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Persons and Family Relations

BarOps Head I PY Caunan

Acads Head I Beth Liceralde

Subject Head I Jas Gapatan

Faculty Adviser I

I. PERSONS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
PERSON ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
KINDS OF CAPACITY ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
LIMITS ON CAPACITY TO ACT ............................................................................................................................................ 1
KINDS OF PERSONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

II. CITIZENSHIP AND DOMICILE .............................................................................................................................................................2

WHO ARE FILIPINO CITIZENS? ............................................................................................................................................................................................2
DOMICILE ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................2

III. MARRIAGE ........................................................................................................................................................................................2

MARRIAGE .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
BREACH OF PROMISE TO MARRY .........................................................................................................................................................................................2
ESSENTIAL REQUISITES OF MARRIAGE .................................................................................................................................................................................2
FORMAL REQUISITES OF MARRIAGE ....................................................................................................................................................................................2
MARRIAGES CELEBRATED ABROAD (ART. 26) ......................................................................................................................................................................3
VOID MARRIAGES...............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
VOIDABLE MARRIAGES .......................................................................................................................................................................................................5
LEGAL SEPARATION ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................6

IV. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE .......................................................................................................... 8

OBLIGATIONS OF SPOUSES .................................................................................................................................................................................................8
RIGHTS OF SPOUSES .........................................................................................................................................................................................................8
USE OF SURNAME ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................8

V. PROPERTY RELATIONS BETWEEN SPOUSES ..................................................................................................................................... 9

A. DONATIONS BY REASON OF MARRIAGE ...........................................................................................................................................................................9
B. ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY ..........................................................................................................................................................................10
C. CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS .............................................................................................................................................................................12
D. SEPARATION OF PROPERTIES DURING MARRIAGE ..........................................................................................................................................................17
E. REGIME OF SEPARATION OF PROPERTY .........................................................................................................................................................................18
F. UNIONS WITHOUT MARRIAGE ........................................................................................................................................................................................18

VI. THE FAMILY ....................................................................................................................................................................................20

THE FAMILY HOME ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................20

VII. PATERNITY AND FILIATION ............................................................................................................................................................21

A. DEFINITION..................................................................................................................................................................................................................21
B. LEGITIMATE CHILDREN .................................................................................................................................................................................................21
C. IMPUGNING LEGITIMACY ...............................................................................................................................................................................................22
D. ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN ...............................................................................................................................................................................................23
E. LEGITIMATED CHILDREN ...............................................................................................................................................................................................24

VIII. ADOPTION ...................................................................................................................................................................................25

A. DEFINITION..................................................................................................................................................................................................................25
B. WHO MAY ADOPT .........................................................................................................................................................................................................25
C. WHO MAY BE ADOPTED ................................................................................................................................................................................................27
D. PRE-ADOPTION ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................28
E. ADOPTION PROCEDURE................................................................................................................................................................................................29

IX. SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

KINDS OF SUPPORT..........................................................................................................................................................................................................31
CHARACTERISTICS OF SUPPORT........................................................................................................................................................................................31
WHO ARE OBLIGED TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER (ART. 195) ................................................................................................................................................31
ORDER OF SUPPORT (ART. 199).......................................................................................................................................................................................31

X. PARENTAL AUTHORITY....................................................................................................................................................................32
DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................32
SUBSTITUTE PARENTAL AUTHORITY EXERCISED BY (IN ORDER) ..........................................................................................................................................33
SPECIAL PARENTAL AUTHORITY EXERCISED BY (ART. 218) ................................................................................................................................................33
RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF PARENTS .....................................................................................................................................................................................33
RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF CHILDREN ....................................................................................................................................................................................33
EFFECT OF PARENTAL AUTHORITY UPON THE PROPERTY OF THE CHILD (ART. 225)..............................................................................................................34
GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OF PARENTAL AUTHORITY (ART. 231) .....................................................................................................................................34
TERMINATION OF PARENTAL AUTHORITY (ART. 228)...........................................................................................................................................................34
I. Persons Persons and Family Relations


Birth determines personality (CC Art 40).
Death extinguishes civil personality (CC Art 42).
A “conceived child shall be considered born for
all purposes that are FAVORABLE to it, provided it
Any being, natural (CC Art. 40) or juridical (CC
be born later” (Art 40, 2nd clause) with the
Art. 42), susceptible to legal rights and obligations,
following circumstances:
and can be a subject of legal relations.
1. From the time it is completely delivered from
the mother's womb.
Kinds of Capacity 2. But if the fetus had an intra-uterine life of less
than seven months, it should survive for at
1. JURIDICAL CAPACITY least 24 hours after its complete delivery. (Art.
41, CC) [Test of life: complete respiration]
Fitness to be subject of legal relations (CC Art.
37) TOLENTINO: Birth means complete removal of the
fetus from the mother’s womb.
Inherent to all natural persons, and can only
PROF. BALANE: Modern medicine cannot as of yet
be extinguished by death. On juridical persons,
determine if the intra-uterine life is 7 months or
they gain juridical capacity from the moment they
less in terms of number of days. Modern medicine
are created.
cannot determine the exact time when fertilization
took place. Modern medicine estimates the fetus
Juridical capacity is just one, indivisible,
age in weeks.
irreducible, and essentially the same for all men; it
is an inherent and ineffaceable attribute of man,
and attaches to him by the mere fact of his being a In Geluz v CA, The Supreme Court held that
man. the father cannot file charges on behalf of the
aborted fetus because it never acquired a civil
2. CAPACITY TO ACT personality, because it was not alive when it was
delivered from the mother’s womb. The baby thus
Power to do acts with legal effect (CC Art. 37) did not acquire any legal rights. The father could
have filed for moral damages on his own capacity,
RULE had he suffered anguish from the loss of the baby,
They are acquired, and may be lost. They are but it appears from the facts that he did not suffer
also subjects to certain restrictions. Mere existence from any pain or anguish. Thus, he cannot claim
of a human being does not confer upon him/her a any damages.
capacity to act.
No one has 100% capacity to act, nor does The effect of death upon the rights and
anyone have absolutely no capacity to act. Even obligations of the deceased is determined by law,
though one may have “full capacity to act,” one by contract and by will (Art 42, par. 2). However,
still does not reach 100% capacity to act but only the Civil Code does not define death, nor can
close to it. As to infants, though they still have not doctors precisely pinpoint the exact moment when
acquired a capacity to act, this does not mean that death occurs.
they have 0% capacity to act.
If they are called to succeed each other,
Limits on Capacity to Act whoever alleges the death of one prior to the
other, shall prove the same. In the absence of
 Insanity, Imbecility, State of being deaf-mute, proof, it is presumed that they died at the same
Penalty, Prodigality, Family Relations, time, and there will be no transmission of rights
Alienage, Absence, Insolvency, Trusteeship, from one to the other. (Art. 43, CC)
(CC Arts. 38, 39CC) and other limits spread
throughout the Code. In Joaquin v Navarro, the rule on Art. 43 was
 Art. 39(2), or rule on married women 21 years not applied in determining whether the mother or
and over, has been amended by RA 6809, the son died first. There were eyewitnesses who
which lowers the age of majority to 18 year can give evidence as to who died first, so there is
old. no reason for applying the presumption. It is only
when it is impossible to determine who died first
Kinds of Persons that the presumption applies.

a. The State and its Political subdivisions;
Human beings
b. Other Corporations, Institutions and Entities


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I. Persons Persons and Family Relations

for public interest or purpose, created by law;

c. Corporations, Partnerships, and Associations II. CITIZENSHIP AND DOMICILE
for private interest or purpose to which the law
grants a juridical personality. (CC Art 44) Who Are Filipino Citizens?

1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the

time of the adoption of the 1987 Constitution;
Juridical Governed by 2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of
Person the Philippines;
3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino
State Constitution (Defines its
organization and limits its rights vis- mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon
à-vis citizens) reaching the age of majority; and
4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with
Political Charter law. (Art IV, §1, 1987 Philippine Constitution)
These have superseded the rules on citizenship
Public Charter
corporation enumerated in the Civil Code.

Private Corporation Code, Articles of

corporation Incorporation and By-Laws

Partnerships Stipulations of the parties and For Natural Persons: the place of their habitual
suppletorily by the general residence (CC Art. 50).
provisions on partnership For Juridical Persons: the place where their legal
representation is established, or where they
RULES exercise their primary functions, unless there is a
 Juridical persons may acquire and possess law or other provision that fixes the domicile (CC
property of all kinds, incur obligations, and Art. 51).
bring civil or criminal actions (CC Art. 46)
 Upon dissolution of corporations or institutions DOMICILE VS. RESIDENCE
and other entities for public interest, their
property and assets shall be disposed of in While domicile is permanent (there is intent to
pursuance of the law or charter creating them. remain), residence is temporary and may be
(CC Art. 47) changed anytime (there is no necessary intent to



1. Physical Presence
2. Intent to remain permanently


1. Domicile of Origin
 Domicile of parents of a person at the time
he was born.
2. Domicile of Choice
 Domicile chosen by a person, changing his
domicile of origin.
 A 3rd requisite is necessary – intention not
to return to one’s domicile as his permanent
3. Domicile by Operation of Law (i.e., Article 69,
domicile of minor)


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III. Marriage Persons and Family Relations

III. MARRIAGE and their personal declaration that they take

each other as husband and wife). (Art 3, FC)


 ABSENCE of any of the essential or formal
1. a Special Contract
requisites shall render the marriage VOID AB
2. of Permanent Union
INITIO, (FC Art 4, par. 1) except when it is
3. Between a Man and a Woman
solemnized by an unauthorized person with
4. entered into in Accordance with law
either or both contracting parties having good
5. for the Establishment of Conjugal and Family
faith that he had authority to do so (FC Art
35, par. 2)
6. It is the Foundation of the Family
 A DEFECT in any of the ESSENTIAL
7. and an Inviolable Social Institution
REQUISITES shall render the marriage
8. whose Nature, Consequences, ,and Incidents
VOIDABLE (FC Art 4, par. 2).
are governed by Law and not subject to
REQUISITES shall NOT AFFECT the validity of
9. except that Marriage settlements may Fix
the marriage, but the party or parties
property relations during the marriage within
responsible for the irregularity shall be civilly,
the Limits provided by this Code. (Art 1,
criminally, and administratively liable (FC Art
Family Code)
4, par. 3).

Breach of Promise to Marry A. MARRIAGE CEREMONY

In Tanjanco v CA, the Supreme Court held There is no particular form or religious rite
that “breach of promise to marry is not an required by law.
actionable wrong.” The fact that the Santos, the
woman, agreed to have sexual intercourse with MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS BY LAW
Tanjanco for a year does not constitute seduction 1. The contracting parties appear personally
but mutual passion. before the solemnizing officer
2. They declare in the presence of at least two
However, in Wassmer v Velez, Velez was witnesses of legal age,
held liable for the cost of the wedding preparations 3. That they take each other as husband and
spent by Wassmer, because he disappeared two wife;
days before the marriage. The Supreme Court said 4. The declaration shall be contained in the
that while mere breach is not an actionable wrong, marriage certificate,
Velez is still liable under Art. 21 of the Civil Code 5. Which shall be signed by the contracting
because he abused his right, thereby causing moral parties and their witnesses and attested by the
and material damages, which should be solemnizing officer. (Art. 6, FC)
In a marriage in articulo mortis, when one or
both parties are unable to sign the marriage
Essential Requisites of Marriage
certificate, it shall be sufficient for one of the
witnesses to write the name of said party, which
1. Legal Capacity of contracting parties who shall be attested by the solemnizing officer. (Art 6,
must be Male and Female; and par. 2)
2. Consent freely given in the presence of the
1. Chambers of the judge or in open court;
In People v Santiago (51 Phil 68), the 2. Church, chapel, or temple
marriage between Santiago and his niece was 3. Office of the Consul-general, consul, or vice-
declared void for lack of consent on the part of consul, as the case may be. (Art. 8, FC)
Santiago. He only got married to her to avoid
prosecution because he raped her the same Exceptions
morning that the marriage was solemnized by a Marriage in articulo mortis, in a remote place
Protestant minister. The Supreme Court held that it (the barrio or barangay should be so located that
was a mere ruse for him to escape criminal liability. there is no means of transportation to enable such
party to appear personally before the local civil
Formal Requisites Of Marriage registrar – Art. 29), or where both of the parties
request the solemnizing officer in writing, in which
1. Authority of the solemnizing officer; case the marriage may be solemnized at a house
2. A valid Marriage License except in cases or place designated by then in a sworn statement.
under Chapter 2 of this Title;
3. Marriage Ceremony (i.e. appearance of
contracting parties before solemnizing officer


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III. Marriage Persons and Family Relations


1. Any incumbent member of the judiciary within 1. In case one or both contacting parties are at
the court’s jurisdiction (Art. 7, par. 1); the point of death (in articulo mortis). (Art. 27)
2. Any priest, rabbi, imam, or minister of any 2. If the residence of either party is so located
church or religious sect duly authorized by his that there is no means of transportation to
church or religious sect; enable them to personally appear before the
 He/she must be registered with the civil local civil registrar. (Art. 28)
registrar general (CRG). 3. Marriage in articulo mortis between passengers
 He/she must be acting within the limits of the or crew members. [May be solemnized by the
written authority granted by the church ship captain or airplane pilot.] (Art. 31)
 At least one of the parties must be a member 4. Marriage in articulo mortis between persons
of the church or religious sect to which the within the zone of military operation. [May be
solemnizing officer belongs (FC Art. 7, par. 2). solemnized by the military commander of the
3. Ship captain or airplane chief (FC Art 7, par. unit] (Art. 32)
3); 5. Marriages among Muslims or among members
 Can only solemnize marriages in articulo of cultural communities, provided they are
mortis (when there one or both parties are at solemnized in accordance with their customs,
the point of death), while the ship is at sea or rites, or practices. (Art. 33)
the plane is in flight, or at stopovers or ports 6. Marriage between a man and a woman who
of call (FC Art 31). have lived together as husband and wife for at
4. Any military commander of a unit to which a least five years, without legal impediment to
chaplain is assigned, in the absence of the marry each other.
latter (FC Art 7, par. 4);
 Can only solemnize marriages in articulo In Ninal v Badayog, the Supreme Court held
mortis between persons within the zone of that there must be no legal impediment during the
military operation, whether members of the entire five or more years that the parties are living
armed forces or civilians (Art 32, FC). as husband and wife. Since there is only a
5. Consul-general, consul, or vice consul (Art. 7, difference of one year and eight months since the
par. 5) death of the first wife and the execution of their
 Can solemnize marriages between Filipino affidavit, the five-year requirement is not met,
citizens abroad. The issuance of the marriage even if they have cohabited during the subsistence
license and the duties of the local civil of the previous marriage.
registrar shall also be performed by said
consular official. (Art. 10, FC) In Madridejo v De Leon, where the parties
6. Mayors (under the Local Government Code, not were married in articulo mortis, the Supreme Court
found in the Family Code) held that the marriage is still valid even if the
priest who solemnized the marriage failed to send
C. MARRIAGE LICENSE a copy of the marriage certificate to the municipal
secretary. The marriage certificate is not a
REQUIREMENTS FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE requisite of marriage but a mere proof that the
APPLICATION marriage really existed. And since the marriage
1. Full name of the contracting party; was solemnized under exceptional circumstances,
2. Place of birth; there is no need for a marriage license.
3. Age and date of birth;
4. Civil status; Marriages Celebrated Abroad (Art. 26)
5. If previously married, how, when and where
the previous marriage was dissolved or
annulled; GENERAL RULE:
6. Present residence and citizenship;
7. Degree of relationship of the contracting Marriages solemnized outside the RP in
parties; accordance with the law of the foreign country shall
8. Full name, residence and citizenship of the be valid in the Philippines (lex loci celebrationis)
9. Full name, residence and citizenship of the EXCEPTIONS:
mother; and
10. Full name, residence and citizenship of the 1. Marriage between persons below 18 years old –
guardian or person having charge, in case the Art. 35(1)
contracting party has neither father nor mother 2. Bigamous or polygamous marriage – Art. 35(4)
and is under the age of twenty-one years (Art. 3. Mistake in identity – Art. 35 (5)
11, FC) 4. Marriages void under Article 53 – Art. 35 (6)
5. Psychological incapacity – Art. 36
6. Incestuous marriages – Art. 37
7. Marriage void for reasons of public policy – Art.


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III. Marriage Persons and Family Relations

If a Filipino married to a foreigner and the latter 18.Between parties where one, with the
subsequently obtains a valid divorce abroad intention to marry the other, killed that
capacitating him./her to remarry, the Filipino other person's spouse, or his or her own
spouse shall likewise have the capacity to remarry spouse.
under the Philippine law (Art 26(2)). An action for declaration of nullity of marriage
is imprescriptible. (Art. 39)
Void Marriages *For purposes of remarriage, the nullity of a
previous marriage may be invoked solely on the
basis of a final judicial declaration of nullity (JDN)
MARRIAGE IS VOID AB INITIO WHEN: of the previous marriage. (Art. 40)
I. UNDER FC ART. 35 In Domingo v CA, the husband opposed the
1. Contracted by anyone below 18 years old, filing of judicial declaration of nullity (JDN) filed by
even with consent of parents the wife Domingo because the marriage is already
2. Solemnized by anyone not authorized to void ab initio because of the husband’s previous
do so, except when one or both parties marriage. The Supreme Court held that the JDN
believe that the solemnizing officer had can be invoked for other purposes than remarriage.
authority to do so. The wording of Art. 40 about JDN being the sole
3. There is no marriage license, except in basis for remarriage does not mean that JDN can
marriage under exceptional circumstances only be invoked for purposes of remarriage.
4. It is bigamous or polygamous, except Separation of Property, the reason cited in this
when first spouse has been absent for four case, is also a valid reason for filing for JDN.
years, or two years under extraordinary
circumstances, and the remaining spouse In Republic v Molina, 1997 (268 SCRA
has a well-founded belief that the absent 198), the Supreme Court held that the actions of
spouse is dead, and is judicially declared the wife, described by the wife as “highly immature
presumptively dead. (Art. 41) and habitually quarrelsome who thought himself as
5. There is a mistake in identity of the other a king to be served,” does not amount to
contracting party psychological incapacity. It held that what existed
6. The subsequent marriage is void under are mere irreconcilable differences. It also laid
Art. 53: down in this case the guidelines to be followed by
the courts in interpreting Art. 36.
Marriage is void when Art. 52 is not complied
with: There must be a partition and distribution of GUIDELINES FOR INTERPRETATION OF
property after the judgment of annulment of ARTICLE 36 (REPUBLIC V MOLINA):
declaration of nullity. The presumptive legitimes of
the children must also be delivered and recorded in 1. The burden of proof to show the nullity of the
the appropriate civil registry. marriage belongs to the plaintiff.
2. The root cause of the psychological incapacity
II. UNDER FC ART. 36 must be: (a) medically or clinically identified,
7. Any contracting party is, at the time of the (b) alleged in the complaint, (c) sufficiently
celebration of the marriage, proven by the experts, (d) clearly explained in
psychologically incapacitated to comply the decision.
with the essential marital obligations. 3. The incapacity must be proven to be existing at
“the time of the celebration” of the marriage.
III. UNDER FC ART. 37 (INCESTUOUS 4. Such incapacity must also be shown to be
RELATIONSHIPS) medically or clinically permanent of incurable.
8. Between ascendants and descendants of any 5. Such illness must be grave enough to bring
degree, legitimate or illegitimate. about the disability of the party to assume the
9. Between brothers and sisters, whether full essential obligations of marriage.
or half-blood, legitimate or illegitimate. 6. The essential marital obligations mist be those
embraced by Articles 68 up to 71 of the Family
IV. UNDER FC ART. 38 (FOR REASONS OF PUBLIC Code as regards the husband and wife as well
POLICY): as Articles 220, 221, and 225 of the same Code
10.Between collateral blood relatives, legitimate in regard to parents and their children.
or illegitimate, up to the fourth civil degree. 7. Interpretations given by the national Appellate
11.Between step-parents and step-children. Matrimonial tribunal of the Catholic Church in
12.Between parents-in-law and children-in-law. the Philippines, while not controlling or decisive,
13.Between adopting parent and adopted child. should be given great respect by our courts.
14.Between the surviving spouse of the 8. The trial court must order the prosecuting
adopting parent and the adopted child. attorney or fiscal and the Solicitor General to
15.Between the surviving spouse of the appear as counsel for the state. No decision
adopted child and the adopter. shall be handed down unless the Solicitor
16.Between an adopted child and a legitimate General issues a certification.
child of the adopter.
17.Between adopted children of the same


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III. Marriage Persons and Family Relations

RULE ON BIGAMOUS MARRIAGE (ART. 41): a. Through non-disclosure of a previous

conviction of a crime involving moral
GENERAL RULE turpitude;
Marriage contracted by any person during the b. Through concealment of the wife of the fact
subsistence of a previous marriage is VOID that she was pregnant by another man;
c. Through concealment of a sexually-
EXCEPTION transmitted disease, even if not serious or
If the first spouse has been absent for four incurable;
consecutive years, or two years under d. Through concealment of drug addiction,
extraordinary circumstances, and the surviving habitual alcoholism or homosexuality or
spouse has a well-founded belief that the spouse is lesbianism. (Art.46)
dead, and there is a judicial declaration of 4. The consent of either party was obtained
presumptive death, without prejudice to the effect through force, intimidation, or undue
of the reappearance of the absent spouse. influence.
5. Either party is physically unable to
Exception to the exception consummate the marriage (impotence)
When both parties in the subsequent marriage (different from sterility).
acted in bad faith, the marriage is still void (Art. 6. Either party has a serious and incurable
44). sexually-transmissible disease, even if not
In People v Mendoza, Mendoza contracted
three marriages. He contracted the second In Buccat v Buccat, the Supreme Court
marriage during the subsistence of the first refused to grant annulment filed by the husband
marriage. He contracted the third marriage after because his wife gave birth to a baby a mere 89
the death of his first wife. He was prosecuted for days after their marriage. It held that it is
bigamy on his third marriage. The Supreme Court unbelievable that the wife could have concealed
held that he is not guilty for bigamy for his third the fact that she was 6 months pregnant at the
marriage, since his prior subsisting marriage has time of the marriage.
already been extinguished by the death of his first
wife. It is the second marriage that is bigamous. However, in Aquino v Delizo, the Supreme
Court granted annulment because the wife
EFFECTS OF TERMINATION OF BIGAMOUS concealed the fact that she was 4 months pregnant
MARRIAGE (FC ART 43): during the time of the marriage. It argued that
since Delizo was “naturally plump,” Aquino could
1. Children – considered legitimate hardly be expected to know, by mere looking,
2. Property Regime – dissolved and liquidated whether or not she was pregnant at the time of the
(party in bad faith shall forfeit his/her share in marriage.
favor of the common children or children by a
previous marriage, and in case there are none, Ground For Who Can Prescription How To
to the innocent spouse) Annulment File (Art. 47) Ratify (Art.
3. Donation propter nuptias – remains valid, (Art. 45) (Art. 47) 45)
(but if the donee contracted marriage in bad
Lack of 1. Underage 1. 5 years after
faith, donations will be revoked) parental party attaining 21. Free
4. Insurance benefits – innocent spouse may consent cohabitation
revoke designation of guilty party as after
beneficiary, even if such designation is 2. Parent or 2. Before child attaining age
guardian reaches 21. of 21
5. Succession Rights – Party in bad faith
disqualified to inherit from innocent spouse, Insanity 1. Sane 1. Any time
whether testate or intestate spouse with before the
6. Donations - If both parties of subsequent no death of insane
marriage acted in bad faith, any donations and knowledge of party
testamentary dispositions made by one party to the other’s Free
insanity cohabitation
the other by reason of marriage will be revoked 2. Legal of insane
(Art. 44) guardian of party after
insane party coming to
Voidable Marriages 3. Insane 2. During lucid
party interval or after
ART 45): before death

1. One of the parties is 18 or above but below 21,

and there is no parental consent.
2. Either party was of unsound mind (insanity).
3. The consent of either party was obtained
through fraud (different from mistake in


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III. Marriage Persons and Family Relations

Fraud Injured party Five years after Free previous marriage

(defrauded discovery of cohabitation (Art. 53), children
party) fraud after having are considered
knowledge of
fraud 5. How to May be attacked Can only be
impugn DIRECTLY or attacked DIRECTLY
Force, Injured party Five years after Free COLLATERALLY, except (there must be
intimidation, disappearance cohabitation for purpose of annulment decree)
undue of force or after the remarriage (there
influence intimidation force has must be JDN)
ceased or
disappeared 6. Effect of May still be impugned Can no longer be
death of parties after death of parties impugned after
Impotence Healthy Five years after Deemed death of parties
party marriage ratified when
prescribes Legal Separation
STD Healthy Five years after Deemed
party marriage ratified when BED AND BOARD SEPARATION MAY BE
1. Repeated violence or grossly abusive
DURING PENDENCY OF ACTION: conduct directed against petitioner, a common
child, or a child of the petitioner.
1. The court shall provide for the support of the 2. Physical violence or moral pressure to compel
spouses, petitioner to change religious or political
2. The custody of the common children, giving affiliation.
paramount consideration to their moral and 3. Attempt of respondent to corrupt or induce
material welfare, their choice of parent with petitioner, a common child, or child of
whom they wish to remain. petitioner, to engage in prostitution or
3. The court shall also provide for visitation rights connivance in such corruption or inducement.
of other parent. (Art. 49) 4. Final judgment sentencing respondent to
imprisonment of more than 6 years, even if
To prevent collusion between the parties, pardoned (executive pardon, not pardon from
fabrication or suppression of evidence, the offended party).
prosecuting attorney or fiscal shall appear on 5. Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of
behalf of the State. (Art. 48) respondent.
» When it existed from the time of
EFFECTS OF DECLARATION OF NULLITY OR celebration, and concealed from petitioner,
ANNULMENT: can be a ground for annulment of
marriage. When it occurred only after the
The same as effects of termination of marriage, it is only a ground for legal
bigamous marriage (Arts. 43, 44), except in the separation, whether concealed or not.
status of children. 6. Lesbianism or homosexuality of respondent.
» Ditto on rules on drug addiction.
VOID MARRIAGES VS. VOIDABLE MARRIAGES 7. Contracting by respondent of a subsequent
(SEMPIO-DIY): bigamous marriage, whether in the
Void Marriage Voidable Philippines of abroad.
Marriage 8. Sexual infidelity or perversion.
9. Attempt on the life of petitioner by
1. Nature INEXISTENT from the VALID until
beginning annulled by court
» There is no need for criminal conviction.
2. Co-validation CANNOT be CAN be covalidated 10.Abandonment of petitioner by respondent
covalidated by prescription or without justifiable cause for more than one
free cohabitation
3. Effect on No Community ACP exists unless
property Property, only Co- another system is In Gandioco v Peñaranda, the Supreme
ownership instituted through Court held that in sexual infidelity as a ground for
legal separation, there is no need for prior
conviction for concubinage, because legal
4. Legitimacy General rule: Children Children are separation only requires a preponderance of
of children are ILLEGITIMATE LEGITIMATE if evidence, as opposed to proof beyond reasonable
(Art. 165) conceived before
Exception: In void decree of
doubt required in concubinage. In fact, a civil
marriages by annulment action for legal separation based on infidelity may
reason of proceed ahead or simultaneously with the criminal
psychological action for concubinage,
incapacity (Art. 36)
or non-partition of
(ART. 56):


6 of 39
III. Marriage Persons and Family Relations

party in the will of the innocent spouse shall

1. Condonation by aggrieved party also be revoked by operation of law.
2. Consent by aggrieved party to the commission
3. Connivance between parties in the commission 5. Donation propter nuptias in favor of the guilty
of the offense spouse may be revoked (Art. 64)
4. Mutual guilt in ground for legal separation 6. Innocent spouse may also revoke designation of
5. Collusion between parties to obtain decree of guilty spouse as beneficiary in an insurance
legal separation policy, even if such stipulations are irrevocable
6. Prescription of action for legal separation (Art. 64).
7. Obligation for mutual support ceases, but the
OTHER GROUNDS FOR DENYING LEGAL SEPARATION court may order the guilty spouse to support
7. Death of either party during pendency of action the innocent spouse. (Art. 198)
(Lapuz-Sy v Eufemio) 8. The wife shall continue to use the surname of
8. Reconciliation of parties during pendency of the husband even after the decree for legal
action (Art. 66 par.1) separation.


PROCEEDINGS: the designation of guilty spouse as beneficiary in
an insurance policy should prevail, notwithstanding
1. Prescription – Action prescribes in five years contrary provisions in the Insurance Code.
from occurrence of cause (Art. 57)
2. Reconciliation period – Action cannot be tried RULE ON RECONCILIATION:
before six months have elapsed since the filing
of the petition (Art. 58) Should the spouses reconcile, they should file
3. Attempts on reconciliation – Action cannot a corresponding joint manifestation under oath of
be tried unless the court has attempted to such reconciliation (Art. 65).
reconcile the spouses, and determined that
despite such efforts, reconciliation is highly
PROF. BALANE: It is not the reconciliation per se
improbable (Art. 59)
but the filing of the required manifestation that
4. Confession – No decree of legal separation
produces the effects enumerated in Art. 66.
shall be based upon a stipulation of facts or a
confession of judgment (Art. 60, par. 1)
5. Collusion – The court shall assign the EFFECTS OF RECONCILIATION (ART. 66):
prosecuting attorney or fiscal to make sure that
there is no collusion between the parties, and 1. Proceedings for legal separation shall be
that evidence is not fabricated or suppressed terminated at whatever stage.
(Art. 60, par. 2) 2. If there is a final decree of legal separation, it
6. After filing the petition for legal separation, the shall be set aside.
spouses are entitled to live separately (Art. 3. The separation of property and forfeiture of
61, par. 1). share of guilty spouse shall subsist, unless the
7. Administration of Community or Conjugal spouses agree to revive their former property
Property – If there is no written agreement regime or to institute another property regime
between the parties, the court shall designate (cf. Art. 67).
one of them or a third person to administer the
8. Custody of children – The court shall give 4. Joint custody of children is restored.
custody of children to one of them, if there is no 5. The right to intestate succession by guilty
written agreement between the spouses. It spouse from innocent spouse is restored.
shall also provide for visitation rights of the 6. The right to testamentary succession depends
other spouse. (Art. 62, cf. Art. 49) on the will of the innocent spouse.


(ART. 63):

1. Spouses can live separately, but cannot

remarry (marriage bonds are not severed).
2. The ACP of CPG shall be dissolved and
liquidated, and the share of the guilty spouse
shall be forfeited in favor the common children,
previous children, or innocent spouse (cf. Art.
42, par. 2).
3. Custody of the minor children shall be awarded
to the innocent spouse
4. Guilty spouse shall be disqualified from
inheriting from innocent spouse by intestate
succession. The provisions in favor of the guilty


7 of 39
IV. Rights and Obligations Between Husband and Wife Persons and Family Relations


BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE A widow may use the deceased husband’s
surname as though he were still living. (Art. 373,
Obligations of Spouses C. MISTRESSES:

1. Live together (Art. 68) In Legamia v IAC, the Supreme Court

2. Observe mutual love, respect, and fidelity (Art. allowed the mistress to use her live-in partner’s
68) name, since everyone already knew that she was a
3. Render mutual help and support (Art. 68) mistress, so as to avoid confusion.
4. Fix the family domicile. In case of
disagreement, the court shall decide. (Art. 69)
5. Jointly support the family. (Art. 70)
6. Manage the household. (Art. 71)

Rights of Spouses

1. In case the other spouse neglects his or her

duties or commit acts which tend to bring
danger, dishonor or injury to the family, the
aggrieved party may apply the court for
relief. (Art. 72)
2. Either spouse may exercise any legitimate
profession, without need for consent of the
other. The other spouse may only object on
valid, serious, and moral grounds. (Art. 73)

In case of disagreement, the Court shall decide

whether (1) the objection is proper, and (2) benefit
has accrued to the family before the objection.

Use of Surname


A married woman may use:

1. Her maiden first name and surname and add
her husband's surname, or
2. Her maiden first name and her husband's
surname or
3. Her husband's full name, but prefixing a word
indicating that she is his wife, such as “Mrs.”
(Art. 370, CC)

The wife has the option to choose which

among these names she should use. Should she
decide to keep her maiden name, the use of the
word “may” in the provision indicates that she may
do so.. (A US Case allowed a woman to keep her
maiden name especially because many of her
professional relations already know her by that

In Yasin v Shari’a District Court, the

Supreme Court, by way of obiter dictum, said that
the woman only has an option and not a duty to
use the surname of her husband, as provided for in
Art. 370, CC. It also said that when her husband
dies, the woman can revert to her old name
without need for judicial declaration.


8 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations

V. PROPERTY RELATIONS BETWEEN same, and in favor of one or both of the future
spouses. (Art. 82)

ORDER TO BE FOLLOWED (ARTS. 74, 75) 1. Made before the celebration of marriage
2. Made in consideration of the marriage
1. Marriage settlements before marriage – 3. In favor of one or both spouses
spouses can agree to whatever regime they
want, be it ACP, CPG, or complete separation. DONATIONS EXCLUDED:
2. Provisions of the Civil Code – If there are no
marriage settlements, the Absolute Community 1. ordinary wedding gifts given after the
of Property will be followed celebration of the marriage
3. Local Customs 2. donations in favor of future spouses made
before marriage but not in consideration thereof
The rule that ACP is the default mode of 3. donations made I n favor of persons other than
property relations absent any marriage settlement the spouses even if founded on the intended
applies to all Filipinos, regardless of the place of marriage
the marriage and their residence – Art. 80
SETTLEMENTS (ART. 77) 1. spouses to each other
2. parents of one or both spouses
1. Must be in writing (public or private) 3. 3rd persons to either or both spouses
2. Signed by the parties
3. Executed before the celebration of the DISTINGUISHED FROM ORDINARY
marriage DONATIONS:
4. If party needs parental consent,
parent/guardian must be a party to the
settlement Donations Propter Ordinary Donations
5. If party is under civil interdiction or other
disability (not including insanity), court Does not require Express acceptance necessary
appointed guardian must be a party express acceptance
6. Must be registered in local civil registry – to
affect third persons (If not registered, will not May be made by Cannot be made by minors
prejudice third persons, ACP will apply) minors (Art. 78)

May include future Cannot include future property

All modifications to the marriage settlement If present property is No limit to donation of present
must be made before the marriage is celebrated. donated and property provided legitimes
property is not are not impaired
EXCEPTIONS: absolute community,
limited to 1/5
1. Legal Separation (Art. 63 (2))
» In such an instance, the property regime is Grounds for Grounds for revocation - in
revocation - In Art. donation laws
2. Revival of the former property regime upon
reconciliation if the spouses agree (Art. 66 (2))
3. A spouse may petition the court for: RULES
a. Receivership
b. Judicial separation of property, or BEFORE MARRIAGE
c. The authority to be the sole administrator of
the conjugal partnership General Rule
▪ If the other spouse abandons the other Future spouses cannot donate to each other
without just cause or fails to comply more than 1/5 of their present property (excess
with his or her obligations to the family. shall be considered void) (Art. 84)
(Art. 128)
4. Judicial Dissolution (Arts. 135 and 136) Exception
If they are governed by ACP.
A. Donations By Reason Of Marriage


Spouses cannot donate to each other, directly
Donations which are made before the or indirectly (donations made by spouses to each
celebration of the marriage, in consideration of the other during the marriage are void) (Art. 87)


9 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations


Moderate gifts on the occasion of any family
rejoicing. All the property owned by the spouses at the
time of the celebration of the marriage or acquired
In Matabuena v Cervantes, the Supreme thereafter. (Art. 91)
Court ruled that Art. 87 is applicable even to
common-law spouses. Under the ACP, spouses cannot exclude
specific properties from the regime.

1. If the marriage is not celebrated or judicially 1. Properties acquired by a gratuitous title,

declared void ab initio, except donations made i.e. donation, inheritance by testate and
in settlements. intestate succession, including the fruits of such
2. When the marriage takes place without the properties
consent of the parents or guardians, as » Exception: When it was expressly
required by law. provided by the donor or testator that the
3. When the marriage is annulled, and the property shall form part of the ACP);
donee acted in bad faith. 2. Properties for personal use, e.g. clothes,
4. Upon legal separation, if the donee is the toilet articles, books
guilty spouse. » Exception: Pieces of jewelry - they form
5. If there is a resolutory condition, and it is not part of the ACP
complied with. 3. Properties acquired before the marriage,
6. When donee has committed an act of for those with legitimate descendants with a
ingratitude, such as: former marriage (to protect rights of children by
a. An offense against person or property of a former marriage).
donor, or his wife or children under parental
b. An imputation to the donor of any criminal All properties acquired during the marriage
offense, or any act involving moral form part of the ACP, unless it be proven that they
turpitude, even if proven, unless the crime is are excluded. (Art. 93)
committed against the donee, his wife or
children under his authority. CHARGES UPON THE ACP (ART. 94):
c. Refusing to support the donor, if he/she is
legally required to do so. 1. Support
a. Support of illegitimate children of either
The donee may choose to waive his/her right spouse governed by (9)
to revoke the donation, in which case the donee b. Support shall be given to spouses even if
will keep the property. they are not living together, except when a
spouse leaves the conjugal home without
The action for filing for revocation of donation just cause
prescribes. c. Support shall be given to the spouses during
pendency of action for legal separation (Art
B. Absolute Community Of Property 61) or for annulment of marriage (Art. 49)
2. Debts and Obligations Contracted During
WHEN IT COMMENCES: a. Either by both spouses or one of them, with
the consent of the other.
At the precise moment of the celebration of b. In (2) and (3), creditors need not prove that
the marriage (Art. 88), not just at the day of the the debts benefited the family.
celebration. However, if the marriage is celebrated 3. Debts Contracted by one Spouse Without
before the Family Code took effect (1988), the Consent of the other
default property regime is the Conjugal Partnership a. ACP liable only to the extent that the debt
of Gains (CPG). benefited the family.
b. Reason: spouses are joint administrators of
WAIVER OF RIGHTS: community property, and one should not act
without the consent of the other.
GENERAL RULE 4. Tax, Liens, Repairs on Community Property
NOT ALLOWED (Art. 89) a. Taxes on property itself and its fruits,
including any surcharges on real estate
1. with the marriage subsisting, in case of a b. “Minor repairs” are those for mere
judicial separation of property, which includes preservation of property or those caused by
dissolution of absolute community or conjugal ordinary wear and tear; “Major repairs”
partnership as a result of legal separation. include those caused by extraordinary
2. in case the marriage is dissolved (by death of events such as storms , floods, etc.
one of the spouses) or annulled.


10 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations

5. Taxes and Expenses for Mere preservation 97) However, the will should refer only to his/her
of Separate properties own share in the community property.
a. Applies only to separate properties by either
spouse being used by the family, not those DONATION OF PROPERTY:
that do not benefit the family.
b. Expenses limited to minor repairs. Donation of one spouse without the consent of
6. Expenses for professional, Vocational, or the other is not allowed (Art. 98, following logic of
Self-Improvement Course of Spouses Art. 96).
a. Intention of the law is to encourage the
spouses to improve themselves for the
benefit not just of their family but of the EXCEPTIONS
whole nation as well. 1. Moderate donations to charity due to family
7. Ante-nuptial Debts that Benefited the rejoicing or distress;
Family 2. Moderate gifts by each spouse to the other due
a. If the ante-nuptial debt did not benefit the to family rejoicing.
family, applicable rule is (9).
b. e.g. loans incurred by husband prior to Note: What’s moderate depends on the socio-
marriage to purchase conjugal home economic status of the family
8. Donations by Spouses to Common
Legitimate Children ACP TERMINATES UPON (ART. 99):
a. Beneficiaries should be common legitimate
children of spouses. 1. Death of either spouse – follow rules in Art.
b. Donation should be made by both spouses; 103
otherwise, the ACP is not liable. 2. Legal Separation – follow rules in Arts. 63 and
9. Ante-Nuptial Debts not under (7), Support 64
of Illegitimate Children, Liabilities of Either 3. Annulment or judicial declaration of nullity
Spouse Arising from Quasi-Delict – follow rules in Arts. 50 to 52
a. If the debtor-spouse has no exclusive 4. Judicial separation of property during
property or his or her property is marriage – follow rules in Arts. 134 to 138
b. Under Art. 205 of CC, guilty spouse has no RULES ON DE FACTO SEPARATION (ART.
obligation to reimburse to the ACP 100):
indemnities paid by ACO on account of a
crime or quasi-delict committed by him or GENERAL RULE
her. Under the Family Code, however, the De facto separation does not affect the ACP.
ACP is considered merely to have advanced
these indemnities; they shall be deducted EXCEPTIONS
from the share of the guilty spouse at the 1. Spouse who leaves the conjugal home without
time of the liquidation of the absolute just cause shall not be entitled to support.
community. He/She, however, is still required to support the
10.Expenses of Litigation between Spouses other spouse and the family.
a. Expenses of these litigations are actions for 2. If consent is necessary for transaction but is
support by one spouse against the other or withheld or otherwise unobtainable,
for support and custody of children, legal authorization may be obtained from the court.
separation, and annulment of marriage. 3. Support for family will be taken from the ACP.
b. If the spouse who files the case loses, the 4. If ACP is insufficient, spouses shall be solidarily
ACP is not liable for the expenses incurred liable.
during litigation. 5. If it is necessary to administer or encumber
separate property of spouse who left, spouse
ADMINISTRATION OF PROPERTY: present may ask for judicial authority to do this.
6. If ACP is not enough and one spouse has no
Belongs to both spouses jointly. If they separate property, spouse who has property is
disagree the husband’s decision prevails. However, liable for support, according to provisions on
the wife has five years from the date of the support.
decision to go to court for recourse. Otherwise, it is
presumed that she agreed with the husband’s IN CASE OF ABANDONMENT (ART. 101):
decision. (Art. 96)
Present spouse may petition the court for:
EXCEPTION a. receivership;
When the other spouse is incapacitated, or b. judicial separation of property; or
unable to participate in the administration (e.g. c. authority to be the sole administrator of the
when abroad). absolute community, subject to
precautionary conditions that the court may
Either spouse may, through a will, dispose Spouse is prima facie considered to have
his/her interest in the community property. (Art. abandoned the other spouse and the family if:


11 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations

1. he/she has left for a period of three months, C. Conjugal Partnership Of Gains
2. he/she has failed to inform his/her whereabouts
for a period of three months.

PROCESS OF LIQUIDATION OF ACP (ART. 1. For marriages before the implementation of the
102): Family Code.
2. For marriages after the Family Code, if agreed
1. Inventory of assets of ACP and of spouses, to by the parties through a marriage
with market values. settlement.
2. Obligations are paid with community
property, and separate obligations not charged
to ACP paid by respective assets of spouses.
3. Balance, or net remainder is divided equally
between the spouses, irrespective of how much HUSBAND AND WIFE PLACE IN COMMON
each brought into the community. FUND:
4. If obligations exceed the assets of the ACP,
nothing is divided. Creditors can go after the 1. The proceeds, products, fruits, and income of
separate properties of the spouses, which are their separate properties;
solidarily liable for the deficiency. 2. Everything acquired by them within marriage
5. If personal obligations of a spouse exceed through their own efforts;
his/her separate property, creditor can go after 3. Everything acquired by them by chance
the share of the spouse on the net remainder of
the ACP, without prejudice to the provisions of Each spouse has his/her own property and
law on forfeitures and delivery of his/her own debts.
presumptive legitimes. Upon dissolution of marriage or partnership,
6. After covering all community obligations and the net gains or benefits from the partnership shall
obligations of spouses, balance of separate be divided equally between the spouses, unless
properties shall be delivered to respective they have agreed on another manner of division in
spouses or their heirs, and they will also their marriage settlement.
divide into two equal shares whatever is left of
the community assets, without prejudice to the In De Ansaldo v Sheriff of Manila, the
provisions of law on forfeitures and delivery of Supreme Court ruled that the spouses are not co-
presumptive legitimes. owners of the conjugal properties during the
marriage and cannot alienate the supposed ½
RULES IN CASE OF TERMINATION OF interest of each in the said properties. The interest
MARRIAGE BY DEATH OF ONE OF THE of the spouses in the conjugal properties is only
SPOUSES (ART. 103): inchoate or a mere expectancy and does not ripen
into title until it appears after the dissolution and
1. The community property shall be liquidated liquidation of the partnership that there are net
in the same proceeding for the settlement of assets
the estate of the deceased spouse.
2. If no such judicial settlement proceeding is
instituted, surviving spouse shall liquidate
the community property either judicially or
extra-judicially within one year from the death
of the deceased spouse.



1. Determine the capital, fruits, and income of

each community upon such proof as may be
considered according to the rules of evidence.
2. In case of doubt as to which community the
existing properties belong, they shall be divided
between two communities in proportion to the
capital and duration of each.


12 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations



1. Property acquired Each spouse retains his/her property; only Properties become part of community
before marriage. fruits part of conjugal property property

2. Property acquired Part of conjugal property Becomes conjugal property.

during marriage

3. Upon dissolution of Separate properties are returned; net Net remainder of ACP divided equally
marriage profits divided equally between spouses or between spouses or heirs.

4. Basis Capital and properties of spouses kept Mutual trust and confidence between
separate and distinct from benefits; spouses; fosters oneness of spouses
insurmountable obstacle to presumption
of solidarity

5. Liquidation Exclusive properties will have to be Easier to liquidate because net remainder
identified and returned, and sometimes, of community properties are simply
identification is difficult. divided between spouses or heirs


CPG Ordinary partnership

1. Existence Exists with the mere fact of marriage Comes into existence according to
agreement between parties

2. Purpose, duration, Predetermined by legislator, the law fixing Determined by will of partners.
and rules its conditions.

3. Profits Divided equally between spouses, Depends upon respective capitals of

irrespective of the amount of capital that partners, or upon their agreement
they bring into marriage

4. Equality No equality between spouses in control, General rule is that all partners have equal
management, and disposition, because the rights in administration, management, and
law grants the husband some control of partnership.

5. Personality No juridical personality Considered a juridical person

6. Commencement At precise moment of celebration of At the time agreed upon by partners


7. Regulation By law By agreement of parties; subsidiarily, by


8. Purpose Not particularly for profit For profit

9. Causes for Death, legal separation, annulment, JDN, Death, insolvency, civil interdiction,
dissolution judicial separation of property termination of term, express will of any
partner, etc. (Arts 1830-1931)

10. Effect of death of a Dissolution of partnership Surviving partners may choose to continue
partner partnership

11. Division of Only upon dissolution There can be division of profits without
properties dissolution

12. Management Joint; in case of disagreement, the Same as individual partners, except when
husband’s decision shall prevail, wife has one or more partners designated as
recourse to courts managers.


13 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations


1. Property brought into marriage by each spouse Include all income from work, labor or
as his/her own – Art. 109(1) industry, of either or both spouses, whether in the
2. Property acquired by either spouse during the form of wages, salaries, honoraria, practice of a
marriage by gratuitous title – Art 109 (2) profession, income from business even if the
capital comes from the exclusive property of one of
PROPERTY BY SUBSTITUTION the spouses, commissions, bonuses, etc.
3. Property acquired by right of redemption, by
barter, or by exchange with property belonging 3. FRUITS FROM COMMON PROPERTY, AND NET
to either spouse – Art. 109 (3) FRUITS OF E XCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF EACH SPOUSE
4. Property purchased with exclusive money of (ART. 117 (3))
either spouse- Art. 109 (4) All kinds of fruits from conjugal properties as
well as the exclusive properties of the spouses,
OTHER SEPARATE PROPERTY whether natural, industrial, or civil, like young of
5. Collection of credits belonging to one spouse animals, produce of land, earnings from business,
exclusively etc.
6. Sale of separate property of a spouse
7. Indemnity paid in cash of expropriation of But only net income or fruits of exclusive
separate property or under an insurance policy property of the spouses become conjugal. The
covering separate property. expenses for production, administration, and
8. Possession does not affect ownership of preservation should be taken from the gross fruits,
separate property. and the owner-spouse is entitled to retain the
gross income until these expenses are paid
Spouses retain ownership, possession,
administration, and enjoyment of their exclusive If fruits were pending on separate, property of
properties (Art. 110). a spouse at.the time of the marriage, the harvest
collected during the marriages is conjugal, and the
Either spouse may transfer administration of conjugal partnership is not bound to pay the
his/her exclusive property to the other, provided expenses, of cultivation to the spouse who owns
that it is: the property from which the fruits were harvested,
1. In a public instrument because the right of the conjugal partnership is a
2. Recorded in the registry of property of the place real right of usufruct and therefore, the law on
where the property is located. usufruct should apply

Rights to mortgage, encumber, alienate, or 4. SHARE OF EITHER SPOUSE IN HIDDEN TREASURE,

dispose of his/her property belong to the owner- WHETHER AS FINDER OR OWNER OF PROPERTY
spouse and are consequences of his/her right of WHERE TREASURE IS FOUND (ART. 117(4))
ownership. (Art. 111) Hidden treasure found by -the. spouses on the
property of either of them is conjugal.
Owner-spouse can also appear alone in court
to litigate with respect to his/her exclusive If the owner of the property where the
property. (Art. 111) treasure is found is one of the spouses and the
treasure is found by a stranger, the one-half share
Alienation of exclusive property administered of the owner of the property goes to, the conjugal
by the other automatically terminates and the partnership.
administration over such property and the
proceeds of the alienation shall be turned over to If the property where the treasure is found
the owner-spouse. (Art. 112) belongs to -a stranger and the treasure is found by
one of the spouses, the one-half share of the finder
PRESUMPTION is conjugal.
All property acquired during the marriage,
whether the acquisition appears to have been 5. PROPERTIES ACQUIRED THROUGH OCCUPATION
made, contracted or registered in the name of one SUCH AS FISHING OR HUNTING (ART. 117 (5))
or both spouses, is presumed to be conjugal unless These include wild animals caught by the
the contrary is proved. (Art. 116) husband in the forest while hunting, and all kinds
of marine life caught while fishing.
The theory is that animals in the forest and
1. PROPERTIES ACQUIRED BY ONEROUS TITLE fishes in the ocean are res nullius and do not
DURING THE MARRIAGE AT EXPENSE OF COMMON belong to anyone, and if one of the spouses
FUND (A RT. 117 (1)) catches any of them, the benefit is not his alone
The test is the origin of the money invested in but for the conjugal partnership.
the purchase; if it came from conjugal funds, the
property acquired is conjugal.


14 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations

similar kinds of property are, however, merely

accessories to some commercial
6. LIVESTOCK EXISTING AT DISSOLUTION OF establishment or product, so that if such
PARTNERSHIP IN EXCESS OF WHAT IS BROUGHT BY establishment or product is separate property
EITHER SPOUSE TO THE MARRIAGE (ART. 117 (6)) of one spouse, then the business property is
While Art. 159 of the Civil Code classifies as separate property, the same being an
conjugal all animals existing at the dissolution of accessory that follows the principal; but all
the partnership "exceeding" that brought to the benefits or earnings derived from these
marriage by each spouse, this particular provision different kinds of property during the
of the Family Code considers, as conjugal all marriage should belong to the conjugal
"livestock existing at the dissolution of the property (Tolentino, id., citing the same
partnership in excess of each kind brought to the authority).
marriage by either spouse."
7. PROPERTIES ACQUIRED BY CHANCE, SUCH AS  If the property was bought on installment by a
WINNINGS FROM GAMBLING OR BETTING (ART. 117 spouse before the marriage and the
(7)) contract of sale is such that ownership was
If a winning lottery or sweepstakes ticket is already vested on the buyer-spouse at the
bought by a spouse with his or her own money or time of the execution of the contract, the
the ticket was given gratuitously by a friend, the property is EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY of said
prize will be separate property of the spouse who buyer-spouse, even if installments on the
owns the ticket. If, however, the ticket is price up to full payment came from the
purchased with conjugal funds, the prize will be conjugal funds. The amounts paid by the
conjugal. conjugal partnership shall, however, be
reimbursed to it by the owner-spouse at the
Presumption time of the liquidation of the partnership.
A lottery or sweepstakes ticket acquired  If, however, the contract of sale on
during the marriage was bought with conjugal installment is such that ownership did not vest
funds, and the prize is therefore, conjugal. on the buyer at the time of the execution of
the sale and ownership vested only after
SPECIAL CASES NOT INCLUDED IN ART. 117 the whole price was paid during the
 Land obtained by either spouse or by both marriage and out of conjugal funds, the
through a loan is conjugal, and so is the PROPERTY IS CONJUGAL but the
loan, and the spouses will be solidarily liable partnership shall reimburse the buyer-spouse
for said loan with their separate properties if the installments paid by him or her before the
later, the community property is not enough marriage.
to pay for the same.
» Where property' belonging to one spouse In Lorenzo v. Nicolas, it was held that
is converted into another kind totally property bought on installment by either spouse
different in nature from its original form before the marriage and was fully paid only after
(e.g.; when, a nipa 'swamp is converted the marriage but ownership had vested on the
into a fishpond), during the marriage the buyer spouse before the marriage, is separate
converted property is conjugal in the property of the buyer-spouse, although the
absence of proof that the expenses of installments paid by the conjugal partnership
conversion were exclusively for the during the marriage must be reimbursed to it upon
account of the original owner-spouse. But liquidation.
said owner-spouse is entitled to
reimbursement of the value of the original CHARGES UPON CPG (ART. 121) [CF.
property from the conjugal partnership CHARGES TO ACP]:
 Money received under the Social Security
Act is not conjugal, although-the employee- 1. The support of the spouse, their common
spouse contributes to the SSS with his children, and the legitimate children of either
salaries, but belongs to the designated spouse; however, the support of illegitimate
beneficiary under the Social Security Law children shall be governed by the provisions of
 Intellectual property, like copyright or this Code on Support;
patent, should, according to Tolentino, citing 2. All debts and obligations contracted during the
Planiol and Ripert, be considered separate marriage by the designated administrator-
property of the spouse who produces or spouse for the benefit of the conjugal
invents or discovers it, this property being of partnership of gains, or by both spouses or by
a special type, almost a part of one's person one of them with the consent of the other;
or taken from his personality and the physical 3. Debts and obligations contracted by either
or external manifestation of his intellect or spouse without the consent of the other to the
genius, that it is not simply a product of one's extent that the family may have benefited;
work or industry but should be considered as 4. All taxes, liens, charges, and expenses,
pertaining exclusively to its creator including major or minor repairs upon the
 Business property like trade-marks, trade conjugal partnership property;
names, service marks, business goodwill, and


15 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations

5. All taxes and expenses for mere preservation DISPOSITION OR ENCUMBRANCE OF THE
made during the marriage upon the separate CPG:
property of either spouse;
6. Expenses to enable either spouse to commence DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY
or complete a professional, vocational, or other Alienation of said property in any form, such
activity for self-improvement; as sale, donation, or assignment.
7. Ante-nuptial debts of either spouse insofar as ENCUMBRANCE OF PROPERTY
they have redounded to the benefit of the Includes a real estate mortgage of immovable
family; property or a chattel mortgage or pledge of
8. The value of what is donated or promised by personal property of the CPG.
both spouses in favor of their common
legitimate children for the exclusive purpose of Disposition or encumbrance of conjugal
commencing or completing a professional or property requires the consent or approval by both
vocational course or other activity for self- spouses.
improvement; and
9. Expenses of litigation between the spouses Mere awareness of a transaction is NOT
unless the suit is found to groundless. consent

If the conjugal partnership is insufficient to If the consent cannot be obtained or unjustly

cover the foregoing liabilities, the spouses shall be withheld, then the other spouse may bring the
solidarily liable for the unpaid balance with their matter to court and secure judicial authority for
separate properties. said disposition or encumbrance.

ADMINISTRATION OF THE CPG: If there is no consent of the other spouse nor

judicial authority, the disposition or encumbrance
shall be void.
Husband and wife are joint administrators of
the family properties and exercise joint authority
over the persons and properties of their children
Same rule as Art. 97: Either spouse may
dispose by will of his interest in the ACP. (but there
Same provisions as those of Art. 96 (admin.
is no provision specifically for CPG).
of the ACP)
1. Prepare inventory, listing separately all the
The other spouse may assume sole powers of
properties of the conjugal partnership and the
administration in the event that one spouse is
exclusive properties of each spouse.
incapacitated or otherwise unable to participate in
2. Amounts advanced by the conjugal
the administration of the CPG.
partnership in payment of personal debts and
obligations of either spouse shall be credited
However, these sole powers of administration
to the conjugal partnership.
do not include disposition or encumbrance (as
3. Each spouse shall be reimbursed for the use
these are acts of ownership or dominion)
of his or her exclusive funds in the acquisition
of property or for the value of his or her
To be able to dispose or encumber properties
exclusive property, the ownership of which has
of the CPG, either of the following is necessary:
been vested by law in the conjugal partnership.
a. authority of the court; or
4. The debts and obligations of the conjugal
b. written consent of the other spouse.
partnership shall be paid out of the conjugal
assets. In case of insufficiency of said assets,
In the absence of said judicial authority or
the spouses shall be solidarily liable for the
written consent, the disposition or encumbrance
unpaid balance with their separate properties,
shall be void.
in accordance with the provisions of paragraph
2 of Article 121.
5. Whatever remains of the exclusive properties
of the spouses shall thereafter be delivered to
1. The enjoyment of the CPG shall belong to both
each of them.
spouses jointly.
6. Unless the owner had been indemnified from
2. Either spouse may enjoy or use the properties
whatever source, the loss or deterioration of
of the CPG like a beach house or a family car as
movables used for the benefit of the family,
long as the use is in accordance with the
belonging to either spouses, even due to
purpose of the thing without injuring it and the
fortuitous event, shall be paid to said spouse
other spouse is not prevented from likewise
from the conjugal funds, if any.
using it.
7. The net remainder of the conjugal partnership
properties, or the profits, which shall be
divided equally between husband and wife,
unless a different proportion or division was
agreed upon in the marriage settlements or


16 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations

unless there has been a voluntary waiver or METHODS OF LIQUIDATION

forfeiture of such share as provided in this 1. by extra-judicial partition between the husband
Code. and wife or their heirs
2. by an ordinary action for partition
EFFECTS OF DISSOLUTION 3. by testate and intestate proceedings
Whatever is acquired by the surviving spouse
after the termination of the CPG forms part of his D. Separation of Properties During
or her exclusive property.
An obligation incurred by a surviving spouse
after the death of the other spouse, can no longer When there is no stipulation between the
be charged against the property of the CPG which parties, Separation of Properties takes place only
has been terminated by such death. upon judicial order. (Art. 134).

ALIENATION BY SURVIVORS Judicial separation of properties may be

If it becomes necessary to pay outstanding voluntary or because of a sufficient cause.
obligations of the CPG after the death of one of the
spouses, a sale may be made of a portion of the SUFFICIENT CAUSES FOR JUDICIAL
CPG, provided the sale is made in the manner and SEPARATION OF PROPERTIES (ART. 135):
with the formalities established by the Rules of
Court for the sale of property of deceased persons. 1. Spouse of the petitioner has been sentenced
to a penalty which carries with it civil
Such disposition cannot include the half that interdiction.
may be adjudicated to heirs of the deceased 2. Spouse of the petitioner has been judicially
spouse. This rule applies not only to sale, but also declared an absentee.
to mortgages. 3. Loss of parental authority of the spouse of
petitioner has been decreed by the court.
RIGHTS OF THIRD PERSONS 4. Spouse of the petitioner has abandoned the
latter or failed to comply with his or her
Dissolution of the conjugal property must be obligations to the family.
recorded in the registry of property in order to 5. The spouse granted the power of
affect third persons dealing with registered administration in the marriage settlements
property. has abused that power.
6. At the time of the petition, the spouses have
When third persons are in connivance with the been separated in fact for at least one year
surviving husband or knowingly lend their aid, and reconciliation is highly improbable.
directly or indirectly to the commission of
fraudulent acts by the husband, the court will see In the cases provided for in Numbers (1), (2)
to it that they do not profit by their misconduct, and (3), the presentation of the final judgment
and the fraud to which they are parties will vitiate against the guilty or absent spouse shall be enough
and annul all their transactions. basis for the grant of the decree of judicial
separation of property.
The purchaser in good faith must be held to
take a good and valid title which cannot be set In cases provided for in numbers (4), (5), and
aside thereafter upon proof that in making the (6), a preponderance of evidence is required to
sale, or in the use made of the proceeds, the secure a judicial separation of property.
husband acted in fraud of the rights of the heirs.
The heirs must seek their remedy against the


17 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations
CPG Absolute Community
ACP or CPG will be liquidated, according to the What gets Only the net Entire common mass of
provisions of the Family Code. (Art. 137) divided profits property which remains
between the after the payments of
REVIVAL OF PROPERTY REGIME IN THE FF. spouses? the debts and
INSTANCES (ART. 141): obligations of the
absolute community
1. When the civil interdiction terminates.
2. When the absentee spouse reappears. Why? Spouses All the separate
3. When the court, being satisfied that the spouse retain their properties of the
granted the power of administration in the separate spouses before the
marriage settlements will not again abuse properties marriage become part
that power, authorizes the resumption of said which do not of the community
administration. become part property.
4. When the spouse who has left the conjugal of the - each spouse loses
home without a decree of legal separation conjugal ownership of whatever
resumes common life with the other; properties properties he/she
5. When parental authority is judicially brought to the
restored to the spouse previously deprived marriage.
6. When the spouses who have separated in fact ADMINISTRATION:
for at least one year, reconcile and resume
common life. Each spouse shall own, dispose, possess,
7. When after voluntary dissolution of the absolute administer, and enjoy his/her own estate, without
community of property or conjugal partnership need for consent of the other. (Art. 145)
has been judicially decreed upon the joint
petition of the spouses, they agree to the FAMILY EXPENSES:
revival of the former property regime. No
voluntary separation of property may thereafter Each spouse shall contribute to the family
be granted. expenses, in proportion to their income. In case of
insufficiency, the market value of their separate
Liability of spouses to the creditors of the
1. When one spouse becomes the guardian of the family shall be SOLIDARY. (Art. 146, par. 2)
2. When one spouse is judicially declared an
F. Unions Without Marriage
3. When one spouse is sentenced to a penalty
which carries with it civil interdiction. UNIONS GOVERNED BY ARTICLE 147:
4. When one spouse becomes a fugitive from
justice or is in hiding as an accused in a 1. When a man and a woman capacitated to marry
criminal case. each other live exclusively with each other as
husband and wife without the benefit of
If the other spouse is not qualified by reason marriage
of incompetence, conflict of interest, or any other 2. A man and a woman living together under a
just cause, the court shall appoint a suitable person void marriage (inapplicable to bigamous
to be the administrator. marriage)

E. Regime of Separation of Property
1. The man and the woman must have capacity to
marry each other.
GOVERNED BY: 2. The man and the woman cohabit.
3. The cohabitation is exclusive.
Marriage settlements; provisions of the Code 4. The man and the woman are not married to
are only suppletory. (Art. 143) each other or are married to each other but the
marriage is void.
1. Present Property, Future Property, Both 1. Wages and salaries earned by either spouse
2. Total separation, Partial separation (remaining during the cohabitation.
property is considered part of the absolute 2. Properties acquired by them through their joint
community) work or industry during the cohabitation.
 Presumption – properties acquired during
the cohabitation are presumed to have been
acquired through their joint efforts, work or


18 of 39
V. Property Relations Between Spouses Persons and Family Relations

The same rules on forfeiture shall apply if

Party who did not participate in the acquisition both parties are in bad faith.
by the other party of any property shall be deemed
to have contributed jointly in the acquisition
thereof if the forger’s efforts consisted in the care
and maintenance of the family and of the

If the partner did not acquire the property

directly, that partner's efforts must consist of the
care and maintenance of the family and of the
household in order for such party to own 1/2 of the
acquired property.

In Maxey vs. CA, the Supreme Court said

that the co-ownership arises even if the common-
law wife does not work is not gainfully employed.
The common-law wife is still a co-owner since she
ran the household and held the family purse even if
she did not contribute thereto

Parties cannot encumber or dispose by acts
inter vivos their share in the property acquired
during their cohabitation until termination

In case of void marriage – if only one party is

in good faith, the share of the spouse who is in bad
faith shall be forfeited
1. In favor of their common children
2. In case of default of or waiver by any or all of
the common children or their descendants each
vacant share shall belong to the respective
surviving descendants
3. In the absence of such descendants, such share
belongs to the innocent party


People incapacitated to marry each other

1. Bigamous marriages
2. Adulterous relationships
3. Relationships in a state of concubinage
4. Relationships where both man and woman are
married to other persons
5. Multiple alliances of the same married man

Only properties acquired by the parties
through their actual joint contribution of money,
property or industry shall be owned in common in
proportion to their respective contributions.

Contributions and share of the parties to the
properties acquired during the cohabitation are

If one party is validly married to another:

1. His/her share in the co-owned properties will
accrue to the ACP/CPG of his/her existing valid
2. If the party who acted in bad faith is not validly
married to another, his/her share shall be
forfeited in the same manner as that provided
in Art 147


19 of 39
VI. The Family Persons and Family Relations

VI. THE FAMILY 2. The family home can be constituted only on the
dwelling place and therefore in the locality
where the family has its domicile.
FAMILY RELATIONS INCLUDE THOSE: 3. The value of the family home must not exceed
the limit fixed by law
1. Between husband and wife;
2. Between parents and children; HEAD OF THE FAMILY:
3. Among brothers and sisters, whether of the full
or half-blood. Every person who is residing in the dwelling
house with him or her, and under his or her care
GENERAL RULE: and maintenance, any of the following:
1. His or her minor child, grandchild or child of his
For a suit between members of the same or her deceased wife or husband;
family shall prosper, the following are required: 2. A minor brother or sister or a minor child of a
1. Earnest efforts towards a compromise have deceased brother or sister;
been made 3. The father, mother, grandfather, grandmother
2. Such efforts have failed of a deceased husband or wife
3. Such earnest efforts and the fact of failure must 4. An unmarried sister or any other of the relatives
be alleged mentioned who has attained the age of majority
but is unable to take care or support himself.
Without these 3, the case will be dismissed.

Cases which cannot be compromised. (Article 1. The husband and wife, or an unmarried person
2035): who is the head of the family.
1. civil status of persons, 2. Their parents, ascendants, descendants,
2. validity of marriage or a legal separation, brothers and sisters, legitimate or illegitimate,
3. any ground for legal separation, who are living in the family home and who
4. future support, depend upon the head of the family for legal
5. jurisdiction of courts, support.
6. future legitime
The Family Home 1. The relationship is within those enumerated
2. They live in the family home
3. They are dependent for legal support on the
head of the family
Dwelling place of a person and his family
A real right, which is gratuitous, inalienable,
and free from attachment, constituted over the
1. Nonpayment of taxes.
dwelling place and the land on which it is situated,
2. Debts incurred prior to the constitution of the
which confers upon a particular family the right to
family home.
enjoy such properties, which must remain with the
3. Debts secured by mortgages on the premises
person constituting it and its heirs
before or after such constitution.
4. Debts due to laborers, mechanics, architects,
The house and lot must be owned by the
builders, materialmen and others who have
person who constitutes it as it ins in the nature of
rendered service or furnished material for the
the family home to be permanent
construction of the building.
To constitute the family home, there must be
actual occupancy with the intention of dedicating
 The family home must be part of the
the premises for such purpose
properties of the ACP or CPG, or of the
exclusive properties of either spouse. (Art.
Cannot be constituted upon premises
permanently used for business purposes
 Property that is the subject of a conditional
sale on installments where ownership is
Exempted from execution, forced sale, and
reversed by the vendor only to guarantee
payment of the purchase price may be
constituted as a family home (Art. 156 (2)).
 Value: shall not exceed P300,000 for urban
areas, P200,000 for rural areas, at the time of
1. Each family can have only one family home. No
the constitution (Art. 157)
other family home can be established without
» Urban Areas: chartered cities and
first dissolving the existing one.
municipalities whose annual income at


20 of 39
VI. The Family Persons and Family Relations

least equals that legally required

chartered cities.
» Rural Areas: all other municipalities.
A. Definition

The relationship or status of a person with
Family home may be sold, alienated, donated,
respect to his or her child (paternity includes
assigned, or encumbered by the owners.
1. the written consent of the person constituting
The status of a person with respect to his or
2. his/her spouse, and
her parents.
3. majority of the beneficiaries of legal age.
4. If there is a conflict, the Court will decide.
1. Natural
a. Legitimate (Art. 164)
b. Illegitimate (Arts.165, 175, 176)
Family home shall continue despite the death
c. Legitimated (Arts. 167-172)
of one or both spouses or of the unmarried head of
2. By Adoption (R.A. No. 8552 (“Domestic
the family for a period of ten years, or as long as
Adoption Act”) and R.A. No. 8043 (“Inter-
there is a minor beneficiary.
country Adoption Act”))
The heirs cannot partition the home unless the
court finds compelling reasons therefor.
1. Legitimate proper
2. Legitimated
3. Adopted
1. He must be a judgment creditor;
1. Children of parents disqualified to marry each
2. His claim is not among those excepted under
other at conception and marriage.
Article155, and
2. Children of parents qualified to marry each
3. He has reasonable grounds to believe that the
family home is worth more than the maximum
 Only this kind can be legitimated by
amount fixed in Article 157
subsequent marriage.
ARTICLE 160: B. Legitimate Children

1. The creditor must file a motion in the court DEFINITION

proceeding where he obtained a favorable for a
writ of execution against the family home.  conceived OR born DURING marriage
2. There will be a hearing on the motion where the  conceived during, born after
creditor must prove that the actual value of the  conceived before, born during
family home exceeds the maximum amount  conceived AND born during
fixed by the FC either at the time of its
constitution or as a result of improvements Any child born conceived or born during
introduced thereafter its constitution. marriage of parents (Art. 160)
3. If the creditor proves that the actual value
exceeds the maximum amount the court will ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION
order its sale in execution.
4. If the family home is sold for more than the Impregnation of a female with the semen
value allowed, the proceeds shall be applied as from a male without sexual intercourse
a. First, the obligation enumerated in Article It may be:
155 must be paid 1. of the husband (AIH –homologous artificial
b. Then the judgment in favor of the creditor insemination) - LEGITIMATE
will be paid, plus all the costs of execution 2. of a donor (AID –heterologous artificial
c. The excess, if any, shall be delivered insemination) – LEGITIMATE IF RULES ARE
3. combination of the husband’s and a donor’s
(AIC –confused or combined artificial
TOLENTINO: If the consent is not written, favor of
legitimacy; written consent not essential, other


21 of 39
VII. Paternity and Filiation Persons and Family Relations

evidence is OK (analogous to marriage certificates) 3. Consent in artificial insemination is

(ART. 160): The only person who can impugn the
1. Both must authorize/ratify legitimacy of the child on this ground is only the
2. in a written instrument husband. Wife is barred because of Articles 167,
3. signed before birth of child 170, and 171.
4. Registered in civil registry together with
An ovum of another woman is used.  NOT There is only one kind of proof (same 120-300
covered by the Family Code. day rule)
It does not take into account the modern
PROF. AGUILING-PANGALANGAN: AI provides a advances in science and technology.
remedy for impotent men. There is no remedy for
women as surrogacy is forbidden. THE CHILD IS CONSIDERED LEGITIMATE

C. Impugning Legitimacy  The mother may have declared against its

GROUNDS TO IMPUGN LEGITIMACY OF A  The mother may have been sentenced as an
CHILD: adulteress (Art. 167)


It was impossible for the husband to have sex 1. The mother, in a fit of anger or to arouse
with his wife within the first 120 days (period of jealousy on the part of the husband, might have
conception) of the 300 days which immediately declared against the child’s legitimacy, even if
preceded the birth of the child because of: such declaration is untrue.
a. Physical incapacity – impotence, not 2. Even the wife, who has had carnal knowledge
sterility. This presumption is so strong that with her husband and with her paramour, would
evidence must be so convincing to justify not be able to tell with certainty who is the real
the bastardization (there really is this term) father of her child.
of the child. In the case of Tarleton v. 3. The husband, whose honor is offended, might
Thompson, the guy’s penis was cut off but have been able to obtain from his wife through
the court still declared him to be the father coercion a confession of her guilt of adultery,
since even if cut, it was still 3 inches long but this does not mean that the child begotten
(long enough to be able to copulate). by her is not that of her husband.
b. Living Separately – Mere remoteness is
not sufficient. TOLENTINO: This provision applies to the child of a
c. Serious Illness – Illness must be serious to wife who was raped.
absolutely prevent him from having sex.
WHY? Because if it is impossible for the (ART. 168):
husband to have sex with his wife during the said
period of 120 days, the child could not be his Termination of Celebration of 180 days after
300 days after
1st marriage 2nd marriage celebration of 2nd
legitimate child. marriage
termination of 1st

2. Biological or other scientific grounds

a. Blood grouping tests – can determine non-
paternity but not paternity (ex. A-B-O test).
b. Human Leukocyte Antigen Test (HLA) – can
Child of the 1st Child of the 2nd
prove identity between child and father with marriage marriage
a probability exceeding 98%.
c. DNA test For the child to be considered the child of the
d. Vasectomy 1st husband, the following requisites must concur:
SEMPIO-DIY: A double vasectomy, 1. The mother must have married again within
together with other pieces of evidence, can 300 days from the termination of her first
show the impossibility of the alleged father marriage
siring his supposed child. 2. The child was born within the same 300
days after the termination of the former
STA. MARIA: The fact that the husband marriage of its mother
has undergone vasectomy is not enough 3. The child was born before 180 days after the
proof to rebut the presumption of solemnization of its mother's 2nd marriage
legitimacy (Cocharan v. Cocharan).
For the child to be considered the child of the
2nd husband, the following requisites must


22 of 39
VII. Paternity and Filiation Persons and Family Relations

1. The mother must have married again within 2. From the discovery or knowledge of the fact of
300 days from the termination of the marriage registration of the birth, whichever is earlier.
2. The child was born within the same 300
days after the termination of its mother's first Article 170 is not applicable if the action is not
marriage to impugn the legitimacy of a child but to have the
3. The child was born after 180 days following child declared not a child of the alleged mother and
the solemnization of its mother's second not her legal heir.
marriage PROOFS OF FILIATION (ART. 172):

The first marriage must be terminated either 1. The record of birth appearing in the civil
by death or annulment. register or a final judgment.
2. An admission of legitimate filiation in a
There is no presumptive rule on the status of public document or a private handwritten
a child born after 300 days following the instrument and signed by the parent concerned.
termination of the marriage. (Art. 169)
Reason: 300 days is the longest period of Or, in their Absence:
gestation. 1. The open and continuous possession of the
status of a legitimate child; or
WHO CAN IMPUGN THE LEGITIMACY OF A 2. Any other means allowed by the Rules of Court
CHILD? and special laws.

Only the HUSBAND. His heirs can only impugn A child can claim legitimacy anytime in his
the legitimacy of a child born to his wife when: life. In case of insanity or when the child dies as a
1. The husband died before the expiration of the minor, the right shall be transmitted to the heirs.
period fixed for bringing his action; In this case they have five years to institute action.
2. He died after the filing of the complaint without (Art. 173)
having desisted therefrom; or
3. The child was born after the death of the RIGHTS OF LEGITIMATE CHILDREN (ART.
husband (Art. 171) 174):

REASON 1. To bear the surnames of the father and the

To allow other people, especially those not mother, in conformity with the provisions of
belonging to the family where the child was born, the Civil Code on Surnames;
to bring an action to impugn the legitimacy of such 2. To receive support from their parents, their
child, would be to invite other actions, with or ascendants, and in proper cases, their brothers
without basis, by those whose only purpose is to and sisters, in conformity with the provisions of
break up a family to satisfy a jealous or revengeful this Code on Support; and
feeling. 3. To be entitled to the legitimate and other
successional rights granted to them by the
In Sayson v CA, the Court held that the Civil Code.
legitimacy of a child cannot be attacked collaterally
or by way of defense to any action or proceeding D. Illegitimate Children
filed for a different purpose. The status of a child
can be questioned only in a direct action or
proceeding filed under this Article Children born outside of a valid marriage are
illegitimate. (Art. 165)

1. Within 1 year – from knowledge of the birth or The same as legitimate children (Art. 175)
its recording in the civil register, if the
impugner resides in the city or municipality RIGHTS OF ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN (ART.
where the birth took place or was recorded; 176)
2. Within 2 years – from knowledge of the birth
or its recording in the civil register, if the 1. To bear the surname of their mother and
impugner resides in the Philippines other than FATHER(the right to use the father’s surname is
in the city or municipality where the birth took granted to them through RA 9255, thereby
place or was recorded; amending Art. 176)
3. Within 3 years – from knowledge of the birth  Requirement to use father’s Surname
or its recording in the civil register, if the » Acknowledgement from father through:
impugner resides abroad, ▪ The birth certificate;
▪ A public document; or
If the birth of the child has been concealed ▪ A private handwritten instrument;
or was unknown to the husband or his heirs, the 2. To receive support from their parents,
above periods shall be counted: ascendants, and in proper cases, their brothers
1. From the discovery or knowledge of the birth of and sisters; and
the child 3. To the legitime and other successional rights
granted by law to legitimate children.


23 of 39
VII. Paternity and Filiation Persons and Family Relations

4. IMPUGNING: Only those who are prejudiced

The decision in Mossesgeld v CA, decided in by their rights, within five years from the time
1998, where the Court ruled that the child should of the cause of action accrues. (Art. 182)
be registered in the civil registry under the
surname of the mother, regardless of the
acknowledgement of the father, cannot now be
followed because of the right granted to illegitimate
children by RA 9255.
E. Legitimated Children


Remedy by means of which those who in fact

were not born in lawful wedlock and should
therefore be considered illegitimate children are BY
FICTION considered legitimate children, it being
supposed that they were born when their parents
were validly married.

It is an act by which the quality of a legitimate

child is conferred upon an illegitimate child.

A product of NATURE AND LAW.

Legitimation takes place by a subsequent valid

marriage between the parents. Annulment in the
future does not affect legitimacy.(Art. 178)


Law merely creates by fiction a relation which
did not in fact exist.

Law merely makes legal what exists by


1. Child who is conceived and born outside of

wedlock; and
2. At the time of conception, the parents were not
disqualified by any impediment to marry each
i.e. children those who are not disqualified by any
impediment to marry each other


1. Adulterous relationships
2. Incestuous relationships
3. Bigamous relationships
4. Void marriages by reasons of public policy
under Art. 38


1. RIGHTS: Legitimated children shall enjoy the

same rights as legitimate children (Art. 179)
2. RETROACTIVITY: The effects of legitimation
shall retroact from the time of the child’s birth.
(Art. 180)
3. DEATH OF CHILD: When the child dies before
the celebration of the marriage, their
legitimation shall benefit their descendants.
(Art. 181)


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VIII. Adoption Persons and Family Relations

*Provisions of the Family Code have been amended by RA 8049 (Inter-Country Adoption Act0 and RA
8552(Domestic Adoption Act)

A. Definition

A juridical act which creates between two persons a relationship similar to that which results from
legitimate paternity and filiation.


Both are given status of a child born in lawful wedlock of the parents adopting or legitimizing it.



Persons Only natural Generally applies to

affected children strangers

Procedure Extrajudicial acts of Always by judicial

parents decree

Who Only by both By one parent alone

applies parents

Effect Same status and Creates a rel. only

rights as a between the child
legitimated child and the adopting
not only in rel. to parent
the legitimizing
parents but also to
other relatives


 It is a juridical act, a proceeding in rem

 Only an adoption made through the court or in pursuance with procedure laid down under Rule 99 of the
Rules of Court is valid in this jurisdiction. Cannot be granted administratively.
 A mere agreement between adopter and parents is neither a valid adoption, nor the mere fact that child
has lived with the alleged adopter who has treated him like his own child sufficient to establish a valid
 Fact of adoption is not presumed but must be affirmatively proved by the person claiming its existence
(through the juridical decree).

B. Who may adopt

Under the Civil Code, persons who have already children of their own cannot adopt anymore, unless they
are adopting their own illegitimate children in order to elevate their status, the reason being that, the old
concept of adoption considered it mainly for the benefit of persons who have not been blessed with children or
who have lost them.

NOTE: texts in bold indicate provisions which are changed by RA 8552)


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Art. 183 Sec. 7

1. person of age (18) a) Any Filipino citizen:
2. in possession of fully civil capacity & legal o of legal age
rights o in possession of full civil capacity & legal rts
3. in a position to support & care for his kids in o of good moral character*
keeping w/means of the family o not been convicted of any crime involving
4. at least 16yrs older than person to be adopted moral turpitude
unless the adopter is the parent by nature or o emotionally & psychologically capable of
sp of legitimate parent of person to be caring for children*
adopted o in a position to support & care for his/her
5. spouses jointly/married person w/consent of kids in keeping w/means of the family
sp except: o at least 16 yrs older than adoptee and who is
a. when 1 seeks to adopt his own illegit child in a position to support and care for
b. when 1 sp seeks to adopt the legit child of his/her children in keeping with the
other means of the family. 16 years difference
6. not disqualified under FC 184 may be waived when adopter is biological
parent or is the sp of the adoptee’s parent
 Full civil rights b) Any alien possessing the same qualification as
– must have no curtailment of civil rights so that he above stated for Filipino nationals, provided that:
could fully exercise parental authority 1. his country has diplomatic relations w/ RP
– must not be suffering from limitations on capacity 2. living in the Phil for at least 3yrs prior to
to act such as minority, insanity or imbecility, deaf- filing until decree’s entered
mutism, prodigality, and civil interdiction. 3. certified by his diplomatic/consular office
 No prohibition for relatives to adopt one another, except or any appropriate agency that he has leg
in cases enumerated capacity to adopt in his country
 Permits the adoption of illegitimate children by their 4. his gov’t allows adoptee to enter his
own parents because if the latter want to make country as his adopted child
amends, they should be encouraged. It shall raise the 5. conditions may be waived for ff:
child to a legitimate status. a. former Filipino citizen seeks to
adopt relative w/in 4th degree of
Art. 184. The following persons may not adopt: consanguinity/affinity*
b. one who seeks to adopt legitimate
(1) The guardian with respect to the ward prior to the child of his/her Filipino sp*
approval of the final accounts rendered upon the c) guardian with respect to the ward after
termination of their guardianship relation; termination of guardianship & clearance of his
financial accountabilities
(2) Any person who has been convicted of a crime
involving moral turpitude; Husband &Wife shall jointly adapt except in the ff
(3) An alien, except: a.if 1 sp seeks to adopt legit child of other
b.if 1 sp seeks to adopt his own illegitimate
(a) A former Filipino citizen who seeks to adopt a child w/consent of other spouses
relative by consanguinity; * c. spouses are legally separated*
In case husband and wife jointly adopt, or one
(b) One who seeks to adopt the legitimate child of his spouse adopts the illegitimate son/daughter of
or her Filipino spouse; or * the other, joint parental authority shall be
exercised by the spouses.
(c) One who is married to a Filipino citizen and seeks
to adopt jointly with his or her spouse a relative by  The adopted or adopter may be single or married,
consanguinity of the latter.* but if married, the consent to the adoption of his or
her spouse is needed.
Aliens not included in the foregoing exceptions may  Age difference of 16 years
adopt Filipino children in accordance with the rules on - to give assurance that adopter has the sufficient
inter-country adoptions as may be provided by law. maturity to fill the role of a parent to the
(28a, E. O. 91 and PD 603) adopted child. Also, to approximate natural
 filiation as much as possible.


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 Aliens –  No conviction of crime involving moral turpitude

 stricter in adoption by aliens compared to – adopter should be morally qualified to do so. Conviction
PD 603 because children adopted by is necessary bec. Of the presumption of innocence.
aliens suffered cultural and psychological Pardon does not remove disqualification.
shock and could not adjust to their new  Emotionally and psychologically capable and in a position
lives in the foreign countries to support family in keeping with the means
 Some pedophiles simply abandoned the – parent assumes all duties and responsibilities of rearing,
children after they had satisfied their caring, educating, supporting and molding the
sexual desires on them in their foreign character of child for the development of his character
homes and well-being. A person who is rich but too old or too
 Alleged cases where children were killed week should not be allowed.
for organ transplants in the foreign  Aliens
countries. - Liberalized the restrictions on adoption by aliens imposed
 By restricting, there is some assurance by the Family Code.
that adopted children will receive love, - Aliens may now adopt subject to the conditions/provided
care and protection that qualifications are satisfied.
 Adoption by H & W
Art. 185 - “one spouse adopts the illegitimate child of the other” -
 H & W must jointly adopt except: in this case, only one is the adopter, although with the
a. when 1 sp seeks to adopt his own consent of the other spouse.
illegit child - If spouses are legally separated, no need for joint
b. when 1 sp seeks to adopt legit child adoption and the consent of the other is not necessary.
of the other  Guardians
- may adopt both under FC and RA 8522 provided that
Art. 186 guardianship is terminated and he has been cleared of
 in case sps jointly adopt or 1 sp adopts his financial accountabilities.
legit child of other, joint parental authority Reason: to prevent guardian who has misused or
shall be exercised in accordance w/FC misappropriated the funds or properties of his ward to resort to
adopting his ward to avoid an accounting of such funds or
 Husband and wife may jointly adopt a child. properties and possible criminal action.
However, it is not obligatory. One spouse can
adopt alone, but the consent of the other is
 If they adopt jointly, they shall have joint
parental authority over the adopted child.
 Reason: to prevent dissension between
TOLENTINO: Legal separation terminates the
common life between spouses and the reason for
requiring the consent of one spouse for the adoption
made by the other no longer exists

C. Who may be adopted



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Art. 187. The following may not be adopted: SECTION 8. Who May Be Adopted. — The following
may be adopted:
(1) A person of legal age, unless he or she is a a. Any person below eighteen (18) years of age
child by nature of the adopter or his or her spouse, who has been administratively or judicially
or, prior to the adoption, said person has been declared available for adoption;
consistently considered and treated by the adopter b. The legitimate son/daughter of one spouse by
as his or her own child during minority. the other spouse;
c. An illegitimate son/daughter by a qualified
(2) An alien with whose government the Republic adopter to improve his/her status to that of
of the Philippines has no diplomatic relations; and legitimacy
d. A person of legal age if, prior to the adoption,
(3) A person who has already been adopted unless said person has been consistently considered
such adoption has been previously revoked or and treated by the adopter(s) as his/her own
rescinded. (30a, E. O. 91 and PD 603) child since minority;
e. A child whose adoption has been previously
 Plurality of Adoption – A person cannot have two rescinded; or
adopting fathers/mothers. But the adoption of a f. A child whose biological or adoptive parent(s)
child by a married man will not bar a subsequent has died: Provided, That no proceedings shall
adoption of the same child by the wife of the be initiated within six (6) months from the time
adopting parent (jointly adopted). Upon the death, of death of said parent(s).“administratively or
or when adoption was rescinded or revoked, only judicially declared available for adoption”
then can the child be adopted again by another. - voluntarily or involuntarily committed to the
 Adoption of an adult is not allowed: Department or to a duly licensed and accredited
- he is old enough to take care of himself and does child-placing or child-caring agency, freed of the
not have to depend on anyone else to do so. If parental authority of his/her biological parent(s) or
the reason is to share material advantages with guardian or adopter(s) in case of rescission of
the adopted, he can do so by simply giving the adoption.
latter financial assistance and leaving him - "Voluntarily committed child" is one whose parent(s)
something in his will. knowingly and willingly relinquishes parental
- The rationale of adoption is to give poor, orphaned, authority to the Department.
abandoned children the advantages and blessings - "Involuntarily committed child" is one whose
of having parents who would love, support, parent(s), known or unknown, has been
protect, rear and educate them until old enough permanently and judicially deprived of parental
 Enumerated who MAY NOT be adopted instead of authority due to abandonment; substantial,
MAY BE adopted. continuous, or repeated neglect; abuse; or
incompetence to discharge parental responsibilities.
v. the right to reconsider his/her decision to
D. Pre-Adoption relinquish his/her child within six (6)
months from signing the Deed of
Voluntary Commitment (DVC) subject
PRE-ADOPTION – counseling services for the to assessment by the Department.
biological parents of adoptee, prospective adoptive c. Continuing services shall be provided after
parents, and prospective adoptee. relinquishment to cope with feelings of loss,
etc. and other services for his/her
Section 4 under Art. 111 of Rules and Regulation to reintegration to the community.
implement RA 8552: d. The biological parent(s) who decided to keep
the child shall be provided with adequate
1. Biological Parent(s) services and assistance to fulfill parental
a. Biological Parents shall be counseled responsibilities.
regarding their options:
i. to keep the child and avail of services 2. Prospective Adoptive Parent(s)
and assistance; a. Biological Parents shall be counseled
ii. avail of temporary child care regarding their options:
arrangements such as foster care; or i. to disseminate basic information about
iii. relinquish the child for adoption adoption including the adoption
b. Topics to focus on: process and procedures and the
i. the loss of parental rights over the child effects of adoption.
and as a rule, not having further ii. to inform them of the general
contact with the child; background of children in need of
ii. the importance of providing relevant adoptive homes including children with
information on the child, their own special needs;
medical history and family iii. to develop among prospective adoptive
background; parents a respect for the child’s
iii. the possibility that the child may be biological origin and an awareness of
placed for adoption within the the importance of telling the child that
Philippines or in a foreign country; he/she is adopted.
iv. the possibility that in the future, there iv. To provide a support group for adoptive
may be communication with the child parents which shall give them a venue
at their or the child’s initiative.


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for sharing their adoption experiences. the immediate community who have
b. A certificate shall be issued by the known the applicant(s) for at least three
Department to the prospective adoptive (3) years;
parents attesting that they have undergone 8. 3x5 sized pictures of the applicant(s) and
pre-adoption services. The certificate shall his/her immediate family taken within the
be made a pre-requisite of the homestudy. last three (3) months;
9. Certificate of attendance to pre-adoption
3. Prospective Adoptee fora or seminars.
a. A prospective adoptee shall be provided with In addition, foreign nationals shall submit
counseling and other support services the following:
appropriate to his/her age and maturity, and 10. Certification that the applicant(s) have
in a manner and language that the child legal capacity to adopt in his/her country
comprehends, especially to enable him/her and that his/her country has a policy, or is
to understand why he/she has been a signatory of an international agreement,
relinquished for adoption. which allows a child adopted in the
b. In the case of a prospective adoptee whose Philippines by its national to enter his/her
consent to his/her own adoption is country and permanently reside therein as
necessary, the social worker/counselor shall his/her legitimate child which may be
consider the child’s wishes and opinions, issued by his/her country’s diplomatic or
ensure that his/her consent is voluntary and consular office or central authority n
duly inform him/her of the effects of such intercountry adoption or any government
consent. agency which has jurisdiction over child
and family matters; or in the absence of
E. Adoption Procedure any of the foregoing, the Philippine
Intercountry Adoption Board may also
certify that the Philippines and the
Article 5, Rules and Regulations to implement applicants’ country have an existing
RA 8552: agreement or arrangement on intercountry
adoption whereby a child who has been
Steps 1 and 2 for prospective adopters. Step 3 and adopted in the Philippines or has a pre-
4 for prospective adoptees adoption placement approved by the Board
is allowed to enter and remain as
1) Application for Adoption. Prior to this, permanent resident in the applicant’s
prospective adopters should attend adoption fora country as his/her legitimate child.
and seminar. Reasonable fees and charges are also 11. Certificate of Residence in the Philippines
imposed to adopters. After which, they shall file issued by the Bureau of Immigration or
his/her application for adoption with the Department of Foreign Affairs, as
Department directly or with a social service office appropriate;
of a local government unit, or with any licensed 12. Two (2) character references from a non-
accredited child placing agency. Spouses shall file relatives who knew the applicant(s) in the
their application jointly. country of which he/she is a citizen or was
a resident prior to residing in the
2) Preparation of Home Study Report. Philippines, except for those who have
Department representatives shall conduct home resided in the Philippines for more than
visits to the applicants to determine whether they fifteen (15) years;
have capacity to adopt or not. The following 13. Police Clearance from all places of
documents/certifications are required: residence in the past two years
1. Authenticated birth certificate immediately prior to residing in the
2. Marriage Contract or Divorce, Annulment, Philippines.
Declaration of Nullity, or Legal Separation
documents; In the case of an applicant who is residing abroad,
3. Written consent to the adoption by the but is otherwise qualifies to adopt in the Philippines
legitimate and adopted sons/daughters, under the provisions of the Act, the Homestudy
and illegitimate sons/daughters if living report shall be prepared by an accredited foreign
with the applicant, who are at least ten adoption agency. However, a certification from the
(10) years old; Intercountry Adoption Board shall be required to
4. Physical and medical evaluation by a duly ensure that said agency is accredited.
licensed physician and psychological
evaluation by a psychologist; Disapproval of Adoption Application. – Except
5. NBI/Police Clearance when found by the social worker that such
6. Latest income tax return or any other application can no longer be considered, there shall
documents showing financial capability, be no prejudice to future application of said
e.g. Certificate of Employment, Bank applicants.
Certificate or Statement of Assets and
Liabilities; 3) Certificate Of Availability Of Child For
7. Three (3) character references, namely Adoption. – No child shall be placed for adoption
from the local church/minister, the unless a clearance has been obtained from the
employer, and a non-relative member of


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VIII. Adoption Persons and Family Relations

Department that said child is available for during the regular matching conference by the
adoption. Matching Committee otherwise called the Child
Welfare Specialist Group (CWSG) in the regional
The Department shall issue the Certificate of level where the social workers of the child and
Availability for Adoption not later than fifteen (15) family are present. If records of children and
days after expiration of the six (6) month period approved adoptive parent/s are not matched within
after execution of Deed of Voluntary Commitment thirty (30) days in the regional level, it shall be
by the child’s parents or legal or after receipt of forwarded to the Department’s Central Office for
entry of judgement in case of involuntary interregional matching
The matching proposal made by the CWSG shall be
Copy of the Certificate of Availability for Adoption approved by the Department.
and Child Study Report shall be sent to the Child
Welfare Specialist Group (CWSG) for purpose of 7) Placement. – The physical transfer of a child
placement of the child for adoption. from a child caring agency or foster home to the
prospective adoptive parents who shall be
* FOR BIOLOGICAL PARENTS: In all proceedings responsible for his/her care and custody shall be
for adoption, a comprehensive study report made after the necessary form are accomplished
prepared by a licensed social worker shall be and the Pre-Adoption Placement Authority (PAPA)
submitted to the court as proof that the biological has been issued after approval of the Regional
parent(s) has been properly counseled and Director for placement within the region or by the
provided other support services: Department Secretary or his/her duly authorized
1. to exhaust all measures to strengthen family representative in cases of interregional placements.
ties and keep the child;
2. to ensure that their decision to relinquish their 8) Supervised Trial Custody. – The placement of
child for adoption is not caused by stress, the child shall take effect upon issuance of the
anxiety or pressure; and PAPA by the Department after which the
to ascertain that such decision does not result in supervised trial custody shall commence.
improper financial gain for those involved in it. During the supervised trial custody, the social
worker shall conduct monthly home visits to
4) Supporting Documents Of Child Study monitor adjustment of the prospective adopter(s)
Report. – The child study report shall be prepared and child to each other and submit progress report
only by a licensed and accredited social worker of to the Department. A copy of these reports shall be
the Department or child caring agency not involved given to the child caring agency where the child
in child placement. came from.

The following documents shall accompany the The court may upon its own motion or on motion of
child report: the petitioner, reduce or dispense with the trial
1. Authenticated birth or foundling certificate, period if it finds that it is to the best interest of the
when appropriate; child. In such case, the court shall state its reasons
2. Written Consent to adoption by the biological for reducing said period.
parent(s) or the legal guardian and the written
consent of the child if at least ten (10) years Disruption of Pre-Adoptive Placement. – If the
old, signed in the presence of the social worker placement/relationship is found unsatisfactory by
of the Department or child caring agency after the child or the adopter(s), or both, or if the social
proper counseling as prescribed in Section III worker finds that the continued placement of the
of these Rules; child is not in the child’s best interest, said
3. Death Certificate of biological parents, Decree relationship/placement shall be suspended by the
of abandonment or Deed of Voluntary Department which shall recommend to the
Commitment, as appropriate; Adoption Resource and Referral Office to consider
4. Medical evaluation of the child and his/her another possible placement.
parent(s), if available;
5. Psychological Evaluation when appropriate; New Placement. – In the event of the disruption
6. Picture of the child of the pre-adoptive placement, the Department
shall arrange without delay a new placement of the
child, or, if inappropriate, other alternative long
term care.
5) Submission Of Case Records Of
Prospective Adoptees and Prospective 9) Consent to Adoption. – If the adjustment of
Adoptive Parents. – Case Records of prospective the child/adopter(s) is satisfactory, the social
adoptees and prospective adoptive parents shall be worker shall forward to the Department the final
submitted to the concerned Adoption Resource and supervisory report which shall include the
Referral Office (ARRO) which was established recommendation for the issuance of the written
according to Section 23 of the Act for matching. consent to adoption to be executed by the
6) Matching. – The matching of the child to an
approved adoptive parent(s) shall be carried out


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VIII. Adoption Persons and Family Relations

10) Filing Of Petition For Adoption. – the

prospective adoptive parent(s) shall initiate judicial IX. SUPPORT
proceeding by filing the petition to adopt not later
than 30 days from date of receipt of the SUPPORT  everything indispensable for
Department’s written consent to adoption. sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical attendance,
education and transportation, in keeping with the
Issuance of Decree of Adoption and Entry of financial capacity of the family (Art. 194)
Judgement. – If, after considering the
recommendation and reports of the social worker Kinds of Support
and other evidence, the Court is satisfied that the
adopter(s) are qualified to adopt, then an adoption
1. Legal – that which is required to be given by
decree and an Entry of Judgement shall be issued.
2. Judicial – that which is required to be given by
A copy of the decree of adoption shall be forwarded
court order whether pendente lite or in a final
to the Department.
3. Voluntary or Conventional – by agreement
Travel Authority of Adopted Child. – No
An example of conventional support is as
adoptee shall be issued a travel authority unless a
follow. X donates land to Y. However X
decree of adoption has already became final and
imposes a mode – Y has to support X’s mother.

In this respect, the amended birth certificate shall Characteristics of Support

be presented. If for any valid reason the same
cannot be presented, the following is required: 1. Personal
a. copy of the decree of adoption and entry of 2. Intransmissible
judgement 3. Not subject to waiver or compensation with
b. a certification from the Office of the regard to future support
Solicitor General that the decision is final  Support in arrears can be waived.
and executory and that no appeal there 4. Exempt from attachment or execution (Art.
from has been filed by the said office. 205)
5. Reciprocal on the part of those who are by law
Recording Of The Court Decision. – court bound to support each other (Art. 195)
decision on adoption and the finality of decision 6. Variable (Arts. 201 and 202)
shall be submitted to the following not later that
thirty (30) days after the court decision has
Who Are Obliged To Support Each Other
become final and executory:
(Art. 195)
a. Local Civil Registry Office of the
City/municipality where the court issuing 1. The spouses;
the same is situated 2. Legitimate ascendants and descendants;
b. Register of Court Decrees 3. Parents and their legitimate children and the
legitimate and illegitimate children of the latter;
After which, Local Civil Registry Office shall submit 4. Parents and their illegitimate children and the
one copy of the court decision to the Local Civil legitimate and illegitimate children of the latter;
Registrar of the city or municipality where the birth and
of the adopted child was registered. 5. Legitimate brothers and sisters, whether of full
or half-blood.
The latter office shall have the duty to prepare the
amended certificate of live birth of the adopted Order of Support (Art. 199)
child. Then, a copy of of the new birth certificate
shall be transmitted by the local civil registrar to
1. Spouses
the National Statistics Office within 30 days from
2. Descendants, nearest in degree
3. Ascendants, nearest in degree
4. Brothers and Sisters
11) Post Adoption Services. – Post Adoption
Services which shall include counseling shall be
made available by the social workers of the
Department, social services unit of the local
 When two or more are obliged to give
government, child placing and child caring agencies
support, the payment shall be divided
to develop the adoptee, adopter and the biological
between them in proportion to their resources
(Art. 200)
 The amount of support shall be in proportion
to the resources or means of the giver and the
necessities of the recipient (Art. 201)
 Support shall be reduced or increased
proportionately according to the reduction or
increase in the necessities of the recipient


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IX. Support Persons and Family Relations

and resources of the one giving support (Art.

 Obligation to give support is demandable from
the time the person who has a right to receive Definition
needs it for maintenance, but it shall not be
paid except from the date of judicial or extra-
judicial demand (Art. 203)
 “the mass of rights and obligations which
 The person obliged to give support has the
parents have in relation to the person and
option to either pay the allowance fixed or
property of their children until their
receive and maintain in the family dwelling
emancipation, and even after this under
the person who has the right to receive
certain circumstances.” (Manresa)
support (Art. 204)
 Parental authority under the Family Code
 The right to receive support and the money or
includes parental “responsibility.”
property obtained as support shall not be
 It is the right and duty of parents to protect
levied upon on attachment or execution. (Art.
their children, to care for the in sickness and
health, and do whatever may be necessary for
 When support is given by a stranger without
their care, maintenance, and preservation.
knowledge of the person obliged to give
 Purpose: The physical preservation and
support, the one who paid has the right to be
development of children, as well as the
reimbursed, unless it appears that he gave it
cultivation of their intellect, and education of
without intention of being reimbursed (Art.
their heart and senses.
 When person obliged to give support unjustly
refuses or fails to give support when urgently
needed, a third person may furnish support,
1. the caring for and rearing of children for civic
with a right of reimbursement (Art. 207)
consciousness and efficiency;
 In case of contractual support or that given by
2. the development of the moral, mental and
will, the excess in amount beyond that
physical character and well-being of said
required for legal support shall be subject to
levy on attachment or execution. (Art. 208)
 Contractual support shall be subject to
adjustment whenever modification is
necessary due to changes in circumstances
manifestly beyond contemplation of the
1. adoption,
parties. (Art. 209)
2. guardianship,
3. commitment of the child in an entity or
institution engaged in child care or in a
children’s home.

Both parents exercise joint authority over

their children

In case of disagreement, the father’s decision

shall prevail, unless there is judicial order

TOLENTINO: wife’s authority is subordinated,

although subsidiary, to that of the father.

WHY FATHER’S DECISION? Based on tradition.

TOLENTINO: If the child is adopted by only one

spouse, then he is under the parental authority of
such adopter.
Illegitimate children are under the parental
authority of the mother (Art. 176, FC)



 In case one parent is absent or already dead,

the present parent (Art. 212).
 Remarriage shall not affect the parental
authority over the children.
 In case of separation of parents, the parent
designated by the court. (Art. 213)


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X. Parental Authority Persons and Family Relations

 Innocent spouse gets custody of minor

 The court shall take into account all relevant PARENTAL AUTHORITY AND SPECIAL
considerations, especially the choice of the PARENTAL AUTHORITY:
child over seven years of age, unless the
parent chosen is unfit. Substitute Parental Special Parental
Authority Authority
It is exercised in case of It is exercised
NO child under 7 years of age shall be death, absence, or if concurrently with the
separated from the mother, unless the court finds unsuitability of parents. parental authority of the
compelling reasons to order otherwise. Examples of Hence, it is not exercised parents and rest on the
compelling reasons are: by the parents of parental theory that while the child
 When the mother is insane; authority over the minor is in the custody of the
 with a communicable disease that might children. person exercising special
parental authority, the
endanger the life or health of the child;
parents temporarily
 or is maltreating the child.
relinquish parental
authority over the child to
Prostitution or infidelity to husband does not the latter
make a mother unfit as parent.

The court may award custody to third Rights and Duties Of Parents
persons, if it is in the best interest of the child.
In case of death, absence, or unsuitability of (ART. 220):
both parents, a surviving grandparent shall
exercise substitute parental authority. (Art. 214)
1. To have them in their custody
2. To represent them in all matters affecting their
If there are several grandparents, the one
designated by the court (pursuant to
3. Demand respect and obedience and impose
considerations in Art. 212, FC) shall exercise
discipline on them
substitute parental authority.
4. Administer their property and income to support
the child and the family
Only in case of the parents’ death, absence, or
5. To give or withhold consent on marriage, pre-
unsuitability may substitute parental authority be
nuptial, donation propter nuptias, adoption, and
exercised by the surviving grandparent.
6. To disinherit them for just cause
Substitute Parental Authority Exercised
(ART. 220):
 The surviving grandparent, as provided in Art.
214 1. support and upbringing in accordance to their
 Oldest brother or sister, over 21 years old, means
unless unfit or unqualified. 2. educate, instruct, and provide them with moral
 Child’s actual custodian, over 21 years old, and spiritual guidance, and love and
unless unfit or unqualified. (Art. 216). understanding
3. defend them against unlawful aggression
In case of foundlings, abandoned neglected or 4. answer for damages caused by their fault or
abused children and other children similarly negligence, and for civil liability for crimes
situated, parental authority shall be entrusted in committed by them
summary judicial proceedings to heads of children's 5. give their lawful inheritance
homes, orphanages and similar institutions duly
accredited by the proper government agency. (Art.
Rights and Duties of Children

Special Parental Authority Exercised By RIGHTS OF CHILDREN (ART.356 CC)

(Art. 218)
1. parental care
2. receive at least elementary education
1. School, its administrators and teachers, or 3. be given moral and civil training by parents or
2. The individual, entity or institution engaged in guardian
child care. 4. live in an atmosphere conducive to his physical,
moral, and intellectual development
(ART.3 PD603)
5. to be born well
6. right to a wholesome family life


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X. Parental Authority Persons and Family Relations

7. right to a well-rounded development If the market value of the property or the

8. right to a balanced diet, adequate clothing, annual income of the child exceeds P50,000, the
shelter, proper medical attention, and all basic parent is required to furnish a bond of not less than
physical requirements of a healthy life 10% of the value of the child’s property or income
9. raised in an atmosphere of morality and
rectitude Grounds for Suspension of Parental commensurate to his abilities
Authority (Art. 231)
11.full opportunities for a safe and wholesome
recreation against exploitation and other bad 1. Conviction of parent for crime without civil
influences interdiction
13.right to the care, assistance and protection of 2. Treats child with excessive harassment and
the State cruelty
14.right to an efficient and honest government 3. Gives corrupting orders, counsel or example
15.right to grow up as a free individual 4. Compels child to beg
5. Subjects or allows acts of lasciviousness
Termination of Parental Authority (Art.
1. obey and honor his parents or guardian 228)
2. respect old relatives and persons holding
substitute parental authority 1. Death of parents
3. exert his utmost for his education and training 2. Death of child
4. cooperate with the family in matters for his own 3. Emancipation of child
(ART.4 PD603) If the parents exercising parental authority
5. strive to live an upright and virtuous life has subjected the child or allowed him to be
6. love, obey, respect his parents and cooperate subjected to sexual abuse, he shall be permanently
with them in strengthening the family deprived of parental authority.
7. extend his love to his brothers and sisters
8. exert his utmost to develop his potentials
9. respect elders, our customs and traditions, the
memory of our heroes, duly constituted
authorities, the law, and principles of
10.participate actively in civic affairs for his
development in observance of human rights, strengthen
freedom everywhere, and world peace



1. to always observe and respect reverence

toward their parents
2. to obey their parents as long as they are under
their parental authority.

Other responsibilities of children may be found

in Art 4. of PD 603 (Child and Youth Welfare Code)

TOLENTINO: The duty to honor the parents does

not mean that children are to be deprived of the
exercise of any right or prevented from fulfilling
any legal, moral, or social obligation.

Effect of Parental Authority Upon the

Property of the Child (Art. 225)

The Father and Mother shall jointly exercise

legal guardianship over the property of the minor
child without court appointment

In case of disagreement, the father’s decision

shall prevail, unless there is judicial order to the


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special thanks to:
Office of the College Secretary
UP College of Law

UP Law Center

UP College of Law Library

UP Law BarOps 2006

Review Committee I
Subject Committee
[Subject] I
Information Management
Committee I Armi Bayot [head] . Keisie Marfil . Paulyne
Regalado Theresa Roldan . Lem Arenas
Chino Baybay . Tristan Tresvalles . Al Siason

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