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T H E A. P. R. 0.

The A.P.R.O. Bulletin is the official copyrighted publication of the Aerial Pheoomena Research Organization, Inc., (A.P.R.O), 3910 E. Kleindale Rd., Tucson, Arizona
85712, and is issued every other month to members and subscribers. The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Inc., a non-profit corporation established under
the laws of the State of Arizona and a federally recognized scientific and educational tax-exampt organization, is dedicated to the eventual solution of the
phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. Inquiries pertaining to membership and subscription may be made to the above address.


Merging UFOs Over Long Island

By Dick Ruhl
[Mr. Ruhl is an artist & photographer
& one of APRO's Long I sland Field
At approximately 9:00 P.M., Novem­
ber 6, 1973, Patrolman Gary Steinberg
and Patrolman Thomas Brown of the
Freeport, Long Island Police Depart­
ment were seated in an unmarked patrol
car in a parking lot facing East. Brown
was assigned to a 3-wheeled motor
scooter which had no heater in it. He
asked to sit with Steinberg in the car so
he could warm up with a cup of coffee.
After a short time, Steinberg asked
Brown to look up at the sky near an
antenna on a building and asked what
that was. Brown looked at it - a bright
light, and replied that it was probably
the Nassau County P.D. helicopter.
Steinberg said, "look again." So Brown
did. It had no red and green running
lights that are required on aircraft, just
a large solid ball of light and it was
stationary. They both concluded that it
couldn't be the county helicopter because
APRO Field Investigator and artist Dick Ruhl's rendering of the UFO described by the bright spotlight they use would be
the Freeport P.D. Note panels of lights that appeared on object after sm aller UFO shining downward to check the docks
ascended into b eUy of larger UFO, which then sped off in 2 to 9 s econds. Ob ject was and waterfront. They watched for 5 to
��en from two different angles by s everal policemen. 10 minutes when it slowly proceeded to
go Southeast.
Steinberg said he wanted a closer look
Car Chase Possible E-M Case and asked Brown to leave the patrol car
but keep in radio contact. He started
in Canada in Ohio driving in its direction but lost it
momentarily behind some factories.
Following is the narrative of Mrs. Rick The following case was investigated by Brown still had it in sight, and gave
Bouchard (Donna) of Ottawa, Ontario F.I. Jerry Poling: directions over the radio to Steinberg
Canada concerning their experience with At 8:40 p.m., on Sunday the 28th of _whereupon Brown then lost sight of the
a UFO on November 8, 1973. October 1973, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. (name light. When first sighted, Steinberg
We left Embrum, Ontario to go back withheld on request) and their 4 year old estimated that from the size of the light
to Ottawa at 10:30 p.m. EST. There daughter, were sitting in the living room it must have been only 3 to 4 streets
were five of us in the cab of the truck, of their housetrailer, just north of away from the parking lot.
Rick, the three kids and myself. We had Bel Ohio watching T.V. "McMillan Following directions given by Brown,
gone about 21/z miles down highway 417 and Wife" had just come on the air at Steinberg headed for and turned onto
when Rick saw some lights in his 8:30 p.m. Suddenly the television picture the Meadowbrook Parkway heading
rear-view mirror. He first thought they was made to appear as a negative, and South. The light was to Steinberg's left
were cars lights on high beam. He then the sound from the set became almost about 1/2 mile in front of him over the
asked me to look in my rear-view mirror maudible. This was immediately followed marshlands. It slowed down and came to
and tell him what I saw. The lights at by the entire area in the back of the a complete stop. The patrol car gained
that time appeared to be at hydro pole trailer being illuminated as bright as on it and when Steinberg got to within
height (40 ft.) and because the lights daylight. ·
300 or 400 feet of it, he pulled off the
were spinning I could not make out what Mr. E., who was sitting in a chair parkway onto the grass. The light was
it was. All of a sudden it dove at the facing the back of the trailer, jumped to his left about 700 to 800 feet in
back of the truck. I told Rick to step on from his chair, exclaiming, "What in the altitude.
it-we were being chased by something. world is that." He then proceeded to go It ������
Rick got the truck up to 100 mph but the to the back window, which is quite
object stayed right behind the truck. large, and looked outside. It was then
(See Chase - Page Four) (See E-M - Page Four)

THE A.P.R.O. BULLETIN New Consultant

Copyright 197 4 by the Argentina .................. Guillermo Gainza Paz
AERIAL PHEN O MENA Australia ....................... Peter E. Norris
RE SEARCH OR GANIZATI ON, INC. Belgium . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edgar Simons
3910 E. Kleindale Road Bolivia . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . • . . . Fernando Hinojosa V.
Tucson. Arizona 857 12 Brazil . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . Prof. Flavia Pereira
Phone: 602-7 93-1825 and 602-326·0059 Britain . . . • . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . Anthony R. Pace
Coral E. Lorenzen, Editor Ceylon . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K.P.K. De Abrew
Norman Duke, Richard Beal, Chile . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . Pas lo Petrowitsch S.
Brian James. Jacqueline Joselfer. Artists Colombia . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Simhon
Costa Rica . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . Rodolfo Acosta S.
A.P.R.O. STAFF Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oscar Reyes
International Director ..............L.J. Lorenzen Czechoslovakia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;-._ . . . . . . Jan Bartos
Director of Research ........ James A. Harder, Ph.D. Denmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · '· . . . Erling Hensen
Secretray-Treasurer .............Coral E. Lorenzen Dominican Republic . . . • . . . . . . . Guarionix Flores L.
Membership Secretary ........ Madeleine H. Cooper Ecuador ..................Col.Raul Gonzales A.
Staff Librarian ..................... Allen Benz Finland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Kalevi Hietanen
Office Manager .................. Sheila Kudrle France . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . Richard Niemtzow
CONSULTING PANELS Germany .................Capt. William B. Nash
Biological Sciences Greece . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . George N. Balanos
Anatomy ............. Kenneth V. Anderson, Ph.D. Guatemala . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . Eduardo Mendoza P.
Biochemistry ..........Vladimir Stefanovich, Ph.D. Holland . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . W.B. van den Berg
Biophysics ............... John C. Munday, Ph.D. Honduras . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Julian Lanza N.
. . . . Robert J. Hudek, Ph.D.
. . . • . . . • . . . . . . Ireland . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Feeney
Botany .................Robert S. Mellor, Ph.D. Italy .........................Roberto Pinotti
Exobiology . Frank B. Salisbury, Ph.D.
. . . . . . • . . . . . . Japan . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . Jun' lchi' Takanashi
Medicine . . Benjamin Sawyer, M.D.
. . . . • . . . . . . . . . Lebanon . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . Menthis El Khatib
Medicine . R. Donald Woodson, M.D.
. . . . . . . • . . . . . Malta . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . Michael A. Saliba
Microbiology........... Mohammed A.Athar, Ph.D. Mexico ....................... Roberto Martin
Zoology ................Richard Etheridge, Ph.D. New Guinea . . .. . . . . . • . . . . . . Rev. N.C.G. Cruttwell
Physical Sciences New Zealand . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Norman W. Alford
Aeronautics..........Rayford R. Sanders, M.S.M.E. Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Richard Farrow
Astronomy ................ Daniel H. Harris, B.S. Peru ....................... Joaquin Vargas F.
Astronomy ..............Leo V. Standeford, Ph.D. Philippine Republic . . . . • . . . . Col. Aderito A. deLeon
Astronomy.................Walter N. Webb, B.S. Puerto Rico ................ Sebastian Robiou L.
Astrophysics .............Richard C. Henry, Ph.D. Rumania . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Tiberius A. Topol Dr. Arum K. Andrews
Civil Engineering........... James A. Harder, Ph.D. Sierra Leone . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . Bernard J. Dodge
Computer Tech. ............ Vlastimil Vysin, Ph.D. Singapore .....................Yip Mien Chun The Staff of APRO welcomes Dr.
Electircal Engineering ........ Kenneth Hessel. Ph.D. South Africa . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . Frank D. Morton Arlan K. Andrews Sr. to the panel of
Electrical Engineering ...... Brian W. Johnson, Ph.D. Spain . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . Antonio Aparicio D.
Geochemistry............Harold A. Williams, Ph.D. Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . K. Gosta Rehn Scientific Consultants. Dr. Andrews was
Geology ..................... Philip Self, Ph.D. Switzerland ................... Dr. Peter Creola born in July 1940 at Little Rock,
Mechanical Engineering .....Arlan K. Andrews, Sc.D.
Metallurgy .............Robert W. Johnson, Ph.D.
Taiwan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Joseph March
Tasmania ...................William K. Roberts
Arkansas. He received his Bachelor of
Metallurgy...............Walter W. Walker, Ph.D. Trinidad .......................Eurico Jardim Science degree in Mechanical Engineer­
Oceanography ............. Dale E. Brandon, Ph.O. Venezuela . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Jose M. Pascual ing from New Mexico State University,

. . . B. Roy Frieden, Ph.D.
. . .

Michael J. Duggin, Ph.D.

. . . . . • . . . . . . Yugoslavia....................... Milos Krmelj
Las Cruces in 1964, his Master of
Science degree in Mechanical Engineering
. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .

Physics ................ Gerhard H. Wolter, Ph.D. A.P.R.D. Membership including Bulletin:

Physics.................Robert M. Woods, Ph.D. U.S Canada and Mexico .............. $6.00/yr.
.• in 1966 at the same school .In 1968 Dr.
Radiation Physics ......... Horace C. Dudley, Ph.D.
Seismology ................. John S. Derr, Ph.D.
All other countries ................... $7.00/yr.
Subscription to Bulletin Only:
Andrews received his Doctor of Science
Social Sciences U.S., Canada and Mexico .............. $6.00/yr. (Sc.D.), also at New Mexico State Uni­
History.................. David M. Jacobs, Ph.D. All other countries ................... $7.00/yr. versity. The title of his M.S. thesis was:
Linguistics ............... P.M.H. Edwards, Ph.D.
Philosophy ..............Robert F. Creegan, Ph.D. Newswires, newspapers, radio and television stations
"Refractive Concentration and the Ther­
Philosophy . Emerson W. Shideler, Ph.D.
. . . • . . . . . . . may quote up to 250 words from this publication, mal Trap Effect", while his Sc. D.
Psychiatry . . Jule Eisenbud, M.D.
. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . provided that the Aerial Phenomena Research Organi· dissertation dealt with "The Monte Carlo
Psychiatry L. Gerald Laufer, M.D.
. . .

Psychiatry ............. Berthold E. Schwarz. M.D.

. . . . . • . . . . . . . zation. Inc. (or A.P.R.O.), Tucson, Arizona. is given as
the source. Written permission of the Editor must be
Method: A Computer Technique for the
Psychology ...............R. Leo Sprinkle. Ph.D. obtained for quotes in excess of 250 words. Determination of Temperatures in
He has been employed by a large
Attention Please! communications company since 1964 and
Would any person with strong , prior to that time, he was a co-operative
background in Analog Circuit Design student in the NMSU-White Sands
who is willing to work at least five hours Translators Missile Range Co-op Program during
a week on the development of State-of­ As the membership of APRO grows which time he was part of an optical
the-Art electronic UFO detection equip­ our corps of translators is growing also. tracking group.
ment please contact Mr. J. F. Herr, c/o We are pleased to announce that we now From 1968 to 1972 Dr. Andrews did
of APRO. have translators available to g-ive us heat transfer and mechanical shock and
good service in Arabic, Czechoslovakian, vibration studies in support of the
Attention Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hun­ SAFEGUARD program in North Caro­
garian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, lina.
Foreign Members Spanish, Slavic, Thai and Turkish.
Dr. Andrews is a registered Pro­
One of APRO's translators is also a This is an important step ahead as one fessional engineer in North Carolina
stamp collector. We would like to ask of our goals has been tQ get all reports since 1969 and is a member of the
our foreign members to try to use from foreign periodicals into English and American Society of Mechanical En­
commemorative stamps when mailing into the general reports file. The staff at gineers, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi,
letters or reports to Headquarters so Headquarters is especially grateful to Pi Tau Sigma and Sigma Tau.
that they may be passed on to collectors. Beatrice Zimmer, one of our Spanish
This is a small favor we ask in order to translators, for the good job she is doing It is felt that Dr. Andrews will be a
reciprocate the services rendered by our in translating the many reports coming valuable addition to the APRO Consult­
Dutch translator. out of Latin America. ing staff.


A daylight view of the Meadowb rook Pkwy. showing the position, size and shape of
the UFO as seen by Patrolman Steinberg of the Freeport Police Dept., the night of
Nov. 7, '79, about 9 p. m.

Patrolman Steinberg saw a jet liner quarters for the changing of shifts
flying near the object and it made the around 12 midnight, and went to the
jet look as if it were standing still. squad-room where they met another
"There was no hesitation to its takeoff. police officer (who refuses to be
It Just zipped off about 20 times faster interviewed and identified - I know his
an aJe . - -­ identity and spoke with him over the
Patrolman Steinberg returned to Main phone). I'll refer to him as Patrolman
Street where Brown was waiting and "X". "X" said, "I'll tell you exactly what
said to him, "Tom, you won't believe you saw." (Steinberg and Brown had
what I just saw." Brown replied, "I'll said nothing about the details of the
believe anything because I know I saw sighting yet). Here is the testimony of
something." They returned to head-
Patrolman "X" as reported by Steinberg:
�s o.w..n_ at the end of Hudson
Avenue and I saw this big brilliant light
w 1c oo ed the size of a basketball in
the sky - just stuck there. I watched it
for about 10 minutes and it was just
standing there. I lined it up with the
mast of a sailboat. The mast was per­
fectly still and this thing was in exactly
one spot. Then it took off, slowed down,
took off a ai and something came up
fro wen •t-:rna it rooked
1 e it�e--some mg like fhe
p ases of !!! �e oon. Then it just took
. Hei"e EY ;e=i. views of the object
�einberg saw it from the side and "X"
saw it head on. "X" 1\lSo reported that
after it dimmed, the light came on full
again and the UFO just took off.
The policemen discussed the possi­
bilities that the object (UFO) could be
from outer space.
The weather was perfectly clear and
s into and leaving
Ke ere were sounds
f e object. Patrolman Steinberg
rwas in the 4'2nd Aviation and flew in

helicopters. He said this was definitely

no chopper or aircraft that he has ever
seen. He again said that the UFO was at
leastJQO- ft. long and the smaller UFO
appr_9.l0mately 25J:t. and similar in shape
APRO Field lmJestigator, D ic k Ruhl, seen here interview ing Patrolm an G ary and a . Steinberg got the
Steinberg, [l] , and Patrolman Thom as Brown, [r], of the Freeport Police Dpt. , about impression that the larger UFO was a
their Nov. 7, '79 UFO sighting. transport or mother ship and that the
(See Merging - Page Four)

hanging in the air where it had been.

Merging She- �ketched -tffi:s ape of the object for E-M Case
her family when they awoke and then (Continued from Page One)
(Continued from Page Three)
forgot about it. That is� until the Long that he J.i.�ticed the object itself. It
smaller one could not fly a long distance Island Press newspaper came out that appeared-as� egg­
b� itself. (This is purely speculation - da� with a story and a photo of s�ape o Jec , ering just
Dick Ruhl, F.I.) He felt it was looking Stemberg and Brown showing a similar ov a small barn which -located
for the smaller UFO but did not know sketch. Her grandmother showed Mary

behind the trailer, an as shining a

ex.act.1Y where it wa teinbeFg-eases the article and insisted she call the _
very bright searchlig t onto the_barn. It
h police. She did and the police turned her
f��i���.t �: �: :ia;��e;�;t �
. e . t name over to me for further investiga-
might be note "llere that the size of the
object was determined from the size of
smaller one was �� er dee m the water tion. Oddly enough she S!lW the ob ·ect or the b�rn, which is 30 feet long and 20
ma k!. ng some ki�d a! r-epairs .m-_was-- one similar 19 1/2 hour� BEFO E the
� feet h1gh. The barn was said to be very
W�Itmg for a spec1�l time to rendezvous _three Freeport policemen· did ·
nearly the same size as the object
w1th the mother sh1p. observed.
Patrolman Steinberg said he would not M�. E. then left the window to go
like to see one land where he would have
to do anything about it. "It's nice to see
Chase ou�s1de, thereby losing sight of the
obJect for approximately 30 seconds to 1
one from the distance, but if it were a (Continued from Page One) minute, although Mrs. E. was still
secret weapon from the U.S. govern- observing the object during this time.
me�t, they just might blow your hea '"rhe object wobbled from side to side As Mr. E. left the trailer the object
off m order to keep it secret." He was and the lights around the bottom spun
turned off the searchlight and moved
very emphatic about not getting closer around the object. (The Bouchards
further back behind the barn over the
should he ever see another one. des�ribed the wobble as being similar to
top of the trees. It was-- en that he
did a check on what kind of police- a kitchen saucer rocking back and fourth
noti!!ed red and green constant runnm
( man Steinberg is and I can assure the on a table top). The object seemed to
lights about middle way on-th.e.__object.
• rea. der that he is not a coward or easily touch the truck at one point but there
1 The o Jec at this time moved ashort
frightened. He has several citations for was no evidence to prove it. The
distance fo his e en back agaiia l nd
bravery, is a level-headed cop, and a remaining time it stayed about fifteen
remained hovering there.
tough one when necessary. He will not feet behind the truck.
Mr. E. then had his wife call her
shirk his duty in a dangerous situation "The object backed off twice once
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W., who live just
�nd is a good backup for other policemen during the chase and at the end 'or the
two houses below them. They arrived
If needed. He is 37 years old and has 14 chase. The first time it pulled back and
within 5 minutes, bringing with them a
years on the force. He is positive of � ent up to hydro pole height again and
large flashlight. Mr. W. then joined Mr.
what he saw especially when another mto the bush that ran along the
E. outside and together they observed
patrolman sees the same thing from highway. It was gone only a matter of
the object. Mr. W. sho� th fl hljght
seconds when it appeared behind us
another angle and several miles away. It onto the object ime Ee (fi;1d the
again . .It came down at us again at a
was something SOLID. object � O'ol.e..-Up qow.n.,.._.a�par-
One odd thing di� happen to the patrol fantastic speed, as if it was coming down
car. After the sighting Steinberg noticed a steep hill.
Tne ongmal distance at which the
that the car li s were not as bri ht as " It stayed behind us all the way into object was observed was approximately

when' e came after the UFO. The Jig ts own (the outskirts). The object followed
50 feet, and approximately 75 feet after
fluctuated for awhile as if power ad us right under the Anderson Road
the object moved back behind the barn.
been drained from the battery. He verpass; it lit up the highway when it At no time did it go behind any object
thought it might be autty-alternator went ';lnder (the underpass is approx. 15
where it could not be seen.
but everything functioned normally after feet h1gh and 50 feet wide). The object
The two men together observed the

left us when we got to the city limits. It
awhile. obj:ct for approximately 3 �
An interesting fact I'd like to include went up to hydro pole height again and
. not1p that there s tota- l silence. It
IS that a young woman by the name of toward the bush on the right and the
was also curious that a kennel-of-do
Mary E.A. Bruschini of East Norwich, hy�ro relay. station on Russell Road. just below the trailer and other dogs in
Lo?g Island had seen a similar shaped , T�e obJect appeare d to be a drab the area that would normally bark at
obJect over the Muttont own Bird gold m color or a smoky grey. It was 'unusual sights and sounds did not make
Preserve on Rt. 106 at 1 : 30 A.M., hard to.discern because of the brightness a sound during the entire sighting.
November 6. She was headed North and of the lights. ad a single dome which
After the two men had observed the
was very near to her house when she ha d..a-4r fine weave 1ms nd it
object for approximately 30 minutes the

looked to her left (West) and saw what appeared to m e ou o metal. The object suddenly rose in the air and 'flew
she believed t? be a celestial happening ottom o e o Jec , w e ffie sE_inning at a tremendous rate of speed into the
. � re
hg: o ru ed stightll':. The
such as an ecbpse . or some other natural . southwest and over the horizon.
phenomenon m the heavens. She stopped obJect w�s ab ut 0 to 12 feet wide and � er member of the
her car and got out to observe this 81eet. .high. (All o strrvations were made A1r is · amiliar with
"thing of beauty" as she put it. She through toe rear view mirror)." con�on

aft, and estimated its

expressed no fear as she had no idea Our thanks to Field Investigators speed upon e s eed of
what she was watching. On).Y the color. W.G. Cockdurn and S.W. Raymond for sound.
o..!.5he object was a deep fuscha and this interview. The area was searched for· grass burns
loottcl about tlfe size of t1te sun at or damage to the barn, but no unusual
sun et She left an en orne, ried to ********** effects were noticed.
get er family out of bed to come and Upon being questioned, other resi­
see this sight. They refused, thought she dents o! the area r�ported no knowledge
was seeing things and went back to
sleep. Miss Bruschini returned to the
Members: of seemg the obJect or having any
Please give the date and source (name (See E-M- Page Five)
scene and d . iscovered that the light had of magazine or newspaper) when
gone but esi<iue or fog forwarding clippings .

she entertained the idea for the first from a source in the center; these three
E-M time that the object might be a UFO. colors constantly changed back and forth
However, she was not apprehensive and (as in the twinkling of a star). A steady,
(Continued from Page Four) after passing the intersection the light thin, high-pitched whine was emitted by
interference with their television sets or reappeared in the same spot to the left the object and, according to the woman,
appliances. and ahead of the car. this sound was felt through her body as
It is Mr. Poling's opinion that both The road was dark but up ahead on a tingling sensation.
Mr. E. and Mr. W. are very level the right Mrs. Morel said she could see Mrs. Morel said her amazement
headed and competent observers and the lights of the Hillsborough County quickly turned to panic when she
that despite their reluctance originally to Nursing Home (the so-called "county suddenly was unable to remove her
report the incident, gave a very honest farm") and across the road on the left, hands from the steering wheel. More­
and complete report of the sighting. the lights of Moore Genqral Hospital. As over, she reported that she felt her eyes
her car approached the farm, the pulled toward the UFO and had the sen­
object's light went out again. Immediate­ sation it was taking control of her body
Occupant Encounter ly after this disappearance, a couple of and drawing her toward it. When asked
cars traveling toward Manchester passed about any possible disturbances to the
in New Hampshire by in the eastbound lane. The witness car's electrical system, she said she was
recalled seeing no other traffic in either not aware of any effects on her
• The following information is condensed lane throughout the rest of the sighting, automobile's engine, lights or radio
from the very detailed and excellent at least not until after her arrival at the which was playing at the time.
report submitted by Mr. Walter Webb, Beaudoin house. At no time during this phase of the
one of APRO's Consultants in Astron­ About a half mile from the nursing sighting did the witness recall stopping
omy, as well as that of Mrs. Betty Hill, home, near the Boston and Maine her car. However, as she drove forward
.F.I. in New Hampshire. Railroad crossing, the light came back on a "short distance" from the intersection
At 2:45 a.m. on Friday morning, again, perhaps at an even brighter level. she said she experienced a "loss of mem­
November 2, 1973, Mrs. Lyndia Morel For another two miles the strange object ory" (for nearly a half mile). She said
signed out at the Swedish Sauna in maintained the same appearance and she was unaware of driving a stretch
Manchester, New Hampshire where she relationship to the Morel car as before. between a church on her right and
is employed as a masseuse. She then On the outskirts of Goffstown (popu­ Westlawn Cemetery on her left although
proceeded south in her 1964 Chevrolet lation 1050) about where the town's she felt her eyes followed the UFO
Corvair, arriving at Ben Roy's Restaur­ street lights began, the UFO's light without interruption. After the exper­
ant on South Willow Street in Manches­ vanished once more and after about .7 ience, she speculated that "they" may
ter, about 10 minutes later, where she mile (mileage intervals from Mr. Webb's have retrieved and recorded her memory
had two cups of coffee with a friend from speedometer) reappeared for perhaps 15 during this interval.
work. After approximately 45 minutes, seconds, according to Mrs. Morel. But as Suddenly Mrs. Morel said she realized
she and her friend left the restaurant she veered right around a corner into where she was and became cognizant
and parted company. Mrs. Morel drove downtown Goffstown, the light went out that the car was moving at a high rate of
across the street to a gas station and and remained out during the drive of .3 speed and that the vehicle was out of
purchased two dollars worth of gas. This mile through the lighted downtown area. her control. She had the definite impres­
episode, according to Mrs. Morel may Veering left at the intersection of sion that the UFO was pulling her car
have taken about 10 minutes. Routes 114 and 13 (near a popcorn toward it like a magnet and getting
After crossing the Merrimack River stand) the witness said she was closer, its apparent size having increased
via Queen City Bridge, Mrs. Morel astounded to see the light dead ahead to an angle subtended by a dime at
. proceeded northwest on Mast Road down North Mast Road (Route 114). The arm's length. The observer thought the
(Route 114A). As she passed the Bi-Wise object appeared larger, quite a bit object's actual size was "at least" as big
Supermarket in Pinardville (outskirts of closer, and lower than before and as a large automobile." When Mr. Webb
Manchester), her attention was attracted positioned as if waiting for the observer. questioned Mrs. Morel closely about the
to a large, bright, yellow light in the sky Mr. Webb had Mrs. Morel indicate the car's increased acceleration, she replied
to her left and ahead of her. Resembling UFO's position and apparent distance she normally was a slow, careful driver,
.a bright star, the object flashed red, and size. His estimate of the elevation/ rarely driving very fast, but did admit
green and blue colors. In fact, the true azimuth was 5°/287-290°. Although she could have unconsciously stepped
witness couldn't tell at this point if it she could not really judge how far away , hard on the pedal frotn fright although
was moving and thought the object was or how large the object was the witness she didn't think that the case. It
a planet. Mrs. Morel also was aware of pointed out a landmark near where she was at this point that she noticed the
another bright yellowish "star" to the thought the object might have been, and figure in the upper left window.
left of the object which undoubtedly was that was determined by speedometer As the car approached a point opposite
the planet Mars. The UFO was brighter check to be 1600 feet away. By holding the middle of the cemetery the UFO
and yellower than the other object. various coins at arm's length, she closed possibly to within less than 500
The witness continued to drive at guessed the UFO's apparent size was as feet (perhaps considerably less) becom­
what she believed was an average speed large as a pea. ing larger than a quarter at arm's
of about 30 miles per hour although she Mrs. Morel said that she was amazed length. At the same time the object
had no way of checking her speed since at what she perceived before her. grew brighter and the whine seemed
the speedometer was broken and According to her, the object appeared to louder. At this point she estimated the
disconnected. After traveling about a be an orange and gold globe completely object to be at the height of a
mile, Mrs. Morel said she looked at the covered with a honeycomb design of three-story building. The figure in the
object and saw that it was still in the hexagons except for an oval window of window was now distinct (see drawings
same position but seemed to be brighter. paler color situated on the upper left by Brian James which accompany this
Approaching the intersection of portion of the UFO. The witness thought article). Mrs. Morel barely mentioned
Routes 114A and 114, the woman lit a the object was not totally opaque but the occupants in newspaper accounts
cigarette and at that moment, as she had a peculiar translucent quality about because she thought it would be too un-
looked at the object, its light went out. it. The flashes of red, green and blue (See Occupant - Page Six)
Thinking that was peculiar for a planet, light were rays or beams emanating

elevation/azimuth of 12°/15°; the object

Occupant had changed direction from about 280°
to 15°, a drastic shift in azimuth of 95°.
(Continued from Page Five)
After what the witness estimated to
be about 2 minutes of attempting to
attract the attention of the residents of
the house, the door was opened by Mr.
Beaudoin as Mrs. Morel began sinking to
her knees in almost a faint. The
Beaudoins had been asleep upstairs and
reluctantly came down in response to the
persistent noise at the door. Mrs.
Beaudoin said an obviously frightened
woman, her eyes wide open with terror,
fell into Mr. Beaudoin's arms, crying,
"Help me! I'm not drunk! I'm not on
drugs! A UFO just tried to pick me up!"
Mrs. Beaudoin said the witness wa .
covering her ears but neither she nor
her husband remember hearing any
unusual sound. Mrs. Morel said that the
sound ceased and the numbness or
tingling sensation she had experienced
vanished after two minutes in th .
Beaudoin kitchen. However, she became
aware of a bright spot much similar to
the effect caused by staring too long at a
bright light source.
The clock on the kitchen wall read
4:30. Mrs. Beaudoin said the woman's
believable and might discredit the whole Leaving the engine running and the story sounded impossible but she did
experience. headlights on, Mrs. Morel said she phone the Goffstown Police Department
Mrs. Morel said that the figure's head, pushed open the door of the car. At that and reported the occurrence. Goffstown
upper body and arms were visible while instant the Beaudoin's growling German Patrolman Daniel Jubinville, 23, re­
a dark horizontal surface occupying the Shepherd dashed up to the woman as ceived the call while on routine patrol
lower portion of the oval window she got out of the car. Normally afraid of and proceeded to the Beaudoin house,
obscured the rest of the body. The strange dogs, she said she "belted" the arriving there at 4:40 a.m. On his way to
woman guessed this humanoid could animal across the mouth! Though she did the door the officer turned off the lights
have been standing at a control board of not recall running to the house, she and engine of the Morel car, then heard
some kind. Behind the figure was a began pounding on the kitchen door, Mrs. Morel's account. In his report to
white background. The occupant's body ringing the bell and yelling over and Mr. Webb he stated: "This writer took
appeared darker than the face, with over again, "Help me! Help me! Help note that the subject was quite shaken
up and this writer did not note any
small shoulders, but it was uncertain
whether the body was clothed in a
Glancing to her right, she noticed the .
evidence of alcohol or drug influence.'
uniform or not. The rounded head was UFO had shifted its position from west This, basically, is the "meat" of the
grayish (between a gray and flesh tone) to north as if to keep her in view and Goffstown incident. After officer Jubin­
except for a darker color on top, and the was now hovering directly across the ville arrived the four went outside and
face bore wrinkles or loose skin like an road opposite the Beaudoin house. The spotted an object whose light seemingly
went out when a flashlight was trained
elephant's hide. Angling upward across
the forehead, two large "egg-shaped"
object still emitted its high-pitched
whine, which according to Mrs. Morel on it, and appeared to move slightly .
eyes with large dark pupils gripped the was becoming almost unbearable. (Mrs. occasionally changing colors. However,
observer's attention so much that she Morel pointed out the globe's new , in his evaluation of the report, Mr.
felt unable to look away. She said she position and Mr. Webb determined an (See Occupant - Page Seven)
received an impression or awareness
that "told" her "don't be afraid." A
mouth-slit turned down at the corners,
completed the description of the face. No DETAIL
nose or ears were noticed. OF
Panic-stricken, Mrs. Morel believed
she was in imminent danger of being OCCUPANT
captured by the UFO. Passing by the BASED
cemetery, she spotted a house ahead on
the left. The globe became so dazzling ON
that she covered her eyes with an arm
and simultaneously turned the wheel
with the other hand, entering the
driveway of the Beaudoin house at an
angle and coming to a halt partly on the
front lawn. The witness had covered a
distance of almost exactly a mile from
the Route 114/13 intersection and now
she wes only 3/4 mile from home.

By carefully noting the number of clump of bamboo and then came out into
Occupant qualified Field Investigators in each the open where they saw a dark object
(Continued from Page Six) area, it is easy to see where we need apparently sitting in the darkened field.
increased representation. New members They slowly approached the object and
Webb said: "The multiwitness phase of are still coming in at a rate of 25-30 per after about 5 minutes, Richard, who had
the sighting, in my judgment, must be week but the numbers generally follow a flashlight in his hand, walked up to it
ruled ambiguous and therefore nonsup­ the population concentration pattern; and rapped on it three or four times
portive of the Morel sighting because (1) i.e., the greater number of new with the flashlight. The rapping made a
the object, as described by all four members are from California, New York, metallic sound. Immediately, a dome on
observers, matched the appearance and Ohio, etc. We badly need to increase our top of the object which was about as
behavior of both the planet Mars and the membership in those areas which show a high as its diameter, became illuminated
UFO (the latter when seen at a distance) definite lack. As most,of the readers with intense red light, a very brilliant
and (2) the planet's known position was know, we depend on me1nbers and sub­ spectral or Chinese red which illumin­
too close to the UFO's estimated position scribers to furnish Headquarters with ated the entire area. At the same time
to entirely dismiss the planet from tips which are then forwarded to Field the object which had been about 18
contention. Investigators for follow-up. We do not inches off the ground, rose up to about
Mr. James worked with Mr. Webb like to depend on clippings for current three or four feet from the ground
� nd the witness to execute the artwork sighting news as quite often they are whereupon a row of green lights around
�hich accompanies this report. lacking in detail and/or accurate infor­ the peripheral rim of the object started
mation. to blink in sequence and the object
If any Member, Subscriber or Field began to rotate making a sound which
Investigator knows of someone who is resembled "wooooo - shoooo - wooooo -
Field Investigators interested in the UFO subject, but who shoooo." The rate of rotation became
does not belong to APRO it would be very high with the red light blinking on
e Network most helpful to recruit that individual. and off, then the red light went out
The total number of Field Investiga­ Barring that, names and addresses can momentarily, came back on, and the
tors within the United States at this be forwarded to Headquarters and pro­ object rose into the air, still making the
time is 579. Canada has a total of 42, and motional literature will be sent out. sound.
all other countries total 81 which gives If 1974 produces the number of The boys, by then frightened, started
us a grand total of 712 Field reports which we expect that it will, we to run, felt chills and a tingly feeling,
Investigators throughout the world. must try to plug the "holes" in our weak "like they were going to black out
The following is a breakdown of the investigative network. If we all exert or die," and "like they were running in
numbers of investigators by State and the effort necessary, it can be done. slow motion." They said the object took
Country: Alabama, 6; Alaska, 2; Ari­ Take the time now to write to your local off toward the Southwest, and after they
zona, 32; Arkansas, 10; California, 59; or regional newspapers, contact TV and had left the field and got to the street,
Colorado, 11; Connecticut, 13; Delaware, radio stations, and get the word out. In they saw it disappear into the clouds.
1; Washington, D.C., 1; Florida, 25; those areas where members have done Both of the boys' mothers told Mr.
Georgia, 4; Hawaii, 3; Idaho, 3; Illinois, so, there has been a definite rise in Carr that the boys were not in a habit of
25; Indiana, 10; Iowa, 6; Kansas, 10; membership and an increase in the telling tall tales and stated that the boys
Kentucky, 5; Louisiana, 6; Maine, 6; number of Field Investigators. were very excited when they came to
Maryland, 13; Massachusetts, 20; Michi­ the house after their experience.
gan, 15; Minnesota, 15; Mississippi, 8; The object was described as being
Missouri, 16; Nevada, 5; New Hamp- Boys Encounter approximately the size of the living
• shire, 5; New Jersey, 16; New Mexico, room, kitchen and bathroom area of the
9; New York, 32; North Carolina, 7; Landed Object houses in which the boys live, which
North Dakota, 3; Ohio, 26; Oklahoma, 5; amounts to approximately a twenty foot
Oregon, 8; Pennsylvania, 22; Rhode Is­ The following is a condensation of the square area, which indicates that the
land, 8; South Carolina, 6; South report filed with Headquarters by Field object would be about 20 feet in
Dakota, 2; Tennessee, 5; ·Texas, 26; Investigator Donald R. Carr of Lemon diameter. During the interview which
• Utah, 5; Vermont, 3; Virginia, 8 ; Grove, California. The flashlight, residue took place in the field itself, they
Washington, 9; West Virginia, 7; and glove used by the boy who rapped estimated the height of the object
Wisconsin, 15; Wyoming, 4. on the UFO are in the custody of APRO against an adjacent tree of about 10 or
The breakdown for Canada is as and Dr. Walter W. Walker, APRO's 'nfeet. The field investigation revealed
follows: Alberta, 5; British Columbia, 4; Consultant in Metallurgy will carry out two holes in the ground six inches by six
Manitoba, 5; New Brunswick, 1; New­ the tests to determine the composition of inches square by six inches deep about
foundland, 2; Nova Scotia, 1; Ontario, the residue. six feet eight inches on centers. A third
16; Quebec, 6; and Saskatchewan, 2. On the 16th of November, 1973, at partial depression forming an equilateral
The following breakdown for· all other approximately 7:00 p.m., Richard T. and triangle with the two holes was apparent
countries does not include Members or Daniel F., both 11 years of age, were on a slight rise of the ground level. The
Representatives: Algeria, l; Argentina, playing outside. The sky was overcast. holes were located 40 feet from the back
2; Australia, 5; Belgium, 6; Bolivia, 2; They went down into a vacant area next fence and the hole nearest the side fence
Brazil, 3; Britain, 6; Ceylon. 1; Chile, 1; door to the group of four houses where was about twenty-three feet, three
Colombia, 2; Costa Rica, 1; Cuba, 1; they live. This vacant area measures inches from it.
Denmark, 3; Dominican Republic, 1; approximately 80 x 100 feet, contains a Dead grass in the field seemed to be
Ecuador, 1; Finland, 1; France, 5; couple of small trees, the ground lying in a counter-clockwide circular
Germany, 1; Greece, 5; Guam, 1; Guata­ consists of hard clay covered by dead pattern. The ground was extremely hard
mala, 1; Holland, 3; Ireland, 1; Iran, 1; field grass and it is surrounded by a dry clay and the holes appeared to have
Italy, 1; Japan, 2; Mexico, 7; New chain link fence. Several neighboring been sheared by something extremely
Zealand, 1; Peru, 1; Puerto Rico, 6; houses surround the field, about 150 feet heavy. Color slide photographs were
Rhodesia, 1; Rumania, 3; South Africa, distant. taken of the reported landing area the
1; Spain, 3; Sweden, 4; and Switzerland, The boys passed through a neighbor's next day after a light rain had fallen.
2. yard on the way to the field, passed a (See Boys - Page Eight)

years old, stated that intense TV the Z-Axis of the Magnetometer at La

Boys interference occurred at approximately Posta registered a perturbation at
7:20 p.m. on Channel 10. exactly 7:20 p.m. on the night of
(Continued from Page Seven) A daughter of another family, also of November 16, 1973. This is extremely
Residual magnetism was checked in a Lemon Grove, noted interference at 7:20 interesting to our scientific consulting
piece of small diameter pipe lying in the p.m. staff as Headquarters has on file other
field, and in the chain link fence sur­ An elderly lady reported intense TV reports which also include the coinci­
rounding the field. Reading on the pipe interference shortly after 7 p.m. which . dence of perturbations on magneto­
was -3.5 gauss at one end and +2.5 to was so bad she turned off the set. meters at the instant of a close approach
+3.5 gauss at the other end, while Channel 6 went white at one residence or landing of a UFO.
residual magnetism of the fence was on Crane St.
approximately 5.0 gauss, all of which are Wavy lines reported �n Channel 8 at
apparently normal readings. another Crane St. residence. Celestial Events
Mr. Carr also reports that a canvass of Twenty-five other neighbors who were
the neighborhood adjacent to the landing interviewed either didn't remember or February-May 1974
area revealed the following reports of didn't have their TV sets turned on.
television interference at 7:20 p.m. on The names of the two boys are witheld An increase in early morning UFO re­
Friday, November 16, which is the from this report by request. However, ports due to misidentifications of thea
approximate time that the boys had we do present the sketch made by one of planets Venus and Jupiter can heW'
their experience: the boys. Also of much interest to Head­ expected sometime during this period,
Mrs. Catherine Chase about 65-70 quarters is the fact that the X-Axis and probably in February-March (1974).
VENUS maintains prominence in the
morning skies beginning in February at
magnitude -3.6, passing maximum,a
brightness of mag. -4.3 on 27 FebruaryW'
and leveling off at mag. -3.5 by the end
of May. Venus is most distant from the
Sun (46°) on 4 April, i.e., greatest West
JUPITER is not visible in February,
but thereafter attains prominence as a
morning star as it moves away from the
Sun's glare (mag. -2). MARS and SAT­
URN are not notable. Stars SIRIUS and
CANOPUS reach their zenith in the
Three significant CONJUNC TIONS
occur in February-May:
Venus 4°N. of Moon,
0233 UT, 19 Feb.
Venus l0S. of Moon.
2226 UT, 19 Mar.
Venus l.l0N. of Jupiter,
0221 UT, 15 Apr. •
(1° = 2 lunar diameters.) (*Planets wil •
be in proximity for several days around
indicated date.)
Major METEOR SHOWERS occur on
about 19-24 April (Lyrid maximum on 22
Apr.) and 1-8 May (Eta Aquarid maxi- ·
mum on 5 May). Moonlight will only
, interfere with the Eta Aquarids shower.
COMET KOHOUTEK (1973£) has failed
to fulfill earlier predictions of spectacular
brilliance and is now invisible to the
unaided eye. However, at least one UFO
report (Albany, Oregon, 5 January 1974)
is attributable to the misidentification of
the comet.
B. C. Sparks
Astronomical Ephemeris2
(February-May 1974)


Date Frac.
(0000 UT) GHA Dec Ill.
1 Feb 84° +21° 57%
3 55 +24 78
5 26 +20 94
SJ!ETCi/ BY R!CJJ4i2D 11-16-73
(See Celestial -Page Nine)

Jupiter Correction
Celestial 1 Feb 167° -15° The formula for the sine of azimuth
1 Mar 188 -13 given in Celestial Events (September­
(Continued from Page Eipht)
1 Apr 212 -10 October 1973 APRO BuUetin] omitted a
7 357 +12 100 1 May 235 - 8 minus sign (-) to the right-hand side of
9 332 0 94 1 Jun 262 - 7 the equation.
11 308 -11 79
40 1 Feb 30°
Effective April 1, 1974, rates for the
17 236 -23 23 1 Mar 57 -17 A.P. R. 0. BuUetin will be raised due to
19 213 -19 9 1 Apr 88 -17 increased paper costs and postal rates.
21 191 - 1 2 1 May 118 'I -17 APRO Membership including BuUetin:
23 170 - 2 1 1 Jun 148 -17 U.S., Canada and Mexico. . . . . . $8.00/yr.
25 149 + 8 8 All other countries. . . . . . . . . . . . $9.00/yr.
TI �6 +W � Sun Subscription to BuUetin Only:
1 Mar 101 +22 42 1 Feb 177° -170 U.S., Canada and Mexico . . . . . . $8.00/yr.
3 72 +23 64 1 Mar 177 - 8 All other countries. . . . . . . . . . . . $9.00/yr.
5 44 +18 84 1 Apr 179 + 4 This rate increase will affect all
7 17 + 8 97 1 May 181 +15 renewals received after March 31, 1974.
9 352 - 3 99 1 Jun 181 +22 Mail your renewal early and save!
11 328 -13 91
303 -21 Venus
15 278 -23
58 1 Feb 191° -13°
17 254 -22 39 1 Mar 217 -15 Dr . Robert Woods, one of APRO's
19 232 -16 22 1 Apr 223 -12 Consultants in Physics, was listed as
21 211 - 8 8 1 May 222 - 3 Director of Research and Development
23 190 + 1 1 1 Jun 220 +10 for McDonnell Aircraft in our Novem­
25 168 +11 1 ber-December issue when his Consul­
27 144 +19 11 1 Dates ('UT) of lunar phases: Full Moon tancy was announced. Actually, his cur­
29 117 +23 27 (100% illumination) 6 February, 8 rent title is Assistant Director of the
31 88 +22 49 March, 6 April, 6 May; Last Quarter Site Defense Program for McDonnell.
2 Apr 61 +15 71 (50% ill.) 14 February, 15 March, 14
4 36 + 5 89 April, 14 May; New Moon (0% ill . ) 22 Panel Discussion
6 12 - 6 99 February, 23 March, 22 April, 21 May;
8 347 -16 98 First Quarter (50% ill.) 1 March, 3 1 in Tucson
10 322 -22 89 March, 2 9 April, 2 8 May.
12 297 -23 74 On February 7th, 1974, Daniel Harris,
14 274 -20 56 2 North latitude and declination is one of APRO's Consultants in Astron­
16 252 -14 37 pmy, chaired a panel discussion on UFOs
positive (+). South is negative (-) . GHA in the Auditorium of the Optical Sciences
18 231 - 5 20
increases about 360° per day; multiples Building on the campus of the University
20 210 + 5 7
of 360° are subtracted from angles of Arizona in Tucson . The panel
22 187 +14 0
greater than 360°. See the January-Feb­ members were APRO's International
24 161 +21 3 ruary 1973 APRO BuUetin (pp. 8-9) for Director, L. J. Lorenzen, the Secretary­
26 133 +23 15 detailed explanation. Treasurer, Mrs. Lorenzen, James
28 104 +19 35
30 78 +11 58 Stavem, a Tucson Field Investigator,
2 May 54 + 1 79 Formulas: and Dr. Walter W. Walker, APRO's
4 31 -10 93 LHA = GHA - West Long. Consultant in Metallurgy.
6 6 -18 100 LHA = GHA + East Long.
8 -23 97 sin Alt. = (sin Dec.)X(sin Lat.) + Mr. Harris led off the evening's
10 316 -22 87 (cos Dec.)X(cos LHA)X(cos Lat.) program with a general introduction to
12 293 -18 72 sin Az. = -(cos Dec.) X (sin LHA) ,the subject, Dr. Walker spoke about
-11 (cos Alt.) physical evidence which. he had exam­
14 272 54
16 251 - 2 35 ined on behalf of APRO and Mrs.
18 230 + 8 17 MAGNITUDE-- An inverse logarithmic Lorenzen gave a run-down on what is
20 206 +17 4 measure of brightness. A mag. + 1 star generally known about UFOs. Mr.
22 179 +22 0 is about 2.5 times brighter than a mag. Stavem spoke about APRO's methods in
24 150 +22 6 +2 star, and about 2.5 X 2.5 = 6.3 investigating reports and related his
26 121 +17 22 times brighter than mag. +3, etc. experiences as a Field Investigator on
28 96 + 7 44 the local scene. Mr. Lorenzen displayed
30 72 - 4 66 UNIVERSAL TIME-- Subtract the fol­ a series of slides of purported UFO
1 Jun 49 -13 84 lowing hours to convert UT to local photos and his presentation was followed
standard time in the Western Hemis­ by a general discussion and responses to
phere: AST 4; EST 5; CST 6; MST 7; questions from the audience,
PST 8; YST 9; AHST 10. Daylight time
Date Canopus is 1 hour �ess than the numbers The auditorium holds 200 people
(0000 UT) GHA Dec indicated. Elsewhere, see The Nautical (seated) but between 50 and 100
1 Feb. 35° -53° Almanac. individuals sat or stood around the room
1 March 63 -53 or in the aisles in order to hear the
1 Apr 93 - 53 program. It was generally well received
1 Mey 123 � and audience questions reflected genuine
1 Jun 153 -53 curiosity and interest.

Flight 730 was continuing out over the

Object Over Flight Crew Gulf and they could not close on it.
At this time Cook realized that the
Indiana Reservoir Sightin� � Florida object was not going to allow him to
cll:fSe on it so he asked for clearance to
Field Investigator A.V. McDowell has Southernaire, the publication of South- Atlanta. Clearance to La Grange was
forwarded the following information con- ern Airways, related the following received and when a turn to the north
cerning a sighting on October 18, 1973: information in its December, 1973 issue: had been completed Cook noted that the

Herchel Fueston, a Patrolman for the The Tallahassee FAA tower notified a object had reversed its course also and it
Noblesville, Indiana, Police Department Southern DC9 aircrew on November 12, followed Flight 73lrnorthbound main-
was on routine patrol when he arrived at 1973, that a UFO was under observation aining the same distance from them and
the Morse Reservoir, South Harbor by tower personnel. : after crossing the coastline it again
addition to the City of Noblesville at Captain R. C. Cook and .crew were de- began a westwa:r:d descent.
11:30 p.m. He had checked his watch planing passengers and unloading cargo Cook asked that Jacksonville Center
when he parked his patrol car since he from Charter Flight 730 when a Talla- alert their PNS people in the hope that
was to be at that position for hassee FAA employee came to the plane they might continue the observation and
approximately one hour; this would tend and notified them that the tower had then he turned his attention to his flight
to accurately pinpoint the time at which seen a UFO pass over the city doing and the object was no longer seen.
the sighting began. about 2,000 miles per hour at an altitude
Immediately after checking the time of 3,000 feet. Ten minutes later when Tennessee Report
he turned his spotlight on in order to the plane taxied out to Runway 36 with
alert a security guard in the area of his a clearance for their ferry flight to Although it will be some time before
arrival and position. Hi s attention at this Atlanta, Georgia, Cook asked the tower the hundreds of reports emanating from
time was drawn to the sky where he if the object was still in sight and was the period of August 31 through
observed a cigar-shaped object at about told that there was still visual contact December 31, 1974, are fully digested,

a 45-degree angle from his position in and the object was southwest of the field some quite interesting sightings are
the northeast sector of the sky. Upon and low over the trees. Cook asked for worth the space in the Bulletin, of which
sighting the object, he turned his clearance for a left turn to 240 degrees the following is one:
spotlight toward the object. The lights heading after take-off. Just after On the 17th of October at approx-
on the object prior to this were bright completing the turn they said they imately 7 p.m. a "frantic sounding
orange. As soon as he shone his sighted a round, glowing object low on woman"called the city police of Alton
spotlight in the direction of the object it the horizon and climbing away from Park, Tennessee (near Chattanoo )-and
began to move in a southwesterly m. reported� that she ha J U S seen an
direction and at the same time the lights .Jh� obje.c · Y.Oj�ed was ...a spherical, unidentified ob]ect land i an area near
on the object became brighter. glQY�ing ligQL.wh· h was ulsating from the Charles A. Be11 Eleme.ntary School.
The object was estimated to be at an ve_.ry_ bright to quit diiiL b.uL alw.ays Fire and Police Commissioner Gene
altitude of 1500-2000 feet but began to visible. The color w ange from Roberts rushed to the area and directed
descend coming directly over the patrol bri ht red to white ionaWight a search of the area along with Sgt.
car, continued in the same direction until yellow or green flash o.ok.....e�ted Lester Shell. Results of the search were
it reached about tree-top altitude, then ills distance rom the o.!>ject to be about inconclusive, police said, but numerous
moved away in level flight. The time of 15 miles which remained constant during scraps of paper and other debris were
the sighting was about two minutes of the entire sighting. reportedly seen dangling from the tops
which time approximately 1 1/2 minutes Flight 730 continued its run into the of trees in the immediate area and other
it was stationary. outhwest , climbing to the assigned bits of debris were scattered about the
As the object came directly overhead altitude of 20, 000 feet , keeping the ground.
the observer saw what he thought was a object in sight. At this point Jacksonville The initial report from the unidentified
row of portholes but no color or Center asked Cook to contact the woman described a glowing, cigar-shaped
markings were observed. Tyndall Approach Control as they also object. Sgt. Shell gave a similar
Prior to and after the sighting there I had visual contact with the object. description of the object which he saw
was a heavy fog with no stars, moon or 1 Tyndall confirmed that they had visual rising from the woods near the school
planets visible. The only light in the sky contact but would not verify radar after he arrived on the scene. The object
was that of the object. Officer Fueston contact. By this time Flight 730 was ' flew off and went out of sight behind
stated that he patrolled this area every passing through 18, 000 feet with the Missionary Ridge. At the same time,
night and was familiar with all the lights object maintaining its position at 15 another call came into police headquart-
in the area (which are few) and that this miles distant and climbing as they ers from Fire Hall 14 in St. Elmo where
light was not caused by any artificial climbed. Tyndall Control requested that Captain Oscar Eaves reported that he
means from the ground. Cook contact Panama City as they had and a crew of five firemen had seen an
A family which lives in the area of the the object in sight and wanted to talk object hovering over a nearby church for
reservoir also observed the object and about it. Flight 730 leveled off at 20,000 some 20 minutes. Eaves said the object
Mr. McDowell is attempting to reach feet with the object leveling off also but appeared to be luminous and oblong
them for an interview. about 1,000 feet above the aircraft and shaped. He also said that the object
still approximately 15 miles distant. went over a ridge separating Alton Park
* * * * * * * * * * When Cook contacted Panama City the from St. Elmo, and appeared to be
ADDRESS CHANGES flight was about 10 miles NE of Panama heading northeast. Police later said that
City airport and just north of Tyndall. uch a path would have placed the object
Please include o l d a n d new z i p codes The, Control Tower at 'l>anama City in the vicinity of the Charles A. Bell
when relaying address changes to the informed Cook that they were watching � chool at the exact time the woman
Headquarters office. It will help make the same object and had two more low reported it.
routine work much more pleasant and over the Bay and asked if Cook could see This series of sightings indicates that
expedite your change of address. them. However, from their altitude perhaps several people in the same area
Flight 730 could not locate them and at viewed the same object at the same
* * * * * * * ** * this time the object being tracked by time.

also viewed the object and all admitted Doctors is among the conspirators.
Reports from Peru they could not describe it physically-the APRO will continue its investigation of
glow was so bright they could make out this interesting case and try to
APRO Representative Joaquin Vargas no form behind it. The object accompan­ determine if it is in part or wholly
Figallo has kindly furnished the follow­ ied the plane· on its flight for authentic or a complete hoax.
ing information concerning recent UFO approximately 20 minutes while Salgado
happenings in his country: called the Lima Airport and described
(or tried to) what was happening. When California Object
A disc-shaped object replete with he landed at Lima Salgado made his
dome and what could be interpreted as report which was later carried in the Identified
portholes, was allegedly photographed press.
In early February ABC newscaster
by Hugo Luyo Vega, a 54-year-old
Paul Harvey announced that an uniden­
Peruvian architect at 3 :15 on the
tified underwater object had been found
afternoon of Friday, October 19. Luyo
was accompanied by an unidentified
Possible Hoax in the Long Beach Harbor "under many
years of mud" which showed no signs of
friend when they saw the luminous The November-December issue of the _
corrosion. The object was described as a
object which they said moved slowly and Bulle tin carried the account of the 10-15 foot-long cylinder.
approached to within a distance of some alleged kidnapping of truckdriver Dionis­ Headquarters asked Consultant Dr.
50 meters away and 20 meters above the io Llanca at Bahia, Blanca, Argentina Robert Woods to investigate the incident
ground. (Page 7, Column 1). The entire account and he determined that the object was
was initially carried in a November issue actually a detection device for mines,
Luyo claimed that he was on the of lmpactos, an Argentinian magazine made of non-magnetic material and
central highway near Cocachacra when and was translated by a local (Tucson) therefore was resistant to corrosion. A
he spotted the object and that he used a translator. device used by the Navy, it had been in
Polaroid camera with black and white The initial information seemed fairly the Harbor for 14 years.
film. APRO Headquarters is attempting reasonable and the description of the
to obtain a print of the photograph UFO occupants correlated with that of
which shows the object silhouetted the occupants involved in the now New Office
against the landscape behind it. The famous Villas-Boas affair ( September
newspaper photo is of poor quality and 1957). On January 20, 1974, a United On the first of March, 1973, APRO
not reproduceable in the Bulletin. Press International wire story out of moved its business office. However, the
Buenos Aires added further details, to mailing address remains the same, which
On the night of December 19 a group wit: That a team of 6 doctors who had is the Lorenzens' home address.
of young people who were golfing at the been treating Llanca for nervous shock, The APRO office is now in a building
Los Incas Golf Club reported that they had resorted to the use of sodium of its own which includes a storage
had witnessed the appearance of an pentothal. Under the influence of the room. In addition to the usual office
oval-shaped object at about 7:15 p.m. drug, the story said, Llanca had paraphernalia a refrigerator was installed
but attached no importance to it. Then, at revealed that he had been taken aboard for storage of tapes.
approximately 10:40 the object showed .
the "space ship" by alien beings and held Out of town members are welcome to
up again, this time hovering overhead for an hour and a half. The article also visit the new headquarters and we
and making a noise (not described). quoted Llanca as saying that while he request only that they call ahead of time
According to the golf instructor, Fran­ was on board, the ship had connected a so that they are expected. The business
cisco Huamantinco, the object appeared hose to high tension wires and another office is closed on Saturdays and
to be about the size of an automobile. to a small lagoon, "apparently to take on Sundays but the Lorenzens can be
electrical power." The UPI story relied reached via the office extension in their
The United Press International editor, on Buenos Aires' daily newspaper, La home.
Hubert Cam, also reported that he Nacion, for their details. La Nacion said
observed an object crossing the sky at that a local electric company had
9:50 p.m. giving off various colors. reported a sharp and unexplained rise in
power consumption at the time that
Early 1973 Flap
After sighting an unconventional aerial Llanca was aboard the ship. Dr.
object shortly after taking off from the Eduardo Mata, supposedly one of the
In Australia
airport at Trujillo, Captain Jorge doctors treating Llanca, said that Llanca Field Investigator William Chaulker,
Salgado, pilot of a DC-6. said: "I am could not remember anything of his stay one of our newer investigators in
totally certain that it was no conven­ aboard the ship while conscious. Mata Australia has forwarded a 50-page
tional aircraft that was sighted following also said that Llanca had described the report describing the intense UFO
in a parallel direction to that of the plane aliens' voices as "humming" noises which concentration on certain areas of New
I was flying on a routine flight from were made intelligible to him by a South Wales. Mr. Chalker has, to date,
Tumbes to Lima". loudspeaker. The aliens allegedly told investigated 60 cases in his area and
Llanca that they had been trying since when the formal report with full details
Just a few minutes after leaving 1960 to ascertain whether or not humans
is received by Headquarters, the best
Trujillo at 8:30 p.m. setting a course due could survive in their galaxy, and that
cases will be presented in the BuUe tin.
south near Paramonga and at an altitude earth was due to suffer grave events in
The report indicates that from January
of 10,000 feet, Salgado was surprised by the future which might entirely destroy
through August at least some UFOs
an intermittent and intense light from an it.
were concentrating their attention on
object which darted about the plane and Since the January- · 20 UFO story,
one small area in New South Wales.
iit up the interior of the cockpit. APRO has had a Field Investigator
interviewing people connected with the
Salgado called the attention of the case, and at this writing there is some
stewardesses who also observed it. Please send old and new address and
indication that the whole story may have
ZIP CODE with address changes.
Ultim·a tely several passengers in the been concocted in order to publicize a
area immediately adjacent to the cockpit forthcoming book and that one of the

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