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Name/s: _________________________________________ NSTP Section: ________________ Score: _________/ 100

ACTIVITY 2: Drug Education

Answer the following questions. Write your answers in the space provided. Use another paper if needed. This is to be
accomplished in triples.

1. Each pair will do a web chart of Drug Addiction. Illustrate this on a long size (8.5 in x 13 in) bond paper (40 pts).
WEBCHART – is used to trace the causes and effects of a problem or issue. An arm ends when they
reach the root cause (e.g. cause has no more cause).

C1 C1 C2



C1 – the immediate cause of the issue
C2 – the cause C1

Write a brief explanation of your webchart. Explain the process of how you have identified the causes of drug addiction,
and how it led you to the root cause (10pts).

2. Concisely answer the following questions:

a. What are drugs? Are all drugs harmful? (5pts)

b. What pushes people to use illegal drugs? (5pts)

c. How does the use of illegal drugs affect relationship with family, friends and community, in general? (10pts)

d. What are some changes that could be observed in individuals taking illegal drugs (physical, emotional, social,
etc)? (15pts)

e. What will you do if you found out that one of your family members or your closest friends is using illegal drugs?
How can you help a friend who is already using drugs? (10pts)

f. What is your view on the War of Drugs? If you were to decide, how could you solve the problem on drugs in our
country? Give specific or concrete actions or programs that you will do or implement (15 pts).

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