Definisi Dan Sejarah Bidan

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Definisi dan sejarah bidan.


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Ga kerja lgi keknyabadek kak
, 01/01/2016 WIB Dalam menjalankan perannya bidan memiliki keyakinan yang dijadikan
panduan dalam memberikan asuhan. Keyakinan tersebut meliputi: Keyakinan tentang
kehamilan dan Persalinan. Hamil dan bersalin merupakan suatu proses alamiah dan bukan
penyakit. Keyakinan tentang perempuan. Setiap perempuan adalah pribadi yang unik
mempunyai hak, kebutuhan, keinginan masing-masing. Oleh sebab itu perempuan harus
berpartisipasi aktif dalam setiap asuhan yang diterimanya. Keyakinan fungsi Profesi dan
manfaatnya. Fungsi utama profesi bidan adalah mengupayakan kesejahteraan ibu dan
bayinya, proses fisiologis harus dihargai, didukung dan dipertahankan. Bila timbul penyulit,
dapat menggunakan teknologi tepat guna dan rujukan yang efektif, untuk memastikan
kesejahte… Read more


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TO APPLY NEWS SITEMAP Holistic Midwifery Program Holistic Midwife Become a
Holistic Midwife in Your Community Lead the return to holistic, family-centered maternal
health care through a meaningful career as a professional midwife! Our robust Holistic
Midwifery program offers you the ability to fulfill the didactic and clinical requirements for
becoming a competent midwife from within your own home and community, while
interacting with a global peer-group via a cutting-edge virtual classroom. As a student in our
unique program, you’ll also complete a Global Health Study Abroad placement, providing
you with the opportunity to observe gentle birth models around the world, and gain a critical
perspective on maternal health challenges faced on a global scale. With a focus on
complementary and alternative medicine, self-care in birth work, and leadership, our
midwifery training program is an opportunity to develop both personally and professionally.
Upon completion of the 3-year Birth Institute Holistic Midwifery program, you will be
equipped to provide high-quality, family-centered maternal health care services to low-risk
clients in out-of-hospital settings, including private birth centers and independent home birth
practice. Coursework The Holistic Midwifery curriculum combines the Essential
Competencies for Midwifery Practice as defined by the International Confederation of
Midwives (ICM) with complementary and alternative approaches to maternal and newborn
health, placing emphasis on leadership and equity and exploring gentle birth and respectful
maternity care in comparison to technological and intervention-based modelsworldwide.The
Holistic Midwifery curriculum is also designed to align with the checklist of essential
competencies set forth by the Midwifery Education Accreditation Association (MEAC),
standards for competency-based certification as outlined by the North American Registry of
Midwives (NARM), and the Midwives Alliance of North America Core Competencies.
Students are required to complete a total of 5600 contact-hours as follows: Midwifery
Sciences 44 quarter credits/1320 contact-hours Complementary & Alternative Medicine 44
quarter credits/1320 contact-hours Leadership & Personal Development 22 quarter
credits/660 contact-hours Clinical Practicum/Supervised Midwifery Apprenticeship 72
quarter credits/minimum of 2160 contact-hours Global Health Study Abroad (8-Week
experiential learning) 10 quarter credits/280 contact-hours* *Students who opt-out of Global
Health Study Abroad must complete an additional 10 credit-hours of coursework. See
“Enrollment Options” in the Course Catalog for further details. Global Health Leadership In
Action Through participation in an 8-week Global Health Study Abroad course, you will
have an opportunity to observe gentle birth in a locally-run women’s health clinic in either
Guatemala or Bali. During this experience, you will explore the midwife’s role in global
maternal health, and gain critical perspective on the midwifery profession as a whole. You
may choose to go abroad prior to the start of the 3-year Holistic Midwifery curriculum, or
during the final quarter of your third year. Please Note: Our experiential learning abroad
courses are solely intended to deepen cross-cultural understanding of global maternal and
newborn health. Participation in clinic activities during the 8-weeks is limited to introductory
doula care, regardless of training or background, and does NOT count toward the clinical
requirements for the Holistic Midwifery practicum. “The uniqueness of cultural practices that
are brought into the delivery room are eye opening. Each of these cultural differences can
become a part of my own future midwifery practice.” Time Commitment and Enrollment
Options Matriculating, Full Time. The estimated time commitment for full-time students is
40+ hours per week, year-round. Students must follow the online courses in sequential order
(10 credit hours per quarter) for 3-years and to begin their 2-year supervised clinical
practicum during the third quarter (approximately 6-months into the program). Total time to
graduation is 3-5 years based on the pace of clinical practicum. Matriculating, Part Time.
Students may choose to complete online coursework prior to beginning supervised clinical
practicum. This assumes that the student follows the online courses in sequential order (10
credit hours per quarter) for 3-years and begins their supervised clinical practicum during
fourth year, after online coursework has been completed. Total time to graduation is 5-13
years based on the pace of clinical practicum. Non-Matriculating: Students who do not wish
to complete the online coursework according to the 3-year schedule, or who wish to enroll in
the practicum without completing the online coursework, and who meet the admissions
criteria and pre-requisites, may be accepted on a space-available basis for a fee of $160 per
quarter credit. Upcoming Courses We are currently enrolling to begin the 3-year progression
of online and practicum coursework in July 2016. Students who are not already enrolled in
study abroad for winter or spring 2016 will be assigned to study abroad in their third year of
the Holistic Midwifery Program. Connect with our admissions team for more information.
Investment Out goal is to train the critical midwives the world needs, and that means making
midwifery education affordable. While campus-based midwifery programs can cost as much
as $400 per credit, our 3-year Holistic Midwifery program costs just $135 per credit while
delivering the same high-standard education with the flexibility of online coursework.
Students seeking financial aid can apply for a private loan with deferred payment at 5%
interest from Birth Institute (less than current federal loan rates). Please visit our Tuition &
Fees page to learn more and to download a tuition brochure. “I am thankful for the
experiences gained through this journey in midwifery and appreciate Birth Institute for
facilitating this space for personal and professional development.” Admissions Applicants
must have a high school diploma (or equivalent), a cumulative average GPA of 2.75 for all
previous coursework and a minimum of 3-months educational, volunteer, or work experience
in women’s health, maternal health, complementary and alternative health or related fields.
Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis. A maximum of 30 students will be accepted
each year. Applicants who receive an offer of admission are required to submit placement
and registration fees to guarantee placement. Ready to apply? Please visit the online
application for instructions. Hear a current student’s perspective In this interview, Holistic
Midwifery student Sarah shares her vision for the future of maternal healthcare worldwide,
what she loves about the Birth Institute Holistic Midwifery program, and how she balances
her education with life and self-care. She also gives a glimpse of what barriers she overcame
to enroll, and the wisdom she has gleaned since joining the Birth Institute community. Listen
now! MEAC Accreditation Birth Institute’s preliminary application for accreditation by the
Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (MEAC) was accepted on April 20, 2015. The
accreditation process generally takes two years or more from this date to complete
successfully. If we are approved, students enrolled at the time accreditation is approved and
those enrolling after that date will be eligible to graduate from a MEAC-accredited program.
Accreditation is not retro-active. For more information, please contact MEAC. Becoming a
Licensed Midwife Birth Institute is an academic institution and does not oversee licensing or
regulation of midwives. Requirements vary by country and region. Students are responsible
for understanding and following regulatory requirements for out of hospital midwifery in
their state, province or country. Students who complete their supervised clinical practicum in
the United States will be eligible to sit for the Certified Professional Midwife (CPM)
examination, conducted by the North American Registry of Midwives. Take the next steps!
For more details on essential competencies offered, course structure, learning activities,
participation requirements, credit transfer, etc., please download the Birth Institute Course
Catalog under “Learn More” on the navigation bar above, and connect with us to learn more
about how the Holistic Midwifery program can serve you in your life and career. Our News
Review of Birth Control Pills Website Planning Family and Labor Ditch the Birth Plan!
Herbs for Labor XVI: Birthroot Meditations for Pregnancy, Birth and Bonding Categories

Listen Read Watch women's health 2019 All rights reserved.

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