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1. Give reasons for the following facts about transition elements:

a. They form colored ions.
b. The energies of atomization are very high.
c. The enthalpies of hydration are very high.
d. The ions are paramagnetic in nature.
e. They are used as catalysts in reactions.
f. K2[PtCl6] is known but K2[NiCl6] is not known.
g. Transition elements form interstitial compounds.
h. The atomic radii of Zr (40) and Hf (72) are nearly same.
i. Transition elements show variable oxidation states.
j. Manganese exhibit the largest number of oxidation states.
k. Ce3+ can be easily oxidized to Ce4+.
l. Zinc but not copper is used for the recovery from the complex [Ag(CN)2]-.
m. E for Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is more positive than Fe 3+/Fe2+.
n. Actinoids show more number of oxidations states than lanthanoids.
o. Copper silver and gold have completely filled d shell configuration yet they are transition elements.
p. Zinc salts are white while nickel salts are blue.
q. In the titration of permanganate HCl and Nitric acid are not used.
r. Lu(OH)3 is less basic than Lu(OH)3.
s. IEII of Cr and Cu are very high.
t. Potassium dichromate titration are done in acidic solution only and not in basic conditions.
u. The order of oxidizing power is VO2+ < Cr2O72- < MnO4-.
v. Cobalt (II) is stable in aqueous solution but in the presence of complexing agent it is
readily oxidized.

2. Explain how are the following prepared/extracted from their ores?

a. KMnO4 b. K2Cr2O7

3. a. Which of the following ions are colored and why?

Sc3+, Zn2+, Ti3+, Mn2+, Cr2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, Ni2+.
b. Which of the above ions are magnetic and calculate their magnetic moment?

4. Write equations to show oxidizing character of permanganate in acidic , basic and neutral medium.

5. What is the Lanthanoid contraction? What are the different oxidation states exhibited by the
lanthanoids? Mention the constituents and the use of Misch metal.

6. Predict the number of moles of KI that would be oxidized by aqueous solution of:
a. One mole of K2Cr2O7. b. One mole of KMnO4.

7.a. Write the balanced equations for what happens when KMnO4 is treated with:
1. KI in acidic solution. 2. Oxalic acid.
3. Ferrous sulphate. 4. Iodine in basic solution.
5. Propene in basic solution..
b. Write the balanced equations for what happens when K2Cr2O7 is treated with:
1. KI in acidic solution. 2. Oxalic acid.
3. Nitrite ions. 4. Ethyl alcohol.

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