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Programa Municipal de Nivelación de Estudios

Departamento de Inglés
Lengua Extranjera Inglés
Past Simple
Verb ‘to be’
Verb ‘to be’ in past chart
Subject Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answers

I I was I was not / wasn’t Was I …? Yes, I was.

No, I was not.
He He was Yes, she was.
he it
She She was was not / wasn’t Was she …?
it he
It It was No, she was not / wasn’t.
You You were Yes, we were.
you they
We We were were not / weren’t Were we …?
they you
They They were No, we were not / weren’t

I. Complete with the correct past form of the verb in ( ). Look the example below.
Example: I (like) liked to ride our horse when I (be) was younger.

1) The teacher (teach) _______ five classes on Monday. He (be) _______ very tired that night.

2) You (feed) _______ the birds that we saw yesterday. Some of them (be) _______ sparrows.

3) Javier (go) _______ first on the race last Saturday, because he (know) _______ the racetrack better than us.

4) The house (be) _______ dirty after they left. We (clean) _______ it yesterday.

5) The boys (put) _______ the motorcycles in the garage, then they (eat) _______ lunch.

6) My friends and I (find) _______ some gold in the river. Then we (look) _______ for more.

7) I (like) _______ to write poetry when I (be) _______ eight years old.

8) Charlotte and I (see) ______ lightening in the sky Thursday night; the storm (come) _______ fast.

9) The children (go) _______ to the park yesterday. They (stay) _______ for two hours.

10) We (play) _______ outside after it (snow) _______. Three inches of snow (fall) _______ that day.

Manuel Rodríguez 548 Fono 2 603 98 94 – 2 627 26 61 1

Programa Municipal de Nivelación de Estudios
Departamento de Inglés
Lengua Extranjera Inglés
II. Choose the correct form of ‘to be’ in present tense or past tense.
Examples: My dog (be) is sick today. (present tense)
My dog (be) was sick last night. (past tense)

1) The clouds moved away, and the sun shone through. The sky was full of pretty colors. It (be) ________

2) Arturo and Roberto (be) ________ at the party last night.

3) He _____ in Santiago when he won the lottery.

4) The old house (be) ________ built in 1967.

5) Christopher, where (be) ________ you last night? I (be) ________ looking all over for you.

6) Yesterday (be) ________ the best day of my life!

7) I (be) ________ ready to go right now.

8) Who (be) ________ at the pool yesterday?

9) I (be) ________ very tired. I (be) ________ tired yesterday too. I think I (be) ________ sick.

10) I (be) ________ driving to the office this morning when I noticed that I was getting low on gas. So, I
stopped to get more. A kind man filled the tank for me. He (be) ________ very nice.

11) Sara (be) ________ at the party last night. Lisa and Alejandro (be) ________ there too.

12) Alexandra (be) ________ my best friend. She and I (be) ________ in the same English class. It meets
from 10:00 to 10:50.

13) Marta and I (be) ________ at Jenny's house yesterday. Now, we (be) ________ at Melissa's house.

14) José and I (be) ________ in the mountains last weekend. We (be) ________ on a camping trip together.

15) When she (be) ________ young, Nicole (be) ________ interested in science. However, she (be, not)
_____ _____ interested in science anymore. Now, she (be) ________ interested in math.

16) Tennis (be) ________ my favorite sport when I was in high school. Now my favorite sport (be) ________

17) My family and I (to be) ________ swimming in the pool when it began to thunder. The lifeguard told us
we had to get out. I (be) ________ upset, but I knew he was right.

18) León (be) ________ at the football game last night. He (be) ________ cheering for his favorite team.
After the game, he came back home and went to sleep. I think he (be) ________ still sleeping now. Shhhh...
don't wake him up!

19) It rained all day yesterday. I (be) ________ sad because I could not go outside. However, today it (be)
________ sunny. And I (be) ________ happy because I can go outside!

20) Before, Lissett and Jorge (be) ________ enemies. Now they (be) ________ best friends.

Manuel Rodríguez 548 Fono 2 603 98 94 – 2 627 26 61 2

Programa Municipal de Nivelación de Estudios
Departamento de Inglés
Lengua Extranjera Inglés
Jobs and professions
Lawyer abogado Bookseller librero
Actor/Actress actor/actriz Sailor marinero
Customs officer aduanero Doctor médico
Farmer granjero Mechanic mecánico
Builder albañil Miner minero
Architect arquitecto Model modelo
Consultant asesor Instructor monitor
Astronaut astronauta Monk monje
Air hostess azafata Nun monja
Dustman basurero Nanny niñera
Fireman bombero Labourer obrero
Waiter/Waitress camarero/a Office worker oficinista
Truck driver camionero Baker panadero
Singer cantante Shepherd pastor
Foreman capataz Hairdresser peluquero
Butcher carnicero Journalist periodista
Postman cartero Fisherman pescador
Scientist científico Pilot piloto
Surgeon cirujano Painter pintor
Cook cocinero Politician político
Driver conductor Policeman policía
Accountant contable Caretaker portero
servant criado Teacher profesor
Priest cura Psychologist psicólogo
Dentist dentista Psychiatrist psiquiatra
Shop assistant dependiente Receptionist recepcionista
Electrician electricista Watchmaker relojero
Employee empleado Reporter reportero
Bank clerk empleado de banco Priest sacerdote
Nurse enfermero Tailor sastre
Writer escritor Secretary secretario
Student estudiante Soldier soldado
Chemist farmacéutico Shorthand typist taquimeca
Plumber fontanero Taxi driver taxista
Farmer granjero Technician técnico
Engineer ingeniero Bullfighter torero
Gardener jardinero Translator traductor
Jeweller joyero Salesman vendedor
Judge juez Veterinarian veterinario
Shoemaker zapatero

Manuel Rodríguez 548 Fono 2 603 98 94 – 2 627 26 61 3

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