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ORATION: A Speech for School Children on the

Importance of Discipline in Life

No one has become successful and maintained it without discipline. Talent, opportunity,
passion, ambition, hard work and perseverance all have their contribution to make to success. But
without discipline it is highly likely that a genius too will end up as a failure.

So what is discipline? “Discipline is one’s ability to adjust oneself to the given situation,” was
the thought the Principal at my school had driven home into our hearts at each school assembly. That
means we are not to blame circumstances but instead rise above them by making necessary
changes in our attitudes and actions.

Discipline primarily begins with a desire to make best use of resources gifted to us from
God. It starts with the understanding that Time that we have at our disposal is short; and we cannot
waste it. So to make best use of time, we should plan well. As far as students are concerned, this
demands creating time tables and sticking to them.

The next step in discipline is to make priorities. As far as students are concerned, their first
priority is not studies. You might be shocked and surprised by that statement, I am sure! But then
what is your highest priority. It is to obey your parents and teachers!

Now why do I say this? This is because disobedience and disrespect are so fashionable with today’s
young generation. But let me tell you a disobedient child is an undisciplined child. And even if such a
child becomes successful the traits of disobedience he or she carries in his or her mind will someday
prove to be their downfall.

Let me add one more important thought to this. Many of you aspire to be leaders; don’t you? It is a
good thing provided your attitude is to serve others in your leadership role—to be a true minister unto
men. The Bible portrays this as servant leadership which Jesus showed when he washed the feet of
his disciples the night he was betrayed.

Now if you want to be a leader, obedience is the key. Make a note of the saying, “He who
cannot obey cannot command.” Just imagine what chaos will result if there is disobedience in the
armed forces? Therefore obedience is the key as far as discipline is concerned.

After desire and priorities, the next step as far is discipline is concerned is to strengthen your
resolve and commitment. Just making decisions are not good enough to lead a disciplined life. You
have to increase your efforts to stick to commitments. Otherwise you will become bored and lazy with

The key is to create good and healthy habits. Once those are formed; it is difficult to break them. Just
imagine, the simple act of brushing your teeth every morning. This discipline became part of your life
because your parents helped you to form that habit early in life; isn’t it.

So my dear friends learn to adjust yourself to the given situations in life. Discipline yourself and leave
behind an inspiring legacy of success!

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