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European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762

Studies on cellulose acetate and sulfonated

poly(ether ether ketone) blend ultrafiltration membranes
G. Arthanareeswaran, K. Srinivasan, R. Mahendran, D. Mohan *,
M. Rajendran, V. Mohan
Membrane Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, A.C. College of Technology, Anna University, Chennai 600 025, India
Received 10 September 2003; received in revised form 26 November 2003; accepted 28 November 2003

New ultrafiltration membranes based on chemically and thermally stable arylene main-chain polymers have been
prepared by blending the sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) with cellulose acetate in various compositions in N,N0 -
dimethylformamide as solvent by phase inversion technique. Prepared membranes have been subjected to ultrafiltration
characterizations such as compaction, pure water flux, water content, and membrane hydraulic resistance. The pore
statistics and molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of the membranes have been estimated using proteins such as trypsin,
pepsin, egg albumin and bovine serum albumin. The pore size increased with increasing concentrations of sulfonated
poly(ether ether ketone) in the casting solution. Similarly, the MWCOs of the membranes ranged from 20 to 69 kDa,
depending on the various polymer compositions. Surface and cross-sectional morphologies of membranes were ana-
lyzed using scanning electron microscopy. The effects of polymer compositions on the above parameters were analyzed
and the results are compared and discussed with those of pure cellulose acetate membranes.
 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Poly(ether ether ketone); Sulfonation; Blend membranes; Ultrafiltration; Protein rejection

1. Introduction compositions, using N,N0 -dimethyl formamide (DMF)

to yield membranes applied for the rejection of proteins
Cellulose acetate (CA) was one of the first membrane and metal ions [4]. Further, CA has been found to be
polymers that has been used for aqueous based separa- successful blend component with polysulfone (PS), sul-
tions and used as both reverse osmosis (RO) and fonated polysulfone (SPS), and epoxy resin (DGEBA) in
ultrafiltration (UF) membranes [1]. The requirement of preparing ultrafiltration membranes [5–7]. Similarly,
more aggressive cleaning and sanitizing agents and more poly (ether ether ketone) (PEEK) is being used as a
chemical and mechanical resistant membranes, led to the successful blend material in sulfonated form due to its
necessity of modifying cellulose acetate based mem- superior qualities.
branes [2]. The hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance as well PEEK is a highly crystalline polymer (Tg ¼ 143 C)
as the physico-chemical properties of a membrane can having very good thermal, chemical and mechanical
easily be changed if the membrane is prepared from stability. Due to the strong intermolecular interaction
multicomponent polymer mixture/blends [3]. Cellulose among the polymeric chains, they are practically insol-
acetate has been blended with polyurethane in different uble in most of the solvents. As a consequence, PEEKs
are not easily modified through the common reactions of
organic chemistry and they are not able to form mem-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-4422203530; fax: 91-44- branes by phase inversion process [8].
2350240/2642. However their hydrophilicity and permeability may
E-mail address: (D. Mohan). be increased by sulfonation [9]. Generally, sulfuric acid
0014-3057/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
752 G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762

is used for sulfonation since it avoids degradation and (AR) procured from Sisco Research Laboratories Pvt.
cross-linking reactions [8]. The synthesized hydrophilic Ltd., India. Sodium monobasic-phosphate anhydrous
polymer is able to form a membrane with cellulose and sodium dibasicphosphate heptahydrate were pro-
acetate by the phase inversion process and optimum cured from CDH Chemicals Ltd., India and used for the
membrane performance can be achieved in terms of preparation of phosphate buffer solutions in protein
better flux and solute rejection. Further, separation of analysis. Proteins viz., bovine serum albumin (BSA),
proteins is found to be advantageous due to the non- Mw ¼ 69 kDa, pepsin, Mw ¼ 35 kDa, and trypsin,
destructive nature and limited denaturation of proteins Mw ¼ 20 kDa were purchased from SRL Chemicals
[10]. As the sulfonated PEEK (SPEEK) is hydrophilic in Ltd., India. Egg albumin (EA), Mw ¼ 45 kDa was ob-
nature, the blending of SPEEK with CA would sub- tained from Council of Scientific and Industrial Re-
stantially reduce the fouling behavior of the resulting search (CSIR), Bio-Chemical Center, New Delhi, India.
membranes. Earlier studies have shown that the increase Deionized and distilled water was employed for the
in hydrophilicity will reduce the fouling behavior and washing of SPEEK polymers, preparation of protein
increase the flux [11,12]. solutions and also used for the preparation of gelation
Pore statistics, molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) bath.
and morphological studies are the structural properties
of membranes that are essential for the applications of 2.2. Preparation of SPEEK polymer
membrane processes for the desired permeate quality
[13]. It has been found that a broad variety of mor- 2.2.1. Sulfonation of PEEK
phologically different polymeric membranes can be Twenty-five grams of PEEK powder was carefully
prepared by changing the parameters such as composi- added to the 500 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid (98%).
tion, concentrations of polymer, solvent and additive in The reaction mixture was magnetically stirred for 5 h at
the casting solutions [14,15]. The determination of 50 C. The mixture was then added to a large excess of
morphological characteristics is playing an important crushed ice where precipitation occurred. The precipi-
role in evaluating the performance of the membranes. tated SPEEK was recovered and washed with deionized
The membrane usually consists of cylindrical pores water many times to remove the excess acid. Finally the
perpendicular to the membrane surface, whose sizes are polymer was dried around 70 C, and stored in a deci-
represented by pore size distribution. Only solute mo- cator [8]. The ion exchange capacity (IEC) of prepared
lecules smaller than membrane pore diameters are al- SPEEK polymer was measured by the Fisher’s back
lowed to transport through the membrane [16]. Most of titration method [19] at room temperature. 1–2 g of
the commercially available membranes are specified by SPEEK was kept in 0.1 N aqueous NaOH for 24 h. The
the pore size or molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) value solution was then back titrated with 0.1 N HCl using
[17], and has been found to be an important parameter, phenolphthalein indicator. The IEC is expressed as meq.
which affects the separation characteristics of the ultra- of sulfonic groups/g of dry polymer.
filtration membranes [18]. Hence, in the present inves-
tigation, CA is blended with SPEEK in polar medium 2.2.2. Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA)
and the membrane compaction, pure water flux, water The TGA was carried out using a STA 409PC ther-
content, membrane resistance (Rm ) and protein rejection mal analysis instrument. A sample of 27.4 mg of SPEEK
have been determined. Solute rejection method and was dried at 200 C to remove moisture for 30 min, and
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been used for then programmed from 20 to 900 C at a rate of 10 C/
determining pore statistics, MWCO and morphology min under the nitrogen atmosphere.
and results are discussed.
2.2.3. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
DSC measurement of PEEK and its sulfonated form
2. Materials and methods was carried out using a DSC 200PC differential scanning
calorimeter at a heating rate of 10 C/min under nitro-
2.1. Materials gen atmosphere. The weight of sample taken for PEEK
and SPEEK were 2.3 and 2.6 mg respectively. The glass
Cellulose acetate (CA) was procured from Mysore transition temperature Tg , was calculated at the inter-
Acetate & Chemical Co. Ltd., India; PEEK polymer was section of the tangents to the corresponding DSC curve.
procured from Victrex Inc. Ltd. Sulfuric acid (97–99%),
DMF and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) were obtained 2.2.4. 1 H-NMR
from Qualigens Fine Chemicals, Glaxo India Ltd., The 1 H-NMR spectra were recorded on a JEOL
India, which were of analytical grade. DMF was sieved (Model GSX 400) spectrometer at a resonance fre-
through molecular sieves (Type-4 A) to remove mois- quency of 399.65 MHz. For analysis, 2–5 wt.% of
ture and stored in dried conditions prior to use. Acetone SPEEK solution was prepared in DMSO-d6 solvent.
G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762 753

NMR data were acquired for 32 scans at a temperature present in the cast film was allowed to evaporate for
of 23 C. The degree of sulfonation was determined by 30 ± 5 s, and the cast film along with glass plate was
integration of distinct aromatic signals [20]. gently immersed into the gelation bath. The membranes
were removed from the gelation bath and washed
2.3. Preparation and characterization of polymers thoroughly with distilled water to remove all DMF and
surfactant from membranes. The thickness of prepared
The casting solution was prepared by blending CA membranes was measured using a micrometer (Mityu-
and SPEEK at different compositions as shown in Table toyo, Japan) at various parts of the membranes. The
1 in the presence of DMF solvent under constant thickness of the membrane was maintained at 0.22 ±
mechanical stirring in a three necked round bottom flask 0.02 mm as followed in earlier studies [4,22]. The
at 40–45 C. The blend polymer compositions were membranes were subsequently stored in 0.1% of for-
formulated on the basis of preliminary membrane malin solution to prevent microbial growth.
studies. The conditions maintained in casting and gela- The UF experiments were carried out in a batch type,
tion of the polymeric films are given in Table 2. The dead end cell (UF cell-S76-400-Model, Spectrum, USA)
homogeneous solution obtained was allowed to stand with a diameter of 76 mm, fitted with a Teflon coated
for 1/2 h in order to eliminate the air bubbles. The magnetic paddle.
casting environment, viz. relative humidity and tem-
perature were standardized for the preparation of
2.3.1. Compaction
membranes with better physical properties such as
The prepared membranes were cut into desired size
homogeneity, thickness and smoothness. Prior to cast-
needed for fixing it up in the ultrafiltration kit of
ing, a gelation bath of 2 l consists of 2.5% (v/v) DMF
38.5 cm2 area and initially pressurized with distilled
and 0.2 wt.% SLS, in distilled water (non-solvent), was
water at 414 kPa for 6 h. The water flux was measured at
prepared and kept at 20 C [5]. Similar casting and
every one hour. The flux generally declines initially and
gelation conditions were maintained for the blend sys-
attained steady state after 4–5 h of compaction. The pre-
tems and for pure CA, since the thermodynamic con-
pressurized membranes were used in subsequent ultra-
ditions would largely affect the performance of resulting
filtration experiments at 345 kPa [1].
membranes [21]. The membranes were prepared by
casting using doctor blade on the glass plate and
maintaining the desired thickness by adjusting the height 2.3.2. Pure water flux
of the doctor blade and fixing an oil sheet paper at both Membranes after compaction were subjected to pure
ends of the doctor blade. After casting, the solvent water flux at transmembrane pressure of 345 kPa. The

Table 1
Membrane formulations
Membrane no. Polymer (wt.%) CA (wt.%) SPEEK (wt.%) Solvent (wt.%)
1 17.5 100 0 82.5
2 17.5 95 5 82.5
3 17.5 90 10 82.5
4 17.5 85 15 82.5
5 17.5 80 20 82.5
6 17.5 75 25 82.5
7 17.5 70 30 82.5
8 17.5 65 35 82.5

Table 2
Film casting conditions
Conditions Range
Temperature of casting solutions (C) 28 ± 2
Temperature of casting atmosphere (C) 24 ± 1
Humidity of casting atmosphere (C) 55 ± 2
Period of casting (s) 3–6
Solvent evaporation time (s) 30 ± 5
Temperature of gelation bath (C) 12 ± 2
Period of leaching membranes in gelation bath (h) 1–3
Thickness of film on glass plate (mm) 0.22 ± 0.02
754 G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762

flux was measured under steady state flow i.e., after 2.4. Application studies
every 1 h for 4 h. The pure water flux was determined
using an Eq. (1). 2.4.1. Protein rejection
After mounting the membrane in the UF cell, the
Jw ¼ ð1Þ chamber was filled with individual protein solution and
immediately pressurized under nitrogen atmosphere to
where, Jw is the water flux (l m2 h1 ), Q is the quantity the desired level (345 kPa) and maintained constant
of permeate (l), A is the membrane area (m2 ) and DT is throughout the run. Proteins such as BSA, EA, pepsin
the sampling time (h). and trypsin were dissolved (0.1 wt.%) in phosphate
buffer (0.5 M, pH 7.2) and used as standard feed solu-
2.3.3. Water content tions. For all experiments, the concentration of feed
Water content of the membranes was measured as solution was kept constant. Permeate was collected over
follows [23]. The membranes were soaked in water for measured time intervals in graduated tubes and the tube
24 h and weighed after mopping with blotting paper. contents were analyzed for protein content by UV–
These wet membranes were placed in a drier at 80–100 visible spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Model UV-160A)
C for 48 h and the dry weights were determined. From at kmax 280.0 nm. The percent protein separation was
the two values the percent water content was derived by calculated from the concentration of feed and permeates
[25] using Eq. (4)
Eq. (2).
Ww  Wd  100 Cp
%Water content ¼ ð2Þ %SR ¼ 1   100 ð4Þ
Ww Cf

where Ww is the wet sample weight and Wd is the dry where Cp and Cf are concentrations of permeate and
sample weight. feed, respectively.
Upon, completion of run, the ultrafiltration cell was
2.3.4. Membrane hydraulic resistance (Rm ) emptied, the membrane was removed and washed gently
Membrane hydraulic resistance is an important with pure water to remove adherent protein solution,
parameter, which decides the productivity of the mem- and then re-inserted in the clean cell for re-measurement
branes at a given pressure [24]. This would be of more of its pure water flux.
useful to apply the membrane for a particular environ-
ment and to identify the suitability of the membranes 2.5. Morphological studies
for a particular membrane process. Membrane hydrau-
lic resistance (Rm ), was evaluated by measuring pure Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (LEICA Ste-
water flux at different transmembrane pressures such reoscan, Cambridge, UK) analyzed the morphology of
as 69, 138, 207, 276 and 345 kPa after compaction. the blend membranes with different compositions. The
The resistance of the membrane was evaluated from membranes were cut into pieces of various sizes and
the slope obtained by plotting the transmembrane mopped with filter paper. These pieces were immersed in
pressure difference (DP ) vs. water flux (Jw ) using the liquid nitrogen for 20–30 s and were frozen. Frozen bits
Eq. (3). of the membranes were broken and kept in a desiccator.
DP These membrane samples were used for SEM studies
Rm ¼ ð3Þ [26]. Various SEM images were taken for top surface
and cross-sectional views of the membranes of 100%,
95%, 85%, 75% and 65% of CA.
2.3.5. Molecular weight cut-off (MWCO)
Molecular weight cut-off of the membrane was
determined by identifying an inert solute, which has the 3. Results and discussion
lowest molecular weight and has solute rejection of 80–
100%, in steady state UF experiments [25]. Thus, the 3.1. Sulfonation of PEEK
proteins of different molecular weights such as, bovine
serum albumin (69 kDa), egg albumin (45 kDa), pepsin The introduction of –SO3 H groups per repeating unit
(35 kDa) and trypsin (20 kDa) were taken for rejection in the PEEK chain leads to a large modification of its
studies for the membranes with 100/0%, 90/10%, 80/ solubility. The physical and chemical properties of
20%, 70/30%, 65/35% of CA/SPEEK compositions. The SPEEK depend on the concentration of –SO3 H group
permeate concentrations were analyzed using UV–visi- and the nature of counter ions. Sulfonation modifies the
ble spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Model UV-160A), at chemical character of PEEK, reduces the crystallinity
kmax ¼ 280 nm. and consequently affects solubility.
G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762 755

The thermal stability of sulfonated and pure PEEK thermal stability, probably due to acid-catalyzed deg-
was investigated by TGA. The experiment was run from radation. It is found that the onset weight loss temper-
20 to 900 C at a heating rate of 10 C/min under ature of SPEEK strongly decreases as the degree of
nitrogen atmosphere. The TGA and DTG curves of sulfonation is increased. Similar behavior has been ob-
PEEK and SPEEK are shown in Fig. 1. It is seen that served for sulfonated polysulfone [27–29].
three-weight loss steps are observed for SPEEK, which
is reflected by three broad peaks in the DTG curve in 3.1.1. Determination of degree of sulfonation
three separate temperature ranges. The second weight From Fisher’s back titration method [19], the ion-
loss peak in SPEEK is believed to be due to splitting-off exchange capacity of SPEEK polymer measured at
sulfuric acid groups. A similar observation was also room temperature. The degree of sulfonation was
made for sulfonated polysulfone [27]. The maximum of determined quantitatively by H1 -NMR spectra using the
third peak for SPEEK sample shifted to 530 from 600 C method described in [20] for SPEEK polymers. Fig. 3
for PEEK [20]. The sulfonic acid decomposition was shows that the presence of sulfonic acid groups causes a
found to be at 355 C in the TGA/DTG for the sulfo- significant 0.25 ppm down-field shift of the hydrogen HE
nated sample. compared with HC , HD in the hydroquinone ring. The
From the DSC analysis of PEEK and SPEEK are nomenclatures of the aromatic protons for the SPEEK
reported Fig. 2 it is easy to indicate that the introduction repeat unit is given in Fig. 4. The presence of each
of –SO3 H groups into PEEK significantly decreases its –SO3 H group results in a distinct signal for the protons

Fig. 1. TGA curve of (a) PEEK and (b) SPEEK.

756 G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762

Fig. 2. DSC thermogram of (a) PEEK and (b) SPEEK.

at the E position. The intensity of this HE signal yields and solute rejection studies and the results have been
the estimation of HE content which is equivalent to the discussed with respect to the effect of polymer blend
–SO3 H group content [20]. The 1 H-NMR signal for the composition.
–SO3 H group is less easily recordable directly because
this proton is labile. The ratio between the peak area of 3.2.1. Membrane compaction
the distinct HE signal, (AHE ) and the integrated peak At constant operating pressure (414 kPa), the pure
area of the signals corresponding to all the other aro- water flux of CA/SPEEK blend membranes upon com-
matic hydrogens (AHA;A0 ;B;B0 ;C;D ), is expressed as paction was measured for every one hour. During
n AHE compaction, the water flux was found to be high initially
¼P ð0 6 n 6 1Þ ð5Þ and declines gradually and reaches a steady state after 4
ð12  2nÞ AHA;A0 ;B;B0 ;C;D
h of compaction, for all membranes as shown in Fig. 5.
where n is the number of HE per repeat unit. An estimate This initial decline in flux may be due to the fact that the
of the degree of sulfonation is obtained as n  100%. membrane pores are being compacted leading to uni-
form pore size and steady state water flux.
3.2. Characterization of the blend membranes
3.2.2. Pure water flux
The blend membranes were found to be compatible Membranes after compaction were subjected to a
up to a composition of 65/35% of CA/SPEEK in DMF. pressure of 345 kPa for the measurement of pure water
These membranes were subjected to the characterization flux. The flux was measured under steady state flow [30].
G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762 757

Fig. 3. 1 H-NMR spectrum of SPEEK.

Fig. 4. Nomenclature of the aromatic protons for the SPEEK.

SPEEK (0% ) SPEEK (5% )
SPEEK (10% ) SPEEK (15% )
250 SPEEK (20% ) SPEEK (25% )
SPEEK (30% ) SPEEK (35% )
-2 -1
Pure water flux, lm h





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time, h

Fig. 5. Effect of compaction time on pure water flux of CA/SPEEK blend membranes.
758 G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762

The values of pure water flux are presented in the Fig. 5. 94

The value shows that in the blend membranes, as the
concentration of the SPEEK increases from 5% to 35% 92
in the increment of 5%, the water flux also increases
from 34.28 to 157.91 l m2 h1 . This linear trend due to 90

Water content, %
the increase in SPEEK content in the blend may be due
to the hydrophilic nature of the –SO3 H group present in 88
the membrane.

3.2.3. Water content 84

Water content is considered to be an important
parameter for membrane characterization, since the 82
pure water flux of the membrane can be predicted
qualitatively based on these results. Variation in the 80
concentration of SPEEK from 5 to 35 wt.% in the blend 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
membranes resulted in an increase in the water content Composition of CA, %
of the membranes from 84.9% to 93% as shown in Fig.
Fig. 6. Effect of water content on composition of CA in CA/
6. This increase in percent water content may be due to SPEEK membranes.
the hydrophilic nature of the membranes due to the
presence of –SO3 H group of SPEEK, as compared with
pure cellulose acetate membrane. due to large segregated distances between polymer
chains. Further, the values are inversely proportional to
the water flux of the respective membranes.
3.2.4. Membrane hydraulic resistance (Rm )
Resistance of the membrane was calculated from the
slope of the plot of transmembrane pressure vs. water 3.2.5. Molecular weight cut-off
flux as shown in Fig. 7. The effects of concentration of Based on the rejection values of the globular proteins
SPEEK on Rm values are given Table 3. From the values and the procedure followed by Sarbolouki [25], the
it is obvious that as the concentration of the SPEEK in MWCO of the CA/SPEEK membranes has been deter-
the blend system is increased, the membrane resistance mined and is reported in Table 3. It is seen that pure CA
decreased. This may be due to the fact that and increase membrane (100/0%), has the lowest MWCO value of 20
in SPEEK content in blend increases the void volume kDa, as the membrane has yielded 82% rejection for

100/0 % 95/5%
160 90/10 % 85/15 %

140 80/20 % 75/25 %

Pure water flux, lm-2h-1

70/30 % 65/35 %






0 100 200 300 400 500
Transmembrane pressure,kPa

Fig. 7. Effect of transmembrane pressure on pure water flux of CA/SPEEK blend membranes.
G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762 759

Table 3
Characteristics of CA/SPEEK blend membranes
Polymer blend composition (17.5 wt.%) Pure water flux Water content (wt%) Rm (kPa/l m2 h1 ) MWCO (kDa)
CA % SPEEK % (l m2 h1 ) 345 kPa

100 0 20.78 81.98 18.762 20

95 5 34.28 84.89 10.846 –
90 10 70.65 86.78 5.479 35
85 15 101.81 88.95 4.045 –
80 20 114.28 89.70 3.498 45
75 25 128.32 90.88 3.160 –
70 30 139.21 91.97 2.907 69
65 35 157.91 93.00 2.567 >69

trypsin (20 kDa). The MWCO value has increased upon Trypsin
an increase of SPEEK content in the blend and thus, at 280
35% SPEEK content, the MWCO was found to be >69

Permeate flux, lm -2h-1

kDa. This increase in MWCO value may be due to Egg albumin
formation of a segmental gap, due to the partial phase BSA
separation upon proportionately increasing the concen- 180
tration of SPEEK in the blend. Similar results have been
observed for CA and epoxy resin blend membranes, 130
with various blend compositions and found successful in
protein rejection applications [7].

3.3. Protein rejection studies 30

60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
The rejection of proteins viz., BSA, EA, pepsin and Composition of CA, %
trypsin has been carried out using CA/SPEEK (100/0%,
90/10%, 80/20%, 70/30% and 65/35%) membranes. The Fig. 8. Effect of permeate flux of protein solutions on various
pH of the feed solution was kept constant at 7.2, since, compositions of CA in CA/SPEEK membranes.
the change in pH may increase the adsorptive fouling of
the membrane [31]. Further, intermolecular forces be-
tween protein molecules and membranes will predomi- 100
nate and affect the efficiency of membranes if pH of the
solution changes [32].
The permeate flux of proteins such as BSA, EA, 80
pepsin and trypsin by 100/0%, 90/10%, 80/20%, 70/30%
and 65/35% CA/SPEEK blend membranes are shown in
Rejection, %

Fig. 8. From the figure, it is obvious that when the 60

SPEEK content in the blend is increased, the flux of the
all the proteins is also increased. This is because mem-
branes with SPEEK can absorb more water on feed side 40 Trypsin
of the membrane, the transport driving force of water is, Pepsin
thus, increased. Thus trypsin has shown higher flux of Egg albumin
297.52 l m2 s1 at 65/35 of CA/SPEEK compared to 20 BSA
other proteins in view of its low molecular weight and
smaller solute radius.
When pure CA membrane (100%) was subjected to
separation of proteins, it exhibited a higher separation 60 70 80 90 100
of 90%, 85.5%, 84% and 82% of BSA, EA, pepsin and Composition of CA, wt %
trypsin respectively as shown in Fig. 9. For CA/SPEEK
blend membranes, as the CA content decreased, the Fig. 9. Effect of percentage rejection of proteins on various
separation also decreased for all proteins. Thus for compositions of CA in CA/SPEEK membranes.
760 G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762

90/10% CA/SPEEK blend membranes, BSA exhibited a 3.4. Morphological studies

higher rejection of 82% and reduced to 66% for 65/35%
blend membrane compared to other proteins in order to Morphology of the blend membranes were analyzed
its higher molecular weight. Similar trend was observed by SEM with different polymer compositions and the
for other proteins. results are depicted in Figs. 10 and 11. At 100 wt.% of

Fig. 10. SEM micrographs of top surface of CA/SPEEK membranes with different blend compositions (a) 100/0; (b) 95/5; (c) 85/15;
(d) 75/25; (e) 65/35 wt.% of CA/SPEEK blend membranes (5000· magnification).
G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762 761

Fig. 11. SEM micrographs of cross-section of CA/SPEEK membranes with different blend compositions (a) 100/0; (b) 95/5; (c) 85/15;
(d) 75/25; (e) 65/35 wt.% of CA/SPEEK blend membranes (250· magnification).

CA, membrane exhibit smaller pores distributed evenly. 4. Conclusion

As, the SPEEK composition increased in the casting
solution, the pore size increased proportionally. The A new type of polymeric blend membrane material
cross-section of membrane confirms the asymmetry in based on cellulose acetate and SPEEK has been devel-
the ultrastructure of the membrane. The addition of oped. Sulfonation studies prove that sulfonation of
SPEEK to CA greatly reduced the formation of mac- PEEK occurred in sulfuric acid at room temperature.
rovoids. At the base CA content, increasing SPEEK Thermal analysis of SPEEK shows that the stability is
content gives substantial and systematic increases in the almost same to that observed for the parent PEEK. DSC
membrane permeability. analysis proves that SPEEK does not reach the glass
762 G. Arthanareeswaran et al. / European Polymer Journal 40 (2004) 751–762

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