The Impact of Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction, Case Study: The Bank of Africa - CI

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JUNE 2018



A Long Essay submitted to the Department of Business and Finance

Graduate School of Management (Université Privée Anglo-Saxonne) in

partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of:




Mr. DEKOU Guy M.

JUNE, 2018


This is to certify that the work was conducted by Marc-Olivier Kablan DANOMAH, a student of
Graduate School of Management, accepted in the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
award of a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management.

Name Signature Date


(Project Supervisor) ………………………………. ………………………………

Mr. LEBA Degny

(Program Director) ……………………………….. ………………………………


I hereby declare that, except for references to other people’s work which have been duly cited, this
work is the result of my own research under the supervision of Mr. DEKOU Guy, and that this
dissertation has neither in whole or in part been presented for another degree elsewhere.

Student Name & ID Signature Date

Marc-Olivier Kablan
………………………. August ……., 2018
GSM / 015 / 014


I dedicate this project work to my dad DANOMAH Kablan Antoine, my mother DANOMAH
Kanga Germaine, and my sister DANOMAH Amandine, for their unprecedented support during
this important period of my life.

Also, to everyone who gave me support day in and day out, I also dedicate this work to all of you.


First of all, I would like to express my infinite gratitude to my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ for all
the guidance, motivation and momentum he gave me during these months of preparation and hard

My thoughts also go to my entire close ones, my GSM fellows, and people who helped me out
during this important process of my professional life.

Second of all, to the whole GSM organization; the university that accepted and taught me since
2014, I’d like to affirm, to all of you, from the President to the entire staff, my sincere appreciation
and gratitude. It was a deep honor for me to serve as your Student’s Representative Council (SRC)
President during the 2016-2017 Academic Year.

Finally, I thank my supervisor, Mr. DEKOU Guy M. for his assistance, time, and effort toward me
and this project. Without him, I wouldn’t reach this level of performance and I am extremely


The main purpose of this study was to discover the impact of service quality on customer
satisfaction with the BANK OF AFRICA COTE D’IVOIRE (BOA-CI) as a case study. Service
quality and customer satisfaction are very important concepts for businesses mainly in the banking
sector. The objectives of this study were to discover the level of service quality and customer
satisfaction at the bank and after determine the impact that service quality may have on the overall
satisfaction of their customers. The SERVQUAL model was used in the questionnaire in order to
have accurate answers to our study’s objectives. In the same line, the study was a descriptive and
a causal one, directed with the quantitative approach. A total of (65) people were chosen to
undertake the work. The study showed that the BOA-CI service quality do have an impact on
customer satisfaction where the importance of the bank to make more efforts in order to meet more
customers’ expectations. The level of service quality and customer satisfaction were pretty good
overall but there are still some adjustments to be made. At the end of the study, some
recommendations were made in order to help the bank improving the issues we found out and
assist them going the extra mile with customers.













1.1 Background of the study 1

1.2 Statement of the problem 3

1.3 Research objectives 3

1.4 Research questions 3

1.5 Research hypotheses 4

1.6 Significance of the study 4

1.7 Scope and limitation of the study 4

1.8 Definition of the study 5

1.9 Organization of the study 5



1.1 Service Quality 6

1.2 Customer Perceived Quality 7

1.3 Service quality Elements and Measurements 9


2.1 Customer Satisfaction 11



3.1 Reliability on Customer Satisfaction 13

3.2 Assurance on Customer Satisfaction 13

3.3 Tangibility on Customer Satisfaction 14

3.4 Empathy on Customer Satisfaction 14

3.5 Responsiveness on Customer Satisfaction 15




3.1 Research design 20

3.2 Population of the study 20

3.3 Sample and sampling techniques 20

3.4 Data collection method 20

3.5 Data analysis techniques 21



4.1 Data presentation 22

4.2 Data analysis 26

4.3 Discussion of findings 31


5.1 Summary of major findings 33

5.2 Conclusion 33

5.3 Recommendations 34

5.4 Suggestions for future studies 35




Table 1. Rate of response to the questionnaire

Table 2. Respondents’ Gender

Table 3. Respondents’ Educational level

Table 4. Respondents’ Social media

Table 5. Respondents’ Age

Table 6. Results of the first research question

Table 7. Results of the second research question

Table 8. Results of the third research question


Figure 1. Organizational Chart BOA-CI (2018)

Figure 2. Chart of approvals and rejections rates concerning the first research question.

Figure 3. Chart on Customer Satisfaction level concerning the second research question.

Figure 4. Chart on the impact of service quality on the BOA-CI customer satisfaction
concerning the question 3
Figure 5. Chart on the mean value classification concerning the question 3








1.1 Background of the study.

The main purpose of any companies is to make profit and reach growth through the satisfaction of
customer’s needs and wants. Satisfying their needs and wants come with a lot of parameters that
need to be taken into account in order for the satisfaction to be as effective and efficient as possible.

Service quality is summarizing all the aforementioned and makes itself one of the most important
and reliable organizational policy and strategy when it comes to differentiating to others in a
challenging industry.
In a globalized world and complex business environment where the same or substitute products
and services are offered to the public, companies need to find a way to make the difference in order
to gain a bigger market share in their respective industries. This is where service quality takes all
its sense.

In the marketing literature, service quality is defined as an assessment of how well a delivered
service conforms to the customer’s expectations.
From the viewpoint of business administration, service quality is an achievement in customer
service; whereas customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after
a purchase. Customer service is thus a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer
satisfaction Turban et al. (2002); alongside with service quality, one of its dimension.

On the other hand, customer satisfaction can be defined as a marketing term that indicates how
well the assistance, delivery, and performance given by companies through customer service
processes can lead customers to outcomes that meet their expectations, or how well they are
pleased with the quality of a service or a product they were delivered.

Since customers are the one buying products or services, they are seen as key to any organizational
success and prosperity. This marketing point of view of customers made a lot of companies

focusing their marketing efforts and strategies toward customers, as more and more researchers
acknowledged the positive outcomes of providing quality services; because it can lead not only to
the satisfaction of customers but also to many organizational benefits.

To be more pragmatic, it is observed that providing quality services, except from the perspective
of satisfying customers, can give to companies more capital through the increase of sales, retain
and attract more customers, change customers’ perception of a company or products, and even
give better working environment for internal customers, that are the staff of an organization.

The Ivorian banking industry is very dynamic in a competitive and fast-growing economy.
The presence of various banks such as: (NSIA Bank, SGBCI, SIB, Coris Bank, and so on...) makes
the business environment very complex and more challenging.
BOA-CI, have been in Côte D’Ivoire for 22 years now and managed to remain in a pretty good
position in regard to its competitors in the industry.

Service quality methods for the satisfaction of customers are very broad and subjective and may
vary from companies to companies depending on the quality policies they each put in place in their
When some people may agree with it, some may disagree with the quality of services provided
because customers are totally different people with their own personalities, characters, and

Nevertheless, it is what makes the beauty of this study.

Using the BOA-CI as a case, we will examine thoroughly both concepts, service quality and
customer satisfaction.

1.2 Statement of the problem.

The BOA-CI is doing its best in order to give to its customers some quality services to distinguish
itself in a very competitive Ivorian banking industry where financial services are homogenous.
Nevertheless, some inconsistencies on the service quality were found and need to be addressed
before it takes a greater proportion and affects the profit of the company.

Indeed, the researcher is a BOA-CI customer, and was a customer service trainee at the
aforementioned bank for two (2) months. During this period of time, the researcher witnessed
several customers disappointed with the quality of services they were given. They came out
dissatisfied and even some become angry at the point they wanted to leave the bank.

As a business student, this particular case needed to be investigated in order to find answers and
suggest solutions.

Knowing that service quality is the pillar of the bank and any other banks in the sector, the aim of
the current study is find out how the BOA-CI service quality have an impact on the satisfaction
of their customers.

1.3 Research Objectives

The objectives of the study are to find out:

 The level of the service quality at the BOA-CI

 The customer satisfaction level at the BOA-CI
 The impact of service quality on customers’ satisfaction at the BOA-CI

1.4 Research Questions.

The study will answer the following research questions:

1. What is the level of service quality at the BOA-CI?

2. What is the customer satisfaction level at the BOA-CI?
3. What is the impact of service quality on customers’ satisfaction at the BOA-CI?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

Ho1. Service quality does have an impact on customer satisfaction

Ho2. Service quality does not have an impact on customer satisfaction

1.6 Significance of the study

The end results of this project will be beneficial firstly to the ministry of economy and finance,
central banks, every bank and microfinance institutions that want to understand the impact of
service quality on the overall customers’ satisfaction in order to be and remain sustainable. In the
same line, for regulatory institutions to better assist the aforementioned companies; and guide them
with important assistance.

Secondly, to the BOA-CI and their marketing department, principally the quality and organization
department in order to help them deepen their knowledge on the subject.
Moreover, it will help SME’s and startups to develop their marketing strategies with the main
focus on proper quality of services and customer satisfaction to achieve growth in a more reliable
Finally, it will assist future students in their research on the same topic in order to provide them
processed data, clear for understanding.

1.7 Scope and limitation of the study.

This study will be focused on the BOA-CI as a firm and its branch (BOA-CENTRALE) located in
Plateau, Côte D’Ivoire as study ground.
Regarding this study, the researcher came through some limitations.

First of all, there is a difficulty in collecting data from the customers of the bank as with many of
them we faced behavioral issues while some didn't have time as well. Nevertheless, it didn't have
a negative impact on our study.

The transportation cost is high as the branch of the bank where the research is done is far from the
researcher’s location (BOA-CENTRALE) in Plateau.

We also faced time management issues because of some professional commitments and social
activities. Furthermore, the study is limited to one particular bank whereas comparison with other
banks in the industry would have been better.

Important information were private due to the presence of competitors and the difficulty in finding
relevant information with hard access to the school library represented also a limitation to the

1.8 Definition of Terms

 Service quality: An assessment of how well a delivered service conforms to the client’s
 Customer satisfaction: How well customers are pleased with the services or goods
 Quality: Quality is a distinctive characteristic that differentiates good products or services
from mediocre ones.
 Service: A service is a valuable action, deed or effort made by a company to satisfy a need
or fulfill a demand.

1.9 Organization of the study.

The study is organized through five chapters. In the first chapter, the study will be introduced, by
highlighting the field of study. Adding to this, the research questions and the hypotheses will be
enumerated. In chapter two, it will be all about the literature review. The chapter three covers the
methodology used to perform the research, as analysis and data are included. Chapter four exposes
the data presentation and its analysis led by its respondents. And finally, in chapter five, summary,
conclusions and recommendations will be covered.



The objective of this chapter is to present literature relevant to the research and to provide a
theoretical framework as a guide in our study. It will explain, predict and allow us to master the
different subjects and sub subjects surrounding our main topic; that is the impact of service quality
on customer satisfaction.


1.1. Service Quality

As stated previously, in a very complex business environment, precisely in a banking sector full
of similar services, the difference should be made in the quality provided to the people in order to
create an important competitive advantage. It is thus paramount for a company to know what
service quality is and to know how it is perceived by customers.

According to the Business Dictionary, service quality is an assessment of how well a delivered
service conforms to the client's expectations.
Service quality is defined as "a focused evaluation that reflects the customer's perception of
reliability, assurance, responsiveness, empathy, and tangibles" (Wilson et al 2008)
Service quality is very important for organizations and paramount for customers that are becoming
more and more different. It means that whatever the characteristics, or how sophisticated the
service might be if there is no quality, customers won't be interested in it for too long.

Quality is one of the things that consumers look for in an offer, which service happens to be one
(Solomon 2009). That is why consumers prefer paying more money for quality than less money
for a product that does not offer quality.
This is the reason why in many companies, there is a Total Quality Management (TQM)
department in charge of controlling, inspecting and testing the quality of services and products

before they go on sales and strive all the organization toward overall quality from staff recruitment
to general output.

Service quality is very important, as many authors said it has a close relationship with:
 Costs (Crosby, 1979)
 Profitability ( Buzzell and Gale,1987; Rust and Zahorik,1993)
 Customer Satisfaction ( Boltan and Drew,1991; Boulding et al,1993)
 Customer retention (Reichheld and Sasser,1990)
 Behavioral intention and positive word of mouth
 (Anderson and Zeithmal, 1984; Philips, Chang and Buzzell, 1983)

In a business environment where the same service can be found elsewhere, and customers
becoming more sophisticated than ever, a customer will not last to change his mind and company
if he observed that they do not deliver the goods anymore or if his perception of the company and
the quality of their services changes. “Quality of service is becoming an increasingly important
differentiator” (Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry 1988).

1.2. Customer Perceived Quality

Customers are always first. They decide which product to buy, when to buy, which factor to
consider before buying and even when it comes to quality they are the one to judge.
According to Grönroos (2001), “quality is what customers perceive”. The purchasing process all
depends on the feelings the customers have. On the same understanding, (Jin and Yong, 2005)
says the perceived quality is a critical element for consumer decision making; consequently,
consumers will compare the quality of alternatives with regard to price within a category. Here,
we see how determinant perceived quality by customers is when it comes to making a final
purchase decision.

From a consumer behavior point of view, this is very true because the customers always have the
last word and many patterns may influence them, as here, their perceptions of the service.

The customer perception of the service quality is the customer own perception of the service based
on all the parameters that he took into account during the process.

Zeithaml et al (2006), “customers perceive services in terms of quality of the service and how
satisfied they are overall with their experiences.”
It is possible for customers to have a completely different meaning of quality compared to the
company’s understanding. It is then the company that must comply with and understands the
customer's perceptions. According to the works of Hanley (2008), the quality of services could be
implemented by a few methods such as:

a) Meeting customer expectation of good service level and having many varieties of products.
b) Provide good quality products with reasonable price.
c) To handle the customer complains about the products and services tactfully.

Perception is subjective and more focused on oneself, two or more people may see the same
product and disagree if it is a quality one or not. Companies must put a lot of efforts to try to
convince or show off positive criterion around their services that will influence the perception of
a large number of customers.
Nevertheless, it is not always easy as customers have different behavioral and psychological
patterns that may influence their view of quality.
This is why there is a need to put in place some strategies in order to efficiently capture the
perceptions of the customers to better satisfy them.

Sureshchander et al (2002) state that companies are facing difficulties in understanding what aspect
of service represent high quality to consumers and at what levels they need to be delivered too.
This is what makes it complex because companies are struggling because of lack of understanding.
Companies do not well study their customers or take this process for granted. Taking it for granted
is a huge mistake because it can lead to several organizational issues later one. It is true that there
is a complexity in understanding what represents a quality service for customers and the levels of

Despite this difficulty, it is fully achievable. With new marketing tools and the understanding of
contemporary development in business mainly in marketing, a lot of options are available.
Companies should be able to capture data, focus and study their customers, their behaviors and try
to understand well their psychology in order to design adapted strategies to meet their perceptions
and expectations about service quality and its delivery.
Example of study can be made in company branches or subsidiaries, stores, where surveys,
interviews, analysis of behaviors either online or at the shop can be made to have more precisions.

1.3. Service Quality Elements and Measurements

As stated earlier, service quality is all about what customers are looking for. Service quality leads
to a lot of positive things for the organization.
A clear understanding of service quality elements and measurements methods are thus needed to
accomplish this heavy task in order to keep customer satisfied.
The literature review will focus on critically analyzing tools which have been used in the past to
measure service quality such as, SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et al 1988) and SERVPERF (Cronin
and Taylor, 1992) and meanwhile its elements associated to service quality.

According to (Shahin 1996), it is very important to measure the quality of services because it
allows for comparisons before and after changes, also identifies related problems and helps in
delivering proper standards for service. Service quality measurements can be then used as a
benchmark to compare internal past results to present ones, or even to competitors in the same
industry. It is also important because it helps the company to follow and monitor the progress and
improvements made in the quality of services provided to the people in the organization.

The SERVQUAL model represents service quality as the discrepancy between a customer’s
expectations of service offering and the customer’s perceptions of the service received
Parasuraman et al., (1985).
Customer’s expectations are what the customers’ want, what they expect from a product in terms
of quality, characteristics etc...

Customers’ perception of a product is the evaluation of this very product by the customer himself;
a checking process to acknowledge if it meets its expectations or not.

This measurement of service quality is based on both on how consumer evaluates the service
delivery process and the outcome of the service, (Parasuraman et al., 1985, p.42).
The SERVQUAL model was made of ten dimensions of service quality when created Parasuraman
et al. (1985):

 Tangibles: the appearance of physical artifacts and staff members connected with the
service (accommodation, equipment, staff uniforms,).
 Reliability: the ability to deliver the promised service.
 Responsiveness: the readiness of staff members to help in a pleasant and effective way.
 Competence: the capability of staff members in executing the service.
 Courtesy: the respect, thoughtfulness, and politeness exhibited by staff members who are
in contact with the customer.
 Credibility: the trustworthiness and honesty of the service provider.
 Security: the absence of doubt, economic risk, and physical danger.
 Access: the accessibility of the service provider.
 Communication: an understandable manner and use of language by the service provider.
 Understanding the customer: efforts by the service provider to know and understand the

Later on, due to criticisms, some refinements were made in order to make the model more efficient.
The list changed but still maintained tangibles, reliability, and responsiveness whereas
competence, courtesy, credibility, and security were combined into new dimensions called
assurance. Access, communication, and understanding, on the other hand, were combined into
another dimension called empathy.
Finally, we have now:

 Assurance: Knowledge, confidence, professionalism

 Empathy: Friendliness and politeness
 Reliability: Capacity to deliver the outcome demanded with accuracy

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 Responsiveness: Rate of answers and immediate help to customers with prompt service
 Tangible: Appearance of physical facilities, equipment or materials.

SERVQUAL can be trustworthy and can be used to measure a company level of service quality in
order to keep customers amazed. Ladhari, (2009), stated that SERVQUAL model is a good scale
to use when measuring service quality in various specific industries, but it is appropriate to choose
the most important dimensions of this model that fit in that particular service being measured in
order to assure reliable and valid results.
The SERVQUAL elements present here are said to be elements of service quality and are used and
implemented by companies in order to provide proper service to the customers.
Empirical evidence has shown that SERVQUAL has good trait validity and reliability (Young et
al 1994)


2.1 Customer Satisfaction

Satisfying the customers is one of the hardest tasks that every organization is striving to accomplish
in order to enjoy its benefits.
Customer satisfaction is based on the level of service quality delivered by the service providers
(Saravanan & Rao, 2007, p.436)
Moreover, according to Hansemark and Albinson (2004) satisfaction is an overall customer
attitude towards a service provider or an emotional reaction to the difference between what
customers anticipate and what they receive regarding fulfillment of some needs, goals or desires.
The higher service quality, the more satisfied the customer becomes; the contrary also applies to
this theory. That is why Hazlina et al, (2011) indicates that service quality is an important tool to
measure customer satisfaction. When a customer is happy with either the product or service it is
termed satisfaction. Satisfaction can also be a person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment that
result from comparing a product's perceived performance or outcome with their expectations
(Kotler & Keller, 2009)

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Customers expect satisfaction, and the experience encountered with the service provider will
define it. Let’s take the example of customer service; the outcome about the satisfaction of the
customer will depend on the experience he will go through during the process.
If he finds the experience poor and thinks it hasn't met anything in relation to its expectations, then
he becomes dissatisfied with the service delivered.

On the same line, customer satisfaction is when the outcome of the service matches with the
expectations of the customers. Zeithaml et al (2003) define it as the customer's evaluation of a
product or service in terms of whether the product or service has met his needs or expectations. A
failure will eventually lead to dissatisfaction and the customers won’t see any real value to the
service, assistance or product delivered.
Moreover, Tse & Wilson (1988) defined customer satisfaction as the customers’ response to the
evaluation of the perceived discrepancy between prior expectations and the actual performance of
the product or service as perceived after its consumption.

Customer satisfaction is subjective and may vary from one customer to another as they are different
kind of people. That’s why its 100% understanding can be difficult to reach.
(Levy, 2009 p.6) indicated “the simplest way to know how customer feel is to ask them”
Asking customers will then be quick and will allow the service provider to know what's going on
and immediately find a way on how to meet the customer expectations.
Meeting expectations is good, but exceeding them is better.
According to Brian Tracy (2014), he identified four (4) levels of customer satisfaction.

 Level one: Meet customer expectations

 Level two: Exceed customer expectation
 Level three: Delight your customers
 Level four: Amaze your customers

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3.1 Reliability and Customer Satisfaction

Reliability is defined as the ability to perform the required service to customers dependably and
accurately as promised to deliver (Zeithaml et al., 1990).
With the complex business environment and customers that are becoming more and more
sophisticated, companies need to deliver the service right from the first time as promised if they
do not want to be replaced by a competitor in the same industry.

In Customer Service, it is called a moment of truth. It is about the first impression the company or
the service provider; will show to its customers. It will systematically determine the future
relationship they will have with each other.
Dealing with whatever the problems in services encountered by customers, performing the
required services right from the first time, services being rendered at the promised time and
maintaining error-free record are the paradigm of reliability in terms of service quality which will
strongly influence the level of customer satisfaction (Parasuraman et al., 1988)

3.2 Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

Assurance as the name states is the ability of the service provider to show confidence and expertise
and deliver proper service to the people in the company. Assurance can also be defined as the
knowledge and good manners or courtesy of employees (Van Iwaarden et al., 2003).
Assurance is very important because it testifies that the people in charge of delivering the service
know what they are doing and it is important for the people receiving the service to feel that.

Assurance really affects the level of customer satisfaction because it gives hope to the customers
that their issues will be resolved.
To support this idea, Parasuraman (1988) describes assurance as the ability of employees with the
help of the knowledge possessed to inspire trust and confidence will strongly strike the level of

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customer satisfaction. It is paramount for the company or the service provider to express this kind
of trust and confidence to its customers in order for them to feel at ease and feel at the right place.

3.3 Tangibility and Customer Satisfaction

Tangibility or tangible is everything that can be seen and can be touched.

To be clear, tangibility is the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and
communication materials. Iwaarden (2003) on the same idea, defined tangibility as physical
facilities, equipment, and appearance of employees and management...

Tangibility plays an important role in companies where many customers actually find it very
important and it does impact customer’s perceptions of a company or a service.
Tangibility is concerned with everything tangible that will contribute to the delivery of proper
service to a customer. Modern looking or sophisticated types of equipment and visually appealing
or attractive ambiance are viewed as the positive impacts of tangibility on customer satisfaction in
the banking sector (Ananth et al., 2011)

3.4 Empathy and Customer Satisfaction

Empathy is the provision of caring and individualized attention to customers.

To back this idea Iwaarden defined empathy as the ability to take care of customer's attention
individually in providing service to customers (Iwaarden et al., 2003). Empathy can also be seen
as putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes.

Empathy is something very important and if it is missed the company may lose many customers,
and the brand image can be destroyed. Customers get satisfied when banks provide individual
attention and the employees are paying attention to problems experienced by customers regarding
safety in transactions (Kumar et al., 2009). Empathy is a very important determinant of customer
service and service quality, its good use will eventually lead customers to satisfaction and many
more benefits for the company.

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Convenient working hours, individualized attention, a better understanding of customer's specific
needs, enhanced communication between management and customers will have a positive
outcome on customer satisfaction (Ananth et al., 2011)

3.5 Responsiveness and Customer Satisfaction

Responsiveness is the ability to deliver services at a suitable rate that will not bother or annoy the
customer. Zeithaml et al. (1990) defined responsiveness as the interests shown in providing prompt
service to customers when required. Responsiveness is the rapidity at which customers will receive
their services.

In a business world where people don’t have enough time, services provided to the customers
should be as quick as possible to satisfy them and help them pursue other activities.
In banks, the rate of responsiveness should be very high whatever the length of the queue.
Mainly in this sector, flexibility should also be taken into consideration to find more speed in
operations and daily processes.

Nowadays, technology is very useful for businesses and help in gaining time. This is the reason
why it is at the heart of the banking sector and makes things simpler for banking customers.
(Mobarek, 2007) backed this idea by indicating that the establishment of speed in operation that
reduces waiting time is an important factor of ATM services quality.


The literature review presents some relevant findings in order to put up our topic.
We came through different sub-subjects and important concepts like the definition of service
quality, its elements and measurement methods, and its relationship with customer satisfaction.
The theoretical framework of the aforementioned elements allowed us to better understand our
topic and to demonstrate the importance of studying and making research on it.

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5.1 Presentation of the company

 BOA Group

The history about the BANK OF AFRICA (BOA) Group started in Mali in December 1982, due
to the determination of private investors in Mali in reaction to the weaknesses of financial
institutions in the country at that time.
Furthermore, it was the first BANK OF AFRICA and created with no external fund.
The BOA is a multinational pan-African banking conglomerate, with banking operations in 18
African countries, and a representative office in Paris, France. The Bank of Africa maintains its
headquarters in Bamako, the capital city of Mali.
Today, the BOA Group is now present in 18 countries all in Africa, and one branch in France.

Since 2010, The BMCE Bank acquired the BOA Group by holding 55.77% at the end of 2010 and
74.97% (December 2015) of the BOA Group shares.
BMCE Bank is the second largest private bank in Morocco and by this acquisition; they brought
back their unprecedented expertise in the banking section that represents a strong strategic and
operational support to the BOA Group, as well as direct access to the international market as result
of its presence in Europe and Asia.

 Mission, Vision, Core values of the BOA Group

The company's vision is “To be the preferred bank in our chosen market."
It means in every country or markets a BOA branch will be, they aspire to be the preferred bank.
The group's missions:

 To serve our customers with efficiency and courtesy.

 To contribute to the development of all our stakeholders.
 To optimize the growth of BANK OF AFRICA Group through synergies and common
development plans.
 To promote the growth and stability of the economies that we operate in.

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The core values of their organizational culture are:

 Reliability
 Innovations
 Efficiency
 Integrity
 Teamwork


The BANK OF AFRICA COTE D'IVOIRE was created and opened to the public since 1996.
At first, it was only a bank opened to enterprises but then later on offered services for customers.
In 2018 their share capital was XOF 20 billion.
In the Ivorian sector (2015), BOA-CI is among the four (4) banks registered in the regional stock
exchange BRVM.

Capital allocation at December 31st, 2016:




The current Managing Director of the BOA-CI is Mr. NADIFI ABDELALI since 2014.
The current chairwoman of the BOA-CI Board of Directors is Mrs. Lala Moulaye Ezzedine (2018),
former Managing director of the BOA-CI.

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 Location in Côte D’Ivoire

The BOA-CI is having 34 bank branches whose 24 at Abidjan, 9 in the province and one business
center (2018).

5.2 Organizational Chart

See at figure 1. The organizational chart of the BOA-CI at 16th February 2018

- 18 -
Figure 1: BOA-CI Organizational Chart (2018)


Audit and risk committee

Managing Director

Internal Audit Management Service Security Information System

Permanent control Department
Compliance Department

Deputy Director General - Deputy Director Support Pole Management

Exploitation General - Risk Finance Pole Management

Human Resources Department

Business Center Risk Prevention Risk and Credit Accounting Department
Management Department
General Means Department Department
Department Treasury Department
Operational Risk
Network Direction Department IT and Telecom Department
Marketing &
Management Control DPT
Institutional and Service Analysis and Studies Organization and Quality Department
high-end client Department
ALM Service
management Ser
Animation Local Operations Department
Collection and
litigation department Securities Retention Service
Foreign Service Department
Legal department and
guarantee Department of Administrative
Credit Management
- 19 -
Security Service

3.1 Research design

A research design is defined as the description of a plan outlining how, where and when data are
to be collected and analyzed (Parahoo, 1997, p.142)
This study is a single case study. The researcher used the quantitative design coupled with the
descriptive and the causal study as it helped us in answering and better analyze the different
research questions.

3.2 Population of the study

For this study to give accurate feedback, the researcher undertook and focused only on the
customers of the BOA-CI, the branch BOA-CENTRALE at the bank headquarter in Plateau from
the 26th to 30th March 2018.

3.3 Sample and Sample Techniques

A sample is a small part or portion of a population intended to show what the whole is like.
A population can be defined as the broader group of people to whom we intend to generalize the
outcomes of our study.
In this study, the researcher studied all the numbers of the total population (65 customers).
So, there is no need to do a sampling. The reason for studying the entire population was that all
the participants was willing to be part of the research, and the researcher was able to accommodate
such number.

3.4 Data Collection Method

During this study, data will obviously be collected. There are two main types of data that are
generally used: Primary and secondary data. Only primary data was used in our study to have
effective results. Primary data was mainly collected by the use of questionnaires and surveys given

- 20 -
to the studied population in order to have their opinions and better assess our research questions.
It was a hand-to-hand process. Customers were asked to be part of the study, and the researcher
assured them that no leak will happen on the information that was collected from them, and the
confidentiality aspect is a certitude.

3.5 Data Analysis Techniques

We used a closed-ended questionnaire; therefore there is no need to use any specific technique to
analyze the responses of our selected audience for the two (2) first research questions.
Research questionnaires were simple leaving the possibility for the audience to choose a box that
will give us some effective answers easy to analyze.
Responses were presented into percentages and analysis was performed with the use of charts to
clearly show the answers for proper analysis.

For the third research questions, another quantitative approach will be used.
Specific instruments to interpret and analyze the Linkert scale will be applied. It consists of four
(4) options: 1- Not Important (NI); 2- Slightly Important (SI); 3- Important (I); 4- very important
(VI). The weight assigned to the response questions are as followed: VI=4; I=3; SI=2; N= 1.
The average mean is then: 4+3+2+1/4=2.5.
Therefore, a mean score of 2.5 or more is accepted as having an impact on customer’s satisfaction
while those less than 2.5 is rejected as having no impact on customer satisfaction.

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4.1. Data Presentation

Sixty-five (65) questionnaires were administered. Out of it, all of them have been returned. The
table below is illustrating it.

Table 1. Rate of response to the questionnaire

Number of Number of copies Percentage returned

questionnaires returned

65 65 100

Source: Field, Data, 2018

The above table shows that all of the sixty-five (65) copies have completed and returned, which
represents 100% of the total respondents.

4.1.2 Presentation of data according to certain characteristics

Table 2. Respondents’ Gender

Sex Number of Percentage


Male 49 75

Female 16 25

Total 65 100

Source, Field Data, 2018

The above table shows that 49 of the respondents are male representing 75% and 16 are female,
representing 25%

- 22 -
Table 3. Respondents’ Educational level

Study level College High University None Total


Number of 0 7 56 2 65

Percentage 0 11 86 3 100

Source, Field Data, 2018

The above table shows that none of our chosen population has a college level.
Although seven (7) have a high school level, fifty-six (56) have a university level and two (2) have
none study level. Those numbers represent respectively 11%, 86% and 3%.

Table 4. Respondents’ Social Media

Social Facebook Twitter Instagram WhatsApp LinkedIn Total


Number of 53 14 19 48 16 150

Percentage 34 9 12 31 10 100

Source, Field Data, 2018

The above table represents the people connected to social media.

Fifty-three (53) are connected on Facebook, Fourteen (14) on Twitter, Forty-eight (48) on
WhatsApp and sixteen (16) on LinkedIn with a total number of one hundred and fifty (150)
Most of the people indicated their presence on at least two (2) social media.

- 23 -
Table 5. Respondents’ Age

Age Under 18 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56 and Total


Number of 0 5 32 19 7 1 65

Percentage 0 8 49 29 11 2 100

Source, Field Data, 2018

The above table outlines that none of the respondents are under eighteen (18). Five (5) of them are
in the range of 18 and 25, which represent 8%. Thirty-two (32) respondents are aged between 26
and 35, which is the biggest percentage with 49%.
19 of the total respondents are aged between 36 and 45 which represent the second-best percentage
with 29%. Only one (1) respondent is between 46 and 55, which is representing 2%


Q1. The level of service quality at the BOA-CI

Table 6. Results of the first research question

Service quality Options Total Percentage

Dimensions number of

Yes 90 49

No 94 51

Yes 172 88

No 23 12

- 24 -
Tangibles Yes 181 93

No 14 7

Empathy Yes 146 76

No 47 24

Yes 104 54

No 88 46

The above table clearly shows in percentage the level of the service quality at the BOA-CI per
Responsiveness has an approval rate of 49% and a rejection rate of 51%
Assurance with an approval rate of 88% and a rejection rate of 12%
Tangibles with an approval rate of 93% and a rejection rate of 7%
Empathy with an approval rate of 79% and a rejection rate of 24%
Reliability with an approval rate of 54% and a rejection rate of 46%

Q2. The level of customer satisfaction at the BOA-CI

Table 7. Results of the second research question

Satisfaction Not Slightly Highly Extremely Total

level satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied

Number of
respondents 5 45 15 0 65

Percentage 8 69 23 0 100

The table shows in percentage the level of customer satisfaction at the BOA-CI. 8% are not
satisfied, 69% slightly satisfied, 23% highly satisfied and none of them are extremely satisfied.
- 25 -
Q3. The impact of service quality on the BOA-CI customer’s satisfaction
Test of the hypotheses:
Ho1: Service quality does have an impact on customer satisfaction
Ho2 Service quality does not have an impact on customer satisfaction

Table 8. Results of the third research question

Service quality NI SI I VI TOTAL MEAN


Responsiveness 0 2 33 212 247 3.8

Assurance 0 10 75 140 225 3.46

Tangibles 5 18 96 76 195 3

Empathy 0 8 36 196 240 3.7

Reliability 0 2 54 184 240 3.7

This above table for the third research question shows by the means, the impact that the service
quality dimensions have on the overall satisfaction of the BOA-CI customers.
Responsiveness and Assurance both respectively scored 3.8 and 3.46 while Empathy and
Reliability both 3.7

4.2 Data analysis

Studying the impact of service quality on the satisfaction of customers was the researcher choice
and was evaluated with the help of the convenience sampling
Results showed above, are now going to be analyzed for clear understanding.

- 26 -
On table 6. representing the first research question, respondents expressed their views on the
different service quality dimensions and how the BOA-CI was performing at those particular

Figure 2. Chart of approvals and rejections rates concerning the first research questions.





50% Yes




Responsivness Assurance Tangibility Empathy Reliability

As the chart is presented, Assurance, Tangibility, Empathy, and Reliability all have positive scores
with greater approvals rates while responsiveness has a negative score with a greater rejection rate.
A total of 65 papers were distributed and for this questionnaire, 3 questions were asked per
dimensions representing a total of 15 questions per person.
Here are the results:
Assurance with 88% represents 172 approvals over 23 rejections; Tangibility with 93% represents
181 approvals over 14 rejections, Empathy with 79% represents 146 approvals over 47 rejections;
Reliability with 54% represents 104 approvals over 88 rejections, while responsiveness with 49%
represents 94 rejections over 90 approvals.

On the other hand, Tangibility is the dimension that has received the most approvals, followed by
Assurance, then Empathy and finally Reliability. Responsiveness is the last with the most

- 27 -
rejections. It shows that the majority of our population was not satisfied with the effort put in this

Moving to the second research question on determining the customer satisfaction level at the BOA-
CI, we received 65 answers equaling exactly our chosen population.

Figure 3. Chart on Customer Satisfaction level concerning the second research question.

Customer Satisafaction level Chart


Not Satisfied
Slightly Satisfied
Highly Satisfied
Extremely Satisfied


The research questionnaire administered left four (4) options for the customers to choose the
level of satisfaction they are in.
The chart explicitly shows that the majority of the BOA-CI customers are slightly satisfied with
69% representing 45 people out of 65.
However, 5 were not satisfied and were ranked 3rd with 8%; 15 were highly satisfied representing
23%, the 2nd ranked and none of them are extremely satisfied representing 0% and the last ranked.

To end up with the last research question, we had to determine the impact service quality have on
customers’ satisfaction.
The weight assigned to the response questions are as followed: VI=4; I=3; SI=2; N= 1.

- 28 -
The average mean is then: 4+3+2+1/4=2.5. Therefore, a mean score of 2.5 or more is accepted as
having an impact on customer’s satisfaction while those less than 2.5 is rejected as having no
impact on customers’ satisfaction

The underlying hypotheses of this research question are:

Ho1: Service quality does have an impact on customer satisfaction
Ho2 Service quality does not have an impact on customer satisfaction

Figure 4. Chart on the impact of service quality on the BOA-CI customer satisfaction
concerning the question 3

60 53
40 35
30 25 Not Iimportant
19 18
20 Slightly Important
11 12
5 5 4 Important
0 1 0 0 0 1
Very Important

Figure 5. Chart on the mean value classification concerning the question 3

3,8 3,7 3,7

4 3,46
3,5 3
1 Mean

- 29 -
The charts above 4. & 5. clearly show and present the data collected from our population and the
classification of our calculated mean.

53 People found responsiveness very important to their satisfaction. Furthermore, 11 respondents

found it important, only one (1) found it slightly important and no one found it not important.
The mean value we obtained is 3.8 that is significantly above the average 2.5. It testifies that
responsiveness does have an impact on the BOA-CI customer’s satisfaction.
Responsiveness is the 1st ranked in terms of impact on the satisfaction of the BOA-CI’s customers.

For Assurance, 35 respondents found it very important, 25 found it important, 5 slightly important
and no one found it not important. The mean value is 3.46; that is above the average and thus,
Assurance does have an impact on the BOA-CI customer’s satisfaction.
Assurance is the 3rd ranked in terms of impact on the satisfaction of the BOA-CI’s customers.

Up next with Tangibles, 19 found it very important, 32 important, 9 slightly important and 5 not
important to their satisfaction as customers.
The mean value is 3 meaning that tangible does have an impact on customers’ satisfaction of the
BOA-CI. Tangibility is the last and 4th ranked in terms of impact on the satisfaction of the BOA-
CI customers.

Moving to Empathy 49 respondents found it very important, 12 found it important, 4 slightly

important and no one found it not important. The mean value was 3.7 meaning that empathy does
have an impact on the BOA-CI customers’ satisfaction.

Finally, with Reliability, 46 respondents found it very important, 18 found it important, only one
(1) found it slightly important and no one found it not important.
The mean value is 3.7 meaning that Reliability also does have an impact on the BOA-CI
customers’ satisfaction.
Both Empathy and Reliability are 2nd ranked in terms of impact on the satisfaction of the BOA-
CI’s customers.

- 30 -
Overall, we can conclude that the first hypothesis is verified as all the service quality dimensions
definitely have an impact on customer satisfaction.

4.3 Discussion of Findings

The analysis of our three research questions made us understand thanks to the data collected from
the BOA-CI’s customers their different views on their satisfaction regarding service quality.
We found out that the BOA-CI customers give a great importance to service quality as it directly
impacts their satisfaction. Lee et al. (2000 p.229) acknowledge that satisfaction is based upon the
level of service quality provided by the service provider.
Here our service provider is the BOA-CI. Therefore, questionnaires were administered for each
specific research questions in order to determine the level of service quality at the bank, the overall
satisfaction of their customers, and the impact that the service quality dimensions have on their
satisfaction as a customer.

Concerning the level of service quality at the BOA-CI, the 5 dimensions of the SERVQUAL model
were scrutinized by the customers.
We found out that most service quality dimensions were positive except responsiveness; that was
the only negative dimension with a rejection rate of 51%.
Nevertheless, Tangibility, Assurance, and Empathy were really appreciated as they score very high
approvals rates with respectively 93%, 88%, and 76%. It testifies that the BOA-CI is doing well
in those particular areas as customers are generally satisfied with those dimensions.
Service quality plays a big role in customer satisfaction as (Cronin & Taylor, 1992) added that
service quality is a determinant of customer satisfaction.
Furthermore, responsiveness is a factor not to be taken for granted because in the banking sector
most customers don't like waiting for operations; and that's the case at the BOA-CI.
Zeithaml et al. (1990) defined responsiveness as the interests shown in providing prompt service
to customers when required.

Overall, the analysis on the service quality dimensions tells us by the rates that there is a weakness
and thus responsiveness needs to be improved at the BOA-CI if they do not want to lose their
customers. The BOA-CI needs to be very careful because in the third research question

- 31 -
responsiveness appears to be the 1st ranked service quality dimension with the highest mean of 3.8
that their customers consider to have a greater impact on their satisfaction.

Concerning the customer satisfaction level at the BOA-CI, the majority was slightly satisfied with
a rate of 69%. It means that the BOA-CI is doing the minimum, just meeting expectations.
They could go the extra mile by trying to increase the percentages of highly and extremely satisfied
customers that are respectively 23% and 0% by focusing on the satisfaction requirements that their
customers value. (Saravanan & Rao, 2007, p.436) explained that customer satisfaction is based on
the level of service quality delivered by the service providers.
The analysis of the impact of service quality on satisfaction is a practical example as it clearly
expresses the preferences and the influence on the BOA-CI customers.

Talking about the impact of the service quality dimensions on the customer’s satisfaction at the
BOA-CI, the statistical analysis showed that in the same line with the responsiveness dimension
we previously mentioned; the other four dimensions do have an impact on satisfaction as they all
have scored over the average that is 2.5. (Cook, 2008). “Much empirical evidence also shows the
positive connection between customer satisfaction and service quality” This author statement
clearly put up the study's results as all service quality elements positively pair with satisfaction.

- 32 -

5.1 Summary of Major Findings

The summary of the study is concerned with the results coming from the data. Data was processed,
analyzed and at the end of the study we found out that:

- The service quality dimensions at the BOA-CI all have greater approvals rates
except the responsiveness dimension that has a greater rejection rate
- The customer satisfaction level at the BOA-CI is slightly good as the majority of
the customers are slightly satisfied
- The service quality dimensions do have an impact on the BOA-CI customer’s
satisfaction, However, Responsiveness is the dimension that was found having the
most impact on customer satisfaction.

5.2 Conclusion

The Ivorian banking sector has over the year seriously evolved with the creation and
implementation of new banks that made the business environment even more complex.
This sector itself is a one where innovation does not occur too much like in any other sectors in
the Ivorian economy.

Generally speaking, banks are almost offering similar products and services. However, some of
them become very successful in providing good quality of services and in satisfying customers.
That’s why it was important for us to study this topic and understand how the BOA-CI service
quality affects the satisfaction of their customers.

The objectives of this study were to discover the service quality level at the BOA-CI, the level of
customer’s satisfaction and finally the impact that service quality have on the overall satisfaction
of their customers. We generally discovered that BOA-CI is aware of customer’s satisfaction
importance and is doing some efforts to maintain a certain level of service quality within the bank.

- 33 -
Nevertheless, that’s not sufficient to go the extra mile with customers and some serious
improvements need to be made.

BOA-CI must do more in order to assure the long-term relationship with their customers that are
so important for their survival in the industry, and for the achievement of their goals and objectives.
The mission statement of the bank is “be the preferred bank in our chosen market”. Thus, after our
study, some recommendations will be made in order to help them achieve their mission in Cote

5.3 Recommendations

After the study at the BOA-CI recommendations will be made in order to help them improve the
quality of their services:

 The redefinition of the communication channel with customers that are very few
aware of latest information concerning the bank.
 The appointment of a community manager for the bank to be present on social
media will help in easing the communication with customers in a country where
the digital is significantly hitting the population years after years. See table 4.
 As responsiveness is the service quality dimension having the most impact on the
customer, the management of the BOA-CI should review the process of some
operations that are very time consuming and appear to be very bureaucratic. A
certain flexibility of procedures should be incorporated in order for customers to
spend less time at the bank (e.g.: Account manager late confirmations, scanning of
checks before treatments...)
 Implement the SERVQUAL model and its dimensions at the bank in order to be
more efficient and help in measuring performance.
 Hire more people to the Marketing and Communication Department that is only
made up of four people (2018). That is very few for such an important department.
Furthermore, proper allocation of resources to the department will help the bank in
going the extra mile with customers that are just in majority slightly satisfied.

- 34 -
 Improve the ATM system that is very often off in some branches. It causes issues
with customers because they receive some debit messages whereas they’ve done
no transactions.
 Quickly redistribute the new banking cards to the customers to avoid dissatisfaction
from them as ATM swallows the former ones. (2018)
 Appoint a phone call center in branches for inquiries.

5.4 Suggestions for future studies

This project went through the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction.
For future studies, the researcher suggests:

 The undertaking of the same project but in relation to organizational performance

 The undertaking of the same project with another bank or another company in a
different industry.

- 35 -

 Books

- Elaine K. Harris (1996) Customer Service: A Practical Approach (6th Edition)

- Levy (2009) Edited by Dhruv Grewal, Michael Levy, V. Kumar

- Lewis (1993) This is in line with the idea of Zeithaml et al (2006, p. 106-107)

- Philip T. Kotler (2009), Northwestern University (Kotler & Keller, 2009, p. 789)

- Parasuraman A, Berry LL, Zeithaml VA (1985). "A conceptual model of service

quality and its implication for future research", J. Mark. 49(4): 41-50.

- Robert-Lombard, M. (2011), “Customer retention through customer relationship


- Solomon (2009) Marketing Management, 13th Edition

- The exploration of two-way communication and conflict handling,” African

Journal of Business Management, Vol.5 (9), pp. 3487-3496.

- Torbica, Zeljko M.; Stroh, Robert C. (2000, ASQ) Florida International

University; University of Florida)

- Wicks & Roethlein, (2009, p.83) Enhancing the retail customer experience: volume
85, Issue 1, Pages P1-P6, 1-112 (March 2009)

- 36 -
 Websites

- Bank Of Africa LTD (2015), Retrieved from

- Brian Tracy (January 2014), Use The 4 Levels Of Customer Satisfaction To

Build Customer Loyalty, Retrieved from

- Robert Johnston (September 1994), The determinants of service quality: satisfiers

and dissatisfiers, Retrieved from
- American Journal of Economics and Business Administration (August 2010),
Consumers’ Perceived Quality, Perceived Value and Perceived Risk Towards
Purchase Decision on Automobile, Retrieved from

- Skip Prichard (March 2007), 101 Customer Service Quotes To Better Your
Business, Retrieved from

- 37 -



Thanks for participating in this study.

Your answers will be processed and analyzed with the utmost confidentiality.


1- SEX

Male ☐ Female ☐

2- Age

Below 18 ☐ 18-25 ☐ 26-35 ☐ 36-45 ☐ 46-55 ☐ 56 and above ☐

3- Level of study

College ☐ High School ☐ University ☐ None ☐

4- Diploma

A-level ☐ Bachelor ☐ Master ☐ Doctorate ☐

Others: …………………………..

5- Status

Worker ☐ Student ☐ Unemployed ☐ Retired ☐

Entrepreneur ☐
6- Are you connected to a social media?

None ☐ Facebook ☐ Twitter ☐ Instagram ☐ WhatsApp ☐ LinkedIn ☐

Others: …………………………..

- 38 -

1- What is the rate of service quality at the BOA-CI?

Answer the questions by indicating ‘yes’ or ‘no’

Questions Yes No
 Assurance

1- Do BOA employees inspire you with confidence?

2- Does your account manager really know his work? Does it solve your complaints
3- Do BOA employees give you clear and understandable information?
 Tangibility

1- Do BOA employees operate in a hygienic environment?

2- Is the working outfit of the BOA employees professional?
3- Are the materials used by BOA employees in good condition?
 Empathy

1- Are BOA employees kind and polite to you?

2- Is the account manager understandable toward you? Is he trying to put himself in
your shoes when you have a concern?
3- Do you think that BOA employees have your best interests in the heart?
 Responsiveness

1- Do BOA employees make information about services and products quickly

accessible to you?
2- Does the BOA respond and quickly resolve your complaints over the phone?
3- Is your account manager making himself rapidly available to you?
 Reliability

1- Are your products or services delivered to you as promised by the BOA?

2- Are the BOA-CI products and services free from errors? (Eg: ATM problems etc. ...)
3- Do BOA employees provide you with excellent services regardless the need?

- 39 -
1- What is the level of customer satisfaction?

From the previous survey on the BOA service quality you just
filled, and based on your experience at the BOA-CI in terms of
expectations and satisfaction, what does the bank do? Select one

Don’t meet your expectations/Not satisfied ☐

Meet your expectations/ slightly satisfied ☐

Exceed your expectations/Satisfied ☐

Delight you/Highly satisfied ☐

2- What is the impact of service quality on the level of customer satisfaction in BOA-

Please rank these statements by the degree of importance according

to their influence on your satisfaction.
1 = Not important, 2 = Moderate / Not important, 3 = Important,
4 = Very important.

Questions 1 2 3 4
1- The Assurance or Confidence expressed by the BOA-CI staff in
responding to your issues
4- The Reliability of the bank in serving and in delivering your services as
5- The Tangibles or Physical Aspect of the BOA-CI environment and staff
4- The Responsiveness of the BOA-CI staff to complaints, inquiries or daily
5- The Empathy or Courtesy of the BOA-CI staff

Thanks for your participation and have a good day!

- 40 -

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