Money Monster (Reaction Paper)

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Money Monster

This movie is all about money as you can see from the title itself. It talks about financial
investment. This movie was released on May 13, 2016 by Sony Pictures Entertainment. This film is
directed by Jodie Foster. The film stars were George Clooney as Lee Gates, Kyle Budwell as Jack
O’Connell and also Giancarlo Esposito, Julia Roberts, Caitriona Balfe and Dominic West.

The movie starts with Lee Gates, a financial expert who is a host in a television show called
Money Monster and he's in the amidst of his latest episode. IBIS Clear Capital's costing investors
$8,000,000 were gone unexpected and unexplainable due to the glitch in a trading algorithm. Lee Gates
wanted to interview the CEO of IBIS, Walt Camby, but Camby left for a business trip to Geneva. In the
middle of the show, a delivery man showed up and take Lee into a hostage, the man reveals his name,
his name is Kyle Budwell, he is one of the investors in IBIS, he invest all of his savings amounting to
$60,000. He hostage Lee because Lee endorsed the IBIS company in his show. Lee tries to calm down
Kyle with the help of Patty Fenn, the director of the show. Lee told him that they will help him to find
Camby so that his questions will be answered. Lee and the communication officer of IBIS, Diane lester,
offer to compensate him for the financial loss but Kyle did not agree. Diane also explained what
happened in the algorithm but Kyle is not satisfied with her explanation, even her is not so she told one
of her colleague to call the one who created the algorithm. New York City police find Kyle's pregnant
girlfriend and let the two to talk, Molly berates Kyle when she found out that they loss everything. Lee
heard their conversation and pitied him and he agree to help him. Lee and Diane found out that Walt
Camby did not really go in Geneva but in Johannesburg, so it's suspicious, they try to dig for any other
clue to find the truth and it turns out that Walt Camby bribed a South African miners and planned to
invest the $8,000,000 in platinum mine. When Walt came back to New York he denied that he's the one
who caused the algorithm problem and it angers Kyle so he put the vest that has a bomb to Camby and
he finally admitted that its his fault. Kyle is satisfied with the outcome and Walt Camby will be arrested
with violations of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

So all in all, the movie is all about financing , stocks , and investment, then someone bribe the
investment company and in the end they found out who’s behind that and they got him arrested. In my
opinion, the lessons in this movie is that you should not trust someone easily and you should not make a
decision when you’re angry because it might cause harm to someone or even to you. When making a
decision, you shoul think about it a million times so that you’ll not regret for what it will be the comeout
of it.

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