Duetto Elixir D More

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48 Conce-di amici guertierl al co-pesto posar. Benvolentie-ti,— Mi chia~mo fortu- na- ta afslow my no-bifwaniors torelak for dwnlie, Yes,andmont welcome it would be my great pleasure at porervi efferir —_u- na. bowiglia, 8 ‘(fo son gid della famigiia.) if bowle of wine would be acce ted.t'mmuch obliged. (1 am now one of the family.) ADIKA (at Pacsant)(to the peasants) Voi tipigliar potete gl'interrou! la-vorti. 1 sol de-cli-na. ., Youcanrenume the worknow that your res interrupted, the sun evetting, SCENE It SCBY4 111. Una parro-la, Heat mea moment A-di- na, p_Againthe same old aEciree ‘di-ce ma-la-to,e gra-ve-memte. Il suo mal non & nien-te appresto al mi-o, Partir-minon pos- sayis 10 ill andnearly dying.” Such anillness is nothing, to whatT'm feeling. You know I cannot move, elasciaeredeun al-t0?..~ "s dying, youmay notgethismoney, What does it =porta?.. Morrai di fame,e sen-za appoggioal-cu-no... Odi fa-meod matter? You'll die ofhunger with no-one there tohelp you, .Ifit’shunger or love, nb al par di quel sar - fot like the sil = ly he capriceioza 10 33 -n0, for I am too cap-rt-ctous, muoja__appena® des moment; but never longer. chiesta! Chiediall'au + ra lu ~ sin-ghie - ra per-ché question! ‘Ask the way-wardbreeze that wan = = derswhy it CANTABILE *,, Ue ED | Ee | GE Yo= = la sens zen po = >= a8 oral gt - gliovor mlsla To = 4a, or mul- blows s0, wil- ly- nil - - - ly,fomthero- ss over the If ly, 0 +ver GEG ‘ d di- rh ched inlet they will tell you. “tis —— 2 = + Bi sleein -fe = del.d + tuta,e ona = tunta from dream to dream,'ts their nature, ‘tis their nature, 51 2 ADI. BE del. : c P 7 Dungue iodeggio?.. All” a- mor morbirle e int fy fe rasan ines cee eee ‘Youwould tell me?.. You must de > 2 7 can't do it, Youcan'tdoit? er-ch2?...per- chet... Why not?.. why not!,.. SH ., “Chie-dial rio per-ché ge ~ ‘Atk the tiv - er why it re» ce | o> =m enn cn ee ete . balza o- : wee ee om na dts Btn g Enea de, SM mur + > + > murs,fom it’s mar chea st © ~ceanwhere Vin- vi = ta, Ws go = ing: nei mar senva a mo = tir: tdi the sea where tt die: it will sta - xt is drawn = naunpo-ter chenon sa dit, po. Tysome ange free,ctinows nor WAYS s74NgE Moritcom‘esto, ma T,too, will perish, but SENO mosso ADI. v2i-a lamorcostan-te, dei se -guir V'usanza_mi-a, o-gni dl... cambiard'aman- te. Come {01 and youmustrecover: wy my med-f-cine forgladness,ev'=ryday a diff-tentlover, As one ‘chio-doscacciachio- do, co-sl a-mor discaccia amor. In tal guisa io me la go -do, in tal nai] drives out the oth-er, love will drive anold love, out, Soin love will never smother, free from guisa hoscioltoil cor.il cor, In tal gulsa ho sciolto il love am free from doubt,no dgubs fie from love am fee from intalgul = 12 hoscfoltofl cor. An! ah te fe Soptors] ap ee from doubt.Ah!_ You are .-tesgs 40 Lalo vedo,lo sento giomoe not-té, in o- gni ogget-to:d'obbli-ar-ti invano io tento, {1 tuo all myeyesare seeing, day and night you are all my dreaming you are carved into my being.like a pw vi ~ sohoscultoin pet- to, star with-in me gleaming. When you change your mind at , non purdgianrma i i prl-miero uvscir dal cot, corte Feet ter and__my love will not leave my heart. D h +3t, a yeslyetiyes, yeniyenyes, usselr u-scir dal cor, _no,no,no, love will notleave myheart, no, nd, no, #y, Pid MLL? 55 do, intal guisahoscioltoileo - re. cee u-scit, wscir dalcor,dal cor. Jove will not leave my heart,mybeart, Find an -oth-er, no, youcandoit, No, perme? mocir perme?. . Per gua ‘You'd die for me? You'd die for me?To be di tal pazzi-a, ch’e paz-zi- al's-mor co-stan-te,d2t se- guir onstant is amadness,you are {ll and youmustrecover, try my med- i = cine for; mbiar d’amen-te.Col cambiarsi qual tu fa - i, pud cambiar-si og a diff'rent lover. When youchange your mind and falter others change and may depart, pud, non pud glamma - pr -mie-to u-scir dal cor, Rev-et, nev-er al ter and my love willnot leavemyheart, urscir dal Rot leave my— heart, do, in tal guisa hosciolto ico - = re. intalgul- 2a ridoe go = do, ho sciol = to Py. fee from love and free from all doubt, 30 from love I’ never smother, free from love and 2 > =

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