Goal 4

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Welcome to the Tarot Avenue goal setting guide. This
workbook is designed to help you set and ultimately smash
your goals. As soon as you bring attention to what you
really want in your life it becomes infinitely more ahievable.

If you find this guide useful we would love you to share on

your social media or feel free to email to your friends.
Target Date:

Be as specific as possible about your goal:


How will you know when you have reached your goal?:

What action are you going to take?:


R Really ask if these goals are realistic and relevant. What change will they


What markers do you have in place to know if you are on track?:

How Tarot Can Help
Here is where the magic happens! We now consult the tarot to ensure that we
are on the right track. This gives us an opportunity to tap into our subconscious
to ensure that our goals are in line with our values.

This spread will also highlight any potential obstacles that you could face and
will give you guidance on how to overcome them.

The 3 action points should give you a clear indication of what you should be
doing right now so you can fulfil your potential and smash your goals.

1. Your goal. I want you to go through the deck and consciously
pick a card that represents your goal.  I've listed a few example
cards on the next page.
2. What potential roadblocks could you face?
3. What strategies should you use to overcome those obstacles?
4. What's the outlook or likelihood of you overcoming these?
5,6,7 ­ Three action points you need to implement right now.
8.What's the most important thing that you need to know right now?
Cards For Goals
You need to pick out a card from the deck that represents your goal.
You can let your intuition flow and just pick one that 'feels' right or you
can pick one that is aligned with the traditional meaning.

I've listed a few examples here but please feel free to go with your own

Goal: To lose x (kg/lb) by x (date)

Card: The Empress

Goal: To find a job that is aligned with my

soul's purpose
Card: 9 of Pentacles

Goal: To save enough money to go on a

dream vacation
Card: 4 of Pentacles

Goal: To beat my addiction by x (date)

Card: The Devil

Goal: To grow my tarot community by x

(amount) by x (date)
Card: 10 of Cups
About Tarot Avenue
I'm David, the founder of Tarot Avenue. I'm
here to give you the tools so you can live
your life to it's full potential. I have a
practical and down to earth approach to
tarot as I believe that this amazing tool
should be accessible to everybody. We
can all make the world a better place one
card at a time!

If you want to know more about Tarot Avenue you can find us
at www.tarotavenue.com or you can follow us on social

If you enjoyed this workbook and think that it could be useful

for somebody you know then please do feel free to share the

If you have any questions or comments feel free to email me


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