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Graphically Organize

erformance Objective: Using StoryBoard That, SW work independently to
graphically organize their narratives, scoring at least three out of four on the graphic
organizer assessment.

Resources or Materials Needed: SW need a computer or tablet and Internet access to utilize AWW and
StoryBoard That.

Time: 60 minutes.

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: TW remind students of the definition of the term, narrative. TW
reread aloud “My First Tooth is Gone” (See Lesson 1 - Display Document (1b)), a narrative example written
by a 2nd grade student. Using AWW, SW list the four key elements in the narrative example (theme, plot,
characters, and setting). SW Round Robin with a group of four to each explain one of the key elements to
their group.

Step 2: Content Presentation: TW remind students of the writing prompt that they will focus on over the
next few lesson. The writing prompt is “Describe your first day of 2nd grade.” TW Think Aloud reminding
students of the characters and events that would be in his/her own narrative. TW demonstrate how to use
StoryBoard that to create a storyboard graphic organizer of his/her own story.

Step 3: Learner Participation: TW display the Graphic Organizer checklist & assessment (See Lesson 6
– Display Document & Assessment (6)). Using the Graphic Organizer checklist & assessment, SW
independently utilize StoryBoard That to create a storyboard graphic organizer to begin composing their
own narratives that include a setting, at least 3 characters, at least 3 frames, and presents the frames in
sequential order.

Step 4: Assessment: SW print out their graphic organizers. Using the Graphic Organizer checklist &
assessment (See Lesson 6 – Display Document & Assessment (6)), TW evaluate organizers to ensure that
they include a setting, have at least 3 characters, have at least 3 frames, and have the frames in sequential

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: SW do a gallery walk to view at least 3 graphic organizers created by
their peers.

Lesson Plan Summary: The main instructional strategies used in this lesson plan are explaining,
demonstrating, modeling, illustrative examples, and organizing strategies. During the content presentation,
the teacher demonstrates how to use StoryBoard That to organize the events of a narrative. During the
learner participation, students independently use a technology tool to create their own graphic organizers.
These instructional strategies support the Cognitivism learning theories, because demonstrating and
providing illustrative examples are the teacher’s way of assisting students to learn how to organize
information (Gagne, 1998, p. 190).

Display Document & Assessment


raphic Organizer Assessment.

Graphic Organizer Checklist & Assessment

Directions: Use the checklist that follows to compose your

graphic organizer. Once you have completed each step,

print out your StoryBoard That graphic organizer.


o Does each frame in your project show a setting?

o Do you have at least 3 characters altogether?

o Do you have at least 3 frames in your project?

o Are your frames in sequential order?

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