Wireless Sensor Network For Forest

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2013 Fifth International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks

Forest Fire Detection in Wireless Sensor Network Using Fuzzy Logic

Pouya Bolourchi and Sener Uysal

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
Eastern Mediterranean University
Gazimagusa, Mersin 10 Turkey

Abstract—The multi-purpose integrated homeland surveillance were introduced. Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) [3] is one that is
security systems are usually located in remote areas. Intelligent capable of making real time decisions, even without having all
decision making (IDM) capability emerges as the primary feature the information about the event. Since this technique deals
in the realization of the T/R architecture. The aim of employing
IDM is two-fold. First is to save energy, as the system operation is
with linguistic variables in a natural way instead of logic
desired to be autonomous based on the available solar power and variables, it is highly suitable for applications with
the corresponding battery-bank. Second is to activate the uncertainties. Likewise, it can be used for many conditions by
necessary action(s) required based on the pre-defined sensitivity combining different rules together to produce the suitable
levels. The current work is focused on the second aim using the result [4].
pre-defined sensitivity levels. We propose to use a wireless sensor This paper uses FLS for making intelligent decisions for an
network (WSN) for data harvesting to be used as raw input data
into our control system. Fire detection has been chosen to
innovative wireless surveillance system employing a WSN for
illustrate the IDM capability of the system. A Fuzzy Logic different applications [5]. The paper is organized as follows:
algorithm is developed using five membership functions as the next section discusses the design of a WSN and section 3
temperature, smoke, light, humidity and distance. Simulation gives an overview of fuzzy logic technique in Part A and
results for the probability of fire based on the fuzzy rules using forest fire detection is explained in detail in Part B. The results
the status of the membership functions are presented in the are discussed in section 4.
Keywwords— Fire Detection, Fuzzy Logic, Homeland Security, Varieties of architectures for a WSN have been proposed in
Intelligent Decision Making System, Natural Hazards, Wireless the literature. Clustering structure is one, in which the network
Sensor Network, Wireless Surveillance.
is divided into different fragments. Each fragment is called a
cluster. Each cluster also consists of a large number of nodes
and each node is composed of different sensors,
Low cost Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been microcontroller, power source, memory and transceiver. For
developed and widely used in a variety of applications like each cluster there is one node called cluster head. A sensor
automotive engineering, defense, safety, medical, home and node collects the environmental information and transmits it to
environment [1], precision agriculture, animal tracing, the cluster head.
security, surveillance, urban terrain tracing, civil structure Cluster head aggregates the data and forwards just the
monitoring, transportation and entertainment. Some minimum required data to the sink node forwards just the
environmental applications of WSNs involve tracking the minimum required data to the sink node known as the base
movements of animals and people, monitoring environmental station (BS). The sink node collects the data and transmits the
circumstances that affect crops, chemical biological detection, data to users via antennas [6].The proposed WSN structure
precision agriculture, forest fire detection, meteorological or consists of sensors, analog to digital convertor (ADC),
geophysical research and flood detection [2]. isolators, real time clock (RTC), microcontroller (MCU),
WSNs are mainly designed for monitoring and controlling transceiver module, actuators and solar power adapter. Sensors
events in a high risk area such as forests, mountainous terrain used in fire detection application are temperature, smoke,
and cross-border; therefore, frequent maintenance becomes light, humidity and distance. ADC converts the ambient
costly and unrealistic. As a result, the proposed system (analog) data to digital inputs and MCU receives the digital
introduces a method that is self-sufficient in providing a stable
power supply. Solar systems can provide the power needed for
a WSN and minimize human intervention by creating a
completely autonomous operation.
Numerous techniques for making an intelligent decision

978-0-7695-5042-8/13 $26.00 © 2013 IEEE 83

DOI 10.1109/CICSYN.2013.32
RTC Secure High level human
Alarms monitoring center

Sensors ADC Isolators MCU

GSM Central Unit
Low level Transceiver Network Co-Processors
Decisions control Module
Applications Actuators Medium level decisions
Internet Intelligent controller

Stand-alone Power System Power adapter Memory

Backup System

Fig 1. Block diagram of the architectural structure of the proposed solar powered WSN.
manages the inference for yielding a fuzzy output. The fuzzy
inputs for further processing. RTC keeps track of current time rule is written as the following statement:
by means of a small memory. Time values are for year, month, IF x1 is F1 and x2 is F2 …and xn is Fn THEN y is yk (1)
day, hours, minutes, and seconds. Although different fuzzy rule base can be used, Mamdani
MCU itself makes an intelligent decision for low sensitivity [8] and Sugeno [9] methods are the most commonly used in
levels. For medium and high level of decisions MCU transfers many applications due to their effortless concepts. In this
data via transceiver module to a BS for monitoring. paper, Mamdani method is used. In Mamdani type the focus is
Monitoring can be completed by a user, internet protocol or a to find the centroid of a two-dimensional function by
GSM network. Solar power is a stand-alone power system integrating across a continuously varying function [10]. In
(SAPS) which is widely used in remote areas where mains 1975, Ebrahim Mamdani built the first fuzzy system to control
electricity is not available. The proposed structure consists of a steam engine and boiler combination that mimics human
both digital and analog outputs for different applications. Fig 1 operators. Final step is to convert those fuzzy outputs to crisp
illustrates the digital part of the proposed WSN structure. outputs, which is called defuzzifications.
B. Forest Fire Detection
III. FUZZY LOGIC SYSTEM The following steps are used for the application of detecting
the probability of fire using FLS.
A. Overview Step 1: Specific range is defined for each crisp input
Lotfi Zadeh reported the first Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) in and number of variables for each membership function is pre-
1965 [7] that introduces the concept of linguistic variables in defined as follows:
contrast to logic variables. FLS can have a continuous value X1: Temperature (0˚C to 120˚C) (V, M, H)
between zero and one which are approximate values. The X2: Smoke (0 to 100 ppm) (L, M, H)
basic structure of FLS consists of fuzzification, inference and X3: Light (0 to 1000 lux) (L, M, H)
defuzzification. Fuzzification is a process that crisp inputs are X4: Humidity (0 to 100 ppm) (L, M, H)
converted to fuzzy inputs. A membership function (MF) X5: Distance (0 to 80m) (Close, Medium, Far)
demonstrates the degree of truth of each input and output. MF The degree of membership is determined by drawing the
has a value between 0 and 1 over an interval of the crisp selected input parameter into the horizontal axis and
variable. The mostly used shapes for membership functions projecting vertically to the upper boundary of the MF. First
are triangular, trapezoidal and bell curves. Each MF has graph in Fig 2 shows MF of temperature. Horizontal axis
different variables according to number of variables which are represents the range of input crisp that is from 0 to 120˚C.
pre-defined for each individual input/output. In fire detection Vertical axis is normalized and indicates degree of
application, the five inputs that we have used are temperature, membership. For 80˚C only rules associated with medium and
smoke, light, humidity and distance. MF for output, which is high will actually apply to the output response.
the probability of fire, has five variables as follows: very low Step 2: Based on the relations between the inputs the desired
(VL), low (L), medium (M), high (H) and very high (VH). output can be achieved. We may assume that temperature,
MFs for temperature, smoke and light have three variables as smoke and light are low, humidity is high and distance is far.
low (L), medium (M) and high (H) and MF for distance has Output achieved by these assumptions is addressed to very
three variables as close, average and far. These fuzzy inputs low, i.e., for these inputs probability of fire is very low.
are then fed into the inference in which the fuzzy rule base

For simplicity, in order to define a new output, each time
Low Medium High
only one degree of membership of an input is modified. It is
highly recommended to form a table instead of dealing with if-
then sentences.
Table I shows an alternative way for demonstrating fuzzy
rules superseded by if-then sentence. When defining new
0 20 40 60 80 120 rules, bold fonts, as shown in the table, indicate how often a
modification will take place for each input.
Very-Low Low Medium High Very-High
Rul Temp Smoke Light Humidity Distance Output
1 L L L H Far VL
2 L L L H Avg VL
3 L L L H Close VL
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
4 L L L M Far VL
Fig 2 MF for temperature and output 5 L L L M Avg VL
6 L L L M Close L
7 L L L L Far VL
With the same assumptions new rules can be produced if 8 L L L L Avg L
desired. The maximum number of possibilities for considering 9 L L L L Close L
all rules according to these inputs is 243 since all five inputs 10 L L M H Far VL
have 3 degrees of membership. Although it is not necessary to
add all the possibilities, a robust result requires more rules. Step 3: The final step is defuzzification process in which
The first 10 rules are as follows: fuzzy output converts to a single number. There are diverse
1- If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light built-in methods applied for defuzzification: centroid, bisector,
is low) and (humidity is high) and (distance is far) then (threat middle of maximum (the average of the maximum value of the
of fire is very low) output set), largest of maximum, and smallest of maximum.
2- If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light Centroid method is commonly used in many applications.
is low) and (humidity is high) and (distance is average) then As an example, for probability of fire, we assume that the
(threat of fire is very low) temperature is 20˚C, smoke 30ppm, light 300lux, humidity
3- If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light 80ppm and distance 70m. For each sensor, the level of
is low) and (humidity is high) and (distance is close) then sensitivity is predefined. When temperature is 20˚C and the
(threat of fire is very low) range is between low and medium the weight scales are 0.7 for
4- If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light low and 0.2 for medium sensitivity; for medium sensitivity of
is low) and (humidity is medium) and (distance is far) then light has a greater weight than low sensitivities and for
(threat of fire is very low) humidity, high sensitivity has a greater weight in comparison
5- If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light to its medium level. Distance has a higher weight scale in the
is low) and (humidity is medium) and (distance is average) far area rather than close area and it can be estimated that it
then (threat of fire is very low) has a scale of 0.1 for closer areas and about 0.7 for far areas.
6- If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light By use of fuzzy logic toolbox the threat of fire can be easily
is low) and (humidity is medium) and (distance is close) then calculated. In the given example the probability of fire is
(threat of fire is low) calculated and the result is 27.8%. Fig 3 shows the first 30
7- If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light rules. It consists of six columns. The first five columns
is low) and (humidity is low) and (distance is far) then (threat indicate value of temperature, smoke, light, humidity and
of fire is very low) distance respectively and the last column represents the
8- If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light output. Each row shows the corresponding rules. For example,
is low) and (humidity is low) and (distance is average) then the first row:
(threat of fire is low) If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light is low)
9- If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light and (humidity is high) and (distance is far) then (threat of fire
is low) and (humidity is low) and (distance is close) then is very low)
(threat of fire is low) MF of temperature has three variables and rule 1 for
10- If (temperature is low) and (smoke is low) and (light temperature illustrates to what extend the low variable for
is medium) and (humidity is high) and (distance is far) then temperature affects the output of the first rule. For
(threat of fire is very low) temperature, 20˚C indicates the range between low and
medium. Therefore, the low part which has a weight scale of
0.7, it can be observed that about 70% of its low part is

selected which is shown in yellow color. For humidity, focus
is on a high sensitivity level that has a scale of 80ppm, and has
a weight of 0.8. Weight of low level for the first rule for light
(300lux), smoke (30ppm) and far level of distance (70m) is 80

Threat-of-fire (percent)
also given in yellow color. Since for all the rules the AND
fuzzy operations are applied, the intersection or minimum
between the two sets are expressed as: 20
PAˆPBˆPCˆPDˆPE(x) = min [PA(x), PB(x), PC(x), PD(x),
PE(x)] (2) 0
where μ is the degree of truth for each crisp input. A, B, C,
D and E are temperature, smoke, light, humidity and distance 100
respectively. Distance (m) 40
80 0 Temperature(c)
For the last 28 rules, since all temperature values have no
weight and according to equation 2 the minimum value of all
the inputs are evaluated for the corresponding outputs, there is
no weight for any of the outputs in these 28 rules. The first 30 70

Threat-of-fire (percent)
rules, however, represent the outputs due to corresponding
Temp=20 Smoke=30 Light=300 Humidity=80.Distance=70 Fire=27.8 50

0 100

Distance (m) 40 50
80 0 Smoke (ppm)

0 120 0 100 0 1000 0 100 0 80 0 100
Fig 3 30 rules of fuzzy logic for the given example.
Threat-of-fire (percent)

With a similar strategy, detecting and evaluating the 50

probability of fire for the new inputs is not a complicated task.
different outcomes obtained from these experiments. For a 30
better prediction of the output, for the first 6 experiments each
time 4 inputs are fixed and only the fifth one is varied. The 1000
last four experiments illustrate the output changes due to multi Distance (m) 500
variations in the inputs. 80 0 Light (lux)
Temp Smoke Light Humidity Distance Threat
(C) (ppm) (lux) (ppm) (m) of Fire 70
Threat-of-fire (percent)

1 20 30 300 80 70 27.8
2 80 30 300 80 70 41 50
3 20 80 300 80 70 33.8
4 20 30 900 80 70 39.7
5 20 30 300 100 70 19.3
6 20 30 300 80 50 30.3
7 80 80 300 80 70 50 0
8 80 80 800 80 70 53.6
9 80 80 800 40 70 63.1 50 0
Distance (m) 50
10 100 80 800 40 20 70.1
100 Humidity (ppm)
Fig 4. Surface views of threat of fire.
In this section we analyze input-output relations and check
surface relations. Fig 4.a represents surface view of threat of As it can be observed from the graph, when distance is far
fire with respect to distance and temperature. (about 80m) and temperature has a low sensitivity (near to

0˚C), the output is zero that indicates very low level of
sensitivity. As temperature value increases to 20˚C and
distance reaches to 60m then threat of fire is about 20%. When
both temperature and distance reaches to their average value
(i.e., temperature is about 50˚C and distance 40m) the
probability of fire increases up to 50%. If distance is between
40m and 80m, and temperature varies from 50˚C to 100˚C
then the output is about 70%. However, if we increase the
temperature value to its maximum, which is 120˚C, and
distance to its minimum value which is 0m then the threat of
fire gets its maximum value which is about 90%. Total
number of surface views is 10. Just 4 graphs are represented in
Fig 4. Fig 4 (a-d) illustrate surface views of threat of fire with
respect to distance, temperature, smoke, light and humidity

In this paper the main focus is to make an intelligent
decision using a fuzzy logic system in wireless sensor
networks for forest fire detection. With means of fuzzy logic
toolbox in MATLAB we are able to find the probability of fire
and further deeper analysis can be done to observe effects of
each input on the entire system. In addition, it can be easily
implemented and modified during the process.

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