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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

Grade 11 – ICT - BOBBAGE
_________________ Learning Area: ORAL COMMUNICATION Quarter: 1 Duration: 100
June 20, 2019
Learning Verbal Communication and Nonverbal
Code: EN11/12OC-Ia-5
Competencies: Communication
Key Concept/ Understanding to be It is not just through words that we can communicate, we can do it using
developed actions too.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Remembering At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
Understanding  Differentiate verbal communication from nonverbal
Skills Applying
Analyzing  Perform a specific scene from a particular play or
Evaluating movie using verbal and nonverbal communication.
Attitude Receiving Phenomenon
Responding to Phenomena  Appreciate the value of verbal and nonverbal cues in
Valuing communication.
Internalizing Values
Values Receiving Phenomenon
Responding to Phenomena
Valuing  Value other people’s way of expressing themselves
Internalizing Values
2. Content Verbal Communication and Nonverbal Communication
3. Learning Resources blackboard/whiteboard, chalk/marker, PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Projector,
strips of papers
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity Prayer
(10 mins.) Checking of attendance.
Review on the last topic.
 Last meeting, we discussed about the barriers to communication. Can someone tell
once again the things that hamper communication?

The barriers to communication are:

1. Emotional barriers
2. Use of jargon
3. Lack of confidence;
4. Noisy environment.

4.2 Activity (20 mins.) Instruction:

Today, we are going to have some fun by having a game that I think you are all familiar with.
Sounds interesting right?
But before that, you will be grouped into two first.
Do you know the game, charades? How is it played?
* I have here pieces of paper and all of them contain titles of a movie. One representative from
each group will pick a piece of paper and he/she will act whatever title he picked. Other
members of the group will guess the act. Each correct answer is equivalent to 1 point. A 5
second steel will be given to the other group in case the other group will not be able to guess
the title.

4.3 Analysis Guide questions:

(5 mins.) 1. Were you able to guess some of the titles of the movies, right?
2. What did you use in guessing the titles that your classmates picked?
3. What about in guessing those titles, what did one of your classmates use?
3.4 Abstraction (15  Can someone differentiate verbal communication from nonverbal communication?
A follow up discussion on Verbal and Nonverbal communication will be done.
3.5 Application Now, with the same group a while ago, you are going to prepare a short role playing about a
(25mins.) particular scene from a movie or play of your choice. Verbal communication and nonverbal
communication should be seen in your presentation.

3.6 Assessment Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. (1/4 sheet of paper)
(5 mins.)
1. Consider ethics in your speech at all times.
2. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message.
3. How you communicate reflects who you are as a person.
4. One way to help you build credibility is through effective nonverbal communication.
5. There are certain words that are only appropriate at certain times and places.
6. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
7. The use of too many fillers can distract your listeners.
8. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.
9. When you talk to others, you should not assume too quickly that they understand the
message that you convey.
10. When you communicate, choose what you want to say and how you want to say it.

4.7 Assignment (5mins.) 1. Search for other nonverbal cues that are used in communication.
2. Have an advance reading about intercultural communication.
4.8 Concluding Activity
(2 mins.)


Prepared by:

Name: Lea B. Famulagan School: Argao National High School

Position/Designation: T- I Division: Cebu Province

Contact Number: 09424201276 Email address:

Inspected by:


Assistant Principal

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