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Tool Box Talk: Waste Management

Date: 26 August 26, 2019

Waste Management Hierarchy

 Prevent the production of waste, or reduce the amount generated.

 Reduce the toxicity or negative impacts of the waste that is generated.
 Reuse in their current forms the materials recovered from the waste stream.
 Recycle, compost, or recover materials for use as direct or indirect inputs to
new products.
 Recover energy by incineration, anaerobic digestion, or similar processes.
 Reduce the volume of waste prior to disposal.
 Dispose of residual solid waste in an environmentally sound manner,
generally in landfills
Waste Segregation
 Segregation our waste is essential as the amount of waste being generated today
caused immense problem. There are certain items are not Bio Degradable but
can be reused or recycled in fact it is believed that a larger portion of the waste
can be recycled, a part of can be converted to compost, and only a smaller
portion of it is real waste that has no use and has to be discarded.

Waste Can be segregated as:-

 Bio Degradable Waste: - Bio Degradable waste includes organic waste, e.g.
kitchen waste, vegetables, fruits, flowers, leaves from the garden and paper.
 Non Bio Degradable Waste:- Non Biodegradables can be further segregated
 A - Recyclable Waste- Plastics, Paper, Glass, Metal Etc.
 B- Toxic Waste:- - Old Medicine, paints, Chemicals, bulbs, Spray Cans,
fertilizer and pesticide containers, batteries, shoe polish.

 C- Soiled: - Hospital waste such as cloth soiled with blood and other body
fluids. Toxic & soiled waste must be disposed of with utmost care.


Thus, considering the pros and cons of waste management, we can only realize that
the ultimate goal of waste management relies in waste minimization and curbing
only. However, the aspects of recycling and processing wastes cannot be omitted
since they attribute an environmental flavor to our area of study. It also makes the
whole process to be economically viable and increase the sustenance of the process
thereby making it less susceptible to the legal frameworks and conventions of each
country. The energy flow from the producers to the consumers must be retained as it
is in the original ecosystems and the recycling should work in tandem with the
generalities of nature.

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