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Human are born with instinct to explore. They spend their lives to answer many
question about their existence. Because of that, religion came to fulfilled the curiosity
of human. after a long time, human started to question their religion and their existence.
After that anthropology came to fulfill human curiosity about their existence based on
“common sense, human reason and logic”. anthropology is a field that study human
from anatomy, cultural, social, even economical aspects of life, everything that related
to human behaviour included in anthropology studies. Still, there are several people
misconcept anthropology and religious as a one unity which is not. Furthermore this
essay will describe the differences and similarities between it.

Anthropology involves a deep definition and understanding of evolution of

human and study their lifestyle, differences between culture, and behavioral patterns
of human. Simply all of those things is detailed in the study of anthropology. On the
other hand, religious study also known as the study of religion study, is an academic
field devoted to research into religious beliefs, behaviour, and institutions. Religious
study also describes, compares, interprets, and try to explain religion base on cultural
perspectives view, emphasizing systematic and one side of religion view.

The objective of religious studies is to raise awareness in humans regarding the

purpose of life. That the aim of life is to please the creator and to choose the way of
life as per His will. The study of religions doesn’t aim at exploring the unknown
realities or acquiring the knowledge regarding different aspects of life. It is rather about
interpreting the word of God. It is about accepting what is already given by Him. There
are limits which nobody is permitted to transgress. Nobody can bring a better version
of knowledge than the book of God. All in all, religious studies also involve
comparison between the religions. By comparison, anthropology is about exploring the
hidden. There are no bounds to it. Anthropologists delve into all the fields related to
human life to their extremes. In religious studies the source of science and knowledge
are the holy books whereas Anthropologists dig into the works of scientists.

Anthropology involves study of religion values but that’s for the sake of study
only and their implementation is immaterial. Anthropologist also learn religion for
taking religion merely as one of the subjects of study and exploration of human history
and the latter revolves only around religions and the holy books. Similiary, religion
study also learn the values of the religion. religion study deepen the values and its
implementation in the name of God. Moreover religion study is not learning only the
the holy book as an exploration of human history. Religion study is learnt to
understanding and preaching the God to fulfill human need of holiness and sanctity.

In conclusion, anthropology deals with religions as well. Since, anthropology

is the study of all aspects of human life, so why would it exclude the study religion?
However, anthropology of religion differs from religious studies because the former
aims at taking religion merely as one of the subjects of study and exploration of human
history and the latter revolves only around religions. But religion study is learnt as the
fullfilment of human needs of God holliness.

Nama : Muhammad Ilyas Abdullah

NIM : 185110500111013

Essay Writing B (C)

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