Duke - Sequencing Instruction

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Erinne Phillips


Dr. Lisa Maynard

Music Education: A Professional Choice

In our Duke reading this week, we learned that over-explaining is not necessary and can

almost hurt more than it can help. Truly just explaining what is relevant at the time. Duke also

discussed that it’s important to think about the relevance/importance of a mistake. Is the mistake

something that has to be fixed now in order to move forward, or is it something that can be

addressed later?

In Sequencing Instruction, Duke also stated that repetition is key for habit. However, this

does not mean, in a music setting, that practice means good habits. If you practice the same thing

over and over again, incorrectly than it will become a bad habit. But if you practice something

over and over correctly, it becomes a good habit. Practice makes permanent, NOT perfect.

The other thing that I think is very important that was mentioned in “Intelligent Music

Teaching” was the idea of stepping forward and leaping backward while teaching. It’s important

to teach music step by step so it’s easier for those students to truly learn the musical concepts.

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