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GROUP NO.: ________5________________ INSTRUCTOR: Nathaniel


A. Data and Results:

B. Discussions and Results.


1. Which solution is more dependable and safe to use a

qualitatively or a quantitatively prepared ones? Why?
It's important to note though, that in a real life analysis you always do a
qualitative one before a quantitative one.
This is because quantitative analysis needs to only react with whatever your
compound of interest is.

2. Cite the advantage of knowing how to prepare solutions


We described various ways of characterizing the concentration of solution,

molarity (M), molality (m), percent concentrations and mole fraction (X).
The quantity of solute that is dissolved in a particular quantity of solvent or
solution. Of a solution describes the quantity of a solute that is contained in
a particular quantity of solvent or solution. Knowing the concentration of
solutes is important in controlling the stoichiometry of reactants for
reactions that occur in solution. This section describes how solutions can be
prepared from stock solution of known concentration

3. Differentiate molality from molarity

Molarity and Molality are both measures of the concentration of a chemical

solution. Molarity is the ratio of moles to volume of the solution (mol/L)
while molality is the ratio of moles to the mass of the solvent (mol/kg).
molarity - M → moles per liter solution
molality - m → moles per kilogram solvent

4. What is meant by mill equivalent?

Concentrations of electrolytes are often expressed as mill equivalents per

liter, which is an expression of the chemical combining power of the
electrolyte in a fluid.
5. Enumerate the steps on how to prepare laboratory reagents
1. Define your objective. Why are you doing the experiment and what are
the expected results? A good experiment will tell you something, even if you
get negative data. Make sure to include all necessary controls!

2. Find the best method to get the job done. With so many protocols out
there, it can be overwhelming to try and narrow it down to just one. After
taking into account the cost of the reagents, whether someone you know has
done it before, and how widely the technique has been used, in the end, you
just have to pick one and go with it!
3. Write out the protocol. This step will help you identify all the reagents
you will need for your experiment, and help you gauge the time that you will
need to carry out the procedure. Additionally, it is much easier to follow a
protocol that you have written yourself, rather than one that was written by
someone else.
4. Obtain all necessary reagents in advance, and make sure they are all in
good condition. You don’t want to be in the middle of your experiment when
you suddenly run out of reagent X. As in cooking, freshness is the key. Don’t
take your chances with old or expired reagents.
5. Prepare a timeline. Try to realistically estimate how long each procedure
will take, and if you’re not sure, double the time that you think it will take.
Don’t try to cram too much into one day – you are more likely to make
errors when you are rushing.
6. Do the experiment. Prepare everything you can in advance, and start
EARLY. Make sure you have booked the necessary equipment ahead of
time, and avoid interruptions. The protocol you wrote out in Step 3 should
make this step a lot easier! If multiple people are involved in the experiment,
make sure everyone knows their role ahead of time.
7. Record everything. Write down any deviations from the protocol, and any
difficulties you experienced carrying out the experiment. This will
help you make better sense of the data and troubleshoot the
experiment if necessary.

8. Analyze the results. Hopefully the experiment turned out as you expected,
and the data have leaded you to the next step of the project. If not, it’s not
the end of the world! Go back to your notes and find out where the
experiment could have faltered. Talk to people who have experience with the
technique to help you troubleshoot, and don’t be afraid to ask around for
advice! If things always worked the first time, they wouldn’t call it “research

In this activity we have learned so many things like solution is a

homogeneous mixture of two are more pure substances. Generally the
component of lesser quantity is called the solute while the greater quantity is
called the solvent, and the solubility of any substance in a solvent refers to
the maximum quantity that can be dissolved in a definite amount of the
solvent at a certain temperature and the solution may be classified as a
saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated depending upon the amount of
solute present relative to the amount of solvent at a certain temperature.. And
also this activity discussed that concentration of solution may be expressed
in terms of molarity, molality, normality or percentage by mass or by volume
and this methods can help you to have accurate concentration of solution and
one more thing that we've learned in this activity is on how to prepare
reagents with different concentrations for laboratory uses.

E. Application

In your everyday life, you encounter solutions all the time. For example,
you may add salt to water when cooking pasta. The salt dissolves in the
water, resulting in a solution. Most of your "household" chemicals are
solutions. If you look closely at a bottle of vinegar, you will find that it is a
solution of acetic acid. Similarly, bleach is a solution of sodium hypochlorite
We live in a world of solutions! The air we breathe is a huge gaseous
solution, the oceans are solutions of about fifty different salts in water, and
many of the rocks and minerals of the earth are solid solutions. And we
ourselves are largely aqueous solutions, most of it within our cells and in our
blood plasma and the interstitial fluid that bathes our cells.

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