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SUSIATI, Analysis of Medical Record Staff Needs Based on Minister of Health

Regulation 33 of 2015 To Improve the Productivity of Medical Record Officers at
Aulia Blitar Hospital, College of Administrative Sciences (STIA) Malang. Advisor:
Dr. Yuni Hartono, M.Si.

The increase in the number of patient visits is very influential on the workload
of medical record officers so that a balance between work and existing officers is
needed to achieve optimal work productivity.
The type of research used is descriptive, where the author describes the
workload of the staff in the Medical Record Unit and calculates the energy
requirements in the Medical Record Unit needed based on the workload at Aulia
Blitar General Hospital.
Officers who have a non-medical record background have never received
training in medical records. Officers concurrently work in other sub units due to
limited energy. Available Working Time (WKT) of 72,000 minutes per year. The
workload standard of each sub unit is filing for activities to service DRM lending
for 16744.1 minutes per patient per year, depositing DRM for 24,000 minutes per
patient per year, to carry out an active DRM In separation for 9230.8 minutes per
DRM per year, and make a monthly report of activities for 1,200 minutes per
year. Assembling in DRM preparation takes 14117.7 minutes per DRM per year,
returning incomplete DRM to the run / poly space for 7,346.9 minutes per DRM
per year and making 1,200 minutes per year monthly reports. TPPRJ registers for
14,693.9 minutes per patient per year, DRMs new patients for 1.5319.1 minutes
per DRM per year, and distributes DRM to destination poly for 18,000 minutes
per patient per year. TPPRI to enroll patients for 10,285.7 minutes per patient per
year, conduct education for 13,584.9 minutes per patient per year, and to
distribute drams for 14,400 minutes per patient per year. Supporting Task
Standards following seminar activities require 720 hours per year or 72,000
minutes per year, while 72,000 minutes per year to become members of a
professional organization. From the calculation of the workload analysis of the
medical record unit of the Aulia Blitar General Hospital, 10 people are needed,
while the current condition is 9 staff.
From the results of the research obtained, it is suggested that the division of
tasks be in accordance with their respective work descriptions. It is expected that
there will be special training regarding the management of medical records for
officers who have non medical record educational backgrounds. It is expected
that there will be a review or proposal for the needs of health personnel (HRK) in
the medical record unit of the Aulia Blitar General Hospital

Keywords: Workload, Health Human Resources, Descriptive, Medical Record



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