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Terminal Assignment Programs

Sl. No Class Name Topic Page No. Remarks
1. Taximeter To input the passengers name
and calculate the amount
according to the distance

2. Pattern_Series To display the pattern and series

according to the user’s choice.

3. Unique_No To display all the unique

number from 100 to 200 .

4. Cube_Cubiod_Sphere To accept the sides of cube,

cuboid and radius of sphere and
calculate their volume.

5. Palindrome_No To accept 10 numbers and

display the sums of palindrome

6. prime_factor To display all the prime factors

of number and calculate the
sum of the prime factors of that
Selection Assignment Programs
Sl. No Class Name Topic Page No. Remarks
1. Series To display the sum of difference 11-12
series according to the user’s

2. Sentence_Operation To perform various sentence 14

operation and replacement of
vowels by * symbol.
3. Palin_Vowel To count and display all the 16-17
palindrome words and words
starting and ending with vowels
according to the user’s choice.
4. BookFair To input the book name in a 19-20
book fair and calculate the price
of the book after discount.

5. Country_Capital To enter the names of 10 22-23

countries along with their
capital and search for the
country by the user if found
then display the country along
with its capital otherwise display
proper message.
6. Pattern To display different types of 25
pattern as per users choice.

7 Composite_Number To input 10 different numbers 27

and display the sum and
average of only the composite

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