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La Vida Verde Founding Shareholders Re-Acquire Controlling Interest from

International Cannabrands Inc.

International Cannabrand's current holdings (through LVV Holding Company Ltd. (the “Holding
Company”)) to be adjusted to 42.50% of the issued and outstanding stock of La Vida Verde. It is La
Vida Verde's Position that there is no justification to re-price the transaction between La Vida
Verde and International Cannabrands.

Santa Cruz, CA, October 08, 2019 --( After unsuccessful attempts to remedy the delinquent
notes and obligations due to La Vida Verde by International Cannabrands, the founding shareholders of
La Vida Verde in accordance with the terms of the promissory notes that were due on March 30, 2019
(the “Notes”) from International Cannabrands, the holders have exercised their right to irrevocably retain
the collateral, namely the 170,000 shares of La Vida Verde that secured the Notes.

Retention of the collateral extinguishes, in full, any remaining principal payments related to the Notes and
results in International Cannabrands current holdings (through LVV Holding Company Ltd. (the
“Holding Company”)) to be adjusted to 42.50% of the issued and outstanding stock of La Vida Verde.
Remaining obligations include a delinquent $650,000 payment from International Cannabrands Inc. to La
Vida Verde (due on April 30, 2019) and the future payments of $1,000,000 to the principal of those
certain promissory notes due on October 31, 2019.

Finally, the founding shareholders of La Vida Verde and its management are not aware of any discussions
that have taken place between International Cannabrands and La Vida Verde as it relates to the repricing
of the transaction between La Vida Verde and International Cannabrands as was stated by International
Cannabrand's CEO Steve Gormely in his open letter to shareholders published on September 26, 2019. It
is La Vida Verdes Position that there is no justification to re-price the transaction between La Vida Verde
and International Cannabrands.

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Contact Information:
La Vida Verde
Bryce Berryessa
(831) 295-0505
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