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Author: Ustaz Hussein

Publisher: Pencak Silat Sharaf International
Class: Short Course
"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need
not be feared.”

Niccolo Machiavelli 


Throughout your life, you’ve seen the shadows of good and evil. But for some
inexplicable reason, the shadows of evil always seem to be stronger than the shadows of
good. So I asked myself, “Why do the good guys usually lose? And if they do win, how do
they win?” The answer to that question is what made me research and try and understand
how the good guys, you and me, can take on the bad guys and beat them at their own
game. These were the things I pondered in my discussions with one of my mentors, a
retired and ill CIA field agent who had spent years in Southeast Asia spying and killing
people during the Vietnam war.

We spent long hours discussing how the mind is the ultimate weapon and what aspects
of combat training and its principles were capable of weaponizing the human mind in a
short amount of time. The result was the Warrior Mind Combat Blueprint, which is
essentially a combination of my martial and street experience, my mentor’s experience
training and working as an intel officer, and the strategic combat principles we analyzed
together and found most effective. You as a martial artist, businessperson, prepared
citizen or any other term you refer to yourself by, must have this knowledge in order to
properly deal with the satanic forces that are at work 24 hours a day in this world.  
"What you are thinking about you are becoming."

Muhammad Ali


I’m a paramedic by profession, not an agent for anyone, but I’ve been gifted by God
Almighty with the ability to kick some serious ass with combatives and I had the street
experience to test out my theories all over the world. Hence my mentor took an
immediate liking to me and was very willing to share his experience and knowledge with
me over a seven-year period. I’m now so good at what I do, people from all over the
world, corrections officers, police, civilians, paramedics, soldiers, intelligence officers,
and straight-up business people looking to get a mental edge, seek me out for training.
And several governments with less than stellar human rights records have offered me
employment to teach their henchmen. But the truth is, my physical skills are only half the
reason they come. The other half is because I can transform their men mentally to accept
fighting and killing as a natural part of their combat training. I do this with the Warrior
Mind Combat Blueprint. Believe it or not, MOST martial arts instructors do not think
about this at all. They consider martial arts as a means of self-defence and fitness, not as
a means of maiming or killing another person in violent conflict. And surely not as a body
of strategic knowledge to be applied to all aspects of life to dominate the people we
meet. This is the stark reality of our time and the major reason why most martial arts
instructors and students fail miserably when faced with lesser skilled but hyper-violent
criminals on the street. They focus entirely on developing physical skills while neglecting
the most potent weapon of a killer: his mind. 
And you must become a killer if you wish to defeat one. If you aren’t ready to accept that
reality then you’re in the right place…continue reading because you need this course
more than anyone else.

Hopefully, by the end of this mind training course, you will understand and accept the
reasoning behind such statements.  

When you prepare for the worst humanity can do, you're not easily surprised
“I often laughed at those who thought themselves good because they had no




When I was young, I spent almost three years of my life in a violent street gang. Drugs,
home invasions, burglary, robbing rival drug dealers, armed robbery, you name it and we
probably did it. Brutality was a normal thing with the people I associated with and the
more I was involved, the more I become desensitized to evil. Even though I was a martial
artist, I knew very well that what I learned in the dojo had to be re-engineered with a
touch of cloak and dagger to make it functional in the environment I was working in. One
of the main things required was mindset re-engineering. In the gang, one of the first
things you need to do to prove yourself is to commit violence against another person…
usually an enemy. Rarely are civilians involved, but sometimes it happened if the civilian
was mouthy or aggressive to the wrong people or someone in our group. The gang did
this to force members to “cross the Rubicon” so to speak and start the road of
desensitization to violence which is needed to be part of a street gang or drug cartel.
Martial arts/self-defence is a completely different mindset than murder. To plan a pre-
meditated attack on an unsuspecting person puts you at another level psychologically.
And that is the reason they do it: to test your mettle and prep you. 
In the military special operations community, if you want to get in, they commit violence
against you and if you have the heart and balls to survive…you’re in. Then they test your
capability in committing violence against others through some clandestine ops. In drug
cartels and street gangs, if you want in, you have to commit violence against other
people, usually enemies, and you have to be a good earner. In traditional Pencak Silat, a
vicious Indonesian martial art that I teach, a man would be called “Pendekar”, a warrior,
after having seen actual physical combat with another man and especially after killing his
enemy. Up until that point, he was referred to politely as, “Guru”, or teacher. These have
been the simple yet effective rules for men-at-arms for thousands of years, whether
good guy or bad guy…experience is key to getting respect and position. Then came the
television set, and the world changed. Suddenly, in the martial arts community, to be
recognized, you must commit violence against a punching bag, pay $89.99 a month gym
membership, smile and bow to a “grandmaster” of “combat” who’s probably never shot,
stabbed, or killed anyone in his entire life and then you can call yourself master without
having any experience in your life, also.

You starting to see the problem here? This method of training disconnects students from
the mental viciousness required to do what most martial arts were actually meant to do,
i.e. maim, kill, your adversary or control them through fear for a specific purpose of your
choosing. If you want to have any chance to go up against people who can easily murder
your entire family then go and have lunch at McDonald’s and forget you exist, you need
to break the cycle of deficient training in your current martial arts regime. You must
reprogram your mind and make it capable of all your worst enemy can do, but with the
ethical emergency stop button that defines the clear line between you, the good guy,
and a cartel assassin. You need to be able to free your mind from its social conditioning
of good and evil; match their brutality and surpass it whenever you choose. That’s the
only way you will ever have a chance at defeating evil when you face it head-on in a
darkly lit parking lot. The Warrior Mind Combat Blueprint will address the disconnect you
have seen your entire life. It will train you to think like a killer so you can defeat killers.
And that means we are diving deep into your brain and re-programming it. You’re the
good guy or girl, and you MUST win in order for evil to be halted on this planet. It doesn’t
get any simpler than that. I’ve traveled to almost every continent on earth, trained with
dozens of instructors and students from all sorts of combative backgrounds, and seen
the exact same problem in most of them. Their bodies are iron but their minds are softer
than a baby’s backside.

If you continue in your socialized, sweet, strawberry puff training methods, you will never
be able to defeat a sophisticated killer who is determined to execute you…regardless if
you are MUCH higher skilled in physical combat than they are. Regardless if you are much
higher educated than your adversary. They will kill you without a passing thought while
you slowly doze off in a pool of your own blood…whether real or figurative.
The Warrior Mind Combat Blueprint will train you in my system of thinking so you will
survive and you will win against your adversaries, and against difficult circumstances
because 90% of winning is in your MINDSET to fight, NOT in your technical skills.
Technical skills are a secondary luxury that if you have them, you are ahead of the game.
And if you don’t, you’ll still be able to apply this system and scare the living shit out of
the 99% of martial artists on this planet because they don’t train correctly. This training
will embed brutality into your psychology within minutes of focusing on the material
presented. It’s that potent and I guarantee it works because I’ve used it and my mentor
used it to survive incredible violence.

You must weaponize your mind. You must apply the training in this course immediately
so you can start benefitting from it and winning. It doesn’t matter if you are a martial
artist, a soldier or an entrepreneur…this training course is for you. It will train you to be
more ruthless, more strategic, more decisive, more pre-meditated; it will make you a
TRUE WARRIOR. The Warrior Mind Combat Blueprint is not a coffee table course to buy
and set aside. It’s a field manual to be opened daily, and it will guide you step by bloody
step until you have effectively transformed your mind into what it’s supposed to be:


Staying calm under extreme conditions is easier said than done

There is nothing like African armies to make you feel secure


When the Mongols invaded Baghdad from the East, they moved from town to town
mowing down everything and everyone in sight. Sometimes. Other times they would be
very merciful and kill not a single person. People said they were crazy and unpredictable,
but actually, they had a very clear strategy. That was to create fear, which is a far more
powerful and longer-lasting tool than physical violence. You’ll see why later in the course.
When you dangle brutality in front of someone then offer them mercy as a way out of it,
you psychologically bring that person under your control through fear.

The fear of physical brutality is stronger to compel a human to act than the action itself
which the body can endure for long periods of time before it expires. Hence, the
statement, “It is better to be feared than loved if you can’t have both.” The Mongols
understood this well and they employed brutality in one place to terrify the inhabitants
of a hundred other places so they wouldn’t need to fight there. One of the scariest
humans I ever met was a man the people close to him simply referred to as, “The
Colonel”. I met The Colonel by way of introduction via a friend of mine who was an
intelligence officer and had experience “dealing” with Southern Sudanese militias.
He was an extremely intelligent gentleman who carried an aura of a doctor or academic
but was anything but that. We drank tea, ate biscuits, and discussed the war between the
north and the south. And the atrocities that were generously committed on both sides of
the fence.

He spoke freely because of the amnesty that was in place for fighters on both sides and
agreed upon by the warring parties by another gentleman I refer to in a later Mindwarp as
“The Man With The Tiger Skin Shoes.” After about half an hour of back and forth on
general issues regarding the war and why it took place, he asked me a question I’ll never
forget: “You’re a Muslim. If you had the opportunity…wouldn’t you kill me for what I have
done to your people?” Considering the crew of killers, sorry, “friends” he always traveled
with, killing him was not an easy task. But his question bothered me unlike any other I
received from him because it caught me off guard and that’s quite an unusual feeling for
me. He didn’t wait for me to answer the question, instead, he spoke at length of the
injustice to his people at the hands of the Muslim government in Khartoum and his
reasons for committing mass murder. And the primary reason he mentioned…strategy.

He clearly explained that his strategy of brutality helped them slow Muslim villages from
assisting the central government and fear cowed anyone in proximity who understood the
repercussions of helping the government. Kill a hundred to terrify a thousand. It’s an old
strategy but as effective in the 21st century as it was a thousand years ago. He was a scary
man. One of many scary men I’ve met in my life. At the end of our discussion, I answered
his question and he replied me with one word, “Likewise.”
Immediate Action:

Use fear as a tool only once you have established your authority through aggression,
then rule your adversaries through fear to establish deeper psychological control.
Fear is clear threats backed up by violent action if your orders are not complied with
to the letter. One method I use to train this in students is with bloody meat. This is a
basic drill for decisiveness through visualization.

Get a hunk of bloody meat and a dagger. Visualize an adversary refusing to comply
then stab the bloody meat with the dagger. Refusing results in a stab, complying
results in a nod of acceptance from you. Physically nod. You must associate physical
actions with your visualization in order for it to take strong effect. Make sure you
visualize the person in as much detail as possible. And DO NOT visualize someone you
know personally. These training drills will feel very real after a while and can cause
you to change your mood against a totally innocent person if you use them as a
visualization dummy. Don’t do it. 

Corrupt state institutions can be just as bad as cartels and mafias

It's hard to concentrate on anything when in the lap of ultra luxury



What I hate the most about luxury is the fact that it's so damn luxurious. Plush sofas, fast
cars, silver-shaft umbrellas, soft beds, sweet smelling things I can't identify, and beautiful
Italian pillows with names I can't pronounce. Gorgeous. I love it all and I won't be a
hypocrite and say I don't. I have a suspicious look for anyone who tells me they don't like
to live comfortably, luxuriously and plush. It's nice, no doubt, the problem is it's also
death. Luxury is consuming and can take a very functional and down to earth individual
and turn them into a mindless, corrupt beast. I'm the perfect example. When I was in
college I was broke. I had no idea what I was going to do and I spent all my time trying to
convince everyone else I knew exactly what I was going to do. Money was tight but I was
sharp and resourceful so I survived.

Later on, I made a lot more money in Taiwan with a good job and a side business that
raked me in a comfy living. Suddenly, I had thirty pairs of shoes, designer shirts I didn't
even wear and a house full of stuff that occupied my mind. At this point, I entered
entirely into what I call the “plush bubble.” This is a special place. When you're in the
plush bubble, you see the whole world through sesame street glasses. Everyone is always
happy, smiling and waiting to do for you what you won't do for yourself. 
The plush bubble is the end of the road for the warrior mind. If you disagree with me, look
at the royalty in Bahrain, Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, etc. They've all been consumed. The plush
bubble is a vicious enemy. Be mindful of your surroundings and don't let yourself get
sucked into the plush bubble's fantasy world. What you see around you will influence the
way you think and behave, so surround yourself with simple things and straight talking
people, not bullshit sycophants. Your judgment will be clearer and those you lead will
have a stronger respect for you because you make the conscious decision to remain
simple. This doesn't mean you have to live like a popper from penny to penny, no way.
Deng Shiao Ping said it, "To get rich is glorious." So don't ever imagine I'm saying you
should stay poor. I'm definitely not. Get rich, get power, and then use it to propel yourself
ever closer to your ambitions in life and to further establish your control in your
environment. When you train in martial arts you should also keep this mentality of
simplicity in order to maintain mental discipline. Fancy golden swords and jewel-encrusted
pistols are signature weapons of fools destined to failure.

When Saladin took over Egypt from the Fatimid Shia rulers, the king, Aideed, had left an
opulent castle filled with hundreds of rooms and endless concubines. Saladin, being what
he was, refused to move in or even see it. The castle was sectioned off and given to the
people. He said before he died, "There are people in this world for whom dust and wealth
are the same."

Immediate Action:

Stay simple and focused and don’t indulge too much in anything. That indulgence is
what your enemies will see as a weakness in you and ultimately use against you when
circumstances favor them. In your training environment, model it after your
mentality. If it’s too plush and sexy you’ll never feel any difficulty in it and defeat the
purpose of your training. Make sure the environment is cold and the equipment
simple and functional. The more you train in a harsh environment devoid of niceties
that make you feel good the more your mind will associate combat with harshness
and keep you focused on what you’re actually there for.  
Being positively unreasonable is a gift not a curse 



Khalid bin Al-Walid was known as one of the most effective generals of his time and one
of the most brilliant military thinkers of all time. What people rarely realize about him is
that he had an incredible work ethic and he was totally unreasonable. People used to say
about him, "He never sleeps and he doesn't allow others to sleep." When you wanted to
run, he would make you fight. When you wanted to sleep, he would make you work.
When you were sure it was impossible, he guaranteed you it was possible. The man drove
everyone insane and that's why his people loved him. He went on to conquer Persia and
large parts of the Eastern Roman Empire Hard work, good work ethic and leadership
through example is the way to push people behind your banner and make them excel to
heights they thought they couldn't achieve. A lazy leader who lacks creativity or drive to
be different can never expect to see success or happiness amongst the people he or she
is leading. Lots of reasonable people doing reasonable things and then going to sleep,
that's all a lazy uncreative leader produces. 
Immediate Action:

Look at what the majority of people are doing and do the EXACT opposite and you’ll
soon find yourself sought after by people you once admired. When this happens your
confidence levels rise and you start to develop a natural command presence that
others love…and fear. Grab a block of paper and write down 5 things that you fear,
then write the reason why you fear them next to it. Read it out loud and strike the
sentence out with your pen, again, making a physical action associate with your
mental decision not to fear it any longer. The next step is to plan to actually do what
you fear and conquer it. Go through each item on the list and choose the easiest one
to complete. Then go and do it. Once that one is done, the rest will get simpler until
you see your list is complete.

Willpower is the key to weaponizing fear and using it as a potent tool.

Nothing better than a box of fresh donuts to ruin your life 


When I was in college I worked at Dunkin Donuts as a cashier. One night when I was on
graveyard shift a beautiful young lady and her boyfriend came into the restaurant. I was
really impressed with the guy. Muscles ripping, handsome, great clothes and expensive
perfume. Compared to my stupid donut uniform he could have been an Italian Vogue
model it was so depressing. The girl was no slacker either, absolutely stunning. Then a
ridiculous situation occurred. This muscle-bound idiot attempted to order a box of
donuts. He couldn't make a decision for bloody chocolate or strawberry and kept asking
his girlfriend. After literally three minutes fumbling with his words the supermodel next
to him exploded into a flurry of insults and finished with a scene stopper, she swatted
muscle boy right across the head in front of me. This guy put his head down and his
girlfriend told me to finish the order with a random selection of my top-class donuts.
After twelve seconds and some shameless giggling, I finished my selection, handed her
the prize, and received the cash and a big smile in return. Doesn't matter if you're
ordering donuts or assaults on enemy positions, it's all the same principle.

                                            Decisive = Victory          Indecisive = Defeat

Immediate Action:

Any decision is better than no decision. Even if you all end up dead or your company
goes broke…make the fucking decision and handle the consequences afterward. You
start doing this TODAY, not next week, NOW. There is something serious in your life
that requires a decision right now, as you are reading this sentence. Stop, think of the
issue for 1 minute EXACTLY, then decide. Regardless of the outcome of your
decision...follow it through to the end.  

A decision taken, even a shitty one, is always better than no decision.

Nothing makes you wake up faster than injustice breathing on you 



The more you try to deal justly with the people you lead, the more they will be ready to
accept the decisions you make. Even when those decisions are directly against them. This
dynamic can be witnessed in its purest form at your neighborhood kindergarten. If the
teacher favors one child in the class, not heaven nor hell could stop the screaming that
ensues after the injustice is perceived by the other children. Adults are more nefarious,
though. They'll suck it up and be quiet, then plot your downfall or subsequent poisoning,
whichever one is more convenient. If you implement it you'll get loyalty and support from
your group and help from unexpected corners in times of crisis. If you're unjust and go
the extremist route to favor certain groups, the masses will despise you and the group
you favor will become corrupt.

Immediate Action:

Use justice to control people and keep them feeling secure and happy. This makes
them much more pliable and willing to support you when you have serious problems.
Action, even when shitty, trumps inaction every time 


After ten years of Karate training, Tanaka finally got his black belt. The feeling of
superiority, accomplishment and pride is clearly visible in his manly smirk. The entire
process cost him thousands of dollars in tuition fees, equipment, seminars, time, and
sweat. Then one evening after an argument over a parking space with a drunken
teenager, he gets beaten senseless and left in a bloody heap on the pavement. The one
time in his life that he depended on his Karate skills to defend himself and his parking
space, was the last time he ever relied on Karate again. I heard this story from a Japanese
businessman while we chatted over Sashimi in a Tokyo Izakaya some years ago. He
seemed embarrassed about the entire ordeal, but after downing a few shots of warm
Sake his tongue gained a life of its own. I listened and concentrated, trying my utmost to
comprehend the more broken verses of his broken English. After about an hour of
sorrowful storytelling and polite gas release from various locations, I decided I had had
enough sob stories about Karate's inability to tackle the menace of junior high school
students. For those of you that have never visited Japan, take some advice from a world
traveler. There are few places as beautiful and intriguing as Tokyo in the evening time.
It's one of the finest places on earth to contemplate life's incredible failures and still be
able to look around and see something that will make you smile. The evening was
stunning, so I walked back to my hotel analyzing the story I got from the Karate master.
Things didn't add up in my mind and I was certain Karate was not the problem.
You see, you can have incredible skill, superior technology, and endless resources at your
fingertips. But ALL of these advantages will be rendered useless unless you are WILLING
TO ACT. The Karate master blamed his training and to some degree, I agree with him. It
was subpar simply because it lacked the psychological components to prepare someone to
deal with reality and act rather than react. But the end blame is squarely in the lap of the
master himself, he didn't have the will to act and the teenage boy did. The willingness to
act when faced with a difficult situation is something that you prepare in your mind PRIOR
to the problem emerging. When you get into a problem situation you go into auto-pilot
and you default to your level of preparedness and training. REPEAT IN YOUR MIND
EVERDAY that you will act when the situation requires and you won't hesitate. Your mind
is a computer. Input a correct command and you'll get a correct result. Input a bullshit
command, or in the master's case, no command, and you'll draw a blank when you
desperately need a result. If you prepare yourself physically and mentally you will always
win over those who are unprepared. Their superior skills and resources will never avail
them if the central computer goes offline when it's time to execute a program. Chance
may favor the bold, but victory usually favors the damn prepared.

Immediate Action:

Make the decision to fight, kill, or maim an adversary RIGHT NOW. Then create 3
combat scenarios in your mind where you ACTUALLY do these things to people and
succeed in doing them. The more your mind gets comfy with violence mentally, the
easier it will be in real life to actually do it. This is what gangsters call, “psyching
yourself into it.” It sounds simple but it’s extremely powerful and effective. If you can
visualize this in front of a punching bag or with your bloody piece of meat again, it
will be even more effective as you have the physical component supporting the
Do what you say but don’t always say what you’ll do 


One of my friends was a small-time cocaine dealer. Nothing significant, usually less than a
quarter kilo of white at any given moment on the street. Many of the tough youngsters
coming up, including myself, looked up to him like he was Escobar in person. He wasn’t.
He was just older than us, stronger than us, and he drove a nice car. We used to call him
“Pee Wee” because he had this stupid love of the children’s show character Pee Wee
Herman. For some reason, he found him to be hilarious and he even copied his antics
sometimes and vilified it a bit to be “gangsta” Pee Wee Herman. It was constant jokes.
But when he got angry at people who didn’t pay for merchandise, or some of the kids
who sold and came up short on money owed, the real Pee Wee came out. There was
nothing funny about it and he lost all the hilariousness he had before. One thing about
Pee Wee, he always kept his threats real and vivid. A new guy in our crew, tough kid,
Haitian, but stupid…came up short on a few grams of white and about half a brick of
marijuana he was supposed to sell. Pee Wee met up with us one night to “discuss” the
issue. Before anybody had an idea what was going on, he had the kid on the floor and
slowly dragged his knife over the boy’s fingers peeling the skin to the bone.

Lesson learned: back up everything you say with action, good or bad. Communication is
the basis of any relationship a person has with another person. But your communication
can never be devoid of consequence if it’s betrayed.
1. You must communicate your ideas directly and honestly to those you wish to influence. I
repeat again, honestly. Nothing will make people lose respect faster than if they know
they are dealing with a liar or a coward. You'll gain in the short term but in the long run,
you'll lose.

2. Good communication clarifies the orders you want people to follow. Poor
communication makes an order confusing, and the people who receive these orders will
do something completely wrong or waste time.

3. When you communicate a threat, always make sure you are ready AND CAPABLE of
carrying out that threat if your orders are not obeyed. Pee Wee was ready to act, and
that’s why he was obeyed.

Police officers are ready to shoot, and that’s why they are obeyed. The last time I saw Pee
Wee was at a drug deal where he was forcibly retired by others tougher and more vicious
than he was. They communicated clearly to him that his sales in that area were infringing
on their sales and he must stop. He refused. But they also backed up their words with
action. The reddish slush on the driver’s side of his Miata communicated clearly that they
were to be obeyed.

Immediate Action:

Focus on clarifying your ideas and speaking concisely. Write the following 5 problem
scenarios on 5 strips of paper.

Strip 1: You accidentally hit a child with your car (not serious, he just hurt his leg) and
the parents are just exiting their home in a panic.

Strip 2: Your carry-on bag has a knife in it you forgot to remove before entering
airport security.

Strip 3: You fought off a home invader but he’s lying unconscious on the floor and the
cops are coming.

Strip 4: You’re buying a Sprite at the convenience store and it gets held up, you
recognize the armed robber as your friend’s son.
Strip 5: Your wife comes home crying that her boss sexually harassed her and touched
her at work…he’s calling her smartphone now.

Now put them in your pocket and stand in a dark room alone. The darker the better, it
helps you lose touch with your current being. Pull one out and start speaking to the
person(s) in the scenario.

Make a conscious effort to speak confidently, authoritatively, and not stutter. Don’t
say “um” or “ah” in your speech and when you do…start again. You want to practice
cold, sterile speech devoid of too much emotion. This type of speech will defuse
anger in people faster and make aggressive people fear you. It will also make you
seem more under control, thus more reliable, when you speak to authorities to relay
information about something that happened.  

Empty words lead to disrespect and eventually...your death.

Half of survival in being a damned good liar 


Four gang members of a Hispanic crew surrounded me once and pushed a gun into my
mouth while threatening me. They accused me of informing to the authorities about
where they hid guns and drugs in the area. I already knew that they didn’t have the
intention to kill me, otherwise I’d already be on the floor licking my own blood. But that
didn’t stop the situation from being very unpleasant. I processed to tell them the “truth”
that I had not informed anyone and I had no intention to inform anyone as their crew was
very strong and powerful, blah, blah, blah. Of course, I informed the authorities and gave
them detailed information on where these idiots had kept their drugs. But I truly
believed in my heart that I didn’t…at that moment.

You do this by VISUALIZING yourself innocent and never capable of doing such a thing.
Remember I said your brain is a computer? Whatever you put in will have an equivalent
output. I convinced myself of my innocence so I could convince them of my innocence
Immediate Action:

Practice this on complete strangers in places far away from where you live. Create
simple, interesting but completely false realities in your mind. Visualize them as
REAL as you possibly can. Research the fake identity you create for yourself and
know the details of that fake identity well enough to speak to someone in that field,
background, environment, etc, in casual conversation. Then speak to a stranger in a
club or restaurant and assume that identity. But remember, whatever you claim to be
must be very well researched and detailed but NEVER go into details with your
unsuspecting training partner. Just know it in your mind. It will make your TRUTH
have depth and give strength to your assumed identity and confidence in your

These types of masks come in very handy when you travel to unsavory places. It’s just
a training drill but a very useful one.  

Saddam Hussein...a master in the fine art of telling true lies

Yes, you look like a fucking lunatic so I assume you are one 


Rabiah Bin Amr arrived in front of the Persian general's carpets, an emissary sent to
deliver the message from the warriors of Arabia to the dictators of the Persian Empire.
He was an illiterate man who owned nothing except the donkey he rode in on, the knife
he tied to the end of a stick and claimed was a spear, and an indomitable spirit to win
which burned bright in his eyes. Perfumed wood was burned, and beautiful thick Persian
carpets and pillows were set out for Rustum, the Persian general, to receive the emissary
when he arrived. The Persians expected to see an envoy with bodyguards, pomp and the
usual fineries that powerful people went about with. Instead they got this peasant and a
sad looking donkey. Rabiah took one look at the Persians and was totally disgusted. He
hated Rustum's golden throne, the way he dealt with the people who served him and the
extreme luxury in which they all surrounded themselves. With a disapproving glance he
dismounted his donkey, kicked the pillows out of his way and walked confidently to
where Rustum was sitting. Just to make a point of how much he disliked the entire
situation, he stabbed his spear into the thick carpet as he walked, shocking the Persians
even further. When he arrived in front of Rustum, the general immediately started
talking about money and bribery to make the opposing army leave. 
Rabiah paid no attention to Rustum's nonsense and made a statement that history can
never ever forget. "We didn't come for your money or jewels. We came to take you out of
the narrowness of this world and into the vastness of the next." This was the beginning of
the end of the Persian Empire. You may sit back and say to yourself Rabiah was too rough,
undiplomatic, rude to his hosts and uncouth in his manners. But really, Rabiah was correct.
He didn't come to meet a friendly king to make an agreement, no, not at all. Rabiah knew
very well that he was standing in front of Rustum, a ruthless dictator that wouldn't
hesitate to brutalize man, woman or child to get what he wanted and he looked at him as

Rustum was as slick as Genghis Khan, as cruel as Ariel Sharon, and as power hungry as
Bashar Assad all wrapped up in one sick little package. Rabiah knew this and he treated
the person accordingly, regardless of his power and status amongst his people. Look at
the individual and treat them with respect or disdain depending on who they are as
individuals, not by their status. The judgment is by what is apparent, so if you are
apparently filth, then I'll treat you as such. And if you have integrity and decency, I'll treat
you with respect. This is the way of Rabiah and Rabiah was correct. Because he knew, if
you cozy up to the devil, you won’t get burned as the old saying goes, you’ll get friendly.
And that’s far more dangerous…unless it’s a deception. We’ll cover that later.

All human beings, animals, and life deserve respect. Only give them other than that if their
actions demand you to do so. And when you must do it, be vicious and relentless in your
punishment and don’t let any tears or begging make you hesitate on that trigger.

Immediate Action:

Never allow anyone to intimidate you because of their position. Remember their
humanity and you’ll rarely fear any of them. Walk into a local gym and look at the
largest, most intimidating guys in there. Size them up into sections and see the most
effective attack points on the eyes, groin, throat, knees, back of the neck. Stay in the
gym and workout while visualizing yourself attacking those points and killing them,
with a knife of empty-handed doesn’t matter. Use training in the gym as the physical
connector between the visualization and the aggressive action. This is a very mind
intensive drill so try and stay away from the people you are visualizing. And as with
all visualizations, make sure you do not know the people you use in your visualization
in any personal way. The point of these drills is to train your mind and to automate
aggression for actual enemies, not innocent people.
Hannibal of Carthage was a master at breaking Roman backs, but not their spirits as
he found out at the hands of Scipio Africanus  


Never issue threats against an enemy without having the resources and will to backup
that threat. A sharp enemy who is worth his salt will smell that lie and call your bluff.
Once your weakness or unwillingness to act is exposed, those under you will lose
confidence and the situation will become perilous. Willingness to act is almost palpable.
You must backup every threat with extreme violence of action from a capable and willing
source. Secondly, the threat of action is far more terrifying than the action itself. I
mentioned this before. People get used to physical pain and suffering very quickly, the
human body can adapt to amazing things. I learned this interesting fact from Palestinians
I met in Sudan who were tortured by the Israeli and Jordanian governments.

Fear lasts longer than pain. To capture your enemy psychologically gives you far more
power than a physical assault and wastes less resources. Thirdly, never waste human and
financial resources fighting battles that can be won without direct confrontation. The
best victory is the one that doesn't get you bloody, and the best fighting is the one
where victory is attained due to excellent preparation. Fourthly, seek out the weak
points in the enemy's armor and drive your sharpest daggers deep into those places. Find
what he loves and rip it apart, seek out what he needs and prevent him from getting it,
find out what he believes in and make him disbelieve in it. Military power and superiority
will be useless once you can break his will to fight.
Fifthly, collect the pieces of him after he is shattered and add them to your collective
strength. Destroy him mentally, then let him see his salvation as part of you. Destroy the
enemy's spirit and his body will cease to be of use.

Immediate Action:

Always look for the weakest points in the other guy’s game AND the strongest
points. If you can destroy a weak point he feels a loss, if you can destroy a strong
point, he feels anguish and loses confidence. On your smartphone or on a pad of
paper, write down the names of three confident people you know relatively well.
Identify 3 defining characteristics about them that make them unique and strong
individuals. Then think which way would be the fastest, most expedient way to make
them angry or emotional and put a chink in their usual armor. This shouldn’t be too
difficult as you know the person already and have probably seen what raises their ire
and what doesn’t. Seeking out a way to enrage a person is the easiest way to
defeating them. Anger is an emotion that can take an intelligent person and turn
them into a complete fool. Hence, the sages of old always instructed their followers,
“Don’t make decisions when you’re angry.” This drill will teach you to identify
weaknesses and strengths in all people around you. This is necessary because
everyone is your friend, everyone is your enemy, and everyone you meet has the
potential to love you or hurt you in equal measure. The people closest to me who I
considered “friends” were the ones who betrayed me the fastest. That’s a sad reality
of the world we live in. And one that you must mentally accept whether you feel
yourself under threat at this moment or not. The reason is simple: preparation will
always outweigh reaction at the last moment. When a person close to you has taken
that total 180-degree shift…you will not recognize them afterward and they will be
alien to you. There is no use in trying to negotiate with this person either, regardless
if they were a husband, a wife, a child, a best friend, or a co-worker you had lunch with
happily for years. They are now an open enemy. It takes superior mental discipline to
hurt the people you love for your personal benefit. When they choose to do it, it will
be after much personal consideration and deliberation in their own hearts. They must
mentally and emotionally cut you off and disconnect from you on any human level to
effectively betray you. When you finally see them in their moment of betrayal, what
you are seeing is the devil himself in human form. Your pleading will mean nothing to
them and your cries will fall on deaf ears. At this point, only action can speak for you.
Do not expect any mercy or reversal of their decision. You must ACT in order to
survive this type of adversary.  
One of my less than inviting hiding spots in Khartoum


I sat in the dark, miserably hot attic with my pregnant wife and my feverish son,
wondering what the fuck we were going to do. The electricity was cut-off, the water had
stopped, and I only had about $600 left with me. Anyone who’s ever been to Sudan
knows very well…$600 doesn’t go very far in a sanctioned country where black market
Baskin Robbin's ice cream can run you $85 a liter. I had already sold my laptop, my Treo
750, and my Casio G-Shock I bought in Taiwan back when life actually had some
semblance of normality. The only thing left of value was my ivory prayer beads which
offered some comfort in a situation that was almost surely going to end in me being
imprisoned and tortured. I pissed off the wrong person. Another person who
communicated clearly that she was to be obeyed. And she had a corrupt police force at
her disposal to back up her communications. The worthless enemy – this person is
opposed to you for some materialistic reason such as money, power, status, land or
resources. These types of opponents can effectively be negotiated with to your
advantage, compromised with through financial compensation or given some resource
that they desire. Cartels, gang members, corrupt police, and other wastemen fall into this
category of miscreant. The worthless enemy, due to their need or greed, is easier to
control…and predict. This type of enemy can be turned into a useful friend. Note, I didn’t
say “trustworthy” friend. I said “useful.” 
warrior mind combat

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