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How did the french take control of Spain?

France 1808 Napoleon Godoy

Spain Carlos IV Portugal José Bonaparte

In 1788, __________________ became king of Spain, but his valido _________________,

governed the country. At the end of the 18th century there was a revolution in
________________ and a republic was formed. In _____________, Godoy allowed French
troops to enter ________________ on their way conquer __________________. However the
French leader, _________________, deposed Carlos IV and made his brother,
______________________________, king of Spain.

The presence of French troops in Madrid caused a popular uprising on the ___ of _________,
__________. This was the star of the Spanish War of Independence.

How was Napoleon defeated?

Great Britain Cádiz Portugal 1812

constitution Guerrilla 1813 parliament

All over Spain, people formed_____________ groups and fought the French. ______________
and ___________________ also sent armies to help the Spanish. José Bonaparte finally left in

During the War of Independence, The governing assembly of Spain was in ________________,
where the first Spanish ________________ of __________, was written. It stated that all free
men were equal and proposed a government chosen by vote, and a monarchy controlled by
What happened during Fernando VII´s reign?

Fernando VII 1833 Independent Isabel

1814 1820 Constitution Trienio Liberal
Revolt Colonel Riego Salic Law weak

After the Spanish War of Independence, the _____________ was restored. From _________ to
__________, ______________________ was King of Spain. He was an absolute monarch and
did not accept the __________________________________.

Spain followed the Constitution of 2812 for three years: a period known as the
________________________________. A ________________ revolt in ___________, led by
__________________________, ended this perios and forced Fernando VII to become a
constitutional king.

During Fernando VII´s reign, many American colonies became ______________________

Countries because of the _____________ monarchy.

Fernando VII wanted his only child, _____________, to become queen. So he revoked the
_______________________ that stopped women from ruling. His brother Carlos and his
supporters, the Carlists, didn´t accept change.

What happened during Isabel II´s reign?

1846/ 1849 moderates liberals Carlist wars

military unestable 1833/ 1840 deputies

The start of Isabel´s reign was very ________________with two ________________________

from ___________ to __________ and from ___________ to _______________.

There were two groups of ________________ that supported Isabel. The _________________
wanted more power for the monarch and the progressives wanted more power for elected
___________________ in parliament.

Isabel and her government were very unpopular. In ____________, there was a
_____________ revolution, known as _________________, and Isabel II abdicated.
Who ruled after Isabel II´s abdication?

Six- Year resistance Southern/ monarch independence Cantonal

Democratic central Revolution
Amadeo six Monarchy(X2) soldiers military federal
First Republic 1873 north constitution General Prim

After the military coup of 1868, Spain was governed for _______ years by a group of
______________. They wanted universal male suffrage and a _____________ controlled by a
_____________________. This period is known as the ________________________________.
In 1870, the governing assembly under its president ____________________, chose an Italian,
______________________, to be king.

Amadeo I abdicated in ___________ and declared the ________________. A new draft for a
______________________ was written but it was never passed. It promoted the idea of a
______________ state with each region governing itself. Although there was enthusiasm for
the Republic among the middle classes in some regions, there was also ______________ from
many groups.

The _____________________________________ broke out in ______________ and

_________________ Spain. It was in favour of almost complete ________________ for some
cities and towns. A third Carlist War started in the ___________ of Spain in favour of a
____________________. Further instability was caused by a War of Independence in
______________. The First Republic ended in ____________ with another military coup, this
time to restore the monarchy.

What happened at the start of Alfonso XII´s reign?

1876 centrlised veto 1875/ 1885

parliment restoration rich

The ___________________ of the monarchy led to the reign of Alfonso XII, Isabel II´s son, from
_________ to ___________. The Constitution of _______ established a ______________ state
governed by the monrch. Laws were passed by ______________. But the king could
___________ them. Alater law only allowed _____________ men to vote.
What political system was there under Alfonso XII?

Cánovas del Castillo Political alternation socialists landowners

Liberals anarchists politicians Conservatives caciques
Republicans Sagasta Carlists farm

During Alfonso XII´s reign, a system of ________________________was established to stabilise

the political situation. _______ Political parties, the ______________led by
_________________________________and the ______________led by __________________,
took turns to control parliament.

Powerful local ________________ manipulated the elections to make sure the party they
supported was in power. These men were mainly rural _______________ and
________________. They obliged ____________ workers to vote for the cacique´s interests.

Several groups opposed this system. They included ________________, ______________ and a
growing Labour Movement of ______________ and ___________________.

What happened in the last years of the century?

Cuba´s crisis of 98 electoral 1885 18989 Puerto Rico

regent United States Philippines male

Alfonso XII died in _________, before the birth of his son. His wife, Maria Cristina of Hapsburg
became______________. Political alternation continued, although the _____________ laws
were reformed and universal ______________ suffrage was reintroduced in 1890.

In the 1890s, the _______________________________ started to help _____________

independence movement. Spain went to war with the US and lost. By the end of ____________,
the Spanish colonies of Cuba, ____________________ and ________________ were
independent. The loss of the Spanish Empire´s last territories is called the _________________.
Literature in 19th century.


Pérez Galdós Miguel de Unamuno Zorrilla Valle-Inclán Béquer Valera

Were inspired by the past. Were intellectuals with a negative view of Spain

Described the world around them

They wrote about Spain´s regions, costumes and people.

They wrote poetry, novels and plays.

They criticised Spanish institutions and the establishment.


Architects followed historical influences and designed Neogothic and Neo- Mudéjar buildings.
Public buildings were often Neoclassical, like the Congress of Deputies in Madrid.

Urban expansion meant that cities grew and many new roads, houses and public buildings were
built. New materials, like iron and glass, were used in public buildings like train stations.

What were the effects of urban expansion in the 19th century?

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