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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Organization and Management

September 19, 2019


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 define leadership
 identify the different leadership style
 apply the different leadership style


Topic: Different style of Leadership

Reference: Organization and Management, Edelynda G. Enriquez
Materials: Laptop, LCD projector, Manila paper, pentel pen


Teachers’ Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance

B. Review

C. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

Watch a video clip.

It is about leadership,

(San patungkol ang video?)

A group of ant, they have a leader. The one

who lead, guide his members

Very good!

2. Presentation of the Lesson

Any idea what is leadership?

Do we need leader?

Why do we need leader?


I have here famous leader in our country.

Leadership is the art or process of influencing

people so that they will strive willingly and
enthusiastically toward the achievement of
group goals.

Yes, Ma’am.

Because (pasagot ta)


Every leader have a different leadership style.

There are 3 primary leadership style
 Autocratic (Authoritarian)
 Democratic
 Laissez-Faire
Let me know your prior knowledge about
these different leadership style. Go to your
respective group, I will give you 3 minutes to
finish your task. Choose one to present it in
front. Autocratic
• Manager is decision-making authority
• Manager does not consult employees for
• Subordinates expected to obey orders without

• Often referred to as participative style
• Keeps employees informed
• Shares decision making and problem solving
• Gathers information from staff members
before making decisions

• Gives followers as much freedom as possible
• All authority or power is given to the
• Followers must determine goals, make
decisions, and resolve problems on their own.

5. Generalization

What is leadership?
Leadership is the art or process of influencing
people, guide their followers.
Why it is important in the organization?

It is important because (ta pasagot)

Can you differentiate the 3 leadership style?

In autocratic he/she did not consult employees
for input, in democratic Shares decision making
and problem solving responsibilities while in
laissez-faire All authority or power is given to
the followers.

Very good!

6. Application

We have another group activity; give an

example of autocratic, democratic and laissez-
faire. But present in creative way, for 1st row
present in role playe, 2nd row comical skit and
the 3rd row is present it in broadcasting.
(the student will be graded according to the


Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which function of management involves in determining “what kind and when are workers
a. Staffing b. Organizing c. Leading d. Controlling
2. Which of the following show the importance of staffing in the organization?
a. Helps getting right people for the right job at the right time.
b. Contributes to improved organizational productivity.
c. Provides job satisfaction to the employees keeping their morale high.
d. all of the above
3. Which of the following is NOT a nature of staffing?
a. People centered
b. Human Skills
c. Continuous Function
d. Decision making
4. What is the first process in staffing?
a. selection b. manpower planning c. training d. recruitment
5. Staffing is a continuous activity.
a. true b. false d. maybe d. sometimes


In one whole sheet of paper identify the recruitment and selection process.

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher

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