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Answer :

Questions 1-5 :

1) Paragraph B (viii – More lights than is necessary)

2) Paragraph C (vii – seen from above )
3) Paragraph D (vi – A problem lights do not solve)
4) Paragraph E (iv – People at risk from bright lights)
5) Paragraph F (iii – The environmental dangers)

Questions 6 – 9 :

6) According to a recent study, well-lit streets do not Deter Crime or make neighbourhoords
safer to live in
7) Inefficient lighting increases Air because most electricity is produced from coal, gas or
8) Efficient lights Block from going into areas where it is not needed
9) In dealing with light pollution Education is at least as important as passing new laws.

Questions 10 – 13 :

10) YES
11) NO
13) YES
a) Many children are forced to stay at school and study subjects that will be of little value
to them in the furure
Answer :
according to me, I take the midpoint of the full day school
I think the full day school system will be effective when the school has adequate facilities.
If appropriate facilities, laboratories, art rooms, sports facilities and all extracurricular activities
goes well of course this concept is nice. But if all of the facilities and activities is still lacking,
we will actually depressed. students will feel bored
All day they learn, not to mention if the next night they charged with their homework to
finish, poor students are forced to study continues, I am afraid this will affect students
I strongly support, because with this policy will definitely reduce the activity of children
playing outside and playing games. If parents have a busy life sometimes do not have time to
watch the kids, so with the full day school that children can learn and play at school.
I think the students home until 16:00 pm this is good, because they are in school and
learning. Try that at home before 16:00 pm may be students spend time playing with friends or
playing with gadgets. even sometimes to neglect to recite at the landfill and Salah 5 times. But it
does not matter if the school is no small mosque for prayers.
Essentially I think personally, apply full day school as a form of error in addressing the
education and schooling. As if education is synonymous with schooling, whereas education is
much broader than schooling. Education can be done at home, school and in the community.
Thus, the school is only one of the elements in education. Many empirical evidence shows that
successful people are not the only people who have a good academic performance in school, but
who have the skills (life skills) which was nice. But, before full day school is in force it is better
to do research in advance what positive and negative impacts.
b) These children may disrupt the education of the majority and should be allowed to leave
school early to find themselves a job
Answer :
1001 is certainly no problem, ranging from the economy, freedom, juvenile delinquency,
organized by intimidation, broken home, and other reasons. To find out more should you survey
them directly.
I think they did not want that kind of deprivation in material things, if only they could
change the situation, of course, they want to be like the others self sufficiency but his affection
they could not change the situation so that they would not want to live a situation that I think is
really heavy, frankly if I like it I might not be able to live it, resiliency in their daily lives really
me the thumbs-up, it is not easy to be a child who must find the money again after school and a
lot of invective and insults that they get. their days are required to work hard to put food, if some
pity they can put food but otherwise they are forced to fast starve because they have no money to
buy food that is decent.
Most of us who are able to care more about themselves than helping those who need our
helping hand. I personally really put a very mercy to them, the government should also want to
pay attention to them by creating jobs for them so that they are more focused on living her life
And not to mention the children who are required to earn money after school it did not
enjoy her childhood (for children under age) like other children, because they are required or
obliged to make a living for his life, one of them because of their economic factors.
And there is also a good idea if they have to earn money with an early age, because to
know how hard to find the money, and it may be that they are motivated to learn earnestly and
not to play any more in terms of the school.

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