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Very” is vague, weak and boring.

People often use “very” as a lazy replacement for a more

appropriate word.

Now, look: "very" is a great word. It's superb. Excellent. Outstanding. It's versatile, robust,
clear, useful, direct, and powerful. It's very good. That said, it gets used very, very, very
frequently, and that can become very repetitive and very boring very quickly.

Instead of……. Use……….. Instead of……… Use………………

Very afraid fearful Very thin Slender
Very accurate Exact Very thirsty Parched
Very angry Furious Very tiny Minuscule
Very annoying Exasperating Very tired Exhausted
Very bad Awful Very ugly Hideous
Very beautiful Gorgeous Very unhappy Miserable
Very big massive Very upset Distraught
Very boring dull Very valuable Precious
Very bright luminous Very weak Frail
Very busy swamped Very wet Soaked
Very calm serene Very wicked Villainous
Very careful Cautious Very wide Expansive
Very clean Spotless Very worried Distressed
Very clear obvious Very rich Wealthy
Very cold freezing Very risky Perilous
Very colorful vibrant Very roomy Spacious
Very creative innovative Very rude Vulgar
Very long extensive Very sad sorrowful
Very loud deafening Very scared petrified
Very loved adored Very scary Chilling
Very lovely adorable Very serious Grave
Very mean cruel
Very neat immaculate
Very essential
Very nervous apprehensive
Very often frequently
Very old ancient
Very old-fashioned archaic
Very painful excruciating
Very pale ashen
Very perfect flawless
Very poor destitute
Very powerful compelling
Very pretty Beautiful
Very quick Rapid
Very quiet hushed
Very sure Certain
Very surprised amazed
Very sweet thoughtful
Very talented gifted
Very tall towering

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