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Finding Volume by a

Displacement Method
Objective To introduce finding the volume of irregular objects
using a water displacement method.

ePresentations eToolkit Algorithms EM Facts Family Assessment Common Curriculum Interactive

Practice Workshop Letters Management Core State Focal Points Teacher’s
Game™ Standards Lesson Guide

Teaching the Lesson Ongoing Learning & Practice Differentiation Options

Key Concepts and Skills Solving American Tour Problems READINESS
• Use tables to record data.  Math Journal 2, p. 384 Reading about Displacement
[Data and Chance Goal 1] Student Reference Book, pp. 338–395 Who Sank the Boat?
• Use a displacement method to find the Students solve problems using Students read the book and discuss the
volume of irregular solids.   American Tour data. principle of displacement illustrated in
[Measurement and Reference Frames Goal 2]
Solving Additive Volume Problems the story.
• Calibrate and use a metric measuring Math Journal 2, pp. 384A and 384B ENRICHMENT
tool to compare volume and capacity.  Students solve real-world problems
[Measurement and Reference Frames Goal 2]
Finding Volume by Displacement
involving the volumes of two adjacent
Math Masters, pp. 338 and 339
rectangular prisms.
Key Activities per workstation: bucket or clear container
Students calibrate a bottle and use it to Math Boxes 11 5  (partially filled with water), empty margarine
measure the volume of various objects Math Journal 2, p. 385 tub or yogurt container, rocks, waterproof
by a displacement method. cm ruler or Geometry Template marker
Students practice and maintain skills Students explore the principle of
Ongoing Assessment:
Recognizing Student Achievement through Math Box problems. displacement by solving a thought
Use Mental Math and Reflexes.  experiment about a boat and a stone.
[Number and Numeration Goal 6] Study Link 11 5

Math Masters, p. 337

Key Vocabulary Students practice and maintain skills
displacement  calibrate through Study Link activities.
Math Journal 2, pp. 382 and 383
Study Link 11 4
slate  dictionary  per workstation: ruler,
measuring cup, tape, paper towels, 2-L
plastic bottle (top cut off), paper, scissors,
rubber bands, large can or jar filled with
2 L of water, rocks and other objects for
displacement activities

Advance Preparation
For Part 1, make a model of a calibrated bottle (journal page 382). Organize workstations for groups of four students. Furnish each
workstation with the materials listed on journal page 382. Cut off the top part of each 2-L bottle, about 9 in. from the bottom. Each station
requires an unopened can of a nondiet soft drink (diet drinks will float), rubber bands, several rocks, and about 4 other objects whose
volume can be measured. You will also need a supply of paper towels. If you do not have easy access to a sink, use a bucket of water.
For the optional Readiness activity in Part 3, obtain a copy of the book Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen (Paperstar, 1996). Equip
a workstation with a bucket or clear container half-filled with water, an empty margarine tub or yogurt container, and several rocks.

Teacher’s Reference Manual, Grades 4–6 pp. 222–225

878 Unit 11 Volume

Mathematical Practices
Content Standards
Getting Started 5.MD.1, 5.MD.5c

Mental Math and Reflexes  Math Message

Have students compare two fractions by writing Use a dictionary to find the meanings of displacement
>, <, or =. Ask volunteers to share their and calibrate.
strategies. Suggestions:
and _ >; The numerators are the same, and
30 31 Study Link 11 4 Follow-Up 

is greater than _.
30 31 Have partners compare answers and resolve differences.
_ Ask volunteers to explain their solution strategies for
and _ =; The simplest form of both fractions is _.
18 30 2
45 75 5 Problem 3. Since the square pyramid base area is twice
_ that of the tetrahedron and both have the same height, the
and _ >; _ is a little more than _, which is equal
18 9 18 18
23 12 23 24 square pyramid volume is twice that of the tetrahedron.
to _ , or _
9 3
12 4

Mental Math
Ongoing Assessment:
Recognizing Student Achievement

Use the Mental Math and Reflexes problems to assess students’ ability to
compare fractions. Students are making adequate progress if they
demonstrate an understanding of the structure of fractions, finding equivalent
fractions, and comparing fractions to a reference.
[Number and Numeration Goal 6]

1 Teaching the Lesson

▶ Math Message Follow-Up ELL

Have students share their definitions of the words displacement

and calibrate. To displace something is to move it out of its Student Page
Date Time
proper place; to calibrate is to divide or mark with gradations, LESSON
11 5 How to Calibrate a Bottle
such as on a thermometer. To support English language learners, 

Materials □ 2-L plastic soft-drink bottle with the top cut off
model the meanings of the words. □ can or jar filled with about 2 L of water

□ measuring cup □ ruler

NOTE It is important for students to have at least a vague understanding of □ scissors □ paper

these words at the beginning of the lesson. As the lesson progresses, the □ tape

meanings of the words will become clearer. 1. Fill the bottle with about 5 inches of water.

700 mL
2. Cut a 1 in. by 6 in. strip of paper. Tape the Add water 600 mL

strip to the outside of the bottle with one 100 mL 500 mL

400 mL

end at the bottle top and the other end at a time.

▶ Calibrating a Bottle
300 mL

200 mL

below the water level. 100 mL

0 mL
ACTIVITY 3. Mark the paper strip at the water level.
Write “0 mL” next to the mark. 5"
(Math Journal 2, p. 382) 4. Pour 100 milliliters of water into a
measuring cup. Pour the water into the
bottle. Mark the paper strip at the new
water level, and write “100 mL.”
Show the class a rock, and ask students to suggest how they might 5. Pour another 100 milliliters of water into the measuring cup. Pour it into the

go about finding its volume. Ask: Can we use a volume formula to bottle, and mark the new water level “200 mL.”

6. Repeat, adding 100 milliliters at a time until the bottle is filled to within
find the volume of the rock? No Why not? The rock has an irregular an inch of the top.

shape, so there isn’t a base or a consistent height. Tell students 7. Pour out the water until the water level in the bottle falls to the 0 mL mark.

How would you use your calibrated bottle to find the volume of a rock?

that in this lesson they will explore a method for measuring the Fill the bottle with water to the 0 mL level. Drop the rock into
the bottle. The amount that the water rises shows the volume
volumes of irregular objects. of the rock in milliliters.

Assign groups of four students to work at the workstations. Show

your model of a calibrated bottle, and go over the directions on
Math Journal 2, p. 382
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Lesson 11 5 
journal page 382. To support English language learners, ask
students to give examples of situations where the term calibrate
might be used. Have each group then calibrate a bottle. Circulate
and assist.
Ask students to answer the question at the bottom of journal page
382. When students have finished, bring the class together to
share students’ suggestions for measuring the volume of a rock.
Discuss other related methods of finding the volume of an object:
 Start with the object already submerged, and read the water
level. Remove the object, and read the new, lower water level.
Subtract it from the starting level—this gives the volume of
the object.
 Place a container inside another container. Fill the inside
container with water to the very top. Drop the object into the
inside container. Water will overflow into the outside container.
The volume of the water in the outside container is the volume
of the object.

▶ Demonstrating a Displacement WHOLE-CLASS

700 mL 700 mL
Method for Finding the Volume
600 mL 600 mL
500 mL
400 mL
300 mL
500 mL
400 mL
300 mL
of an Irregular Object SO

200 mL 200 mL
100 mL 100 mL
0 mL 0 mL

Science Link Use your calibrated bottle to demonstrate a

displacement method. Fill the bottle with water to the 0-mL
level, and drop a rock into the bottle. The water will rise to a
higher level. This shows the volume of the rock in milliliters. (See
Water level Water level margin.) To support English language learners, explain the
at 0 mL at 200 mL meaning of displacement in this context, and use the vocabulary to
describe what is happening with the water.
Remind students that 1 cubic centimeter is equal to 1 milliliter.
Student Page Ask the following questions:
Date Time

11 5 䉬 Finding Volume by a Displacement Method
● How many cubic centimeters are equal to 200 mL? 200 cm3

1. Check that the bottle is filled to the 0 mL level.
Place several rocks in the bottle.
Reminder: 1 mL ⫽ 1 cm3
How many milliliters are equal to 1 L? 1,000 mL
a. What is the new level of the water in the bottle? Answers vary. mL

b. What is the volume of the rocks? Answers vary.

cm3 ● How many cubic centimeters are equal to _ 1 L? 500 cm3, or
c. Does it matter whether the rocks are spread out or stacked?
1 L = 500 mL = 500 cm3
2. Your fist has nearly the same volume
as your heart. Here is a way to find 700

the approximate volume of your heart.
What is the volume of the demonstration rock in cubic

Check that the bottle is filled to the 200

0 mL

0-mL level. Place a rubber band

around your wrist, just below your
wrist bone. Put your fist in the bottle
centimeters? It is the same as the volume in milliliters.
until water reaches the rubber band.

Answers vary.

What is the new level of the water in the bottle?

What is the volume of your fist?

NOTE The volumes of most solids, such as rocks, are usually reported in cubic
This is the approximate volume of your heart. Answers vary. cm3 units. The volumes of liquids are usually reported in units such as liters, milliliters,
c. Does it matter whether you make
a fist or keep your hand open? No gallons, quarts, and pints.
3. Find the volumes of several other objects. For example, find the volume of a
baseball, a golf ball, an orange, or an unopened can of soft drink. If the object
floats, use a pencil to force it down. The object must be completely submerged
Make sure students understand why this method can be used to
before you read the water level.
find the volume of an object. Discuss the following points:
Volume of Water Volume of Object
 Water has volume. When an object is added to the water, it
Object Object Displaces (mL) (cm3)

Answers vary.
takes up (displaces) space that was previously occupied by
water. This pushes the water level higher than it was. The
volume of water between the original level mark and the new

Math Journal 2, p. 383

880 Unit 11 Volume

Student Page
level mark must be equal to the volume of the added object. Date Time


(If the object floats, it must be forced down so it is completely 11 5  Scanning the American Tour
Use the information in the American Tour section of the Student Reference Book to
submerged.) answer the following questions.

1. a. According to the National Facts table on page 391,

 You don’t need to know the volume of the water in the what is the highest waterfall in the United States? Yosemite Falls
b. If you were standing at the top of the cascades in the middle
1,430 ft
container before the object is added—only the change in water section, about how far would you be from the top of the falls?
995 ft
About how far would you be from the bottom of Lower Yosemite Fall?
level. The paper scale on the calibrated bottle allows you to 2. a. According to the population density map on page 377, what
is the average density for the entire United States? 80 persons per square mile
read the change in water level directly. b. Write a number sentence to model how this average was calculated. (United States
Population tables are on pages 374 and 375.) 281,422,000 ÷ A = p
c. Name five states that have a population density more than twice the U.S. average?
Sample answers: California, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvan

▶ Using a Calibrated Bottle SMALL-GROUP

3. Identify features and facts about your state.

a. In what year did your state become a state?

Sample answers for Pennsylvania:
What are the highest and lowest points in your state? Highest point is 3,213 ft;

to Measure the Volumes

lowest point is sea level.
c. How does your state’s population in 2000
compare with its population in 1900? It is 5,979,000 more

of Various Objects d.

What percent of your state’s land area is forest? About 59% Farmland? About 27%
Describe a feature or a fact of your choice about your state.
Pennsylvania gets about 20–60 in. of rain per year.
(Math Journal 2, p. 383)
4. According to the U.S. Highway Distances map on page 388, what is the highway
distance between 2 of the largest U.S. cities? Sample answers:

The distance between City 1 Philadelphia and City 2 New York City is 91 mi .
Each group will need several rocks and about four other objects. If 5. According to the information on pages 356 and 357, what has changed about the ratio of farm-

the number of objects is limited, groups should trade objects. Have workers to the size of the population fed by the farms in the United States in the last 100 years?
Sample answer: In the last 100 years the ratio of farmworkers
students use the 100-mL intervals on the paper scale to estimate to the population being fed by farms changed from _ 10 _
75 to 280 .
Farms with fewer workers now produce food for more people.
the water level to the nearest 10 mL or at least to the nearest
25 mL after adding an object to the bottle. Assign groups to Math Journal 2, p. 384
complete Problems 1 and 2 on journal page 383. Circulate
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and assist.
When groups have finished, discuss the last question in each of
the problems. Explain that volume is conserved—that is, it
remains unchanged under different arrangements of the material.
Assign Problem 3. Have students begin with an unopened can of a
nondiet soft drink. They can check their volume estimates (in
milliliters) against the can label.

NOTE A 12-oz can of regular cola contains about 10 tsp of sugar. Because the
molecules of sugar spread evenly in the empty spaces between the water
molecules, the sugar dissolves in the liquid without increasing its volume.
Therefore, the additional molecules of sugar in the cola make it more dense. Diet
colas are usually sweetened with aspartame, which is 160 times sweeter than Student Page
sugar. Considerably less aspartame is needed to sweeten diet cola; therefore, a Date Time
can of diet cola weighs less than a can of regular cola, is less dense, and is more LESSON

likely to float. 11 5  Solving Real-World Volume Problems

These problems involve finding the total volume of two non-overlapping rectangular
prisms. Find each volume by using one of these formulas: V = B ∗ h or V = l ∗ w ∗ h.
If any groups work with the same kind of small objects, such as golf balls, they Then add the two volumes to find the volume of the entire solid.
should estimate the combined volume for 4 or 5 balls and then divide the result by 1. When customers buy the large box and the small box of Rice 24 cm

the number of balls. (One golf ball has a volume of about 41 cm3.) This will yield Puffs at the same time, they get a discounted price. Find the
volume of each box pictured at the right and then the total volume. 32.5 cm
more accurate results than estimating the volume of a single ball because the a. Volume of the small box: 2,677.48 cm3
27.1 cm

measurement error for a small object is likely to be a larger percent of the b. Volume of the large box: 5,694 cm3
measurement than the measurement error for a larger object. c. Total volume of the boxes: 8,371.48 cm3 7.3 cm
5.2 cm
19 cm

2. A smaller storage cabinet is placed on top of a larger cabinet. Each cabinet is

a cube. The smaller cabinet is 2 _2 feet long on each side. The larger cabinet is
_1 foot longer than that on each side.

a. What are the dimensions of the smaller cabinet?

2 _2 ft 2 _2 ft 2 _2 ft
1 1 1
by by
5 3
15 8 ft

2 Ongoing Learning & Practice b.

Volume of smaller cabinet:

What are the dimensions of the larger cabinet?

3 ft by 3 ft by 3 ft
d. Volume of larger cabinet: 27 ft3

▶ Solving American Tour Problems 42 _8 ft3

INDEPENDENT e. Total volume of the two cabinets:
3. Consider the two cabinets in Problem 2. Explain how to find how much

(Math Journal 2, p. 384; Student Reference Book, greater the volume of the larger cabinet is than the volume of the smaller cabinet.
Include your calculations.

pp. 338–395) Sample answer: Subtract the volume of the smaller cabinet
from the volume of the larger cabinet. 27 - 15 _8 = 11 _8 ,
5 3

so the larger cabinet’s volume is 11 _ ft3 greater.

Students solve problems using data from the American Tour
section of the Student Reference Book.
Math Journal 2, p. 384A
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Lesson 11 5  881
Student Page
▶ Solving Additive Volume Problems
Date Time
11 5  Solving Real-World Volume Problems continued
4. A building consists of two connected sections: a 4-story section (Section A; shaded in blue) (Math Journal 2, pp. 384A and 384B)
and a 1-story section (Section B; shaded in gray). Section A has a square base. Find the
volume of each section of the building. Then find the total volume.
25 m

11.7 m Section A
Students solve real-world problems involving the volumes of two
adjacent rectangular prisms. Then they add the two volumes to

Section B


80 m
3.9 m
find the volume of the entire solid. Review the two formulas used
to find the volume of prisms: V = B ∗ h and V = l ∗ w ∗ h. When
a. The above sketch shows that the height of the top three floors of Section A is 11.7 m.
What is the total height of Section A?

15.6 m
most students have finished, ask volunteers to share their
b. Volume of Section A: 9,750 m3
c. The above sketch shows that the length of the entire first floor of the building is 80 m.
What is the length of Section B?

55 m
5,362.5 m3
▶ Math Boxes 11 5 INDEPENDENT
d. Volume of Section B:
e. Total volume of the building: 15,112.5 m ACTIVITY
5. Another way to find the volume of the building in Problem 4 is to find the volume of the entire
first floor (of both sections) and then find the volume of the top three floors of Section A. (Math Journal 2, p. 385)
a. What are the dimensions of the entire first floor?

25 m by 80 m by 3.9 m
b. 7,800 m3
Total volume of the first floor:
Mixed Practice Math Boxes in this lesson are paired with
c. What are the dimensions of the top three floors? Math Boxes in Lesson 11-7. The skill in Problem 5
25 m by 25 m by 11.7 m previews Unit 12 content.
d. Volume of the top three floors of Section A: 7,312.5 m
e. Total volume of the building: 15,112.5 m Writing/Reasoning Have students write a response to the
Math Journal 2, p. 384B following: Explain how you found the simplest form of _ 29
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in Problem 1. First I renamed _ 29 as a mixed number by
dividing 29 by 3. _29 = 9_
2 . A mixed number is in simplest form if
the fraction part is in simplest form. In 9_2 , the fraction _
2 is in
simplest form because the numerator and the denominator cannot
be divided by a common factor greater than 1.

▶ Study Link 11 5 
(Math Masters, p. 337)

Home Connection Students perform a displacement

experiment. You may choose to have them do this during
class time or offer it as an optional home assignment.
Student Page
Date Time

11 5  Math Boxes

1. Write each fraction in simplest form.

2. Find the volume of the prism.
Volume of a Triangular Box
Volume = Area of the base ∗ height
3 Differentiation Options
b. 5 = 5

c. 26
_ = 60
9 16 _18 WHOLE-CLASS
d. 15_
9 cm


▶ Reading about Displacement

6 cm

4 cm
62 63
Volume = 108 cm3
15–30 Min
3. Find the volume of the cylinder. 4. Measure the base and the height of the
Volume of a Cylinder triangle to the nearest centimeter.
Volume = Area of the base ∗ height a. The base is about

Literature Link To explore the concept of displacement,
b. The height is about cm.
have students tell which character they think is responsible
7 in.
c. Find the area of the triangle to the for the mishap in the book Who Sank the Boat? Read the book and
nearest square centimeter.
2 in.
Area = _
2 ∗b∗h
have students predict which character displaced so much water
Volume = 87.96 in 3 198
Area: about 3 _12 cm2 183 193 that the boat finally sank. Share the illustrations and discuss how
5. Solve. characters balanced each other in the boat. Then discuss the
results of the story.
One weighs as much as 2 Xs. One weighs as much as 12 Xs.

b. Who Sank the Boat?

10 4
One weighs as much as
One weighs as much as
marbles. 228 229
Summary: As each character gets into the boat, the waterline
385 approaches the rim of the boat. Surprisingly, the smallest creature
Math Journal 2, p. 385
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of all is the one who causes the boat to sink.

882 Unit 11 Volume

Study Link Master
Name Date Time
ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY 11 5  A Displacement Experiment

▶ Finding Volume 15–30 Min

Try this experiment at home.
Materials □ drinking glass
□ water

by Displacement □ 2 large handfuls of cotton

(Be sure to use real cotton. Synthetic materials will not work.)

(Math Masters, pp. 338 and 339)  Fill the drinking glass almost to the top with water.
 Put the cotton, bit by bit, into the glass. Fluff it as you go.

To apply students’ understanding of displacement, have If you are careful, you should be able to fit all of the cotton into the glass without
spilling a drop of water.

them solve a thought experiment about a boat and a Think about what you know about displacement and volume. Why do you think you
were able to fit the cotton into the glass without the water overflowing?
stone. Ask partners to read the introduction and solve Most of the space taken up by a handful of
cotton is air between the fibers, so it did not
Problem 1 on Math Masters, page 338. When students have displace too much water.
finished, discuss their solution strategies. Then have partners
check their solutions by following the directions on Math Masters,
page 339 to make a model of the problem.

Math Masters, p. 337

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Teaching Master Teaching Master

Name Date Time
Name Date Time
A Boat and a Stone 11 5  A Boat and a Stone continued
11 5 

2. Model the thought experiment, “A Boat and a Stone.”

A thought experiment uses the imagination to solve a problem. Mathematicians,
physicists, philosophers, and others use thought experiments to investigate ideas Materials
about nature and the universe.
□ bucket or clear container
One early example of a thought experiment attempts to show that space is infinite.
□ small container that floats and fits in the
Use your imagination to picture what is being described in the experiment below.
bucket or clear container with plenty of
If there is a boundary to the universe, we can toss a spear at it. If the space all around
spear flies through, it isn’t a boundary after all. If the spear bounces back,
□ several rocks □ water
then there must be something beyond the supposed edge of space—a
cosmic wall which is itself in space that stopped the spear. Either way, □ waterproof marker
there is no edge of the universe; space is infinite.
Often it is impossible to investigate the situation in a thought experiment directly.
a. Fill the bucket part way up with water. Make sure the water is deep
This might be because of physical or technological limitations. But the thought
enough to cover the rock.
experiment in Problem 1 can be modeled directly. Solve Problem 1, and then
follow the directions in Problem 2 to model the experiment. b. Place a rock in the small container, and float it in the bucket. If the small
container sinks, try a smaller rock. If the small container tilts over into the
1. Imagine that you are in a small boat. There is a large stone in the bottom of water, try a larger rock.
the boat. The boat is floating in a swimming pool. If you throw the stone
c. After the water settles, mark the height of the water on the bucket with
overboard, does the level of the boat on the water go up, down, or stay the
the marker. If your bucket is clear, mark the outside. If not, mark the
same? Does the level of the water in the pool go up, down, or stay the same?
inside wall. Also, mark the height of the water on the outside of the
The boat will go up. The water level of the small container.
pool will remain the same. d. Take the rock out of the small container, and gently drop it into the water.
e. Describe the changes in the height of the water on the outside of the small container.
The water level on the container was

f. Describe the changes in the height of the water in the bucket.

The water level in the bucket was lower

after I picked up the rock, then it rose after

I dropped the rock in the water.
py g

g. Do the changes agree with your thought experiment solutions? Why or why not?
Answers vary.

Math Masters, p. 338 Math Masters, p. 339

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Lesson 11 5  883

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