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Please note the following:

1. Nomination Fee Payable is $100.00 +10%GST (non-refundable)

- must accompany “this” Application Form.
2. A pro-rata Annual Subscription Fee is payable after membership is accepted by Executive.

Applicant Details:
Surname: ______________________________ Given Names: __________________________________

Residential Address _____________________________________________________________________


Post Code ____________________________ Home Phone No: _________________________________

Company or Business Name: _____________________________________________________________

Business Address: Business Postal Address:

_______________________________________ ________________________________________

_______________________________________ ________________________________________

Post Code: ______________________________ Post Code: _______________________________

Work Phone No: __________________________ Fax No: _________________________________

E-Mail: __________________________________ Web Address:_____________________________

Company Title: _________________________________________________________________________

Full-Time or Part-Time (please indicate)

If Part-Time, describe the number of hours worked per week and the proportion of income derived from this

Security Agents Institute of Western Australia Application for Membership

Category of Membership applied for: FULL / ASSOCIATE / AFFILIATE / CORPORATE / STUDENT

(please circle applicable)

*Membership Categories available and subsequent criteria applicable:

Full Individual Membership Current Annual Fee is $363.00 +10%GST (100%)

Subject to the discretion of the Executive, shall be available to a person who:
a) is a resident in the state of Western Australia;
b) has held a License for a period of not less than one (1) year and who currently holds a License; and
c) derives a reasonable proportion of his income:
(i) from being engaged in a managerial role in a company, firm or organisation
(whether incorporated or not); as an adviser or consultant on security measurers;
(ii) as a supervisor of the organisation or implementation of security measures; or
(iii) as a lecturer or tutor at a college or like place of learning imparting knowledge of security measures.

Financial Full Individual Members shall be entitled to

a) attend all General Meetings and the Annual General Meetings;
b) vote at all General Meetings and the Annual General Meetings;
c) be a member of the Executive if duly elected; and
d) advertise as a member of the Institute and to use the Institute’s trademark or symbol as the case may

Associate Membership Current Annual Fee is $272.27 +10%GST (75%)

Subject to the discretion of the Executive, shall be available to a person who:

a) is a resident in the state of Western Australia;

b) has skills or qualifications which would be beneficial in the promotion of the Aims and Objects of the
c) as an employee adviser or consultant engaged in the profession of the organisation or implementation
of security measures indicates his potential and aptitude for admission to membership of the Institute;
d) who has held a License for less than twelve (12) months.

Financial Associate Members shall be entitled to

a) attend all General Meetings and the Annual General Meetings;
b) vote at all General Meetings and the Annual General Meetings;
c) advertise as an Associate member of the Institute and to use the Institute’s trademark or symbol as the
case may be.

Affiliate Membership Current Annual Fee is $181.50 +10%GST (50%)

Subject to the discretion of the Executive, shall be available to a person who would qualify for membership
of any of the above categories of membership except that the person:

a) does not possess a License; or

b) is not a resident of Western Australia.

Financial Affiliate Members shall be entitled to

a) attend all General Meetings and the Annual General Meetings;
b) advertise as an Affiliate member of the Institute and to use the Institute’s trademark or symbol as the
case may be.

Security Agents Institute of Western Australia Application for Membership

Corporate Membership Current Annual Fee is:

5 – 25 Employees $660.00 + 10% GST
Allows for two (2) full members.
Additional members are $82.50 + 10% GST

Corporate Membership Over 25 Employees $990 + 10% GST

Allows for three (3) full members.
Additional members are $82.50 + 10% GST

Subject to the discretion of the Executive, Corporate Membership shall be available subject to the following
criteria and will have the same rights and privileges as that of a Full Member:

a) as in incorporated body under Australian Corporate Law, or a currently trading business partnership
with the principal source of income derived from operations within the security industry;

b) as individual within the Corporate entity holds a current Security Agents License within the meaning
of the Act;

c) Employs licensed staff within the meaning of the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act who
operate within the security industry; and

d) other beneficial rights as determine by the Executive.


Subject to the discretion of the Executive, Corporate Staff membership shall be available subject to the
following criteria and will have the same rights and privileges as that of an Affiliate Member:

a) is an employee of a Corporate Member as referred in Rule 15.1 and holds a license within the
meaning of the Act;

b) other beneficial rights as determined by the Executive.

Student Membership Current Annual Fee is: $30.00 + 10% GST

Subject to the discretion of the Executive, Student membership shall be available subject to the following
criteria and will have the same rights and privileges as that of an Affiliate Member:

a) does not possess a license within the meaning of the Act;

b) is completing a course of study in an associated security discipline at a registered training or

educational Institution;

c) other beneficial rights as determined by the Executive

NOTE: Membership Fees are billed annually on the 1st July each year and new members are billed
on a pro-rata basis per the number of whole calendar month remaining.

Type of Business (eg. Alarm Installer, Patrol Guard etc.) ________________________________________


Business Status: (eg. Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Retailer etc.) ___________________________________

No License/s Held - (Note: only eligible for Affiliate Membership)

Details of License/s Held (as follows...) - please enclose photocopy of each

I.D. No:________________ Date of Issue:_________________ Expiry Date:____________________

Security Agents Institute of Western Australia Application for Membership

SA Security Agent CA Crowd Controller Agent IA Inquiry Agent

SO Security Officer CC Crowd Controller IN Investigator
SC Security Consultant
SI Security Installer

Have you ever applied for membership to a similar organization to the SAIWA? YES/NO

Have you been refused admission to any organization or club? YES/NO

If “Yes”, please give details:_______________________________________________________________

Have any civil or criminal proceedings of any description ever been instituted against you in
Australia or any other country? YES/NO

If “Yes”, please give details:_______________________________________________________________

Have any proceedings been instituted against you for breach of the Security and Related (Activities)
Control Act 1996? YES/NO

If “Yes”, please give details:_______________________________________________________________

Brief Resume giving background in the security industry, including professional qualifications,
skills, training and education:









Details of employment history, including present position:

Period of Employment Company Name Position Held





NB: If applying for Corporate Membership a separate application forms need to be completed by all
nominated members.

Security Agents Institute of Western Australia Application for Membership


It is a requirement that this Application be also signed by current financial members of the SAIWA
in nominating and seconding the Application.

Application nominated by:

(SAI Member to sign): _________________________________________

(Name in Block Letters): ________________________________________

Application seconded by:

(SAI Member to sign): _________________________________________

(Name in Block Letters): ________________________________________

Security Agents Institute of Western Australia Application for Membership


The object of this Code of Ethics is to guide members in their conduct in the practice of the security
profession in order that the reputation and integrity of all members of the security industry may be
preserved and enhanced. At all times members shall observe the following rules:

1. Members shall observe the highest standard of integrity, reliability and honesty with due regard to
the confidential and responsible nature of the profession.

2. The responsibility of members for the welfare, health and safety of the community shall, at all times,
come before their responsibility of sectional or private interests, or to other members.

3. If called upon to give evidence or to speak on a matter of fact in the practice of the profession at
anytime or place, a member shall report what the member knows or verily believes to be the truth.

4. Members shall neither maliciously nor improperly injure, directly or indirectly, the reputation,
prospects or business of another member of the profession.

5. Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner which will not prejudice, in any way, the
interests or reputation of the SAIWA and its membership.

6. Members shall not in the course of a member’s business, or in connection with the security
profession, accept instructions or business on the basis that no charge or fee will be payable if a
successful result is achieved, but this rule shall not prevent members from offering their services
without reward for:

(a) charitable or public purposes; or

(b) the purposes of advertising or promoting the Institute
or the business of its members generally.

7. Members shall perform work only in their areas of competence.

8. A member shall respect the relationship of confidence and trust which exists between a member and
his or her principal and shall therefore not disclose information becoming known in the course of the
practice of the security profession without the consent of the principal.

9. Members shall not offer or receive any improper financial or other inducement to secure or accept

10. The SAIWA shall be non-political and non-sectarian.

Security Agents Institute of Western Australia Application for Membership

I declare that all information supplied by me in this application for membership of the
Security Agents Institute of WA is true and correct in every detail. I agree to and give full
authority for the conduct of any enquiry concerning such information and any other
enquiry concerning my character and background, which the Institute may wish to make.
I agree to accept, without any explanation, the decision of the Institute concerning my
application and will seek no redress should my application not be acceptable. However, if
accepted, I agreed to abide by the Institute’s Rules, it’s Code of Ethics, its Aims and
Objectives and relevant Australian Standards.

Furthermore, I, __________________________________________
(print name)
Acknowledge that I have read, understand and will fully abide by:

• The SAIWA Code of Ethics

And agree to abide by:

• The Constitution of The Security Agents Institute of W.A. (Inc.)

• The SAIWA Advertising Guidelines
• The SAIWA Complaints handling Procedure
• Industry Employment Awards for my industry sector
• The SAIWA internal disciplinary procedure for complaints investigation
• All Industry Codes of Practice and Regulations within the State of Western Australia.
I understand that I am responsible for all costs borne by the SAIWA incurred in the
investigation process of any complaint received against myself or the Company I

________________________________ _________________________
Signature Date

YES, a copy of a current Police License is provided (if applicable)
YES, a nominator and seconder’s signature is included
YES, a $110.00 (inclusive of 10% GST) (non-refundable) nomination fee is enclosed

1. Cheque payable to the Security Agents Institute of W.A. is enclosed.

2. Please debit my: - Bankcard / Mastercard / Visa Card for $110.00

/ / /
Full name of Card Holder:_____________________________Valid: _____/_____


NB: Please do not submit without $110.00 nomination Fee!


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