth, Degrees
50 %R
o Experiments
" '
0 - -

• EDLIN model
+ 8H model

~-0005 ~--,--.' -~
i5. . \ I

6 -0.01· / '
~ ··O.ot5 14
1.5 2.5 3.5
0 90 180 270 360
' Normall~ed thrust coefficient
Azimut!l, Degrees

Fig. l5 - TVTcasured and calculated hladc sec- Fig. J 6 - Rotor power for the rotor with swept hack
tional pitchiug moment coefftcicnt for test case (p ::: parabolic/anhedral black !.ips in stalled flow condi-
0.10, C'r./(J 0.10) on the rotor with swept back tion \vith advance ratio fl.= 0.10.
parabolic/anhedral blade tips.

96 .l <l

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