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Fire Service Training &

Measuring Competency
Colin Murray Head of Airside
Operations, Edinburgh Airport, UK.
To explain to the delegates how Fire Service Training and
Measuring Competency are important factors to ensure a safe
and efficient ARFF service.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session you will have an understanding of :-

• Legislation
• Acquisition and Application
• Safety Critical Training
• Skill Decay Periods
• Confirmation of Knowledge and Skills
• ARFF Trainers Qualifications
• Maintenance of Skills
• Maintenance of Competence
• Quality Assurance Process.
Fire Service Training
• Training Video 2
• Demonstration 3
Chicago Convention 1944
Contracting States

Standards and Guidance
Recommended Practices Material Not Binding
(SARPS) (e.g. Annex 14) (e.g. Technical Manuals) in Law

National Law Binding in

e.g. UK Civil Aviation Act & Law
Air Navigation Order +
CAP 168
Guidance Material
• National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 405, Recurring
Proficiency of Airport Fire Fighters (2010 Edition).
• NFPA 1003, Airport Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications (2010 Edition).
• NFPA 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional
• FAA Advisory Circular 150-5210-23 - ARFF Vehicle & High Reach
Extendable Turret (HRET) Operation, Training and Qualifications
• CAP 699
• UK ARFF Vehicle Rollover Working Group
• FSM Incident Command 3rd Edition
• Fire Service Manuals Volume 1,2,3 and 4
• etc, etc, etc.
• The stage at which an individual is undertaken a structured
learning programme, which is designed to develop the
knowledge, skills, attitude and understanding identified for a
particular role

• Once individuals have demonstrated that they have acquired

the knowledge and skills identified for their role, they are
described as “competent in acquisition”.
• Approved Training Provider 120
Knowledge & Skills

• Modular 100


• In House 60


• Online 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Distance Learning.
• The stage at which individuals, having demonstrated that they
are competent in acquisition, are now able to consistently
apply their knowledge, skills and understanding in the
workplace to the standard described in their role-map

• Individuals who can consistently maintain this standard are

described as having demonstrated “competence in
• Practical exercises Application

• Realistic simulation 80

• Incidents 40
• Test and Inspections 0
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

• Driving
• Watchroom Duties
• Breathing Apparatus
• Hot Fire Exercises
• Etc, etc.
& Application

Not Competent - Competence

Hot Fires



Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Safety Critical Training
• Breathing Apparatus
• Hot Fires
• Compartment Fire Behaviour
• Railways
• Roads
• Tunnels
• Water Rescue
• Working at Heights
• Driving
• etc etc.
Skill Decay Periods
• Loss or decay of trained or acquired skills (or knowledge)
• Determining the decay periods
• Safety Critical applications
• High risk activities
• Type of training
• Type of learners.
of Knowledge and Skills
• Evidence:
• (a) Direct Evidence
• (b) Performance
• (c) Supplementary
• (d) Diverse Evidence
• (e) Indirect.
Trainers Qualifications
• Who is “qualified” to train and assess your members.
• ARFF should have an established standard for qualifications of a training
• The person conducting the training must be qualified to instruct and if
necessary assess the knowledge and skills required
• The training officers must possess proficiency in the subject matter and
skills sets being taught
• Students need to have confidence in the instructor’s ability to provide the
training necessary for them to develop required proficiencies
• Success in the development of skill sets is dependent upon the
competency of the instructor.
of Skills
Airf ield Breathing Timed
Driver Timed Airf ield Secondary Post
Hot Fire Pump Rescues MMMF Topography Apparatus Response Cap Hanger Hazmat
Training DT Response Building Media Accident
Exercise operations f rom Aircraf t Exercise Map Reading Heat and Appliance 168,74,699 Risks Procedures
JAN No Exercise Risks Exercise Procedures
Exercise Smoke Positioning
Breathing Timed Aircraf t Manual Timed Breathing
Hazmat Liaison Exercise Decontamina Fire Service Water MMMF
Apparatus Response Locker Drills Familiarisatio Pump Response First Aid Apparatus
Exercise Exercise Rotary Wing tion Exercise ladder drills Supplies Procedures
FEB Exercise Exercise n Operations Exercise T1 (Set)
Timed Breathing Exercise Timed Operational
Driver Fire Service Driver Aircraf t Ejector Hydraulic
Hot Fire MMMF Response Apparatus Involving Response Decontamina Procedures RTA Drill
Training DT Knots and Training DT Familiarisatio Seats and Rescue
Exercise Exercise Appliance Conf ined First Aid R/W Hydrant tion Exercise Fire Service Procedures
MAR No Lines No n canopies Equipment
Positioning Space Equipment Exercise Standards
Breathing Airf ield Armaments Timed Test and
Timed RTA / Pow der Low
Ejection Seat Apparatus Topography and Water Relay Line Alof t Response MMMF Watchroom Inspection
Response Rescue Filling/Decan Visibility First Aid
Exercise Heat and Map reading Pyrotechnic exercise Exercise Obstruction Exercise procedures Fire Service
APR Exercise Exercise ting Exercise
Smoke Exercise s exercise Drill Equipment
Driver Secondary Timed LPG/Compre Aircraf t Radiation Aircraf t Contingency
Hot Fire Apparatus Fire Service Hand Tools Pumping
Training DT Media Locker Drills Response ssed Gases Familiarisatio Storage First Aid Marshalling Plan
Exercise heat and Ladder Drills Exercise Operations
MAY No Exercise Exercise Exercise n Areas Exercise Exercise
Exercise Breathing Airf ield Fuel Positioning Timed
Timed Conf ined Breathing Weapons Low
Involving Pump apparatus Farm and Radiation Ejection Seat Exercise f or Response Equipment Cap
Response Space Apparatus and Visibility
First Aid Operations heat and Fuelling Exercise Exercise Fixed Wing Lighting Evaluation 168,74,699
JUN Exercise Exercise Procedures Armaments Procedures
Equipment Smoke Hazards A/C Exercise
Breathing Operational Operational
Aircraf t Armament & Airf ield Driver Secondary Post
Hot Fire Hazmat Map Reading Apparatus Pump Liaison Procedures Procedures Hanger
Familiarisatio Pyrotechnic Building training DT Media Accident
Exercise Exercise Exercise Guide Line Operations Exercise involving Fire Service Risks
JUL n s Risks No Exercise Procedures
Exercise MMMF Instructions
Breathing Timed Airf ield Positioning Test and
RTA / Timed Pow der Liaison
Apparatus Obstruction Response Topography MMMF Exercise f or Radiation Building Inspection Ejection
Rescue Response Locker Drills Filling / Ambulance
Heat and Drill Lighting Map Reading Exercise Rotary Wing Exercise Risks Fire service Seats
AUG Exercise Exercise Decanting Service
Smoke Exercise Exercise A/C Equipment
Driver Secondary Thermal Breathing Fire Service Pow ered Light Timed Low Contingency
Hot Fire Response Fire Service Radiation
Training DT Media Imaging Apparatus Knots and Rescue Portable Response First Aid Visibility Planning
Exercise Appliance Ladder Drills Storage Visit
SEP No Exercise Exercise Exercise Lines Tools Pump Drills Exercise Procedures Exercise
Positioning Exercise
Airf ield Timed Aircraf t Driver Breathing A/C A/C
Exercise Rescues Line Alof t Hazmat Decontamina Involving Ejection Seat Contingency
Topography Response Familiarisatio Training DT Apparatus marshalling Familiarisatio
Fixed Wing f rom Aircraf t Exercise Exercise tion Exercise First Aid Theory Planning
OCT Exercise Exercise n No Exercise Exercise n
A/C Equipment
Timed Positioning Test and
Aircraf t Conf ined Low Breathing Timed Breathing Driver
Hot Fire Hazmat Radiation Response Pump Exercise For Inspection
Familiarisatio Space Visibility Apparatus Response Apparatus Training First Aid
Exercise Exercise Exercise Watchroom Operations Rotary Wing Fire Service
NOV n Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Procedures Procedures
Manned A/C Equipment
Rescue Timed Driver Dry Pow der Post
Pump apparatus Ladder Liaison Hydraulic Stretcher MMMF Fuel Fire Service
Equipment Response Locker Drills Training DT Filling/Decan Accident
Operations heat and Exercise Exercise Cutting Gear Exercise Exercise Installations Standards
DEC Exercise Exercise No ting Procedures
of Skills
• Planning and Programming
• Briefing (internal and external)
• Safety Brief (before and after)
• Risk Assessments and Method Statements
• Training Media
• Type of Training
• Communications (internally and externally)
• Weather conditions
• Additional Risks.
• JPR = Job Performance Requirements
• Each JPR consists of the task to be performed; the tools,
equipment, or materials that must be provided to successfully
complete the task; evaluation parameters and / or
performance outcomes; and lists of requisite knowledge and
skills required to perform the task.
of Competence
Session Practical One Practical Two Practical Three Practical Four Practical Five Practical Six Practical Seven Practical Eight Practical Nine Practical Ten Theoretical One Theoretical Two Theoretical Three Theoretical Four
Control of External Timed Response Pump Op's all Rescue Exercise B.A. Exercise Ladder Drill Driver Training on First Aid Exercise Hazchem Exercise Airfield Topography Preparation work Training note No22 FSS No2 Aircraft FSI 8/97 & FSI
Fires Exercise Appliances OP2.2A Airfield OP4.1A OP5.1A for Underpinning Aircraft fire fighting rescue and 39/97
OP2.2B,2.3A,2.4A OP1.1B OP2.1A,2.1B OP1.1A Assessment of OP1 Tactics and Tech. Firefighting Serv.
Control of External Timed Response Familiarisation and Knots and Lines Decontamination Boat Training Fuelling Operations Low Visibility Sweep Radiation Exercise Lighting Exercise Preparation work FSS No5 Driver Training note No51 CAP 642
Fires Exercise Emer. access to Exercise OP1.4A Exercise Search Exercise OP5.1B for Underpinning Training CAP 168 and
OP2.2B,2.3B,2.4A OP1.1C Civil Aircraft OP3.1A OP5.2A CS1.1A,1.1B OP1.1D Assessment of OP1 Emergency Orders
Control of External Timed Response Pump Op's all Hauling Aloft B.A. Exercise Watch Officers Driver Training on Aircraft Hanger Thermal Imaging Preparation work FSI 20/97 & FSI FSI 31/97 FSS No4 Test and
Fires Exercise Appliances Exercise OP3.2A,3.3A discretion Airfield Familiarisation Familiarisation Exercise for Underpinning 23/97 inspections
OP2.2B,2.3C,2.4A OP1.2A OP2.1A,2.1B OP1.1E OP3.1B Assessment of OP1
Control of External Timed Response Familiarisation and Rescue Exercise B.A. Exercise Heat Contingency Plans Light Portable Pump First Aid Exercise Complimentary Local Authority joint Carry out OP 1 Carry out OP 1 Carry out OP 1 Carry out OP 1
Fires Exercise Emer. access to and Smoke Testing Operations OP4.2A Media Maintenance exercise Assessments Assessments Assessments Assessments
OP1.3A Civil Aircraft OP3.1A
Control of External Timed Response Pump Op's all Stretcher Exercise B.A. Exercise Ladder Drill Driver Training on First Aid Exercise Hazchem Exercise Watch Officers First Aid Emergency Orders Table Top Exercise BA Procedures
Fires Exercise Appliances OP3.4A Airfield OP4.1A OP5.1A discretion Aircraft related
May OP2.2B,2.3A,2.4A OP1.1B OP2.1A,2.1B OP1.1A
Control of External Timed Response Familiarisation and RTA Exercise B.A. Exercise Boat Training Driver Training on Low Visibility Sweep Radiation Exercise Watch Officers First Aid Driving procedures Aircraft construction CAP 74
Fires Exercise Emer. access to OP3.4B OP1.4A Airfield Search Exercise OP5.1B discretion Fixed wing inc.
OP2.2B,2.3B,2.4A OP1.1C Civil Aircraft OP3.1A OP1.1E OP1.1D Military
Control of External Timed Response Pump Op's all Rescue Exercise B.A. Exercise Contingency Plans Appliance Aircraft High Risk Areas Airfield Topography Preparation work Training note No4 TB 1/97 BA Training note No 9
Fires Exercise Appliances OP2.2A Testing Positioning Exercise Familiarisation Familiarisation for Underpinning Chemistry of Command & Control Pumps and Primers
OP2.2B,2.3C,2.4A OP1.2A OP2.1A,2.1B OP3.1B Assessment of OP2 Combustion Op. procedures
Control of External Timed Response Familiarisation and Knots and Lines Decontamination Ladder Drill Fuelling Operations First Aid Exercise Hanger Lighting Exercise Preparation work Familiarisation of Training note No5 Familiarisation of
Fires Exercise Emer. access to Exercise Exercise OP4.2A Familiarisation for Underpinning other relevant Hydraulics other relevant FSI's
OP1.3A Civil Aircraft OP3.1A OP5.2A CS1.1A,1.1B Assessment of OP2 Training Notes
Control of External Timed Response Pump Op's all Hauling Aloft B.A. Exercise Watch Officers Driver Training on First Aid Exercise Hazchem Exercise Thermal Imaging Preparation work Training note No15 Training note No 21 Training note No 8
Fires Exercise Appliances Exercise OP3.2A,3.3A discretion Airfield OP4.1A OP5.1A Exercise for Underpinning Flashover and Aviation Fuels and Hydrants and Water
OP2.2B,2.3A,2.4A OP1.1B OP2.1A,2.1B OP1.1A Assessment of OP2 Backdraft Tanks supplies
Control of External Timed Response Familiarisation and Rescue Exercise B.A. Exercise Heat Boat Training Driver Training on Low Visibility Sweep Radiation Exercise Watch Officers Carry out OP 2 Carry out OP 2 Carry out OP 2 Carry out OP 2
Fires Exercise Emer. access to and Smoke OP1.4A Airfield Search Exercise OP5.1B discretion Assessments Assessments Assessments Assessments
OP2.2B,2.3B,2.4A OP1.1C Civil Aircraft OP3.1A OP1.1E OP1.1D
Control of External Timed Response Pump Op's all RTA Exercise B.A. Exercise Ladder Drill Light Portable Pump Aircraft Complimentary Watch Officers First Aid Low Visibility Table Top Exercise Driving procedures
Fires Exercise Appliances OP3.4A Operations Familiarisation Media Maintenance discretion Procedures Domestic Risk
November OP2.2B,2.3C,2.4A OP1.2A OP2.1A,2.1B OP3.1B related
Control of External Timed Response Familiarisation and Hauling Aloft B.A. Exercise Watch Officers Appliance First Aid Exercise High Risk Areas Local Authority joint First Aid Radiation Aircraft construction BA Procedures
Fires Exercise Emer. access to Exercise OP3.4B discretion Positioning Exercise OP4.2A Familiarisation exercise Rotary wing and
OP1.3A Civil Aircraft OP3.1A Hazards

Maintenance of Assessment Training notes from

skills Opportunities Acquisition LOP's SOP's
of Competence
of Competence
Quality Assurance
• Internal Verification - The internal Verifier
• Observe Assessors
• Verifying, Practical and Knowledge & Understanding
• Sampling
– Internal verification sampling records
– Internal verification worksheets
– Minutes of assessors meetings
– Minutes from internal verifiers meetings
– Master files of all assessment material
– Individual assessor record sheets & recording system.
Assurance Process
• External Verification
• Systems in place
• Programme design is appropriate and relevant to individual
learning and assessment needs
• Programme Information is effectively communicated
• Relevant training is provided
• Effective programme delivery.
Risk v Gain
The benefits of proceeding with a task must be weighed carefully
against the risks, it is important to “think before you act rather
than act before you think”.
The following statements embrace the philosophy of the Fire
Services approach to managing risk at an incident: In a highly
calculated way, fire-fighters:
– will take some risk to save saveable lives
– may take some risk to save saveable property
– will not take any risk at all to try to save lives or properties
that are already lost.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session you will have an understanding of :-

• Legislation
• Acquisition and Application
• Safety Critical Training
• Skill Decay Periods
• Confirmation of Knowledge and Skills
• ARFF Trainers Qualifications
• Maintenance of Skills
• Maintenance of Competence
• Quality Assurance Process.
Any Questions?
Reference Material
ICAO Annex 14
CAP 699
CAP 700
NFPA 1001, 1003
FSM Volume 1, 2,3 and 4.

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