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Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to


Central Colleges of the Philippines


LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................3

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................4

CHAPTER 1..............................................................................................................5


Introduction ................................................................................................. 5

Review of Related Literature ..................................................................... 7

Related Readings ....................................................................................... 17

Related Studies........................................................................................... 18

Synthesis and Justification........................................................................ 23

Theoretical Framework ............................................................................ 23

Conceptual Framework ............................................................................ 25

Statement of the Problem ......................................................................... 26

Hypothesis .................................................................................................. 27

Significance of the Study ........................................................................... 28

Scope and Limitations ............................................................................... 28

Definition of Terms.................................................................................... 29

CHAPTER 2................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

METHODOLOGY ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Introduction .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Research Design .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

Central Colleges of the Philippines

Research Setting ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Respondents of the Study............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Data Gathering Procedures ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Data Gthering Instruments ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Statistical Treatment ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

REFERENCES ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

APPENDICES............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

APPENDIX A.................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

Central Colleges of the Philippines


Table 1.1. Caption for Table 1.................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 2.1. Caption for Table 2.................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

Central Colleges of the Philippines


Figure 1.1. Caption for Figure 1. .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 2.1. Caption for Figure 2. .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

Central Colleges of the Philippines




Traffic congestion has been a major problem of our country for years, that

causes disturbance in our community and it also have major effect in our environment

as well. Motorists experience traffic every day and it causes too much of the time

motorists, which the time that they are going through the traffic every day, they could

accomplish more in their work and spend more time with their family and love ones.

People tend to endure the traffic and have not thought the importance of the

construction of road ways, that this project can provide convenience to the community

or to the city. Because of the growing of volume of the vehicles in our country, the

traffic is getting much worst and it is being felt in our country. The traffic congestion

in our country can have a solution by creating road ways and bridges that can benefit

the community and the environment.

The lack of discipline of the motorists causes more problems to the traffic in

the current situation today. People just ignoring the fact that their lack of discipline in

the road is causing more problems. Education about the road and the right discipline

of the motorists will help to develop the problem in our traffic, and the adding of a

bypass road will benefit the people and the motorists because it can prevent a traffic

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

Central Colleges of the Philippines

jam in the said area and by designing this road will be accordance with Republic Act

no. 917 (June 19, 1953), sec. 10(Appointment for improvement, reconstruction and

construction). This study will address the problem in the traffic and will develop a

system that will handle the traffic in the area.

The construction of the bypass road will benefit the community and the environment

through the reduction of the travel time of the motorist and the air pollution that a

vehicle can cause. The research may be also used as a reference to future studies

regarding traffic congestion. It will raise the awareness of people in our government

by adding road ways and bridges to a certain area, which can be a solution for problem

of traffic. This study will benefit the community and the environment by reducing the

traffic congestion in our country.

The research aims to develop a bypass road from River Park to River Banks,

Marikina City, which can be an alternative route for the motorist that passing through

Barangka going to River Banks. This research will inspect an area for suitability of the

construction that shall follow the given criteria for siting an area for road construction.

Also the research will analyze the soil profile, water level of the river and blank, and

create a work flow system for road, blank batas and present a scale model. Lastly,

provide a blank.

The scope of this study is to design a bypass road that shall be solution to the existing

traffic in Barangka, Marikina City. The said design shall follow the criteria which will

serve as a basis for the siting and the establishment of the bypass road. The said criteria

shall encompass the standards that would make an effective and efficient process in

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

Central Colleges of the Philippines

handling the design of the bypass road in Marikina City. The applicability of the

research shall only be limited to the municipality of Marikina City. The researcher will

use AutoCAD, Tekla Structures in designing the site development plan and blank for

the designing the access road.

Review of Related Literature

This chapter represents of the related articles, literature and studies being

considered to understand further this study.


Bypass Road

One of the main reasons for the construction of bypass roads in towns is the

disconnection of through-traffic from the center of a town or city to the sorroundings,

for objective of improving the stream of traffic, shortening travel times, and reducing

road accidents. Bypass roads, someway, have also environmental and economic

sequel. On the one side, they reduce noise and pollution appearance along the previous

route. On the other hand, such projects are often accompanied by tremendous fears on

the part of local proprietors and businesses regarding the scope of their business

revenues, the value in the properties, and the stake of the road on land uses. A new

bypass road reform accessibility to areas of activities, curtail traffic in urban centers

and bear the development of fresh areas as well as the redevelopment of others. In

variation to the above, the construction of a bypass road is responsible to bring about

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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a decrease in industrial and commercial land consumption within the community, due

to the redirection of traffic and hence the clientele base. The propagation and

deployment of businesses along the length of the bypass roads effects the revision in

land use. The remotesness of the bypass road from the city center creates a sac between

the old and new roads, where bulky pressure is exerted for composition (Mackie,

1983; Jesse, 1991). In many cases, the numerous researchers examined the stake of the

bypass road upon economic development beside with changes in secured levels in the

bypassed communities. This stake was generally uniformed in terms of the number of

workers and businesses, as well as the number of commerce, changes in wages (Glen,

2001; Jesse, 1991), the spatial allotment of businesses, the augmentation of industrial

and residential space, discrepancy in population size, travel behavior (Collins, 2000;

Mackie, 1983) and changes in the car accident charge (Rune, 2001; Newland, 1962).

There are plenty variables that determine the routing and the levle of the bypass road

impact, such like the economic base of the community, the community's geographical

status, the population's demographic visage, the provincial highway network, the

remoteness from large urban areas and the community's spatial status relative to the

bypass road (Johann, 1993; Banistrr, 1994; Poul, 1997; Gillis, 1994; Collins, 2000).

Retaining wall

Retaining walls are broadly classified as gravity, semi-gravity, and cantilever,

counter fort and buttressed retaining walls. A gravity retaining wall utilizes entirely its

own weight to produce the necessary stability. Cantilever and counter fort retaining

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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walls utilize the weight of the soil itself to produce stability. Semi-gravity retaining

walls are intermediate between the cantilever and gravity type walls. Among the

concrete retaining walls, the cantilever wall is most widely used as it is economical.

These walls utilize the weight of the soil itself to produce stability. Cantilever retaining

walls are used in basement of buildings, as abutments for bridges, as flood walls in

irrigation works as well as for retaining ores, minerals and other granular materials.

Therefore, considering the importance of cantilever retaining structures, the estimation

of earth pressure is found to be essential for the safe design of retaining wall under

both static and seismic conditions. A number of investigations have been performed

by several researchers to determine the seismic active and passive earth pressures on

a rigid retaining wall due to earthquake loading.

Dr. Ray Chaudhari (1974), in the design of retaining wall earth pressure is a

predominant actuating force. Substantial reduction in this force could be made by

providing relief shelf to the retaining wall. Jumiksi had suggested a method to evaluate

the effect of shelf on earth pressure. Dr.Ray Chaudhari also independently evaluated

the effect of relief shelves on earth pressure by assuming that soil mass above the relief

shelf, which is contained in the failure wedge, does not contribute to the weight of

failure wedge & that relief shelf supports this mass. This method has been further

developed by considering the shift of centre of gravity of the failure wedge that occurs

because of reduction in weight of failure wedge, due to relief shelf. Steedman and Zeng

(1990), it predicts the seismic active earth pressure behind a vertical cantilever

retaining wall taking into account a finite shear wave velocity in the backfill. It was

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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found that the phase change has a marked effect on the distribution of the dynamic

increment of pressure. Choudhary et al (2006) compared the Pseudo-Static and

Pseudo-Dynamic Methods for Seismic Earth Pressure on Retaining Wall. The analysis

and comparison in between these two methos shows that the time dependent non-linear

behaviour of the pressure distribution obtained in the pseudodynamic method results

more realistic design values of earth pressures under earthquake condition. Tafrehi and

Nouri (2008) studied the seudo-static methods for the evaluating the thrust of soil on

retaining wall under seismic condition. They established a new approach which

concludes that the main difference with respect to the traditional solutions is that the

presence of the wall is considered in the equilibrium equations.

Traffic noise

Highway traffic noise is caused by tire-pavement interaction, aerodynamic

sources (turbulent airflow around and partly through the vehicle), and the vehicle itself

(the power-unit noise created by the engine, exhaust, or transmission). At highway

speeds, tire-pavement interaction generally is the most dominant source (Sandberg and

Ejsmont, 2002).

Douglas et al., (2010) studied noise from the point of view of Community

awareness and the perception on the traffic noise related health impacts. He found that

related cases have increased significantly over the last decade resulting in a large

volume of public inquiries flowing to Road Authorities for planning advice. Traffic

noise management in the urban environment is therefore becoming a “social

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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obligation”, essentially due to noise related health concerns. Talukdar (2001) studied

the noise exposure from the textile industries and showed that a large number of textile

workers, especially weavers suffer from industrial hearing loss. He suggested, there

should be substantial efforts by machinery manufacturers, in keeping the noise

emission as low as possible while improving the speed of their machines. Tripathi et

al., (2012) is said the Noise is considered variable in its nature and any time for the

traffic in the road may depends speed of vehicles, volume of traffic and road conditions

so it becomes necessary to identify the noise levels by using certain mechanism.

Traffic composition is often a determining factor, as heavy vehicles produce more

noise and vibration, leading to higher annoyance levels ( Paunović et al. 2009). The

time of day is also relevant as high traffic levels create problems for pedestrians dur-

ing the day time, but high traffic speeds produce loud noises at night-time, when it is

most disruptive for local residents ( Pirrera et al. 2010).

Traffic congestion

Unlike several different problem of American social issues, poverty, hunger,

low-quality, education, homelessness, drug addiction and traffic congestion is directly

experienced daily by innumerable American commuters of all financial gain levels

they need to become more and more incensed over the waste of their precious time

and cash caused by recurrent traffic delays. The most causes of peak hour traffic

congestion are deeply unmoving in American needs and behavior patterns. Some are

even designed into the essential physical and scheme of U. S metropolitan areas

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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Policymakers hoping to scale back congestion thus should persuade various American

to change a number of their most cherished social goals and comfy personal conduct.

The causes of rising congestion is divided into 2 basic categories: immediate and

future. a minimum of four immediate causes are known each of that tends to strengthen

the impact of the others and thereby heighten congestion. Drivers are solely

accountable for vehicle operating expense and also the time spent travelling. Since

they'll most likely be caught in serious congestion during peak periods, they

acknowledge that their travelling time are going to be higher than during different

periods. Meaning any factors that increase peak hour congestion on restricted access

roads tend to cause additional motorcar driving commuters to shift far from the roads

within the peak periods to identical roads in nonpeak periods and transportation during

peak periods. However by travelling during peak hours every worker will work

identical hours as most others do. It is wide assumed that top levels of peak hour road

congestion can stimulate transportation patronage. That's why several metropolitan

areas have distended, or are considering increasing, their transportation systems

artificial language relieve road congestion. This analysis implies that tie up is sort of

bound to continue worsening in quick growing metropolitan areas unless effective

remedies is found and planted.(Anthony Downs 2013)

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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Water Level

The level of the water surface of a river or stream above an established gage

datum at a given location. The gage datum is a horizontal surface used as a zero point

for measurement of water level. This gage datum level usually is located slightly

below the lowest point of the stream bottom such that the stage is greater than the

maximum depth of water. In the study entitled “Portable Water Level Monitoring

System via SMS” There are three levels of warning of a water level. These are the

minor level, moderate level, and the major level. When the water level reaches the

minor level sensor, the device will send SMS which has this message. “The water

level starts to become higher please stay at home”. When the water level reaches the

moderate level sensor, the device will send SMS which has this message “Warning!

The water level reached the moderate level, please prepare all things that you need,

evacuation is possible at any time!” And when the water level reaches the major level

sensor, the device will send SMS which has this message “Alert! The water level

reaches the critical level, please evacuate immediately”. The device will be supplied

by solar power.


Bypass Road

The scope of the road in the Philippines, when measured in terms of road km

per square km, road km per capita, and road km per dollar of GDP per capita, is

comparable with or better than many neighboring developing member countries .As

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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of 2011, the country’s road system comprised about 215,000 km, of which about 15%

were classified of the national roads, thereby falling under the jurisdiction of the

Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). The residual 85% of the

network is defined as local roads and falls under the jurisdiction of a variety of local

government units. As of November 2011, 79% of national roads and only 18% of

local roads were paved with either asphalt or concrete. The government has

developed a network of tolled expressways in central Luzon to address transport

constraints on economic development by linking the major economic and transport

centers in Metro Manila and adjacent provinces, from Tarlac in the north to Batangas

in the south; and facilitating multimodal transport. The Plaridel Bypass road is an

autoroute road of 24.61 km that will link the NLEX in Balagtas, Bulacan with the

Philippine Japan Friendship Highway, also called Maharlika Highway, in San Rafael,

Bulacan. It will bypass the town proper of Plaridel and urban areas of Pulilan,

Baliuag, and San Rafael along the existing Maharlika Highway, thus alleviate the

perennial traffic congestion at the core urban areas along Philippine-Japan Friendship

Highway road section from Plaridel to San Rafael, Bulacan. The bypass alignment

traversed five (5) municipalities in the province of Bulacan, namely, Balagtas,

Guiguinto, Plaridel, Bustos and San Rafael. The Plaridel Bypass Road (the violet,

dotted line left of the center) is seen to directly connect the urban expansion corridor

with NLEX. It will also serve as an alternate road to the Plaridel-Baliuag Growth

Corridor. The Provincial Government of Bulacan has in fact echoed the Plaridel

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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Bypass Road as one of the priority program for transportation and access for the

Province of Bulacan.

Traffic Noise

The primary contributor to roadside noise is transportation. The noise

produced by vehicles may be termed as road traffic noise. In the vehicle, the principal

noise source is the power unit and its auxiliaries, transmission system, tires and

braking system. This type of noise can be augmented by narrow streets and tall

buildings, which produce a”canyon” in which traffic noise reverberates (Suter, [17]).

In the Philippines, the institutions that set the standards include the Department of

Health (DOH) and the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) under the

Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). Awareness on pollution brought

about by noise has always been limited due to its unnoticeable effects but recently,

noise is becoming a more prominent social, environmental and health problem due

to the increasing urbanization. Road traffic, one of the dominant sources of noise in

urban and rural environment, continuously rises with the increasing number of people

and vehicles, as well as congestion of traffic. Trafficc enforcers, who spend most of

their time in roads directing traffic, are at the forefront of exposure to road traffic


Water Level

Marikina River is the major waterway in the city. The city has an estimated

population of 490,612 for 2008, and its major industry is shoemaking with a shift in

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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emphasis from agriculture to shoemaking and heavy industries. With industrialization

came population increases and the conversion of rich agricultural land into residential

areas. The river became heavily polluted with domestic sewage and industrial waste.

The quarrying on the riverbanks led to scouring and erosion. The end result was poor

water quality and flooding that claimed lives and destroyed property. Informal

settlements along the riverbanks added to the pressures of pollution and flooding.

Whether in its traditional or flooded state, the watercourse was a hazard to those

communities. Throughout continuous significant downpours or typhoons, the

watercourse level rose most that informal settlers had to vacate their homes and keep

in evacuation centers till the floodwaters receded. Even though the river had harmful

flooding events in fashionable times, the riverbanks were still thought-about as

potential settlement sites by those that couldn't afford to buy land or property in safer

parts of town. Urban riverine flooding will be worsened by local urban processes and

activities that cause river flow obstruction and pollution.(Gabrielle 2008)

Traffic congestion

Traffic congestion has always been a problem especially on roads that are

located in populated areas. Varied solutions have been suggested and implemented

to address the challenge.

The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) implemented

traffic schemes which were opposed prior starting it. The schemes are prohibition of

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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the driver-only operated vehicles along EDSA and prohibition of provincial buses

(from North to South) traversing EDSA. The first scheme encourages carpooling

while the second is there are only buses points where passengers will be picked-up

by other land-based transportation as the buses will be terminating their trips.

A scheme was also developed in mid-90’s, the Unified Vehicular Volume

Reduction Program (UVVRP), more popularly known as the “number coding”. It

was developed as a short-term travel demand management measure for Metro Manila

but still implemented along major roads with some modifications like the mid-day


Related Readings

The government agency announced that the first phase of the Marikina City

Bypass Road Project has been completed. The finished portion is a two-lane side,

470m stretch situated beside the Marikina River and SM Marikina.

“This 470-meter Phase 1 is a component of the propounded Marcos Highway-JP Rizal

Bypass Road Project from Marcos Highway up to M. Roxas Road close to Kalumpang

Barangay Hall and JP Rizal Street,” DPWH NCR director Ador Canlas said in a

statement. “Marikina River’s side will serve as the alignment of the bypass road.

“We arrived with this project to dwelling the growing volume of vehicles plying both

Marcos Highway and JP Rizal Street. On a bypass road, motorists won’t have to resist

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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congested roads just to cross each margin, amputation travel time by as much as 25


The remaining 1.14km section will take an estimated P428 million in funding

to build, the DPWH said. Once the project is completed, the agency claims the 1.6km

stretch of road will cut travel time between Marcos Highway and JP Rizal Street in

Marikina City.

According to him, the Marcos Highway-J.P. Rizal Bypass Road Project

received an initial allocation of PHP135 million for two contract packages

implemented by DPWH-NCR and DPWH Metro Manila First District Engineering


The project’s scope of works also covers the removal of existing trees,

construction of embankment, drainage system, sidewalk, concrete curb, guardrail and

retaining wall, grouted painting of curb, and application of reflectorized thermoplastic


The whole bypass road will be a multi-year project and will necessitate an estimated

funding amount of PHP428 million for its outstanding 1.14-kilometer section.

Related Studies

Bypass Road

In most situation, the various researchers examined the stake of the bypass

road upon economic development along with changes in sanctuary levels in the

bypassed communities. The broad distribution of businesses, the expansion of

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

Central Colleges of the Philippines

industrial and residential space, discrepancy in population size, travel behavior

(Collins, 2000; Mackie, 1983) and changes in the car accident rate (Rune, 2001;

Newland, 1962). many studies that have investigated the result of bypass roads on

road accidents (Newland, 1962; Andersson, 2001; Kipnis, 1976) showed that the

construction of such roads caused a curtail in the number of road accidents with

casualties. In 1969 Professor Robley Winfrey of lowa University in his book,

Economic Analysis for Highways stated “effects of Highway bypasses on traffic and

safety are easily observed and measured. But the economic and social consequences

of bypasses on urban communities are difficult to observe and more difficult to


Water Level

Water is commonly used in agriculture, industry and in households. In

novitiate are known many types of level control that can be complete. But the most

prevalent ones are those with overflow control used to restrain exceeding the

maximum level that a storage tank can hold and those with fully wither for restraining

the pomp to work without liquid. Water level control systems using microcontrollers.

This type of system merely starts the pump when the water level is medium and grant

it to run until it is reached the supreme level in the tank. Water level under the

systems based on fuzzy logic, water level is controlled using SCADA (supervisory

control and data accession system). For a nonlinear water-tank level it is recquisite

to design a dividend scheduling controller for a water level control system

Traffic Congestion

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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Traffic congestion befall when a volume of traffic or modal split procreate

demand for space major than the available road capacity. There are a dowry of

specific condition which cause or comcplicate congestion; most of 8 them decrease

the effective capacity of a road at a set point or over a precise length, or increase the

number of vehicles needed for a given volume of people or commodity.

Quantification of congestion can be done by embody the volume and operational

feature of traffic movement. Bhargab Maitra, P.K.Sikdar and S.L.Dhingra, 1999

accompany a study on quantification of congestion. Quantified congestion level can

be used as a rational and improved measure of effectiveness to certify for the

conceptual definition of level of service in a quantitative method. Moulding

congestion has provided a quantitative basis for understanding the assisstance of

different vehicle types in overall congestion, and it is useful for evolutive the policy

for congestion mitigation. The principles of duration moulding can be used to find

the expanse of congestion. An approach is establish for estimating the duration of

congestion on a set road section and the likelihood that, given its onset, congestion

will end during the indentified time season. It was studied by Anthony Stathopoulos

and Mattew G.Karlaftis, 2001. Bin Yuan and Wen-Hua Song, 2007 conducted a

study on exploring and accomplishing road traffic safety and rescue system based on

3S technology, which will provide effective instruction platform for traffic

instruction department.

Traffic Congestion is widely distributed in the network and it is dynamic in

nature (Pei, 2003). Dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) models are the only choice

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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that describes the dynamic characteristics of the traffic and transportation network

and captures time varying changes of traffic flow on the basis of time-dependent

travel demand (Minngqiao et al. 2013).

Traffic Noise

A study on the noise revelation among traffic police officers accompanied in

Sudan inform that the noise levels measured using a dosimeter were high at all points

which in sheer have led to irritation and tinnitus among the traffic enforcers.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), long-term exposure to high

environmental noise levels such as traffic, above 53 decibels (dB) can result in

adverse health effects such as elevated blood pressure, coronary artery disease,

hearing loss and even heart attacks. Conversely, decreased levels of noise pollution

can bring auxiliary advantages such as fewer road rage instances, increased cognitive

performance and productivity.

Retaining Wall

The University of Western Australia has presented the triage of flexible

retaining walls and has mentioned that the deaden Platform Wall is one of the types

of piliable retaining wall. Jumikis suggested that the stability of counterfort wall can

be considerably increased by providing one or more relief platforms or shelves in the

cross section of such a wall and by extending them up to the rupture surface. The

relief shelves have the advantage of decreasing lateral earth pressure on the wall and

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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increasing stability of the structure. This results in an economical design because less

material goes into the wall as compared to massive structure or cantilever and even

counterfort walls without the shelves.

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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Synthesis and Justification

The development of granular iron PRB technology was reliant on two

advances: that metallic irons breaks down chlorinated organic compounds, and that

reactions can proceed in situ normal groundwater conditions.

Metals have been used as catalysts since the 20th century, with more literature

available concerning the corrosion of metal shipping and storage

containers.[1] Because this literature concerned pure solvents rather

than aqueous solutions and the processes often occurred at high temperatures and

pressures, it was not looked at by the environmental community.

Theoretical Framework

Phase 1 will cover all the necessary procedures in order to obtain all the

specific data required for designing the bypass road. Phase 2 will be the establishment

of legal boundaries of land and in order to provide and effective layout for the facilities

to be placed together with the bypass road plan including the vehicular access plan for

the whole facility. Lastly, phase 3 will provide an effective workflow system for the

operation of the bypass road and a scale model of the whole structure for a better

representation of the structure.

Table 1.1. Comparison between ______

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Figure 1.1. Comparison between ______

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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Conceptual Framework

Phase 1: Data Gathering Phase 2: Designing

Phase 3: Finalization

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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Statement of the Problem


The main objective of this research study is to design and construct the 2-

kilometer-long Marikina Bypass consist of retaining walls and road structure over

Marikina River connecting Riverbank and Riverpark to reduce traffic congestion

currently experienced on Marikina.


1. Investigate an area in river park to river banks Marikina and to prove that

the proposed area is suitable for the construction of a bypass road in

accordance with Republic Act No.917 (June 19, 1953), sec.10

(Apportionment for improvement, reconstruction and construction)

2. Analyze the current state of the area by its traffic congestion, traffic noise

and water level of Marikina river.

3. Develop a route option road design to give a minimum design speed and

approach design commensurate with the urban environment and design a

retaining wall that can sustain the water level of Marikina river.

4. Create smooth and safe flow of traffic on barangka road by constructing a

new road over Marikina river, and integrate an existing emergency response


Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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5. Provide efficiency in maintaining and improving the transportation system

by reducing exhaust emissions and limiting noise form local traffic.


Null Hypothesis:

The design of the bypass in Barangay blank Marikina City is not ideal due to

the lack of support from the local community and the municipality of Marikina City.

The support from the local residents is not certain because they think that it will cause

much problem and it will not be a solution, also the municipality of Marikina City does

not support the project because of the cost of the project there is no budget.

Alternative Hypothesis:

The new design of the new bypass road is ideal for construction and it will be

situated on Barangay blank Marikina City. It will be the solution of the traffic in

Barangka Marikina City. The new road or bypass road will be a new route for the

motorists and it can less their travel time that they are going thru every day in the

morning. This route can lessen the travel time of the motorists that will pass thru this

road in just less than 15 minutes – 20 minutes. This new bypass road can be benefit to

the community and its city that will create opportunities for the motorists and the

people in the city.

The design regarding that is it just beside the Marikina River will not be a

problem because the elevation of the road will be adjusted to the water level of the

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

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river when there is tropical depression in the area. The number of motorists that going

thru in Barangka Marikina will be cut in half because of this new road. The standards

of the design will play a big role in designing the bypass road itself.

Significance of the Study

This research aims to help ease the problem regarding traffic congestion in

Barangka, Marikina City. The design of the bypass road will greatly contribute to the

traffic flow in the area that has been a problem all these years. This will help the

environment by causing less air pollution in the area. This research will also help the

community and the motorists that have been enduring the traffic congestion all these


The researchers are also concerned regarding the health of the citizens in the

community that are inhaling the air pollution that is coming out the vehicle of the

motorists, and as time passes by it can serious health problem. This is also beneficial

for the government because it will help them solve the traffic problem that they are

dealing with these past years. This study will also help the future researchers that will

continue to a more detailed plan for the design of the bypass road.

Scope and Limitations

The design of the bypass road must be situated on River Park to River Banks

Marikina City to cater the need of an improved traffic flow in the area. River Park to

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

Central Colleges of the Philippines

River Banks Marikina City is an ideal site to design a bypass road because it is closely

situated on the solution of the traffic flow in Marikina City. It will also provide jobs

for the citizens of the said area when the project is on full swing. This research is only

applicable on River Park to River Banks Marikina City, to create a bypass road.

Definition of Terms

a. Bypass Road

A road passing around a town or its center to provide an alternative route for

through traffic a connection to allow a flow when the main one is closed or blocked.

b. Retaining Wall

Wall, often battered, also called a revetment, preventing a bank of earth from

slipping and it is found in the form of battered arched piers at the back of which are

segmental concave walls to resist the pressure behind them.

c. Traffic

The number of vehicles, pedestrian, moving along the road and a delay that

involves transportation or movement through a designated location.

d. Barangay

The smallest district within the Philippines and is that the native Filipino

term for a village, district or ward.

e. Water Level

The surface of still water like the amount assumed by the surface of a

selected body or column of water.

Construction of Bypass Road Along Marikina River from Riverpark to

Central Colleges of the Philippines

f. Elevation

The action or fact of elevating or being elevated; height above a given sea

level, especially sea level.

g. Transportation

The action of transporting someone or something or the process of being

transported; a system or means of transporting people or goods; the action or practice

of transporting convicts to a penalty court.


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