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Parents always worry about their children. Parents want their children to arrive to school
punctual and get home on time, taking the assigned path.

SmartWay aims to remove this worry from the parent's everyday life. SmartWay will monitor
your child as he/she gets to and from school, ensuring that your child always takes the
appropriate path to arrive at his/her destination, school.

SWay will Monitor your child's geolocation using GPS and will immediately send the parent an
e-mail if the child deviates form the path you assigned to him/her. SmartWay will also send the
parent an e-mail when the child arrives home or to school, as well as informing them if the child
is late. This way, parents can sit back and enjoy their coffee knowing that their child arrives
safely to school and home.


SmartWay will continuously monitor your child's geolocation from when he/she wakes up to
when arrived home. The device is also equipped with an RGB LED and a vibrating motor to
warn your child if he/she is not taking the correct way to school or is late, and congratulate
him/her when he/she arrived to school.

The device works through many functions to ensure your child is safe.

 The first loop if(off track) detects if the child deviated from the assigned path, the
device has a system that detects the amount of times that this occurs; if your child
deviates off course the first time, the device will warn him/her by turning the LED red
and vibrating the motor, then the child will receive two minutes to come back on course.
If the child remains off course for a further two minutes, the parent will receive an e-mail
warning them that their child is off course together with his/her geolocation, the email
will be receptively sent at intervals of 2 minutes until the Child arrives home or at school.
 if(school time) and if(home time) loops detect if it is time for school and home,
then the device checks if the child arrived to school or home, if he/she arrived in time, the
LED will turn green and the device will send the parent an email informing them that
their child arrived at his/her destination together with the arrival time. Else, if it is time
for school to start and the child is not at school it will also

The device can only send 12 byes of information, therefore a compact packet is needed when
sending. Other variables will be configured in the SigFox backend.


Parents using this device will benefit in:

 ensure that their child arrives safely to and from school

 ensure that their child arrives punctual at these locations
 ensure that their child does not deviate of course
 Energy Saving and low cost - Long lasting batteries

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