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Revision Timestamp: 27/09/2019 15:15 IST

Back Office

1) Admin
- Will review and authorize Host User Creations, and Listing creation.
- Admin can himself add a Listing too (On behalf of the host).
2) Host
- Will add and manage a listing (After approval from Admin)
- Every Host User will be under/assigned to a Admin.

Host Account Creation:

- Host account can be created by himself/herself or the Admin.

- In the case of Host account being created by a Admin, the Host will receive a two part mail with
details of his UserName and Onboarding details in one, and another mail containing a one-time
password which will expire in 24hrs.
The user has to login and change his password with the time of expiry and fillin the Mandatory
details which are unfilled by the Admin. After the completion of the form by the Host, Admin will be
notified for Verification and approval.

- In the case of Host account being created by oneself, the form will be assigned to a Admin based
on the location(State/County/Country/Continent) a Admin user is overseeing (In the default case,
the form will be sent to all the Admins in the system, who ever approves the host). In Later listing
approval it can be a different Admin for the approval of the listing.

Admin User details:

- Admin User can be created by any of the existing Admin.
- System should capture and hold the following details of the Admin User: Name, EmailID,
Phone, Identifications (multiple), Location, Bank details.

Host User details:

- System should capture and hold the following details of the Host User: Name, EmailID,
Phone, Identifications (multiple), Location, Bank details, Listing-Category (premium, gold, regular) he
is eligible for.
Note to self: Quotes from alains mail
- User will be allowed to create a listing on a particular Listing-Category or Any of the Listing-
- Locations in which the User is allowed to add a listing to.
- Host can upload any files of past commendations, certifications (legal and otherwise)

Note: Above details will be validated by the Admin during the Host User creation or at the time of
change request.
Listing Types:

- Admin can create a Listing-Category and attach it to a Country/State (Default applicable to all
- Details on the Listing-Category includes min-price range, max-price range, mandatory
amenities/services, min photos to be uploaded with said clarity, mandatory documents and

Listing Creation:

- Listing can be created under a Listing-Category, with below details.

- Photo details for each area of the listing with description (ex: Backyard, Livingroom, bedroom)
- Foot area, Address, Price, Taxes, Commission.
- Check-in and Checkout details, and is it relaxable (Allowing Early Checkins and Checkouts).
- Document/Identifications that are mandatory for Booking
- Cancellation conditions and Cancellation Fee slabs.
- House Rules, house manual.
- Kid Friendly, Couple-Friendly
- In House Service, In House maids, Room/Food Service time, cuisines
- If the Admin does not approve of a particular detail, he can disapprove a particular detail with
necessary comments, and these details will be shown in the Host dashboard (and a notification mail)
for change and resubmit.
- Contact details
- Discount and Offers.

Note: Addition of new details, and categorizing the details as mandatory has yet to be done by Alain
and Lee.
Note: The default details will be populated from the Listing-Category.
Stretch: An Image processing software in-page.
Stretch: 360 Degree Panoramic videos and image upload ( VR Headset Capable).
Stretch: Option to clone a listing, which will copy most of the details of the listing to a new listing.
Stretch: Tags and Other listing that can be related to (For predictive suggestion)

Discount and Offers:

- Discount and offers can be created by a Admin or a Host.
- Discount and Offers can be Listing-Category wise, Host wise, Location wise (Or a combination of the
above), or an Individual listing wise. (We can use the Discount data for Booking Appication
- A Host can create a discount or offer which is Host-wise or Superset of Host-wise discount, which
the Admin will approve.
- When a listing is created, the default applicable discount and offer types are shown in the
- Individual Listing discount can also be provisioned for each listing.
- A Discount can be specified within a From Date/time and To Date/time for a Discount percentage.
Max. no of discounts per host, and enable/disable a discount.
Note: If there are more complicated discount and offers Alain has in mind, should discuss an plan to
accommodate it.
- Booking Application Experience and Stay Experience Feedbacks/Reviews to be captured in the
Booking Application during the process of Booking and Post stay.
- Feedback can be captured in the form of Stars/ThumbsUp-Down/Favorites-Selection.
- There should be option in the Back-Office to see the Reviews, filter it based on (Obscene) words.
- There should be option in the Back-Office to filter reviewers based on Host, Region, Category,
Price-point, review filters and send out Advertisement mails from the contact Information.


- Options to Advertise on the Booking Application based on on Host, Region, Category, Price-point .
- Option to send marketing/offer mails and texts ( Can be based on on Host, Region, Category, Price-
point )

Payment and Booking Confirmation Options:

- Booking Application can have two types of Booking and Payment.
- Type 1: When a Online User books a property, He gets a Booking Succesful in the Booking
Application, and he is told that he will receive the Booking Confirmation in a short time, And he
should complete the payment after that and within a said time or the booking will be cancelled.
- In this mean time the Host will get update via Email/App notification on his phone, to confirm the

- Type 2: This is for hosts on whom the Admin has the confidence, that if the property has been
booked through other channels, the host would have cancelled the availaibilty on ProjectN portal.
- When a Online User books a property, He is validated against the availability in ProjectN and
forwarded to Payment Page. After successful Payment, booking is confirmed immediately and
Email/App notification is sent to the host.
- In worst case scenario, when the trusted host has failed to cancel the availability of the listing in
ProjectN, and the Booking is already confirmed, the host should have option to initiate cancellation,
and the Online User has to be initimated of the cancellation and a refund should be triggered from
the application for the same.

Analytics and Reporting:

- Reports of Booking data and Commissions in the Back Office Dashboard for Admins and Hosts.
- Configurable Business Intelligence tools integrated to compare Business in different timeframes
with filters on Regions, Hosts and Categories. (ex: Jasper, Pentaho etc.)

System Monitoring and Alerts:

- System Health and Traffic Monitoring should be available for Admins.
- Integrated Dashboard with current generation tools. (Prometheus, ELK, Grafana)
- Customisable Alert creation and Email generation

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