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Hellbound - Lore

Formerly under the Command of Dark Cardinal 'D'void Von Hoffenhasle', who ascended to
Daemonhood and later commanded the 'Hellborn' Daemon legion of Slaanesh... Aaaand then
later fell from grace and was removed from command.

(1st company commander - Dark Cardinal (Lord in Terminator Armour, Lightning Claw and

Lord -

Sorcerer - Void Walker? Kinky space Wizard?

Dark Apostle - Hellpriest

Exalted Champion - Fleshcrafter

Master of Executions - Sin Eater

Master of Possessions - Soul Stealer?

Terminators/Chosen - Annointed

Possessed/Greater Possessed - Ascended

Spawn - Fleshspawn

Giant Spawn - Voidborn? Big Fuckin Gribbly

Spined Chaos Beast - Big Spiky Bitch

Sorcerers in the Hellbound are known as Void Walkers, those that show particular promise in
Daemonoligy or persue that path themselves usually end up in the Order of the Void as Soul

Possessed. The vessils for Possession are injected/exposed, warp rapidly mutating their bodies,
just before 'Spawndom' the Master of Possessions tears the Daemons essence from the Pillar of
Souls and puts it in the Fleshspawn body.

Felucius - Hellbounds ex Chapter Champion.

Channard Vile - Hellbounds head Fleshcrafter.

Order of the Gash - Fleshcrafter - Priests of the Hellborn who persue the pleasures of the flesh.
Members of the 'Gash' usually have some form of body modification or disfigurement.

Often the Fleshcrafters create monstrous creations, stitching together parts of many different
captives and other Xenos and Warp based specimens, then the Master of Possessions uses the
Pillar of Souls to possess the Fleshspawn and give it life. Sometimes particularly insane
Fleshcrafters and Soul Stealers create even more blasphemous abominations, by channeling
Daemons into the dead flesh. Fleshspawn created with actual Daemons instead of the souls of
the Hellbounds mortal victims grow to monstrous size and are known as Voidspawn. In return
the Order of the Gash (reluctantly) 'gift' the Order of the Void with some Spawn to bolster its

Order of the Void - Dark Apostles- Master of Possession - The 'spiritual soul' of the Hellbound.
The 'Void' is made up of all the Hellborn Sonic marines and Dreads,Possessed, Greater
Possessed. The 'Void' resembles a dark choir, Apostles chant blasphemous prayers, sonics
bombard the foe with the music of the damned as the Possessed scream praise to Slaanesh.
Many warbands are also alligned with Slaaneshii Daemon legions (EG Hellborn)

Traditionally, warbands belong to one of the Orders, (except 1st company-fluff to come later)
although occasionally, warbands of the Hellbound merge into one larger warband for a
battle/campaign until the warband eventually turns on itself and then splits back into Order lead
groups once more.

1st company - Led by (Chapter Master) Lord whatever. Although the rest of the Hellborn
warbands are controlled by one of the Orders, all the head Order members belong to the the
whatever, although they believe the power their orders have within the Hellborn equates to
their favour in the eyes of Slaanesh. Because of this the whatever consists of troops from all of
the Orders fighting alongside one another and the 'normal' rank and file.

Warbands are commonly led by characters from one of the Orders, these characters often favour
certian troop types, but this isnt always the case.

Order of the Gash - Fleshcrafters - Enhanced Warriors, Spawn.

Order of the Void - Master of Possessions, Dark Apostles - Greater Posessed, Possessed, Noise
Marines, Sonic Dreads, often fights alongside Daemonic forces.

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