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Strategies: Make the world a fairer place

(B) STEP 1: Choose one of the ideas and think about the questions below. Then write a
short presentation in the box below persuading your classmates to adopt the same idea
in the box below. Use the example answer to help you.

STEP 2: Copy your presentation. Go to Blog and select New post. Type the title Make
the world a fairer place and paste your presentation into the blog post.
1. Buy fair trade products from companies that pay farmers or workers a fair price.
2. Join a campaign for clean drinking water for everyone.
3. Participate in a sponsored walk, run, or other event to raise money for charity.
4. Sign a petition to support women’s rights.
5. Volunteer to help disadvantaged children learn to read.
• Why would it be a good idea for everyone to adopt this idea?
• Who would it help most?
• How can your classmates get involved?


Classmate's post

Suppose someone in your family had difficulty reading. What would you do? Or imagine if you'd
had a hard time learning to read – and nobody had helped you. Not all children find reading easy,
and many often give up reading altogether. However, if we could help all children like these learn
to read, they would probably have a brighter future. Now imagine you have an hour to spare each
week. There's no better way to spend it than reading with children. Local schools desperately need
people like us. We always hope that the world will be a better place, but what are you doing to
make it better? Maybe the child that you help will be the one that makes the world a better place.
I challenge you to volunteer at a local school. Try it. I will, if you will.

Sample comment

Jenna, I have decided I will try and volunteer at a local school. I'm going to volunteer for one hour
a week. I wish I could do more, but I am busy with my work right now. Will you join me?

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