Playbook - Training Materials - Starbucks Teaching Model - Overview

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Starbucks Playbook: Roles and Routines


Starbucks Teaching Model Overview

Before the training:
 Review the Starbucks Teaching Model
 Review how to utilize the Starbucks Teaching Model to train the new Routines

Starbucks Teaching Model

The Starbucks Teaching Model is the standard way to teach all new and complex Routines,
which require learners to demonstrate multiple repetitions of the Routine being learned.

1. Prepare  Put the barista at ease and encourage them to ask questions.
 Assess the barista’s prior knowledge.
 Tell the barista what you will be teaching them.
 Tell the barista why it is important.

2. Present  Demonstrate the skill, talking through the Major Steps. State the step number
as well as the total number of steps.
 Demonstrate the skill again, talking through Major Steps, Key Points, and
Reasons Why.
 Provide enough information to complete the skill without overwhelming them.
 Provide additional tools or job aids as needed.

3. Practice  Have the barista demonstrate the skill without saying anything. Provide
redirecting feedback as necessary.
 Have the barista demonstrate the skill again, talking through Major Steps. Be
sure to include the step number.
 Have the barista demonstrate the skill a third time, talking through Major Steps,
Key Points, and Reasons Why. Continue practicing the skill until the barista can
demonstrate the skill correctly.
 Provide reinforcing and redirecting feedback through all steps.

4. Follow-Up  Ask the barista for any remaining questions they may have and provide answers.
 Tell the barista where they can go for support.
 Check in with the barista as they perform on-the-job.
 Provide reinforcing and redirecting feedback through all steps.

© 2013 Starbucks Coffee Company. All rights reserved. For internal use only.

Starbucks Playbook: Roles and Routines

Using the Starbucks Teaching Model for Playbook Training:

 Review the table below on how to utilize the corresponding Trainer Guides and
apply the Present and Practice steps of the Starbucks Teaching Model to train the
new routines.

How to Apply Starbucks Teaching Model

Present Practice Reasons Why

Store  Demonstrate twice  Participants demonstrate three  Practicing as a group takes less time
Support o First saying the Major Steps times as a group  Still allows all participants to
o Second saying the Major o First as a group without demonstrate the full Store Support
Steps, Key Points, and saying anything Work Block Cycle and Routines three
Reasons Why o Second with each full times
participant saying the
Major Steps
o Third with each participant
saying the Major Steps, Key
Points, and Reasons Why

Café Order  Demonstrate twice  Participants demonstrate two  Practicing only twice saves time
o First saying the Major Steps times each  Café Order Routine is low complexity
o Second saying the Major o First saying the Major Steps  The third repetition of
Steps, Key Points, and o Second saying the Major demonstrating silently is not needed
Reasons Why Steps, Key Points, and
Reasons Why

Gather  Demonstrate once saying the Major  Optional  Gather Routines are simple –
Routines Steps, Key Points, and Reasons Why practice may not be necessary and is
by choice

Drive-Thru  Demonstrate the Drive-Thru Order  Participants demonstrate the  Presenting three times and
Order and Routine three times Drive-Thru Order and Drive-Thru presenting/practicing the Drive-Thru
o First saying the Major Steps Window Routines three times each Order and Drive-Thru Window
Drive-Thru o Second saying the Major o First without saying Routines consecutively allows the
Window Steps, Key Points, and anything trainer and learner to fully engage
Reasons Why o Second saying the Major the WPT
o Third saying the Major Steps, Steps o Three repetitions fills the
Key Points, and Reasons Why o Third saying the Major WPT with items to be
 Demonstrate the Drive-Thru Window Steps, Key Points, and triggered
Routine three times Reasons Why o Also sets up WPT for
o First saying the Major Steps  The first participant will practice demonstrating the Drive-
o Second saying the Major demonstrating the Drive-Thru Thru Window Routine
Steps, Key Points, and Order and Drive-Thru Window
Reasons Why Routines consecutively before the
o Third saying the Major Steps, second participant, and then the
Key Points, and Reasons Why third.

© 2013 Starbucks Coffee Company. All rights reserved. For internal use only.

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