Research: Legalization of Marijuana in The Philippines

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Castillo, Andrea Louise


I. Introduction

Marijuana also called weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane, and a vast
number of other slang terms—is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves
and flowers of Cannabis sativa, the hemp plant. Some people smoke marijuana in hand-
rolled cigarettes called joints; many use pipes, water pipes or marijuana cigars
called blunts.

Marijuana can also be used to brew tea and, particularly when it is sold or
consumed for medicinal purposes, is frequently mixed into foods (edibles) such as
brownies, cookies, or candies. Stronger forms of marijuana include sinsemilla tended and
concentrated resins containing high doses of marijuana’s active ingredients, including
honeylike hash oil, waxy budder, and hard amberlike shatter. These resins are
increasingly popular among those who use them both recreationally and medically.

Marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug that has many consequences to

using it. People debate whether it should be legalized or not due to its pros and
cons. Marijuana should not be legalized because it is a gateway drug to the legalization of
other drugs and has many bad effects on the users of it.

The importance of this study is to contribute knowledge about the good and bad
effect of the legalization of marijuana in the Philippines especially to those students who
are curious about trying this kind of drug. Another importance is that, when this literature
review finish , people will know if they have to support the legalization of marijuana here
in the Philippines or they have to disobey the authorization of this issue. Also , people will
know the effect of marijuana in our body. Marijuana can cause addiction if people who
always use this drug . And also it is not good for our body. Marijuana can make people
become crazy and loss their mind that can cause sometimes in a murder or crime because
they are out of their mind.

The researcher chose this topic is to know how many people are agree in
legalization of marijuana here in the Philippines as medicinal to cure diseases that can only
cure with the help of marijuana. Also to give information to the people who are agree of
legalization of marijuana , to know them that marijuana has a big impact if marijuana is
actually legal in our country. This study was conducted to analyze how informed the
audience is in relation to marijuana and its legalization, particularly on the effects of
marijuana on the users , as well as the effects that marijuana and it’s legalization will have
on the economy.
II. Literature Review

The following studies and research is about the Legalization of Marijuana in the
Philippines . This studies was talking about differrent point of view regards the legitimation
of marijuana in the Philippines.

According to Pete Guither , Anslinger stated that “Marijuana is an addictive drug

which produces in its users insanity , criminality , and death.” He also state that “Marijuana
is the most violence- causing drug in the history of mankind” Marijuana has been
completely legal. Its not a recently discovered plant , nor is it a long - standing law.
Marijuana has been illegal for less than 1% of the time that it’s been in use.

According to Alexis Romero, Duterte stated that Medical marijuana , yes because
it is really an ingredient of modern medicine now .He told that to the reporter when he
asked about his instance on legalizing marijuana. But whoever use marijuana for
recreational purposes will be arrested . He also stated that “ If you just smoke it like a
cigarette , I will not allow it ever It remains to be a prohibited item and there’s always a
threat of being arrested. If you choose to fight the law enforcement agency, you die .” he
added.Duterte is not opposed to the legalization of marijuana for medicinal use but against
if it use for recreational purposes.

Besides according to R. Scott Rappold , A majority of doctors say that medical

marijuana should be legalized nationally and that it can deliver real benefits to patients , a
ner survey by WebMD/ Medscape. “ The medical community is clearly saying they support
using marijuana as a potential treatment option for any number of medical problems. In
fact , many doctors alreadyprescribe it . But health professionals are still unclear as to
what the long term effects may be.In addition to seizure disorders, medical marijuana is
often used to treat chronic pain from injuries or medical conditions such as cancer , nausea
from medication , and multiple sclerosis.

Furthermore, Tim Bradley said that legalizing recreational marijuana use would
hurt not only those who smoke , it also hurts children and society as a whole . As a country
, if we encourage and profit from this vice, we will be undermining the very foundations of
our government.
On the contrary , According to Nura . is . Beast , Boulder, CO , Marijuana sholud
stay illegal because if it is legalized , more people will smoke it , causing negative effects
on health and families. If marijuana is legalized , people will think smoking marijuana is
something we can do everyday at anytime , which increases drug use. People are going
to smoke marijuana without getting in trouble or getting arrested . Also there is going to
be easier access to marijuana , and it will be cheaper to buy. These same things happened
when alchohol was lagalized. Also , drug dealers can grow marijuana without getting
arrested , and make a bunch of money off of it.

Moreover , according to Anton , there are many harmful effects from chronic use
of marijuana. There are many problems , social and physical, that are effects of from using
marijuana . Due to the negative effects from this substance , the use of marijuana is should
remain illegal.It would bring even more social problems. And there are also much more
serious health risks involving the use of marijuana .

In addition , According to Joyce Ilas , Melgar stated that marijuana can stop
epileptic seizures and can help treat neurophatic diseases such as alzheimer’s and
multiple sclerosis. It can also treat loss of appetite after chemoteraphy or following
treatment for HIV or AIDS. She also mentioned that marijuana has side effect like the
alteration of moods. In fact, among psychotropic drugs such as cocaine, heroin and
methamphetamine , marijuana is the most potent , Melgar added.

According to Thomas Strouse, M. D. , Regular use of marijuana can hasten the

onset of psychotic illnesses. In fact, high-dose THC -one of the most widely studied
molecules in the marijuana plant-has been found to cause acute /transient psychosis. And
there is some conflicting evidence on the dangers of people operating motor vehicles after
using marijuana. Using marijuana is sometimes prone to accident.

According to Seth Motel , attitudes about marijuana have undergone a rapid shift
in public opinion. Marijuana is now legal in some form or descriminalized in 27 states
.Federal law prohibits the possession , selling or harvesting of marijuan.Descriminalization
laws reduce the penalties associated with the use or possession of small amounts of
According to Bong Lozada, Abigail Valte stated that , Marijuana remains a
prohibited substance under the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. She also
stressed that Philippine Law enforcers would continue to enforce the anti-illegal drugs law
that prohibits all narcotics , including marijuana , in the country. In Addition , “ This is just
throwing gas on the fire” said Ben Cort Of the Colorado Center for Dependency , Addiction
and Rehabilitation at the University of colorado Hospital. With Associated Press.

III. Conclusion
The researcher therefore conclude that Legalization of marijuana in the Philippines
is very controversial issues. And the direction in which the government is currently heading
toward more enforcement and tougher penalties. This direction , however leads inevitably to
a dead-end. In more than 50 years, prohibition of marijuana has failed to stop marijuana use
and abuse . It has instead created a large criminal class out of citizens who are otherwise
law-abiding, peaceful, productive members of society . This literature review went over the
different impacts that the legalization of marijuana would have on the economy as well as
whether is poses a more or less threat that that of already legal substances.In the survey
conducted by the author , it is discovered that people do not know much about the issue at
hand as well as how marijuana compares to that of other already legal substances. The
audience is largely uninformed about marijuana and its proposed legalization, and little
initiative has been taken to assist the process. Legalization of marijuana here in the
Philippines is not yet proven and it is not legalized for now. Many people are un-informed
about this topic ,so the researcher decide to be this topic to inform people about it. Marijuana
has been at a federal law illegal since the 1930’s but now marijuana legalization seems to be
something that is very possible in the near future as many states by little begin changing their
laws from being persuaded by these large organizations, protests and campaigns.
In the Philippines, as the law stands today, marijuana is illegal. It is a dangerous
drug and the selling/use of marijuana is a criminal offense. Soon it would be completely
legal to use marijuana in the Philippines There are different views and opinions regarding
legalization of marijuana in the Philippines.Some are agree to legalize the marijuana and
some are against on it.
Overall, Marijuana has a good effects and a bad effects to our body. The good effect
of it , is the it can cure diseases like HIV/ AIDS. Many diseases will be cure with the help of
medicinal marijuana. But if the person take it always , it can cause an addiction. Maybe they
do such a bad things to their fellow man because they are out of their mind.If marijuana is
actually legal in our country there are possibility that the rates of a drug pusher and user will
increase. Marijuana has a bad effect in the body if they take marijuana. Legalizing of
marijuana would also lead to negative effects on family. Legalizing of marijuana has a big
impact in our society if it is totally implemented in our country.

IV. Bibliography
 Thomas,S.(2016, October 12).Marijuanas Public Health Pros and Cons. Retrieved from

 Joyce,I.(2015, June 9).Should Medical Marijuana be Legalized in PH. Retrived from
bill-House-of Representatives.html

 Johann, H.(2016,February 02).Why is Marijuana Banned? The Real Reason Are Worse
Than You Think. Retrieved from

 Nura, Against Legalizing Marijuana. Retrieved from

 Bong, L. Palace: Marijuana is Illegal in Phiippines.Retrieved from

 Legalize marijuana in the Philippines. Retrieved from


 Seth, M.(2015, April 14).6 Facts about Marijuana. Retrieved from

 Tim, B.(2016, October 18). No, We Should Not Legalize Recreational Marijuana Use.
Retrieved from

 Scott, R.(2014, April 02). Legalize Medical Marijuana, Doctors Say in Survey. Retrieved

 Alexis, R.(2016, May 25). Duterte OK with Medicinal Marijuana. Retrieved from

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