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Fr. Dan Bădulescu

Early days of the year 2009 have surprised our church life and social field in Romania ravaged
by a new storm stirred up by the wicked acts of the scandal of biometric identification chips. The great
spiritual father of our nation, Father Justin Pârvu from Petru Vodă Monastery has launched an appeal to
all Romanian believers to not receive these arbitrary acts which, although not the seal itself and the
rejection of Christ as presented in Revelation Ch. 13, are clearly for everyone, a stage, both for
apostasy, but also, for those who do not value the sacred, to a total dictatorship over our bodies and our
souls. This message has triggered as expected, a wave of various reactions, from unconditional
adherence to the defamation and rejection as fierce.
Among the reactions posted in what is called nowadays "blogosphere", the field of modern
communication on the Internet, our attention was drawn by hierom. Gregory Sandu’s article titled:
"What's allowed and what is not allowed to a Christian to receive." Since we are still in the realm of
discussion pros and cons and the sobornost consensus, not to mention the position of "official", have
not coalesced into a somewhat unanimous definition, we express (with caution, as a subject still think
retouch!) the agreement with the analysis and the measures envisaged by Father Gregory, whom we
thank with love and gratitude for his edifying contributions.
That being said, we have allowed, with the same love and appreciation, to bring a humble
contribution of this useful article, that does not change as we said the essential of the conclusions
concerning sealing and apostasy, but what comes with something we believe that reinforce these
conclusions: the true confession of cosmology, i.e. the scriptural and patristic. We will therefore refer
to those passages, by asking Father to forgive us for daring this and hoping that he will receive with the
same love the testimony in question. Therefore, we read that:
"Those through are prepared even nowadays the conditions of Antichrist's reign are trying
cleverly to plant, both in the minds of those who believe in science and in the minds of those who
believe in God, the idea that things go naturally and inevitably to this end they desired. Their
demonstration is based on astronomical knowledge converted into astrology, so that all this serve to the
idea that they wish to implant in the mind of men. It starts from the known scientific fact that the North
South axis of the Earth in its movement describes a full cone in 25,764 years."

The astronomy and chronology of the Holly Tradition as the Holly Fathers got and have taught
say something else. These, as it should be known and constantly reminded to the orthodox Christians of
all ranks, lay people and monks was a geocentric/static one, and the age of the world counted thousands
of years, from Genesis to the Nativity are 5508 years, this year 2009 being the year 7517. All these
being impossible to deny and fight within the church, i.e. those who believe, confess and love this Holy
Tradition and the Fathers referred to, results that the North-South axis of the Earth is fixed motionless
in the center of the cosmos/universe and does not describe anything, no Geometric trajectory. Again,
those 25,764 years is a Pythagorean/Platonic meaningless in this reference frame.

"What's allowed and what is not allowed to a Christian to receive" by Hierom. Gregory Sandu.

"The speed of precession is thus one degree in 71,5667 years. The heavenly around the ecliptic
(Earth's orbital plane) with a width of 18 degrees is called the zodiac, because here are the 12
constellations through which the Earth goes successively in its yearly course."

We give below some basic explanations of patristic astro/logy/nomy to help clarify the
understanding of this passage:
Given the geocentric model, results that the Sun, the fourth planet from Earth, makes its route
through the zodiac, that band of 18 degrees, 23 degrees inclined to the ecliptic plane.

Modern and contemporary astrology is an amalgam of "classic" astrology, based on modern

Broadly speaking, the classical astrology can be described as follows:
"This fragment is preserved in the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea of
Palestine (Cart. VII, chap. 32). Under the opposite side of the universe is to understand the southern
hemisphere celestial of the celestial globe, which divides the celestial equator, called by Matthew
Blastaris in another place of his the treaty, the great circle of the parallels, the equinoctial circle, the
northern hemisphere. In the month of March the sun finishes its way trough the southern hemisphere
and moves in the north. He has his way in the zodiac, which is divided in 12 parts, called by Blastaris
twelfths, 6 in the northern hemisphere and 6 in the southern hemisphere. The sun travels this way in a
year going to turn through the 12 twelfths and spending in each of them about a month. The 12 months
of the year thus correspond to the 12 parts of the solar track. The first twelfth is that of Aries, in which
the sun enters in the northern hemisphere. When this is the beginning of it, then it is in one of the two
points in which the solar path, the ecliptic, is cut by the celestial equator, equinoctial circle, i.e. the
vernal equinoctial point, about which Blastaris says in another place that it is seen at the beginning of
Aries." (cf. Prof. C. Popovici, introduction and commentary to" Matthew Blastaris, On Pascha)
In terms of astronomy the observations of the new age astrologers suffer from serious flaws that
make it appear a multitude of different timelines as to when this passing occurs. What interests us here,
however, are the theological implications in these concepts and their effect on Christian faith and
doctrine. For, far from being a mere astronomical aberration and petty superstition, the new age
movement is emerging as a dangerous enemy of Christianity in a world scale. Let us compare these
allegations of human astrological with the revealed astrology. How would that period of 2147 years (by
other authors: 2160 years) of the sun in a sign have occurred? Let's remember that this is the sidereal
zodiac and the zodiacal constellations. For the precession of the equinoxes occurs exactly in the
sidereal zodiac. Turning to the first week of Creation, on the 4 th day when all luminaries, planets and
stars were created, the sun was in the fist degree of Aries, the time of the vernal equinox (we can call it
if you want March 21). This is illustrated in a normative text for paschalion of hierom. Matthew
"So when God made the world of nothingness into being, from the first day to seventh it was
fully equinox, so that neither day nor night surpassed even as little as one another, because if the fourth
day and enjoy the sight of creation of lights, however they were not allowed as nowadays to plane also
on the opposite side of the universe, because the sun entering suddenly in the first equinoctial section of
the zodiac went into the first grade of Aries, and the moon went immediately in the diametrically
opposite side, passing into autumn equinox section, in the Balance, without any haste at all against the
sun, as it does at least nowadays, because otherwise it was not possible is strictly keep it’s full light,
showing us that God has done from the beginning nothing deficient, because the whole side of the
moon being turned towards the sun shows us through the distinguished movement the various forms of
the lights. Therefore, both lights were moving together in the same time or rather unchanged in the
same time with the universe as they would expected the end of creation. And on the sixth day man is
formed by God's hands, the equinox still blooming beautifully and the moon being almost as the sun in
the fullness of brightness, for it was not proper neither that the first man, who for his great kinship with
the light was called even by those by alienated from the religion, by justice as “light”, to be created
before the equinox, when everything was covered by darkness, nor that the lights of the world (to be
created before that time), of that which should be subject to (the human), surrounding now for the first
time as some satellites the one who should reign over creation, for otherwise still having time also to be
create, and obviously had the day and night which were now present to start from the even, because it
is more natural and before than uneven, in the way that possessions come fore losses, God teaching us
from that to the law of equality, in which resides the being of the virtues, before all oversize and
mismatch, and then after the seventh day the lights started to run as from open barriers and being
made to move by different speed, anomaly was introduced." (Matthew Blastaris On Holy Pascha)

So, remember that the sun and not the earth is involved in what is called "precession of the

"After gaining the trust of the people with these claims, strictly scientific and true, they are
getting closer of their goal, by connecting them to the biblical events, in order to win the believers."

Everything crashed with noise: the vernal equinox was in the early days of Creation in the very
Aries zodia! So, those speculations, whether astrology or "scientific and true" are scattering like a
spider web, as well as the father of Gregory had proven.
As well observed by those with spiritual consciousness and awareness, we are witnessing the
dawn the new era, with his "new world order", "golden dream" of some unseen enemy spirits, and put
in practice by people more or less "discreet." This "order" (cosmos) absolutely needs to work for our
depersonalization, which is a terrible attack on the image of God, that are we people. "Image" means
primarily the freedom and thinking (reason), divine and angelical qualities with which we are endowed
from the very beginning, regardless of subsequent falls and their severity2. Obviously the adding these
features gives "freedom of thought", the ultimate freedom, superior to that of action, movement or
expression. Here we can add of course the freedom of belief and conscience, "rights" granted not by
who knows what human bodies, but by the Creator Himself. That's why we Orthodox Christians
confess in unison with the Apostle Paul:

I am an image of thy glory ineffable, though I bear the brands of transgressions. (The Order for the Burial
of the Dead)
"All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but
I will not be brought under the power of any... all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not." (1
Corinthians 6:12, 10:23)

Now we are very aware what does the "mark of the beast" mean and how serious are the stages
and steps that go in there. The Devil and his seen and unseen servants, known and unknown, are acting
in attacking these freedoms in the opposite direction: action, movement, expression, the final step will
be the darkened mind, through the new magic, the advanced technology! Hence the significance of the
given signal, confession, and guidelines such as these in the article to which we refer.
We conclude these observations being fully aware that they are extremely difficult to receive by
the most, whereas the teaching of helio/acentric astrophysics comprised the vast majority of mankind in
the last century, being by far the greatest deception of the devil on the knowledge of the visible world
in such a scale. If we remembered the freedom of thought, belief and conscience, here, we express this
clearly in this confession of the true astrophysics. But, truth and light can not stay indefinitely under a
bushel, "the lie has short legs" even if her father struggles with his adoptive sons and ministers to
lengthen them beyond measure, in order if possible to deceive even those elected! Let the Lord have
mercy on us, to enlighten and strengthen us in these days and those to come! Amen.

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