Lesson 10

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Publishing the Narrative

erformance Objective: Working independently, SW utilize their narrative revision
and peer editing checklist to publish a narrative scoring at least seven out of ten on
the narrative writing assessment rubric.

Resources or Materials Needed: SW need their rewritten narratives and their peer editing checklist from
the previous lesson, handwriting paper, a pencil, and an eraser. SW need a computer or tablet and Internet
access to utilize StoryBoard That and AWW. TW need his/her rewrite and the completed peer editing
checklist that points out the errors in the rewrite. TW need to prepare a final copy of his/her narrative
without errors. TW need printed copies of the Narrative Writing assessment rubric for each student. TW
also need a SMART board or overhead projector.

Time: 60 minutes.

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: Independently, SW review their rewrites and peer editing checklists
from the previous lesson. SW mark the necessary changes on their rewrites based on the editing checklist.

Step 2: Content Presentation: TW mark the necessary changes on his/her rewrite. TW display his/her
marked-up rewrite. TW use the marked-up rewrite to model the next step of publishing the narrative. TW
show how to use the rewrite to compose the final narrative.

Step 3: Learner Participation: SW work independently composing their final narratives. Early finishers
will work on publishing their final narrative using the technology, StoryBoard That.

Step 4: Assessment: TW use the Narrative Writing assessment rubric (See Lesson 7 – Assessment (7))
to evaluate the final narrative as the summative assessment for this unit.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: TW organize students in groups of four. SW take turns reading their
narrative to the group. After each reading, SW use AWW to write two words, phrases, or things they found
interesting about the narrative. SW share the things they found interesting. Proceeding clockwise, the next
SW read and all follow the same procedure. This continues until all students have had a turn.

Lesson Plan Summary: The main instructional strategies used in this lesson plan are explaining and
modeling. During the content presentation, the teacher models how to use the edited rewrite to publish the
final narrative. During the learner participation, students work independently to perform the same task.
These instructional strategies support the Cognitivism learning theories, by helping students to organize
knowledge (Ertmer, 1993, p. 52).

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