Peoples Journal, Oct. 8, 2019, Bill On Integrated Coastal Management Pushed PDF

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Bill on integrated coastal

management pushed
By Jester mance in the develoDment uct (GDP).
and implementatibn of Under the measure, the
Manalasats their respective local inte- National Coordinatins
grated coastal manage- Committee shall exercisE
A BALANCED and ment plans." and pedorm the following
healthy ecology is need- She underscored the
ed to protect the nation,s powersand functions: fori
passage of the measure to mulate, adopt, institution-
marine wealth and ex- overcome the challenees
clusive economic zone. alize and amend, ifneces-
of falling fish populatioirs, sary, the National ICM
Assistant Maioritv rising pollution levels, con-
Leaderand Las PinisCity Framework;identify ICM
tinued threats on coral management areas such
Rep. Camille Villar saiil reefs and rnangrove for- as bays, lakes, gulfs, river
this as she pushed for the ests, coastal coEunurrities
approval a measure that basins, watersheds- wpt-
experiencing increased lands,protrected ateas,and
seeks to adoDt a sustain-
poverty, among other other resources tlut are
able nationil integrated things.
coastal manaeement. shared by two or more
"These challenges are provinces;lesolveconJlicts
Villar, a sta"lwart of the winnable. We should iust
Nacionalista Party (NP), arising flom ICMbetween
strengthen further'the or among provinces; arld
filed House BiI (HB) No. country's campaign onl ' recommend to Congress
3315 that aims to create a coastal management ef- tor enacknent of lesisla-
National Coordinatine forts to reve$e the sihra-
Committee on Intesrarei tions or to the approp--ria te
tion. The coordination and govemment agency for is-
Coastal Manage"ment support of local govem- suance of Dolicies.
(ICM) to formuJate, insti-
mentuniE to na tional gov- - The bili provides that
tute and implement the ernment is verv crucial to the Nationa'l ICM Frame-
country's national policy effect an integr;ted coasF
on coastal manasement work shall include the fol-
al management, especial- lowing components of the
airned at ensurine"the sus- ly on fisheries and fiabitat lramework for sustain-
tainable develop'ment of protection efforts," Villar
the coastal and marine en- able develoDment of
explained. coastal ateas:'soals an.l
vironmmt and tesources.
Villar said coastal en- obiectives; straiegies and
The proposed Nation- vironments encomoass
al ICM through the help of actron plans; required
differmt ecosvstems i uch polcy or legislatidn; in-
the Deparhnent of Envi-
ronment and Nafural Re-
as shore lands, mangroves, lormation and public
seagrass beds and coral awareness campaign; fi-
sources (DENR) will also reefs that are verv impor- nanang mecharrisms; and
"grant incentives to local tarlt to the liveth6od oithe
govemment units that ex- capacity building and
people, tourismand corm- ICM Training
hibit exemplary perfor- try's gross domestii prod- rroSrm..Fcrl€T

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