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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Impact Factor (2012): 3.358

Attitude of Young Adults towards Online Shopping

Kabir Archana1, Agarwal Shalini2
Student, School for Home Sciences, BBAU Lucknow, India
Assistant Professor, School for Home Sciences, BBAU Lucknow, India

Abstract: Online shopping provides a good example of the business revolution. In India e-commerce is currently experiencing a period
of the online shopping market. Online shopping in India is in its growing stage. More and more young adult are gaining confidence
about purchasing products online. Online shopping is an easy and comfortable way of shopping for a range of products. There are
innumerable advantages of online shopping. Individual saves a lot of time which one normally spends while personally going to the
retail shop and buys the products. However now, with the passage of time, more and more people are going to prefer to make purchases
online, thus setting a massive change in the online shopping trends. Online shopping allows people with a broad range of products in
different categories.

Keywords: Online shopping, young adults, attitude

1. Introduction 2) Ho2= There exists no difference between gender and

attitude towards online shopping.
Online Shopping in India is in its growing stages. However,
more and more people are gaining confidence about 4. Material and Methods
purchasing products online. Online shopping is an easy and
comfortable way of shopping for a large range of products. The research design of the present study was descriptive in
There are innumerable advantages of online shopping. one nature .The sample size was 120 respondent (60 male and 60
save a lot of time which one normally need to personally go female) .The sample was collected from Lucknow city using
to the retail shop and buy the products which one want. self-made questionnaire. The sample was collected through
Initially, the customer base for online shopping activities purposive random sampling .The data collected was analyses
was the rich class with a lot of purchasing capacity. using Frequency, percentage Mean, S.D, T-test.
However, now, with the passage of time, more and more
people are going to prefer to make purchases online, thus 5. Results and Discussion
getting a massive change in the online shop-ping trends.
Online shopping allows people with a broad range of Table 1: Distribution of the respondents according to Age,
products in different categories. It also gives a chance to N=120
compare the same product with the others and also shows S. Age of the Respondent Male (N=60) Female (N=60)
the best deal. In addition the transportations also easy and No in Years
additionally some websites also offer free shipping to other 1 20-22 8 (18.3) 22 (36.7)
countries. Once an item is purchased we can easily know the 2 23-25 34 (56.7) 26 (43.3)
current status and location of the item before it reaches us 3 26-28 18(30.0) 12 (20.0)
(Figures in parentheses indicates percentage)
2. Online Shopping in India
Online shopping has had a rather slow and unstable journey The data in the above table showed that 13.3 percent male
in India, it has not picked up as much as it should have, and 36.7 percent female respondents were belonging to age
primarily due to the fact that internet access itself is quite group 20-22 years where as 56.7 percent male and 43.3
low and the online shopping experience has been bad to say percent female respondents were belonging to age group 26-
the smallest amount. Online Shopping in India is evolving 28 years and 30.0 percent male and 20.0 percent female
fast and has the prospective to grow exponentially in the respondents were belonging to age group 26-28 years.
times to come. Habitually, Indians are traditional in their
approach to shopping. They want to touch and feel the
products and test its features before buying anything
(Rastogi A.K 2011).

3. Objective
1) To study attitude of young adults towards online
1-Ho1= There exists no difference between age and
attitude towards online shopping.

Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014
Paper ID: SEP14398 1484
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
Table 2: Distribution of the respondents Attitude of agree Online shopping=120

Statement Male Female Total
2 2 1 40 15 1 1 1 33 24 3 3 2 39
1 Online shopping save time. 73(60.8)
(3.3) (3.3) (1.7) (66.7) (25.0) (1.7) (1.7) (1.7) (55.0) (40.0) (2.5) ()2.5 (1.6) (32.5)
8 12 9 22 9 3 3 5 33 16 11 15 14 55 25
2 Shop anytime on internet
(13.3) (20.0) (15.0) (36.7) (15.0) (5.0) (5.0) (6.3) (55.0) (26.7) (9.1) (12.5) (11.6) (45.8) (20.8)
13 12 2 33 10 5 18 10 21 6 18 30 12 54 16
3 Shopping online is risky.
(21.7) (20.2) (3.3) (38.3) (16.7) (8.3) (30.0) (16.7) (35.0) (10.0) (15.0) (25.0) (10.0) (45.0) (13.3)
9 14 4 26 7 8 16 11 18 7 17 27 15 44 14
4 Prefer online shopping because of lower actual price.
(15.0) (23.3) (6.7) (43.3) (11.7) (13.3) (26.7) (18.3) (30.0) (11.7) (14.1) (22.5) (12.5) (36.6) (11.6)
A long time is required for the delivery of products and 4 8 3 31 14 5 25 10 18 2 9 33 13 49 16
services on the internet (6.7) (13.3) (5.0) (51.7) (23.3) (8.3) (41.7) (16.7) (30.0) (3.3) (7.5) (27.5) (10.8) (40.8) (13.3)
9 10 10 20 11 5 12 4 31 7 17 27 15 44 14
6 Selection of good available on the internet is very broad.
(15.0) (16.7) (16.7) (33.3) (18.3) (8.3) (20.0) (6.7) (51.7) (11.7) (14.1) (22.5) (12.5) (36.6) (11.6)
The description of products shown on the web sites are very 4 9 5 31 11 6 10 5 30 9 9 33 13 49 16
accurate (6.7) (15.0) (8.3) (51.7) (18.3) (10.0) (16.7) (8.3) (50.0) (15.0) (7.5) (27.5) (108) (40.8) (13.3)
The information given about the products and services on 3 8 7 33 9 6 10 10 30 4 9 18 17 63 13
the internet is sufficient. (5.0) (13.3) (11.7) (15.0) (15.0) (10.0) (16.7) (16.7) (50.0) (6.7) (7.5) (15.0) (14.1) (52.3) (10.8)
While shopping online ,I hesitate to give my credit card 4 3 39 15 5 10 5 23 17 9 13 44 23 32
9 -
number (6.7) (5.0) (65.0) (23.3) (8.3) (16.7) (8.3) (38.3) (28.3) (7.5) (10.8) (36.6) (38.3) (26.6)
Internet reduces the monetary casts of traditional shopping 14 11 8 17 10 3 9 9 28 11 17 20 17 45 21
to a great extent (parking fees etc..) (23.3) (18.3) (13.3) (28.3) (16.7) (5.0) (15.0) (15.0) (46.7) (18.3) (14.1) (16.6) (14.1) (37.5) (17.5)
The fact that only those with a credit card or bank account 9 16 3 25 8 7 6 12 26 9 16 22 15 51 17
can shop on the internet is a drawback. (15.0) (26.7) (5.0) (40.0) (13.3) (11.7) (10.0) (20.0) (43.3) (15.0) (13.3) (18.3) ()12.5 (42.5) (14.1)
I would be frosted about what to do if ,I am dissatisfied with 26 2 11 7 5 10 11 20 13 19 36 13 31 20
a purchase made from the internet (43.3) (3.3) (18.3) (11.7) (8.3) (16.7) (18.3) (33.3) (21.7) (15.8) (30.0) (10.8) (25.5) (16.6)
(Figures in parenthesesindicates percentage)
S.D=Strongly Disagree, D=Disagree,I= Indifferent ,A= Agree , S.A= Strongly Agree.

Table no. 2 Discuss the attitude towards online shopping.

More than half of the respondents (66.7% male and 55.0%
female) agreed that online shopping save time, (36.7% male
and 55.0% female) agreed that the advantage of online
shopping is one can shop anytime on internet,(38.3% male
and 35.0% female) agreed that Shopping online is risky,
(43.3% male and 30.0% female) agreed that they will prefer
online shopping because of lower actual price, (51.7% male
and 30.0% female) agreed that A long time is required for
the delivery of products and services on the internet, (15.0%
male and 51.0% female) agreed that Selection of good
available on the internet is very broad, (51.7 % male and
50.0% female) agreed that the description of products shown
on the web sites are very accurate (15.0% male and 50.0%
female) agreed the information given about the products and
services on the internet is sufficient. No male respondent but Figure 4.1.1: Distribution of responds according to attitude
( 38.3% female) reported that they while shopping online , online shopping
hesitate to give credit card number, (28.3% male and 46.7%
female) agreed that Internet reduces the monetary costs of
traditional shopping to a great extent (parking fees etc.
(40.0% male and 43.3% female) agreed that the fact that
only those with a credit card or bank account can shop on
the internet is a drawback, (18.0% male and 33.3% female)
agreed that the online shopping.

Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014
Paper ID: SEP14398 1485
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Impact Factor (2012): 3.358
The above Finger no 1. Showed that very few respondents
were moving negative attitude whereas (35% male and 38%
female) respondents were neutral attitude and (41% male
and 11% female) respondents positive attitude towards
online shopping. Results also showed that females were
more positive than males.

HO 1: There exists no significant difference between

gender and attitude toward online shopping.

Table 3: T- test value between gender and Attitude towards

online shopping
Variable D.F Male Female T- Level of
Value Significance
Gender 118 Mean S.D Mean S.D .042 .966
.11 .272 .017 288

It was evident from the above table that there was no

significance difference between gender and attitude towards
online shopping. This means that the null hypothesis was
accepted which means that attitude towards online shopping
was not dependent or influenced by gender but mean value
showed significance difference between to words online
shopping across gender The finding of this study is
contradictory with study conducted by LORI N. K.
LEONARD (2011) which showed that gender had
influenced on Attitude towards online shopping.

HO 2: There exists no significant relationship between

age and attitude toward online shopping.

Table 4.5.1: T- test value between age and Attitude online

shopping. N=120
Variable D.F 20-22 23-25 26-28 T- Level of
Value Significance
Age 118 Mean S.D Mean S.D Mean S.D 11.27 .000*
4.10 .995 4.17 .763 2.97 1.349

It was evident from the above table that there was highly
significance difference between age and attitude online
shopping. This means that the null hypothesis was rejected
which means that attitude towards online shopping was
influenced by age.

6. Conclusion
For the attitude it could be could be concluded that though
online shopping in India is a new concept still young adults
have adopted it results showed that both females and males
were having positive attitude towards online shopping.
Results also showed that young adult of 23-25 year age
group did more online shopping.

[1] R.K Ankur “(2011) Online shopping: a modern approach
of buying” International Referred Research
Journal.vol.11* ISSUE-26.
[2] Lori N. K. Leonard (2011) Attitude Influencers In C2cE-
Commerce: Buying And Selling University Of
TulsaTulsa, Ok 74104

Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014
Paper ID: SEP14398 1486
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

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