Co-Maker'S Affidavit of Liability

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For and in consideration of the loan granted to, I, voluntarily submit myself to become a Co-
maker with her loan in the amount of with a term of three (3) year. In signing of the Co-maker’s Affidavit
of Liability I am aware of the equal responsibilities of Maker and Co-maker as far as loan is concerned of
which I am held liable in case in default in payment or un-settled accounts of my Maker. In sending of
demand letter both of us Maker and Co-Maker shall be furnish of such note. Co-Maker succeeding
availment of loan will be temporarily suspended while Maker’s loan still unsettled.

I am authorizing Authorize Representative all of my personal information and whereabouts

concerning the statements made hereunder and agreed further that this documents shall attached in
the loan application and the same remain as property while the loan is un-settled.


Name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Spouse Name: ______________________________________________________________________

No. of Dependents: _________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________

No. of years in this address: ___________________________________________________________

Current Employment: ________________________________________________________________

Current Position: ________________________________ Years in service: ______________________

Immediate Supervisor: _______________________________________________________________

Other source of Income: ______________________________________________________________

Name and Signature of Co-Maker

Date Signed

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