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Subject : Chemistry Time allocated : 50’ minute

Year/semester : X/1 Teacher : APRILIA SURAINI

Lesson Plan Title :

The determination of relative atomic masses, Ar

Learning Outcomes:
1. Analyse mass spectra in terms of isotopic abundances.
2. Calculate the relative atomic macc of an element given the relative abundances of its
isotopes, or its mass spectrum.

Relative masses atomic and relative molecule,

Learnig Method/Model:
Lecture, discussion, Question and answer

Suggested Starter Activity/Anticipatory Set :

Do you know, what is Relative of atomic Masses ?
Learner Activity :
Stage Activity

Pre Stage 1. Greeting

2. Teacher checking attendance
3. Reviewing the previous topic
4. Stating the day’s topic
5. Outlining importance of learning the day’s topic
6. Express purpose of learning
7. Outlining importance of learning the day’s topic
The determination of Relative Atomic Massaes,
Main Stage Delivering the instructional materials:

Asking Question :

- Do you know, what is isotope?

1. Teacher explain the meaning of isotopic.
2. The Teacher explains the meaning of relative
masses of atom.
3. The teacher gives examples of questions about
relative masses of atom.
4. The Teacher explain how to calculate relative
atomic mass.
5. After the teacher explains about relative
masses of atom,

Using a Method Discussion:

- Teachers share the study group into 3 groups,

one group consists of 3 or 4 people
- The teacher distributes the worksheet to each
- Each student discuss the questions given by the
- Afterwards, students present the results of the
discussion in front of the class.
- Student working individual exercise (Multiple
Post Stage 1. Summarizing main points
- Teachers provide reinforcement for student work
and together the students conclude today's lesson
about relative of atomic masses.
2. Students receive information about the materials to
be studied at the next meeting.
3. Assigning homework
- For home work, please do exercise 2 hal 25
submit your work next week.
4. Teachers and students closed the lesson with a
prayer and closing greetings from teachers.
5. Parting
- See you next week
6. Bye.

Resources, Learning Media& Materials Required :

Book: Chemistry for the Utterly Confused and Chemistry Basic McMurry
Worksheet: Give tasks for students and make a material of a relative atomic mass.
Realia: -

Student are asked to determine each sample relative of atomic mass
Multiple choice tests

Plan For Independent Practice/Homework :

Give task: ask them to find five example about relative of atomic mass?
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. If it is known that the atomic mass of Fe = 55,847 sma and mass of 1 atom C-12 = 12,000
sma, then the relative atom atom's mass is .....
1 𝑥 12,000
a. 55,847
b. 1 𝑥 12,000
c. 12 𝑥 12,000
𝑥 12,000
d. 55,847
e. 1
𝑥 12,000

2. If known atomic mass element Fe = 55,847 sma and mass 1 atom C-12 = 12,000 sma.
Calculate the relative atomic mass of Fe?
a. 55,847
b. 55,807
c. 58,547
d. 56,784
e. 55,708
3. If it is known the relative atomic mass (Ar) of atom B is 36 and the mass of 1 atom 12C
is 12 sma. Determine the average mass of 1 atom B in units of sma?
a. 35 sma
b. 36 sma
c. 37 sma
d. 38 sma
e. 39 sma
4. If Unknown Ar Fe = 56 sma and atomic mass 12C = 2 x 10-23. Determine the average
mass of 10 iron atoms?
a. 91 x 10-23
b. 92 x 10-23
c. 93 x 10-23
d. 94 x 10-23
e. 95 x 10-23
5. Oxygen in nature consists of three isotopes with the following abundances:

O = 99,76%
O = 0,04%
O = 0,20%

Calculate the average atomic mass (Ar) of the Oxygen element?

a. 14
b. 15
c. 16
d. 17
e. 18
6. Copper has two isotopes of 63Cu and 65Cu. If the average Ar Cu = 63.5. Determine the%
abilities of 63Cu and 65Cu isotopes?
a. 21%
b. 22%
c. 23%
d. 24%
e. 25%
7. Relative atomic mass is ...
a. The average mass of atoms is compared to 12 grams of carbon-12 mass
b. The average mass of an isotope of an element to its abundance in nature
c. The atomic mass with the greatest abundance in nature
d. Mass of protons and neutrons
e. The mass of an atom of the element compared to a hydrogen atom
8. The element K has an average mass of atoms of 6,49255 x 10-24. Calculate the relative
atomic mass of the K element?
a. 3,7 sma
b. 3,8 sma
c. 3,9 sma
d. 4,0 sma
e. 4,1 sma
9. Chlorine in nature is a mixture of 2 isotopes, namely Cl-35 and Cl-37 with a ratio of 76%
Cl-35 and 24% Cl-37. If the mass of a Cl-35 atom, calculate the average atomic mass of
the Cl element?
a. 3, 524
b. 3,566
c. 3,534
d. 3,584
e. 3,548
10. Berapakah masa atom Li dalam suatu larutan yang mengandung 7 molekul LiOH ?
a. 7 sma
b. 49 sma
c. 14 sma
d. 81 sma
e. 28 sma

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