Uji Aktivitas Pertumbuhan Rambut Dan Uji Iritasi Sediaan Hair Tonik

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Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No.



Astried Amalia Amanat1 , Suryani, Hasnawati 3

1 Pharmacy Study Program Faculty of Pharmacy University of Halu Oleo Kendari Southeast Sulawesi
Jl. HEA. Mokodompit, 93132


Jackfruit seeds (Artocarpus heterophyllus) contain alkaloids, polyphenols, flavonoids, and saponins which have
activity as hair growth. This study aims to determine the activity as hair growth and determine the irritation
potential of hair tonic preparations from jackfruit seed ethanol extract. The ethanol extract of jackfruit seeds was
obtained by soxletation using 96% ethanol. The extract obtained was then used as an active ingredient in hair tonic
preparations with a variation of extract concentration of 5%; 7.5%; and 10%. Additional ingredients used are
ethanol, propylene glycol, propyl paraben, methyl paraben, sodium metabisulfite, menthol, distilled water and
vanilla flavoring. The preparation was tested for activity as a stimulator of hair growth using the Tanaka method
(1980) which was treated with rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Based on the results of the activity test shows that all
hair tonic dosage formulas have stimulating activity on hair growth. Jackfruit seed extract concentration which has
the biggest activity is 10%. Then an irrita tion potential test is conducted which refers to BPOM (2014). The most
effec tive preparations for the hair growth were tested using rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), then pay attention to
the degree of irritation. The results of the degree of irritation score performed on male white rabbits is 0. So it can
be said that the preparation of hair tonic ethanol extract of jackfruit seeds does not cause irritation and is safe to

Keywords: ethanol extract, jackfruit seeds, hair tonic, hair growth stimulator, irritation.

INTRODUCTION Hair loss ( efluvium ) is the release of

Hair is a crown for everyone because hair from the scalp. Hair has a period of

hair functions in addition to providing growth, rest and release. About 100 strands

warmth, protection, hair as well as for a day occur in hair loss . Excessive hair loss
beauty and supporting appearance. Healthy will cause baldness. Hair needs to be

hair has thick, black, shiny, non-tangled and maintained, cared for and given nutrients to
does not fall out. But not everyone can have be healthy and beautiful (Wasitaatmadja,

healthy hair, because it can be influenced by 1997). Preparations that are widely used to
various factors including age, genetics, stress, overcome the growth of hair loss, intensify

certain skin diseases, side effects of drugs hair growth and stimulatehair growth which
and food consumed.The characteristics of is considered the most effective is hair

hair damage include dull / not shiny, matted tonic (Ministry of Health, 1985).
/ unruly, oily, split ends, easily broken hair, Various cosmetic products have been

and excessive hair loss (Diana, 2014; developed to overcome the problem of hair
Purnamasari, 2013). loss and hair loss, both from synthetic
materials and from natural

Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No. 2

ingredients. Preparations on the market showed positive results containing saponin

usually come from synthetic materials, even compounds, tannins,
though many medicinal plants around us can terpenoids,alkaloids, flavonoids and
be used as hair tonics. Synthetic ingredients polyphenols. Flavonoids function as
to deal with hair loss, including Minoxidil, in antibacterial works to inhibit bacteria so that
its use have side effects in the form of they can accelerate hair growth. Alkaloids
erythema, headaches, vertigo, edema. In line are secondary metabolites that can increase
with this, the concept of living back to hair growth and enlarge the hair shaft
nature began to be in demand and because of the increased supply of food
supported by the abundance of natural substances. Saponins have the ability to form
wealth in Indonesia (Nurjanah, 2014; foams so that they can clean the scalp from
Kuncari, 2015; Rahmawati et al., 2009). We dirt and its properties as contaminants,
have been developed therapies using natural consequently an increase in peripheral blood
materials y ang generally has several circulation can accelerate hair
advantages, among others fairly cheap and growth. Polyphenols and tannins can bind
widely available raw materials in Indonesia and protect the proteins needed for hair
(Kristishanti et al., 2011). growth (Delphin et al., 2014; Akib et al.,
Plants that can be used to help hair 2016; Sitompul, 2002 ; Jubaidah et al.,
growth are jackfruit seeds ( Artocarpus 2018 ).
heterophyllus ). Jackfruit seeds are very This research was previously conducted
useful in hair growth and keeping hair by phytochemical screening of jackfruit
healthy ( Maurya, 2017; Babu, 2017; Tejpal seeds, after which a preliminary test of hair
and Parle, 2016). Jackfruit plants are annual
growth activities using extracts, formulation
shrub plants that are widely used by the
of preparations with variations in
people of Indonesia, both as vegetables and
as constituents of a dish. Utilization of concentrations of 5%, 7.5%, 10% and tested
jackfruit is still very limited so that people the physical stability of the preparation, then
only consume fresh fruit flesh, while the the next researcher took the initiative to test
seeds are underutilized and are usually
hair growth activities and see the irritation
thrown away without further
potential of the hair tonic preparations that
processing. Jackfruit seeds have many useful
ingredients, such as minerals (calcium and have been formulated before.
phosphorus) and vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin METHODS
B and vitamin C) (Nusa, et al 2014). The This type of research
content of vitamin A, vitamin B is known is Experimental research with the design
to stimulate hair growth and keep hair
of Posttest With Control Group Design . This
healthy and shiny. Vitamin C is useful for
producing collagen which provides hair research was conducted at the

structure (Tambunan et al., 2014; Nurjannah Halu Oleo University Faculty of Pharmacy
et al., 2014). Jackfruit seed extract also Research Laboratory . The implementation of
Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No. 2

this research has been approved by the Halu ethanol extract using 3 rabbits were tested
Oleo University Ethics Committee of Medical by male rabbits.
Faculty through the publication of Ethical The making of formulas in this study
Clearance (EC). refers to the hair tonic formula by Lestari
The tools that will be used in the research, (2018). Other additives used were
research are latent stirring rods, 96% ethanol, propylene glycol, sodium
glassware, elektromantel (Stuart®, drop metabisulfite, propyl paraben, methyl
pipette, measuring pipette (MC ®), analytical paraben, menthol, vanillin and distilled
scales (Precisa®), water bath (Memmert®), water.
hair shaver (gillate) , scissors, calipers, ruler, Weighing the ingredients used and
scissors, rotary vacuum evaporator , series of marked according to the name of
devices soclet, spoite, marker, small brush. the material. Jackfruit seed extract is
The materials to be used in the study are dissolved in propylene glycol and stirred until
distilled water, aluminum foil (Klin Pak ® ), homogeneous (obtained by solution
jackfruit seeds ( Artocarpus heterophyllus ) A). Sodium Metabisulfite is dissolved in 5 mL
obtained from Koronua Village, Soblakoa of distilled water (obtained B solution) and
District, South Konawe Regency, Southeast mixed with a solution of A. Methyl paraben
Sulawesi Province, 96% ethanol, male white and propyl paraben dissolved in 5 mL
rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ), filter paper, ethanol, then added menthol and mixed into
cotton, gauze ( One Med ® ), 70% alcohol, solution A and B to obtain C. Propylene glycol
menthol, methyl paraben, sodium solution added little by little into solution C,
metabisulfite, plaster (Hansplast®), propylene stirred homogeneously and then added
glycol, vanillin, positive control ( Hair distilled water until the volume limit reached
Growt ® minoksidil 2%), clear masking tape, 100 mL and added vanillin flavoring to taste,
distilled water, black cardboard paper. and stirred until homogeneous then labeled.
The stages carried out in this study
were taking and preparing jackfruit seeds,
determination of jackfruit seed plants,
extracting jackfruit seeds, hair tonic dosage
formulations, hair growth activity test,
preparation of jackfruit seeds ethanol extract
using 3 rabbits and male irritation test
formula. preparations of jackfruit seed

Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No. 2

Table 1. Hair Tonic preparation formula longest strands and then placed on black
is made in 100 ml . cardboard. To simplify measurements, rabbit
Composition Function FI (%)(b/v) FII (%)(b/v) FIII (%)(b/v) hair is placed on clear tape and then

Jackfruit Active 5 7,5 10

measured by length of the sorong (Aini,
seeds substance
Ethanol Solvent 30,00 30,00 30,00 2017). Data collected in the form of
Propylene Kosolven 15,00 15,00 15,00
glycol and quantitative data. Quantitative data was
Propyl Preservative 0,01 0,01 0,01 obtained from the results of hair length
Methyl Preservative 0,1 0,1 0,1 measurements of hair growth activity tests.
Sodium 0,1 0,1 0,1
Metabisulfite Antioxidants Results of hair length measurements were
Mentol Giver cold 0,30 0,30 0,30
sensation tested statistically using the ANOVA test
and help
penetration method, SPSS 22.
Vanilin Flavoring qs qs qs

Distilled Carrier ad 100 mL ad 100 mL ad 100 mL

After preparation the best
preparation for stimulating hair growth is
Information: Ad 100 mL = enough volume to be 100 mL with
continued by testing the irritation potential
the addition of distilled water

Next is testing of hair growth activity. of the preparation. 3 healthy rabbits

This was done to determine the effect of the weighing 2-3 kg are used. This test is carried

formula of hair tonic on the ethanol extract out using patch test method. Before the

of jackfruit seeds in helping hair growth in treatment, the rabbit had shaved his hair 1

male rabbits. The treatment area was divided box to the left and 1 box to the right about

into 6 regions consisting of normal controls 2.5 x 2.5 cm. The rabbit is left for 24 hours

(without administration), negative controls before use. After shaving is complete, then

(base of hair tonic preparations), positive proceed with matching hair tonic formula.

controls (Hair growth minoxidil®) and hair Before applying the preparation, the rabbit's

tonic preparation formula 5% jackfruit seed skin is gently cleaned with cotton soaked

extract concentration; 7.5% and 10%. Tests with distilled water, then the hair tonic is

were carried out in the morning and evening applied evenly to the rabbit's skin (Iryoto,

with a volume of 1 mL in each treatment 2010). The dose used is 0.5 mL for the

area. The first day of delivery is considered to material in the form of liquid applied to the

be the 0th day. Provision of preparations is rabbit's back, 1 area for hair tonic to be

carried out for 21 days. Observation of hair tested and 1 area for negative control (hair

length of each region was carried out on the tonic without the extract of jackfruit ethanol

7th, 14th and 21st days. Before being seeds). Then cover it with sterile gauze and

measured, the hair was pulled as many as 5 glued it together with plaster, this gluing

Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No. 2

must be maximal so that the gauze is not Black cloth also absorbs heat so that the
separated (BPOM, 2014). drying process by using black cloth will not
Hair tonic treatment is carried out for interfere with the drying process. Scouring is
24 hours, after which the hair tonic attached done to change the size of the sample to be
to the rabbit's skin is cleaned and removed smaller with a larger surface area so that it
using cotton soaked with distilled water, can facilitate the socletation process
observe for any toxic symptoms that arise, (Harbone, 1996).
namely primary irritation in the form of 2. Plant Determination
erythema and edema for 24, 48 and 72 hours Plant determination aims to ascertain the
on the clock and the same time (BPOM, correctness of jackfruit seeds used in the
2014). study. The process of determination of
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION jackfruit seeds was carried out at the Teacher
1. Sampling Training and Education Faculty Biology
Sampling of jackfruit seeds (artocarpus Laboratory, Halu Oleo Kendari University.
heterophylus) in the village of koronua, The results of the determination stated that
Soblakoa Subdistrict, Konawe Regency, the samples used were true jackfruit seeds
South East Sulawesi Province. The jackfruit with the species Artocarpus heterophyllus
seed sample used is a type of ripe salak Lamk.
jackfruit. Jackfruit seed samples obtained 3. Extraction
are sorted wet to separate impurities or Extraction is the separation of one or
other foreign materials. Washing using several materials from a solid or liquid with
running water aims to remove impurities the aid of a solvent. Soxhlet extraction
attached to jackfruit seeds, washed jackfruit method is a method of extracting materials
seeds cut into small pieces to facilitate the in the form of solids with a continuous liquid
drying process (Anggraini, 2017). solvent. The equipment used is called Soxhlet
Jackfruit seed samples are dried in the sun extractor (Depkes RI, 1985).
with black cloth covered. The purpose of The 2,000 gram jackfruit seeds sample
closing with black cloth during drying is to was extracted using the socletation method
avoid direct contact between the sample and using 96% ethanol. A sample of 15 grams is
the sun so that damage to the components wrapped using filter paper and put in a
contained in the sample can be reduced and socklet tool. 96% ethanol solvent was put
the water content can be reduced (Anggraini, into 500 ml soclet flask. In the process of
2017). socletation, the solvent placed in the flask

Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No. 2

will evaporate when heated through the obtained. The thick extract of jackfruit seeds
soclet side pipe and cool down as it passes obtained a yield of 8.345%. The results of
through the condenser. The condensed jackfruit seed extract are dark brown in black
solvent will fall on the inside of the soclet with the distinctive aroma of jackfruit seeds.
containing the sample wrapped in filter 4. Hair Tonic Formulations
paper and soak it to the top of the chiffon The concentration of jackfruit seed
tube. One socletation cycle can be said to extract contained in the formula was
have passed, if the solvent-filled soclet tool determined based on a preliminary test
has been submerged to the top of the chiffon conducted by Zainuddin (2018) which stated
tube, then all parts of the solvent will be that the optimal concentration of jackfruit
attracted and stored in the pumpkin where seed extract can help hair growth starting at
the initial solvent is. Submerged dancer concentrations of 5%, 7.5% and 10%. Based
solutions will penetrate the cell wall and on this description, researchers were
enter into cell cavities containing active interested in developing the use of jackfruit
substances that will dissolve (Elda et al., seeds by making jackfruit seed extract
2014). formulations into hair tonic preparations.
The solvent used in this study was 96% The type of hair care cosmetics that are
ethanol. The choice of ethanol as a solvent is effective for hair loss is hair tonic. Hair tonic
because ethanol is relatively less toxic than dosage form in the form of a solution that is
methanol, cheap, easy to obtain and the easy to apply and convenient for hair skin,
extract obtained is not easily overgrown with easy to spread, not sticky, and does not leave
fungi and bacteria and is commonly used in a residue that can trigger dandruff (Aini,
making extracts. In addition, ethanol is 2017). Additional ingredients used are
semipolar so that polar and non-polar ethanol, propylene glycol, menthol, sodium
compounds found in simplicia can be metabisulfite, propyl paraben, methyl
attracted. paraben, vanillin and aquades.
The extract produced was evaporated Ethanol is used as a solvent, propylene
using a rotary vacuum evaporator at 50oC to glycol is mainly used to increase the solubility
separate the solvent from the filtrate. then of the ingredients contained in formulations
concentrated using a water bath at 50 ° C. and as a humectant because of its nature
The use of a water bath to vaporize ethanol that can withstand water absorption. Ethanol
solvents so that they are separated from the has helped the solubility of the thick extract
extract until a thick extract of 166.9 grams is used but not completely dissolved. Therefore

Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No. 2

propylene glycol is also used to further 5. Hair Growth Activity Test

increase the solubility of thick extracts to be This test was conducted to determine
completely dissolved. In addition, propylene the activity of hair tonic preparations of
glycol also helps control the viscosity of the ethanol extract of jackfruit seeds (Artocarpus
preparation by maintaining a fixed solution heterophyllus) in male rabbits. The
on the scalp so that contact with the scalp is treatment group was divided into normal
longer and preparations penetrate more control groups (without administration),
optimally (Rowe et al., 2009). positive controls (circulating synthetic
Menthol is used as a penetration preparations), negative controls (bases) and
enhancer for the skin, the mechanism of hair tonic formulas with extract
action is to improve the permeability of the concentrations of 5%, 7.5% and 10%. The
membrane so that the active substance concentration was chosen based on a
penetrates well on the skin. Besides being preliminary test of the jackfruit seed ethanol
used to provide a cold sensation on the extract conducted by Zainudin (2018). The
scalp, Menthol is also used to provide a fresh concentration of 5%, 7.5 and 10% is what has
odor and can increase penetration to the activity as hair growth. The measurement of
skin (Rowe et al., 2009). hair length is carried out for 21 days. On the
Sodium metabisulfite is used as an 7th day (1st week) hair growth can be seen
antioxidant in water-based preparations to by the eye so that measurements can be
prevent oxidation processes that may occur made. Subsequent measurements were
in the preparation. Methyl paraben and carried out at the 2nd and 3rd week. From
propyl paraben and used as preservatives, a the hair length measurement data obtained
preservative combination is carried out then the average hair length of each
because of the amount of water that is large treatment was calculated from 3 male
enough in hair tonic which can be a medium rabbits. After testing the test animals rabbits
for microbial growth, so that the are treated and fed and drunk. The test
combination of these two preservatives can animal is not turned off because testing is
expand the spectrum activity of these only on the body surface, does not affect the
preservatives. Vanillin is used as a flavoring systemic and organs. So that it does not
and to increase the aesthetics of the harm humans and the environment. The
preparation (Rowe et al., 2009). results of measurements of rabbit hair length
can be seen in Table 6.

Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No. 2

Table 6. Average length of rabbit hair during based on the significance level of each
treatment. treatment area (P 5 0.05), then continued on
Average Treatment of Hair Length (mm) ± SD homogeneity tests to see homogeneous
1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week data populations with significant provisions
Normal (P 5 0.05) which means the data has the
control 2.51 ± 0.36 4.38 ± 0.35 5.48 ± 0.46
Positive same or homogeneous nature.
Control 6.7 ± 0.49 7.59 ± 0.59 9.66 ± 0.51
The homogeneity test results for week
Control 2.7 ± 0.32 4.52 ± 0.37 5.6 ± 0.43 1, week 2 and week 3, showed homogeneous

Formula I 8.9 ± 1.11 10.39 ± 1.45 12.36 ± 0.88 data assessed from (P 5 0.05), so that it could
be continued with ANOVA test. showed that
Formula II 11.54 ± 1.01 13.54 ± 0.84 15.93 ± 0.46
there were significant differences
Formula III 14.41 ± 0.5 16.92 ± 0.83 19.31 ± 0.59
(significantly different) between week 1,
Observation of rabbit hair growth for 3
week 2 and week 3 data of hair length
weeks revealed that all treatment groups
between treatment areas. Rabbit hair length
experienced growth in hair length as seen in
data between treatment areas have
the rabbit hair length graph which
significant differences (significantly different)
experienced an increase every week (Figure
so that it can be said that all hair tonic
formulas have activities to stimulate hair
The test was continued with the Least
Rabbit hair length

20 Kontrol normal
15 Kontrol positif Significant Differences (LSD) test, aimed at

10 Kontrol negatif
5 analyzing data groups that had significant
Formula A (5%)
0 differences and groups of data that had no
Formula B (7,5%)
1 2 3
Time (weeks) Formula C (10%) significant differences. Data on rabbit hair
length at week 1, week 2 and week 3 on the
Data obtained from the results of test of
line of treatment of positive control, formula
hair growth activity in rabbits were analyzed
1, formula 2, formula 3 has a significant
using ANOVA test to determine whether the
difference in significant values not greater
average rabbit hair length of each treatment
than 0.05 in the LSD test table ( Appendix
was different or not. Data ANOVA
10). This shows the hair growth of each
requirements must be normally distributed.
treatment is different because the
The results of the normality analysis showed
concentration of extract increases so that the
that rabbit hair length in each treatment
effectiveness of active substances has the
area was normally distributed, which was

Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No. 2

ability to stimulate hair growth getting better blood flow to the hair follicles (Nurjannah et
and triggered by the addition of hair tonic al., 2014).
formula to help trigger hair growth. In the Polyphenols and tannins function as
normal control line LSD test table it can be antioxidants to reduce free radicals and as
seen that the negative control (preparation antibacterial and antiviral agents work to
basis) does not have a significant difference inhibit bacteria and viruses so they can
(not significantly different) can be seen in the accelerate growth and prevent hair loss
LSD test. This shows that additional (Robinson, 1995). In addition, with the form
ingredients do not play an active role in of hair tonic preparations have very good
providing hair growth activities. absorption by the scalp and facilitate blood
The chemical content of active circulation (Depkes RI, 1985).
substances that are efficacious as hair Nutrition plays a role in stimulating hair
growers also increases so that the growth. Water is an important nutrient
effectiveness of growth. Hair tonic jackfruit because almost a quarter of the weight of
seed extract contains secondary metabolites hair consists of water. Moisture due to the
of alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, presence of water causes the hair to become
polyphenols, tannins and vitamins and soft. In addition to malnutrition, it affects
nutrients that can stimulate hair growth hair growth, especially protein and calorie
(Zainudin, 2018). malnutrition, where 98% protein
Alkaloids are secondary metabolites that consumption of foods with high protein
can increase hair growth and enlarge the hair content can nourish hair, vitamin A obtained
shaft because the supply of food substances through retinol obtained from foods derived
increases (Jubaidah et al., 2018). from animals and beta carotene obtained
Flavonoids as a group of many phenolic from foods originating from plants, vitamin E
compounds found in plant tissues can act as obtained from nuts, seeds, grains, avocados,
antioxidants. Free radicals are one of the eggs, milk, meat, soybean oil, cabbage and
causes of hair loss, so that flavonoids can some vegetables such as spinach and other
prevent free radicals and accelerate hair broccoli, vitamin B complex, vitamin C,
growth (Sitompul, 2002). iodine, substances iron, and cysteine,
Saponin has the ability to form foam (Soedibyo et al., 1999).
which means it is able to cleanse the skin
from dirt, besides it functions to increase

Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No. 2

6. Potential Irritation Test and 1 box to the right. After leaving it for 24
The test animals used in this study were hours to get used to the rabbit. Then apply
male white rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), the preparation then cover with sterile
the selection of male white rabbits due to gauze. Observations for the irritation test
having sensitive skin than other types of were carried out at 1 hour, 24 hours, 48
rabbits and based on white rabbit hair more hours and 72 hours after the test preparation
easily shaved than other types of rabbits. The was given by observing the skin reactions
purpose of this study was to see whether the that arise with 2 observational parameters,
hair tonic preparation of jackfruit seeds namely the level of erythema (redness
ethanol extract is safe to use and to reaction) and the level of edema (swelling)
determine the level of erythema and edema that arises. Observations were made at 24,
and its primary irritant index (BPOM, 2014). 48 and 72 hours after the bandage was
In topical preparations, one of the released aiming to determine the possibility
important parameters to note is the of a delayed irritation reaction. Then the
possibility of the product being applied to results of these observations are given a
cause irritation to the skin. The appearance score of 0 to 4 according to the severity. The
of irritation can occur after a period of time test animal is not turned off because testing
from the application of the preparation, is only on the body surface, does not affect
characterized by several symptoms such as the systemic and organs. So that it does not
the skin will dry up feeling painful, bleeding, harm humans and the environment. The
and cracking. Irritations that occur in the skin level of irritation is calculated based on the
are characterized by erythema and edema, calculation of the observation score (Ditjen
where erythema or redness occurs due to POM, 2014).
dilation of blood vessels in an irritated area, Table 7. Irritation Test Results on Male White
whereas in edema there is enlarged plasma Rabbits
24 hours 48 hours 72 hours
enlargement in the injured area (Pratimasari Eyi the Ede
rabbit Erythema Edema Erythema Edema
ma ma
et al., 2015). 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
The irritation test was carried out in this 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0
study, which was carried out on three Pri ma ry
Irri ta tion 0
animals. This test is done by applying a hair Index

tonic preparation and dosage base to the From the results of observations in the

back area of the test animal. The back of the table, for erythema that occurs in rabbits 1,

test animal was shaved 1 box before the left 2, and 3 at 24 hours a score of 0 is obtained
(without erythema) whereas for edema
Halu Oleo Pharm.Sci. Vol. 1 No. 2

scores of rabbits 1, 2 and 3 at 24 hours a

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