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10/6/19 - 27% Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Gather Your People Responsorial Alleluia Offertory Renew Me, Lord | Communion Gift of Finest Wheat | Recessional 1 Will Choose Christ To Listen to recordings of the music: 1. Goto 2. Click on the Listen link atthe top ofthe website page. 3. On the “Listen” page, cick on the Listen button under “St. Francis Solano Choir’ 4. Use the playback controls to listen to any song, Gather Your People ry REPRAIN: (J = 112) With a gospel owing 9 = J Gath - er your peo ple, © Lord, © Lord, Gath-er your peo-ple, of love, one body, one spirit one spirit of love. Ane Tete a cares = Fa + eer ea a2 EY ep ed NS =j Ee a (motto rit.) © Lond Verses 1.Draw us forth to the ta - ble of life: 2. We: are parts of the bod - y of Christ, 3. No more harm on the moun-tain of , God; 4. Wash us, Lord, in. the wa-ters of life; "|. broth-ers and sis - ters, each of us called to 2. need-ing each oth - er, each of the gifts the 3. swords in - to plow-shares. Free us, OQ Lord, from 4 wa-ters of — mer - cy, wa-ters of hope that 2 t0 Refrain 4.walk in your light. 2.Spir - it pro - vides. Bhard - ness of heart. 4.flow from your side. 4/TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 6 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 (141) Response: (Ovgan/SATB) ptont Dascnt a hard-en not your hearts. : Cope 3: (Bm) (Em) (8m) (G) (Fim) (8m) ee oe ee - es = Eee =: 5 fort ft Ph FP ees 1 047 you her Hon, ard-on not you eat a ie d. FEES = = a = = as lee oeeleee teeta laa oat Veres:Canerorsa70 (Em) (ATE) (0) en oe ® <— SSS SJ 1-Coma luesroiyay to the Lowe; Lalusaein a eee 2. Come, lot us bow own in “Wop; “Tetus knee! before the LORD who made us. “Bon hatoay youu Tost ns Wace,” Faron neryur Heat ae eh (Fim) (Em7/B) (8m) (Gis) (Bm) ee == et 3. Asin the day of ‘Massahin the des - er, Where your fathers they tested me though they had seen my works.” 2: TTISUNDAY IN ORDINARY THM ot.) Gospel Acclamation: 1 Petor 1:25, ‘Acclamation: (OrgarvSATB) No. V ptenal Dosa Ato. Ww ~ ia, ate wi ae uw - © Fo6 Am AnvG Fmaj7 C= Em Dm gece: Verse: (Cantor) ‘The word of the Lord remains for ever. This Is the word that has been proclaimed to you, uaa © 187 8, OCP sew Renew Me, Lor 643 Acc t4e7 Bernadette Farrell 1.0 God, 1 seek safe har-bor in this storm, (2.0 God, 1). seek new. vi- sion, clear and strong, {3.0 God, 1} seek to serve but you a - lone, (40 God, 1) seek from time to time the joy (5.0 God, 1) seek to re~com-mit my life, 1.3 place of peace in. which my soul can forrn 2.that once a - gain the sign that all - long _3.for deep with - in my spir - it you have sown 4, af -ford-ed those whose dai - ly deeds em - ploy 5. to hon-or well the gos- pel of the Christ, 1.the in - ner strength to fol - low day by 2Zyou held be - fore these eyes, once turned a - Bithe gift of ‘faith which calls. forth bold dis - the work of love givin free - ly, come what 5. to speak of peace ‘and on - ly peace o - 4. day your, will for me un ~ ceas-ing - ly. 2way, 1 now may see more — faith -ful - ly love un - de-terred in deed and word. } Re - 4 may. 0 Char - i ty, come, dwell in me. 5 bey, to dai - ly raise my hands in praise. me, Lord, 1 pray. © God, 1 pray. Tex 101910446 02004, Owen Alot Music SAFE HARBOUR, © 209, ead Fel ‘ont and msi pabuhed by OU? Aight reserved Houy HoLy HoLy ‘im sen © 208 a a ee yy Hos mH me Hoy lod Gat of hosts. Mea - ven and Fork are a a a inthe fat a) Ho. sn Ao 1 Hoy Houy Hey high = est Bos sod ste who ion at tes sed 8 heh Lord Ho Ia * t br ont He cores inthe name she Lan Ho MEMOeIAL ACCLAMATION 8 ean Sen © 1088 = Wen we ok sea as When meat is teat nd ek ths, we_pm = cin your, eat, ° fink isp, we pro = cam = your at ° at a... AMEN ‘om Sok © £018 937 LORD'S PRAYER ect 1C7O2 9 chant hal-lowed be thy name; thy king-dom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heav-en. Give us this day our dai- ly bread; and for-give us our tres-pass-es us; and lead us 25 we for-give those who tres-pass _a- gains! not in-to temp-ta - tion, but de-liv-er us frome - vil. Deliver us, Lord, ..... far the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ. For the kingdom, the pow’r and the glo-ry are:yours, now and for ev - er. Muses Chant adapt by Reber |S, 1926-1986, Gift of Finest Wheat so and heed praise ad et mor = tal tongue elf Jess let Gift of Finest Wheet 1 As when the shepherd calls Bis shexp They 2. With joy = fal Tipe we Sing to you ovr Bk mt the aap we Hess and stare The 4 Te matty of your presence: Lord No You give your seit © 0 Lents Then F Tis vole === Swen you all + tide = That you sould count us om - promt? So mot one cup, one Gx tlh Whom all the wot can be, To serve each ah =e Deal Fine 527 T Witt CHoose Crist ee I wi choose Christ, Iwill choose love, I choose to seme SSeS . \ give myhear, tive mye, I give my ath 8 veneer ae ae | es = SS = oS = So ‘oyou toyou I 9ive my all to you ves . ee as 1.How man-y times! must he call my name and show to me that he is God? ‘And asa servant he SSS SS 1. calls to me. "You must serun ton 2. Chit my teach er and heal er, teach my SS soul And as 1 walk this 2. heart and hes St 2. road with you, teach me to. love, a ee Mie with you

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