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Spoken Word Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Delivery A combination of A combination of Inconsistent use of eye Lack of eye contact,
appropriate and effective appropriate eye contact, contact, clarity and clarity and projection of
eye contact, posture, clarity clarity, and projection of projection of voice, tone voice, tone and pace make
of expression, projection of voice, tone and pace are and pace interrupt the flow the reading difficulty to
voice, tone and pacing used but without a of the reading. follow.
significantly enhance the smooth cohesiveness.
speakers’ words.
Preparedness Completely prepared, Prepared but could have Seems somewhat Does not seem at all
memorized well and has used more practice and prepared, but it is clear prepared for presentation.
obviously used the material tips from the guest that the information
presented by the guest speaker presented has not been
speaker practiced appropriately.
Pronunciation Words excellently all Some words are Many are mispronounce Most of the words are
pronounce mispronounce mispronounce
Enthusiasm / Facial expressions, ideas Facial expressions, ideas Facial expressions, ideas Very little use of facial
Creativity in and body language and body language and body language are expressions, original ideas
presenting generate a strong interest sometimes generate a used to try to generate or body language; does not
and enthusiasm about the strong interest and enthusiasm, but seem generate much interest in
topic. It is a creative enthusiasm about the somewhat lacking. topic
presentation. topic.
Topic/Theme Appropriately focused Focused topic which A vague sense of the Lack of focus or confused
topic with a clear partially demonstrated purpose of the topic purpose, which results in
understanding of the intent understanding of the requiring the audience to confusion for the
of the topic. intent of the topic. make assumptions. audience.

Total Score: __________ Judges Comments: _______________________________________________

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