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My Perfect Man

My perfect man
He is sweet, warm n lovin' tender and treats me like a Queen
He understands me like a rational man should
He love me for who I am not for what I have
He accepts me for what I am, not what he thinks I should be
He holds me in his arms when going to bed and sings me lullaby till I sleep
He is the first thing I see when I awoke to a beautiful dream
He kisses me on the chick to a beautiful morning
He knows that men and women make decisions together
He opens the door to the car for me to enter
He pulls out a chair for me in restaurant before I sit
He holds my hands when we converse
He is proud to introduce me to his family and friends
He knows just what my heart wants to hear
He does everything accordingly because he knows just the perfect timing
He compares me not to other women
He apologizes to me when he is wrong
He is as faithful as I am to him
He puts the smile back on my face when I'm sad
He is my true friend and companion
He is happy to be with me
He is my shining amour
He keeps me safe
He stays by my side no matter what
He goes through thick and thin together with me
He keeps me warm when it's cold
He is my umbrella in the rain
He keeps me away from any pain
He is not only the father but fathers my children
He knows that inner beauty is true beauty
He supports me
He corrects me when I am wrong
He knows that to err is human and to forgive is divine
He loves me for me
I do not need a checklist for a perfect man
When I meet him my heart will just know
I am in love with my perfect man
Deeply in love

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