Truth in Knowledge That Leads To Light Booklet 4

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Truth in knowledge that leads to light


It is plain to one who is observant of events and world

institutions of different sorts that we are under an
envelopment of some nature. I’ll illustrate, we are all
humans but of different ethnic backgrounds, but we all
originated from the original parents. Our goals may seem
different, but we are under the envelopment of the god of
this world, contributing our part to fill his large golden pot
which he continually stirs and keep changing to suit his will.

Perhaps you may not be one who’ll go all out to follow every
whim and fad that appears, however seeing that we do live
here and cannot change this unless we die, it is only
reasonable to follow that which we consider being normal.
Do we consider everything that is introduced to us to be
harmless and without the cause and effect syndrome? We
seem not to realize that technology places us in great
danger; we acknowledge it now because of identity theft and
other technologic swindling which may occur. We are all
being loaded into a big mainframe, where we are known by
the information we give out about ourselves e.g. accessing
email and the application for credit cards etc. To stay off the
radar will be a very difficult or almost impossible task. We
do need to use institutions such as the banks, the hospitals,
the schools, and the list goes on.

It appears that being caught up in the mix is unavoidable.

Yet there are areas one can avoid. UM/Om has not made this
request of anyone, but only wishes that you be aware of
what you may get yourselves involved in. Really do we need
to be in everything new that comes up. As for individuality it
is slowly but surely fading away from us and we are being
allocated numbers. The system as it stands today is top-
heavy by means of the wide scope of educational

Truth in knowledge that leads to light

opportunities that exist. Job portfolios that never existed
now exist; also by means of the growing entrepreneurial
industries brought about by broad thinking individuals and so
everything seems to be expanding. The status of sardines in
a tin is what we’re all racing towards.

For our urge to follow every whim and fancy of society we’ll
pay a great price. What if Um/Om in all His greatness
decides not to act or to intervene on our behalf? Certainly
then all the dreads of the book of Revelation will befall us
and this will be under the reign of the son who ultimately is
the god of this world. Surely the status of ‘sardines in a tin’
is our fate. The 666 otherwise known as the New World
Order will exist in all its boldness. There will be an increase
in wars globally, the rise in famine worldwide and generally
the breakdown in the system everywhere. Thankfully as we
have come to know there is great hope. Isaiah 25:3, 6-9
“This is why those who are a strong people will glorify
you; the town of the tyrannical nations, they will fear
you…….And the Lord of Armies will certainly make for
all the peoples, in this mountain, a banquet of well-
oiled dishes, a banquet of wine kept on the dregs, of
well oiled dishes filled with marrow, of wine kept on
the dregs filtered. And in this mountain he will
certainly swallow up the face of the envelopment that
is enveloping over all the peoples, and the woven
work that is interwoven upon all the nations. He will
actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign
Lord will wipe the tears from all faces. And the
reproach of his people he will take away from all the
earth, for the Lord himself has spoken it. And in that
day one will certainly say’ look! This is out God. We
have hoped in him and he will save us. This the Lord.
We have hope in him. Let us be joyful and rejoice in
the salvation by him.” This is the hope for those loving
the good, those who are honest with themselves, those who
don’t do things for the sake of acceptance by the public but
because they love truth and God first and these are who will
ultimately fear HIM.

Truth in knowledge that leads to light

Fearing Him involves trusting in Him and his guidelines
completely. Because we were all born of the world the
choices we make when certain things arise is very important
and should always result in what the true God would expect
of us. This is the fear of the true God.

*The Ubiquitous Multifarious Omnipotent One is

abbreviated within this document as UM/Om.


Please let’s now ask ourselves: “Isn’t it best that I should put
Um/Om first?” Some may say He is far away and that the
realities of whatever situation they are faced with are before

Truth in knowledge that leads to light

them. Yet these are the times when we are faced with the
big ‘Y’s in our lives; either to go to the left or to the right. If
you seek to put Um/Om first this will cause your decision to
go in such a way that will bring about some level of peace in
your life. However, these decisions most of the time in this
system as it is may not go down too well with your family or
with the public eyes. But as I always say, it is not man that
we should seek to please but to the One who grants us to
breathe and see the morning sun every new day.

Something to also note is that when we are faced with great

trials these are the times, we try to put our trust in Him. We
then and pray dutifully as we ought to be doing constantly.
At times we are answered other times we are not. Why then
do we want to come to Um/Om how we see it fitting?
Meaning that for some it does nothing to cause any real
change in our lifestyles? Why do we expect Him to do all the
wonderful things for us when we won’t alter things in our life
that he condemns because we have come into contact with
Him? God-realization is not applicable for one thing and not
the next. It is a way of life. Our very existence, our daily
lives should truly reflect this in our dealings with neighbors,
family members, workmates etc. Then we may boast about
knowing God. Let us not compare our situation to another
and wonder why this is happening with them and not with
you. The answer to this is simple but deep. Perhaps you
pray to different Gods and also because of who you are, your
journey is bound to be different your lessons in life different,
thus let us not compare Um/Om’s compassion and mercies in
varying instances.

The Ten Words or Commandments as it is called, is a very

good place to start. These can be applied in our everyday
life and it is fount at Exodus 20:3-17 “You must not have
any other gods against my face. You must not make
for yourself a carved image or a form like anything
that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth
underneath or that is in the waters under the earth.
You must not bow down to

Truth in knowledge that leads to light

them nor be induced to serve them because I the Lord
your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion
bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon
sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth
generation, in the case of those who hate me; but
exercising loving-kindness toward the thousandth
generation in the case of those who love me and keep
my commandments. You must not take up the name
of JHVH your God in a worthless way, for the Lord will
not leave the one unpunished who takes up his name
in a worthless way. Remembering the Sabbath day to
hold it sacred, you are to render service and you must
do all your work six days. But the seventh day is a
Sabbath to the Lord your God. You must not do any
work you nor your son nor your daughter, your slave
man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor
your alien resident who is inside our gates. For in six
days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the
sea and everything that is in them, and he proceeded
to rest on the seventh day. That is why the Lord
blessed the Sabbath day and proceeded to make it
sacred. Honor your father and your mother in order
that your days may prove long upon the ground that
JHVH your God is giving you. You must not murder.
You must not commit adultery. You must not steal.
You must not testify falsely as a witness against your
fellowman. You must not desire your fellowman’s
house. You must not desire your fellowman’s wife…
nor anything that belongs to your fellowman.” Most
people know of these words, but do we practice it? I’m
encouraging you to please take great notice of God’s words
here and to place them in your hearts.

Further encouragement you’ll find in Proverbs 3:1-7 “My

son, my law do not forget and my commandments
may your heart observe because length of days and
years of life and peace will be added to you. May
loving kindness and trueness themselves not leave
you. Tie them about your throat. Write them upon

Truth in knowledge that leads to light

the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and good
insight in the eyes of God and of earthling man. Trust
in JHVH with all your heart and do not lean upon your
own understanding. In all your ways take notice of
him, and he himself will make your paths straight. Do
not become wise in your own eyes. Fear the Lord and
turn away from bad. May it become a healing to your
navel and a refreshment to your bones.” Please also
consider Proverbs 11:19 “I will instruct you even in the
way of wisdom; I will cause you to tread in the tracks
of uprightness. When you walk you pace will not be
cramped and if you run you will not stumble. Take
hold on discipline; do not let go. Safeguard it for it
itself is your life. Into the path of the wicked ones do
not enter and do not walk straight on into the way of
the bad ones. Shun it do not pass along by it; turn
aside from it and pass along. For they do not sleep
unless they do badness and their sleep has been
snatched away unless they cause someone to
stumble. For they have fed themselves with the
bread of wickedness and the wine of acts of violence
is what they drink. But the path of the righteous
ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and
lighter until the day is firmly established. The way of
the wicked ones is like the gloom; they have not
known at what they keep stumbling.” We are warned to
be wary of our association and our affiliations especially in
these times where these words are being fulfilled. Previously
these things may have seemed very far away from us,
however, in our own homes these elements can be found. In
these circumstances only the assistance of the true God can
take us through and that is if we wish to remain on the path
of righteousness.

In these times where a lot of things are unfolding and being

revealed for our generation, we will need to have the right
ammunition to deal with things we face. We most definitely
will need wisdom, understanding, discernment and thinking
ability. In this life we have we pursue many things let us also

Truth in knowledge that leads to light

pursue righteousness and by extension life. Proverbs 2:6-14
“For the Lord himself gives wisdom out of his mouth
there are knowledge and discernment. And for the
upright ones he will treasure up practical wisdom for
those walking in integrity he is a shield by observing
the paths of judgment and he will guard the very way
of his loyal ones. In that case you will understand
righteousness and judgment and uprightness the
entire course of what is good. When wisdom enters
into your heart and knowledge itself becomes
pleasant to your very soul, thinking ability itself will
keep guard over you; discernment itself will
safeguard you, to deliver you from the bad way, from
the man speaking perverse things from those leaving
the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of
darkness from those who are rejoicing in doing bad
who are joyful in the perverse things of badness.” It
is therefore wise in these times to be very skeptical about
what and who you place your trust in.

Therefore the children of God the Creator who is the children

of light possess the great inclination to lean towards
goodness and righteousness. The children of darkness
praise their father in his many forms and embrace the evil
and bad way. Thus, we need to exercise restraint in view of
this so as not to be associated with darkness in any way.
Being sinners we all possess this tendency because of the
Mother of the nations, Eve. Let us not give in but begin to
bring ourselves out by observing the ten (10) basic
commandments or words.

Truth in knowledge that leads to light

Truth in knowledge that leads to light

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