Automatic Backup From Ubuntu Server With Rsync

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Lazy Geek -:)

Automatic backup from Ubuntu Server with Rsync


2 Ubuntu Server: 1 is named as tendo-Srv with an ip address of, from which we want to take backup and 1 is named as tendo-backup with an
ip address of, on which we want to place our backup. But we want all this process automatic, at a defined time/ interval.

Generate the ssh key pair on tendo-Srv:


Copy the public key to the tendo-backup:

scp ~/.ssh/ arbab@

Connect to the tendo-backup:

ssh arbab@

Append the public key to authorized_keys:

cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

We got an error saying “~/.ssh/authorized_keys: No such file or directory” it means that there is no .ssh directory for this user (this user has never used ssh
before). Simply create an empty .ssh directory with 700 permissions:

mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh

Now,try to append the public key to authorized_keys once again:

cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Remove the uploaded copy of authorized_keys:

Edit the ssh server configuration:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Make sure that public key authentication is enabled (it should be enabled by default), these entries must be set to yes also:

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes

Reload the ssh configuration:

sudo service ssh reload

Create a directory,where we want to keep the backup on tendo-backup server and set a permission on it:

sudo mkdir /backup

sudo chown arbab:arbab /backup/

Disconnect from the tendo-backup:


Try to connect to tendo-backup server again, and this time, it will not ask for the password

ssh arbab@

Create a separate directory and file, where we want to keep the rsync log on tendo-Srv and set the permission on it as well:

sudo mkdir /rsynclog

sudo touch /rsynclog/rsynclog.log
sudo chmod 0777 /rsynclog/rsynclog.log

Now, copy the files from tendo-Srv to tendo-backup with Rsync:

rsync -e ssh --progress --partial --delete -avz --log-file=/rsynclog/rsynclog.log /data/ arbab@

Where /data/ is a directory on local server(tendo-Srv) and /backup/ is directory on remote server(tendo-backup) & rsynclog.log is a log file at /rsynclog
location, where it will save the log every time after execute the command.

Check the log file:

cat /rsynclog/rsynclog.log

Check the backup on the tendo-backup server:

cd /backup/

Edit the Cron file (Special thanks to Fernando Flores, to correct the syntax of this command):

sudo crontab -user arbab -e

We need to configure it in such a way that it automatically take the backup at 8 p.m. everyday:

00 20 * * * rsync -e ssh --progress --partial --delete -avz --log-file=/rsynclog/rsynclog.log /data/ arbab@

Hope this will help you!

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Linux, Ubuntu automatic backup, Automatic backup from Ubuntu Server with Rsync, backup, backup server, backup with rsync, rsync, ssh server,
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